The Forgotten Isle

Zasia Rene

One Time Luck

These are the characters I have for you to pick from. I have already listed their titles and their positive and negative traits but you may elaborate on their traits.


Also, I want everyone to create their own forms for their characters to show me how creative you can really be. :)

The Rich

Name :

Age : 17-25

Gender : Female

Positive Traits : Charismatic, Optimistic, Good Looking

Negative Traits : Self-Centered, Narcissistic, Arrogant

Role Played By : Open

The Generous

Name : Vita D. Mako

Age : 21

Gender : Female

Positive Traits : Kind, Helpful, Giving

Negative Traits : Quiet, Keeps to Herself, Shy

Role Played By : Open

The Rebel

Name : Violet Menzel

Age : 18

Gender : Female

Positive Traits : Outgoing, Rebellious, Charming

Negative Traits : Aggressive, Easily Irritated, Manipulative

Role Played By : Open

The Intelligent

Name : Maerah Kalister

Age : 22

Gender : Female

Positive Traits : Smart, Cunning, Artistic

Negative Traits : Quiet, Irritating, Talkative

Role Played By : Zasia Rene

The Athlete

Name :

Age : 17-25

Gender : Male

Positive Traits : Strong, Muscular, Helpful

Negative Traits : Arrogant, Naive, Anger Issues

Role Played By : Open

The Dreamer

Name :

Age : 17-25

Gender : Male

Positive Traits : Idealistic, Day Dreams, Kind

Negative Traits : Oblivious, Lazy, Negative

Role Played By : Open

The Comedian

Name :

Age : 17-25

Gender : Male

Positive Traits : Happy-Go-Lucky, Comic, Prankster

Negative Traits : Egotistical, Naive, Secretly Depressed

Role Played By : Open

The Misunderstood

Name :

Age : 17-25

Gender : Male

Positive Traits : Kind, Gentle, Quiet

Negative Traits : Lazy, Keeps to Himself, Sad

Role Played By : Open

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The Generous

Name : Vita.D.Mako

Age : 21

Gender : Female

Vita from childhood to present day has always been an introvert, in stark contrast to her twin sister Evelyn who was always outgoing even in their shared preschool days. Vita held no ill will toward her twin sister for being the extroverted twin with more friends, it only made her admire Evelyn even more. What held Vita back from making friends was her fear of imposing on people. She didn't try to integrate herself into her sisters friend circle because she felt that would ruin the natural order of how things were currently going. That mindset carried over to almost every aspect of her life. She was smart but she got average grades as she didn't want to overshadow the others who were already established as smart. Vita could get a promotion at her Animal Keeper job at the Zoo, but she firmly believes that others will be able to do the job better than she ever could. This mindset also contributes to why Vita enjoys living a simple life as she doesn't have to worry about outperforming anyone with hobbies such as gardening and gaming. Generosity is also a habit that has resulted from Vita's mindset for better or for worse. She is always the one to give a pen to someone who needs it, no matter how much she may need the pen herself. A trait that is amplified by her generosity is her habit of looking past negative qualities in people, to the point where she has to force herself to be kind to a person who is treating her poorly instead of standing up for herself. She is also very unassuming or rather she feels that she shouldn't be proud of her skills. Vita is a quiet person, preferring to think things through in her head as she struggles at getting her point across in conversations.

Role Played By:Breadsalt

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The Rebel

Name : Violet Menzel

Age : 18

Gender : Female

Positive Traits : Outgoing, Rebellious, Charming

Negative Traits : Aggressive, Easily Irritated, Manipulative

Role Played By : mrsguppiepants

The Athelete (with tats!)

Name: Mark Winters (Nickname: Motor)



General info

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Positive Traits: Strong, Muscular, Helpful

Negative Traits: Arrogant, Naive, Anger issues

Role Played By: <--- this cat here

Other trait details...

*He's helpful yes... but only when the situation benefits him or there's something he gets in return

*Actually, he's also greedy and paranoid. It all depends on the mood.

Other notes:

* When he gets drunk, he talks to the wall

* Don't sleep next to him. He punches people in his sleep.

* There are no tats or shaved areas on his forehead. You're seeing things. :P


* Yes, there are tats underneath his boxers

* No, he's not a criminal, nor an alcoholic

* Yes, he wants to see what the deadly unicorns and man-eating sirens looks like.

* No, he's not fully aware of the danger he's in

What happens when he come to a locked door:

He kicks it. *Then* he's tries to unscrew the hinges

Things he's probably still carrying:

Money, cards, Swiss army knife, phone and a half eaten muesli bar, bandana, cotton lint

Things in his carry bag that was left on the plane:

Who cares?! They're all freakin' GONE now! *Lex grumbles*

This is what he looks like when he's stepped on a cow pat:

His favourite radio station would be this:

He owns a Ducati~!
A Sexy Ducati!
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