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Fandom The Force Awakens - Kylux Rp


Always Sleepy

So I am really trying to get a Kylux rp going. Detailed Casual rp.

I am looking for someone to play Kylo Ren in this rp.

I want to play Hux.

  1. Pre- Starkiller Base - This rp would focus on Kylo Ren's arrival on the Finalizer and Hux having enough of the temper tantrums. This would take place before Starkiller base is built so the rp could also revolve around finding the planet and the construction of the base.
  2. Post - Starkiller Base- Focusing on events after Starkiller base is destroyed, Hux retrieving Kylo form the snowy planet and getting him back up to top health before bringing him to the Supreme Leader. Kylo does not appreciate being put in a bacta tank ... and the medi droids are irritating.
  3. Post -Starkiller Base- Supreme Leader Snoke does not like to be disappointed. The loss of Starkiller base has set back Snoke's plans a great deal and someone has to be held responsible. Hux knows that despite being General of the Finalizer he is replaceable.
  4. Au- Captured- Hux is captured by Resistance fighters and placed under arrest. Kylo is ordered to retrieve the General before any First Order secrets can be revealed.
  5. Au- Surrender - A series of events leads to Kylo returning to his family, and maybe he brings the General with him.

The last two can be paired with number 3 for more of a prompt to work with.

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These could be on there own or added into one of the first 5

6. Lightside!Kylo au

7. Force sensitive Hux au

8. Established Relationship

9. Transgender Character

10. Modern au

I'd be super down to write Kylo! I'm a major fan of the Hux nursing Kylo back to health trope, but I could do any of the scenarios.

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