The Flaws of Our Nature (OOC; Character Info, Rules)


Flaws of Our Nature (OOC; Character Info, Rules)

Flaws of Our Nature

RP ~*~*~* Sign Up ~*~*~* OOC & General Info ~*~*~* NPC Information

Flaws of Our Nature

A special thanks to Kagura for her assistance in bringing this RP together. Without her it wouldn't be possible.

Welcome to my first RP, The Flaws in Our Nature. If any of you read my idea thread "Evolutionary Revolution," then parts of this will sound familiar, but I have tweaked it and refined it so that I hope things are far more clear.

Below you will find the basic synopsis of the rp, as well as some information to aid you in your character creation. Although it's not plainly stated, the year in the rp is 2036. Futuristic enough that you have benefits like Virtural Reality Sims and Smart Technology (automated roads, traffic, smarter homes) but nothing crazy like flying cars or teleporters. For a reference, think Deus Ex: Human Evolution or Sixth Day.

I probably forgot something in this general information page, so as I will say many times throughout the piece, feel free to ask any questions in this thread you have about the rp. I will be posting up the sign-up section shortly that will include the character sheet. Again, I want to thank all for taking the time to check this out.


Seeing a world turn asunder by war and pollution, one man sought to correct the “flaws” inherent in human nature. Arthur Windermere, CEO and Chief Scientist of GenCorp, turned his mastery of genetics towards the problem of the natural aggressiveness inherent in all humans. Being an avid nature lover, he recognized that unlike the dominant species of the planet, the animals sought only to coexist with it.

Recognizing this simple truth, he spliced traits of selected species that he deemed desirable and combined with carefully modified embryos. Thus Project Evolution was born. The “babies” were then raised in the lab by the scientists that worked at the secret sub-facility beneath their largest pharmaceutical research facility, Hyberdine. They all received normal acclamation training to allow them to live in the outside world should it be required of them. While the facility had all the amenities that a young child would need to live, it was affectively a prison which they were born into.

All of that changed in the early hours of last Saturday. There was a large explosion at the Hyberdine Research Facility. The subjects all escaped with some help from an organization known simply as “The Underground”. Once out of the facility, this mysterious group contacted as many of the test subjects they could find and set them up with new lives and a foster home to stay in.

Now the subjects are living together with one another in a old bed and breakfast that has been recently renovated to modern specifications. They must adapt to the outside world while constantly looking over their shoulders; wondering just if and when GenCorp will ever come to catch up with them.

This is where our story begins…

Character Info


You are one of those subjects. As stated above, you were born and raised at the facility and thusly your back story will mostly be there. While it may seem like your options are limited, depending on your level of cooperation, you would have a greatly different experiences in the facility.

There were thirty test subjects in all at Hyberdine, ranging in age from thirteen to twenty:

Of those thirty, two/thirds of them were housed in the level one, which was the main facility. These were the students that, while they didn’t put up much of a fuss, weren’t exactly ready to jump through extra hoops for the scientist. These students lived in pairs in small dormitory like rooms. The scientist attempted to match up younger students with older ones, to help them in acclimating to life inside. Most of the time, the students ate, slept, studied and had their activities together. While life was tolerable at on level one, you rarely had any privacy.

If you were extremely cooperative (and deemed very valuable by the scientists), you got the pleasure of living of living on level two and in your own private apartment. These residences came with their own living room, kitchen, bedroom and bath. Subjects were even provided a monthly budget to order up food and other luxuries. Lastly, this was the only level that the subjects were allowed to have relationships with other subjects. Not everything is roses for the subjects here, as they most endure many (and often brutal) experiments. And should they at any point become uncooperative, they would find these luxuries stripped away and placed in Level 1.

The final level was what the other students could only whisper about… and fear. The third level of the facility was the high security wing, where subjects that were particularly aggressive or confrontational went. Subjects who were unfortunate to reside here lived in isolation; their meals were brought in, and shoved through a slot, that normally consisted of leftovers from the dining room, While other students met up with other classmates would socialize frequently with others, the students on Lockdown watched their classes from a holo-screen projected on their walls. They were allowed very few luxuries, and only saw other students during their short stint in the exercise facilities on the forth level. At the time of the breakout, only four subjects resided here.

