The Forest (Koootenay & Dino)


My character.

Except her eyes are blue,

Her name is Eliza Deniess and she is 15 years old. She tends to get frightened and is petrified of the dark.

Banished from her small village she has been exiled to a large forest, nobody speaks of the forest and she doesn't know why. She has arrived alone and scared and in the midst of night. She had crept up to a little cave if you will slightly in a hill. She had slept there in the night hugging herself tight to keep warm and to try keep calm she had hummed through the night till she had fell asleep. Awaking to a nice bright sun light beaming through the trees, but she didn't know the secrets of the Forest...

Eliza stretched herself outwards as she awoke to the suns rays of warmth beaming onto her skin. This place didn't seem as scary as it did at night but she still didn't like being alone and hungry at the same time. Her village hadn't given her any food and she was starving and covered in dirt, as far as she could tell there wasn't a river near where she had slept for the night. She got up onto her feet properly and tried rubbing some of the dirt off her legs. She didn't know anything about berry bushes apart from some were poisonous and she definitely was going to stay clear of any mushrooms. She looked up at the suns blaze covering her eyes. She looked around before starting to head straight forward looking for any berries, she would just have to be careful which ones she ate. After a couple of minutes of walking she was beginning to think there weren't any berries here, then she turned past a tree and some blue coloured berries hung from a bush. She walked up to them, cautiously picking one up and smelling it... Smelled good to her... She quickly put it in her mouth, chewed then swallowed. They tasted fine to her, she ate a few more and put some into her pockets. She'd have to try remember this place... She looked up at the sun again at started to look for a river of some kind.She started walking as the breeze started back up, gently blowing her hair in the breeze.
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Nala, that's all she knew. Her name was Nala and she was left all alone in these woods she now calls home. The forest became her friend and she learned the hard way how to survive among the wildlife. When she was 6 or 7 (she could never remember) her father had brought her out into the bushes and told her that she had to stay there awhile. She never trusted him, even as she nodded and watched him walk away she knew that would be the last time she saw him. She didn't follow him back through the brush for there wouldn't be anything there for her, her mother had died when she was born and it had been left for her uncaring father to watch over her. That's when Nala had started her life in the forest and has thrived ever since.

The sun was shining and she could her hundreds of different sounds all around her. The forest seemed almost alive, it really was. She had never heard of these woods before from anyone she knew in her old life, probably for the best as it scared the hell out of her even now at 14. At dusk it would start, the strange noises and rustling branches. It would never come any closer than hearing distance and you could never see the "thing" making the noise. It was terrifying.

Tonight was going to be the night that she would finally collect all the courage she had to stray from the hollow in her tree trunk of a home and go searching for the unknown. Nala had tried many times before but she did nothing but hesitate. First, was food. She hadn't eaten in two days because of the exuastion that overcome her nearly everyday from only getting a bare minimum nights rest. Her legs were tired and her limbs were like rusty joints. She looked back at her tree to see a squirel scratching at the roots of the trunk. Her eyes followed the rodent up the tree, Nala whispered hello and began her search for food that she so dearly craved.
I'll post after school. But do we have any way of discussing the plot?

Eliza continued walking through. She starting getting tired, but she was getting thirsty. She had to keep going if she wanted to have a drink, She was also pretty cold. She was sure that a few minutes rest wouldn't matter, She sat down against a trunk of a tree and curled up into a ball seeing as she was under the shade of the leafs it was freezing. Her legs were so tired right now she probably wouldn't have been able to walk much farther than where she was right now. She let out a yawn before stretching and pushing herself up onto her feet. She brushed her hands down her legs to try get some more dirt off and started walking in search of a river again. She let out a large yawn and stretched her arms out. She watched as a squirrel scurried across the ground rustling the leafs. She started to follow it until it hurried up and tree and started jumping into some branches for some odd reason, probably an odd way to get acorns or something or other. She continued walking until she heard the flowing of water. She stopped and listened from which the water was coming and started to turn right and walked past a few brushes. She ran up to it as soon as she saw it cupping her hands into a ball and drinking the water from her hands making sure the tiny drips didn't get away each time.

(Sorry its so short today :S )

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