Use the above to write up your back story, and please feel free to ask any questions about life in the facility or your character ideas, either here in OOC or through PM. I have much more I could type up but would much rather just deal with things on a one on one basis. I’m willing to wiggle a little on back stories, but I’m going to try to limit the numbers on levels 2 and 3.

Here and Now

Whatever life you had in the facility is now gone. We will be starting up the RP two week after the Breakout. The subjects that were recovered have all been moved to a former bed and breakfast for them to live in while a more permanent solution is found. For the purposes of expediting character development, we will say that you have had a week to get use to your new surroundings. Which means, if you want a job, you’ve probably found one or, if you are younger than 18, then you are enrolled in school.

Much like in the facility, the older students will be responsible for the well being of the younger subjects. The Underground will, (in the beginning), be taking a hands off approach to give the subjects time to live. At some point however, all the character all must make a choice.

Now that your character is out of the facility, what do you want of life? Will you use your abilities to your own benefit, or the benefit others? Do you want to expose the experiments that happened in the facility, or do you instead want to keep them a secret… afraid of how the world will see you? You don’t have to make any decisions just yet, but keep it in the back of your mind because at some point, a schism will occur if enough people are divided over a key issues.

Being a Cross-Breed

As an embryo, you were spliced with animal DNA and thus have certain traits of your particular species. These traits unique advantages that the animal have that you can tap into. For example, if you are blended with a feline species, you would gain access to night sight, that will allow you to see in the dark. Abilities such as this one, that affect your normal senses, are on at all times and you don’t have to do anything to tap into them… they are yours to command at will.

Beyond the passive abilities though, you can also activate much more potent abilities by switching to a hybridized form. These abilities takes times to activate, a few moments in most cases. However, while you are switching to an activating ability, whether to turn it on of off, you are vulnerable. To compensate for this weakness, these abilities are much more potent than they normally would be.

For example, my character will be an armadillo, and the plates that are formed over his body are akin to ballistic plates and can stop rifle bullets. Another example though would be wings to allow you to fly much faster and higher than that of the species chosen.

A warning though about your activated abilities. The more you should use them, the higher your chances are to draw the attention of GenCorp and risk recapture.


1. No God-Modding, Auto-hitting, Metagaming, etc.

2. Because this could very well come up at some point, You may not kill anyone else's character without their permission. Hurting or wounding is okay, but I don’t want characters put into a coma or something. I may remove this rule at some point in the future, but for the time being, this is how it will be.

3. It should go without saying, but please keep the drama to the minimum. This is just for fun, so keep that in mind. If you do have a beef with someone, take it to the OOC thread.

4. Oh and speaking of the OOC thread, unlike others, I hate OOC in the in character thread. I have an OOC thread for a reason. Sorry guys, but I have OCD and it bugs me.

5. I’m only allowing a maximum of two characters at first. And take your times with the characters, I’ll probably be having the application process open for a week. Also, if someone already has posted a character with your animal idea, go ahead and post yours. I’ll allow two of a particular species, but I want them to be differentiated in some way. So now wolf pack… this isn’t a werewolf rp!

6. At the moment, I’m not putting a limit to how many traits you can have for your character, but try to keep them logical to the animal in mind. Don’t try and BS me and tell me your awesome wolfie powers give you the ability of echolocation.

7. I am the LAW! Meaning, if I think up a rule later, I will add it here. I will however tell you all about the new rule and won’t retroactively enforce it. However, if I see a conflict in the rp, I reserve the right to fix it.

7a. If I am the LAW, then [MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] is the law. That means, if she sees some rules being broken, she is completely empowered by the rules of RpNation to to enforce them. So please, if you have a problem with something she did, adress it to me in pm and I will confer with her. If you do this in OOC or in the RP, you will be automatically booted.

8. This is a literate/semi-literate rp. Please try to put in at least a paragraph (meaning 3-5 sentences) into each post. Even if it’s just dialogue, something is going on in the environment and your character is doing more than just opening and closing their mouths.

9. If you actually read this, than at the beginning of your post, say “Definitely Beautiful”


Looking at this thread; would this not fit better into science fiction? Or are the hybrids achieved through magic of some kind?

I'll likely be moving this to science fiction unless you've got some reasoning that you can share as to why this belongs where it is.
Hmm, I suppose this does fit into science fiction... I sppose if I had common sense I would of recognized that. It's okay to move.
Welcome back to all the rpers. As stated on the SU, the RP will be going live tonight around 6:00 CST. We will be starting up just after the breakout event with your characters fleeing into the woods surrounding the facility.
11pm my time i think that is x.x probably gonna be sleeping, i take my previous comment about most likely back in replace of slim x-(
And here... we... go!

View attachment 3445

Welcome again one and all to my first rp. So incase any of you all are confused, here's how we starting. It's just after the breakout. If you'd like, I'd encourage everyone to spend their first paragraph or two describing your particular breakout of the facility. Not a necessity, but it be nice is all :P

After that, I'm going to let everyone escape into the forest and meet up with whomever they would like and sort of meet up and such. At some point today or tommorow, I'll be introducing my character, as well as setting everyone off on their new lives.

One quick note: If it looks like you *have* to do something... you don't. Just a little tidbit to keep in mind. Oh and watch out... GenCorp Security is coming...

Edit: Oh and any questions you may have, just shoot them here or in the shoutbox.
Ok, because there seems to be some confusion, let me explain the layout of the facility:

The facility has 7 levels, 4 above and 3 below

Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1 (Ground Level)

Hundred Feet of Dirt

Sub-Level 1 (Level 1 Subjects)

Sub-Level 2 (Level 2 Subjects)

Sub-Level 3 (Level 3 Subjects)

Edit where appropriate, but the important thing is that we are moving away from the facility.
[MENTION=2184]Nethwan[/MENTION], a fourth subject joined your group and is now leading you out to safety. Meanwhile, a rocket detonated over your group's heads, and there's pieces of rocket raining on you. Also, Aeradom's wrapping up the breakout scene soon, so get going.

What is this???

The second in command decides to post? I guess I can call myself less lazy/bad/fail meow!

Alright, I read over everything in the role play and am all caught up, but I am here to denote a few things;


While Moda is LAW, I think I have some secondary law enforcement and would like to announce my one and only rule:

  • Meta-Gaming

I hate Meta-gaming, I think Moda would think me harsh to give you no warnings when you do it, so I will give you two strongly worded warnings.

For everyone that doesn't know the term,

, is a form of god modding in which you, as an rper, use your knowledge of other posts and post as if your character knows this information. I don't care if you have extreme sleuthing skills, you cannot pick up something happening a quarter miles away, heck, even 13 feet away in whispered voices.

Moda makes a post about Arthur Windermere(?) dying.

The next post my character feels as if the battle is over, because heck, "She just feels it".

Stop being ridiculous. [/endrant]

P.s. I support you gaining knowledge from other posts, but there must be an explanation as to why. In my previous example my character was hiding behind a tree and had enhanced hearing, enough so that she heard someone say the news.

P.p.s. Make good use of the technology Moda has implemented.

Second NOTE:

  • I will be posting as character that don't have sign-up sheets. Do not be alarmed, most of my characters won't have them, it's up to you guys to figure them out.

@Aeradom I'm tagging you at the bottom so people don't glance this over thinking it's for just you.

[MENTION=10]Kagura[/MENTION] First off, I'd like to thank Kagura for posting, she know the rules and such better than I do and ofcourse anything she says or does has my aproval. Speaking of which...

You know, that's hits a real sensitive spot Kagi, thanks for pulling at that scap off for me *glares*.

And I'm always at your beckon call... :)
@Aeradom @Nivrad00 @Evangeline @Marira

I think you four are together, correct me if I'm wrong....

Troy, Tony, Kaiden and Dina

I will be intercepting Oli, Niya and Shelby first, as they are closest. It doesn't matter to me if you over hear Nidria talking to them, actually I would prefer it...

If not, try not to jump in the convoy without talking to her first.

[MENTION=1402]Faith Eliza Cord[/MENTION] @Legendless

Rhys and Mara

I'll be sending someone your way now.

@Ember @amdreams @Nethwan

Adrianna, Emma and Aliele

I have no idea where you guys are...if you're going with the underground, either listen in on Nidria or meet up with her. If you're in the sewers, you're looking to talk to a man named Oscar.

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