The Flame in The Forest

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Saxis raised an eyebrow and he shook his head " now suddenly you want my help.. the thought of having power.. " he thought for a few seconds and he let her go and turned around his back towards her " mmm let me think.. " an evil grin formed on his lips " to give power...or not to give power.. the moment you use said power against me I will rip it from you painfully.. so don't make me do that.. : he looked back at her and a evil grin formed on his lips placing a hand on her cheek causing her body to freeze as he leaned down his face mere inches from hers " what do you plan on using your power for if I were to give you power.. be honest.. " he said placing his free hand on the other cheek
Lily watched as Saxis released her, she was tempted to run, but she knew he would just stop her. She was trapped, she was always trapped, first was half her life with the warlord, then with October being a vampire, and now with Saxis. Riku gave her freedom, but only for a moment, it was false freedom it made her mad just thinking about it. She froze as he touched her again, "I want the power to stop anyone who gets in my way" she glared, she wanted to be free.
Saxis grinned evily " now there's the beautiful Lily.. I like " he chuckled a bit as he looked at her letting her go. " it's done.. you have your power back use it any way you want, but use it against me... I will make you regret it " he smirked crossing his arms over his chest " go cause chaos with your power.. you want no one to mess with you ...brutally and violently is the way to do it " a soft smile appeared on his lips " also I gave an added bonus as an apology.. I took your blood cravings away.. though you will still need to drink blood, but it will be like normal you feed for breakfast, lunch, and dinner or whenever you feel hungry
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Lily looked at him confused, did he really give her power? She licked her fang as he said the cravings were gone, they didn't feel gone, she still wanted him, his blood it called to her. She closed her eyes, maybe he was playing with her. She put out her hand calling forth fire. She opened her eyes to see the flame, she had power again. She smiled, she wasn't a very powerful witch but at least now she could get more power. "I should thank you, but I still don't trust you"
Saxis smirked at her remark on trusting him. " well that's understandable, but we shall see what your going to be doing with your powers " he grinned as he reached up to neck and scratched down his neck blood dripping down his neck wanting to see what would happen. " let's see if you can control your cravings now..
Lily closed her hand, the fire going out as she closed it. She was excited to have powers again, although she didn't want to go back to October's she was unsure where to go to learn magic. Lily's eyes turned red, she smelt the blood, she looked at his neck seeing it, it smelt so good, she couldn't help herself in a flash she had him, her hand around his throat and her mouth on his neck. His blood, why was his blood so delicious, she hated him, but she couldn't stop herself.
Saxis eyes went wide feeling her hand around his throat than her mouth over his neck. He was slightly confused on how she reacted to his blood but didn't stop her thinking maybe she was hungry. " strange thought I was able to stop your cravings.. " a smirk formed on his lips as he looked down towards her letting her drink his blood
Lily didn't know it, but the cravings were stopped, but Saxis' blood was different, his mom even warned him of that, it was his blood she was attracted to. Lily couldn't stop, she didn't want to touch him, to even be near him but she couldn't help herself. His blood was too tasty, she couldn't resist. She clenched his throat tighter, letting more blood escape.
Saxis felt her grip on his throat tightened and he reached for her wrist pulling her hand away from his neck and then held her back as the scratch marks healed " I think you had enough.. " he said as he shook his head then looked at her. Letting her go he turned around " now how to get that wish.. or find it..
Lily felt him push her away, his wound healed and the smell was masked. She looked up at him, her eyes red, her mouth had a drip of blood coming from it. "you lied" she glared "your blood still calls to me, it's better than anything I've ever had" she bit her lip.
Saxis smirked hearing her his gaze shifted towards her as he slightly turned to his right " I didn't lie.. maybe you find me very attractive " he chuckled a bit " my blood isn't normal there's something in it that's very powerful.. you should have control now.. just means I have to be careful.." an evil grin formed as he walked up towards " or maybe let you have some of my blood every time I hear you cause chaos " he said placing his thumb on her lip wiping the blood from her lips
Lily rolled her eyes, she didn't find him attractive, she didn't even want to be around him. But his blood, she did want more of it. She turned her head, pulling away as he touched her lips. She had two options, avoid him, but he might take away the new power she had, she could use him for his blood, but that required him to use her in turn, and she was used to being used. What meant more to herself, herself or tasting his blood? All these thoughts came through in only moments, she turned back nibbling his finger, not enough to draw blood as he was wiping away the other blood. She looked at him, and smiled, she couldn't bring herself to say anything though
Saxis smirked looking at her moving his hand away from her " so what's your plans Lily? You going to steal that wish for yourself? " an evil grin formed on his lips watching her carefully. He looked towards where the girl and Roxas were and chuckled a bit " it won't be hard destroying those two..
Lily sighed, "no there is no point you already gave me what I wanted" she smiled, and moved closer to him. She didn't want him to Roxas, he was nice to her. She needed to distract him. "and what would you want with that wish?" she tilted her head looking at him, she needed to show interest, to show that she liked him. She was good at this, her whole life was building a lie.
Saxis raised an eyebrow looking at her shaking his head and quickly grabbed her by the back of the neck and leaned closer to her " mmm I don't know.. I got everything I need.., but I'm going to go ahead and kill those two.. they are going to be a problem if I don't handle it.. that Riku kid is already a problem can't have the same person with the same power running around.. so go if your not going to help me.. you got what you wanted
Lily was startled when he grabbed her neck, "Roxas is the same as Riku?" she looked back at him, Riku had a brother, she had no idea. Riku helped her, at her weakest moment, but he left, he abandoned her for her to be hurt again. She was mad, she hated Riku she hated what he did for her. Lily wanted to hurt him, like he hurt her, she smirked up at Saxis, doing this also meant she stayed close to the good blood. "I will help you Saxis"
Sax is had an evil grin on his lips hearing made his heart race a bit " good.. let's go kill them and we can wish for whatever the hell we want " he started to walk towards Roxas and the girl. " this is where you get to test your power show everyone that your not that scared little girl anymore Lily.. show them what it is like to live in terror
Lily closed her eyes, she heard Saxis' heart race, it made his blood pump more. She was in front of him, her hand out to stop him. "you gave me the power I had, I don't have that type of power," she put he hand on his chest "my power is weak, I need time to build it." she looked up at him, she could feel more power inside her, having his blood made her strong, she could feel his power running through her veins, although it wasn't permanent.
Saxis stopped and looked down at her and sighed a bit " so you want to practice with your power? Fine we will hold off on killing them then.. " a smirk formed on his lips. Placing his hand on top of hers and placed his index finger underneath her chin lifting up her face " you will be stronger.. I promise " he kissed her lightly on the lips
Lily smiled, she needed to be stronger. She tilted her head looking up at him, as they kissed. She pulled away and looked at him, "I used to use October's library to practice, but I can't go back there." she tilted her head. "I'm not like you, I wasn't born with magic, I have to learn it."
Saxis looked at her " well I got a place you can go practice you can become more powerful.. " an evil grin formed on his lips as he took her hand and they both teleported to his own home a dark castle inside was a big room where she could trains her magic without causing any destruction " like October's castle you will have everything you need here.. even forbidden magic stuff October would never teach you
Lily took his hand, it felt weird, but oddly it felt nice. She looked around, "what is with you people and castles?" she let go of his hand and looked around the room. "forbidden magic?" she looked intrigued "like what?" she had a smirk on her face, this was starting to work well in her favor
Saxis looked at her " don't know probably because no one wants to mess with a person who owns one.. " he chuckled a bit and then crossed his arms " all kinds.. Demonic magics, death magic. Torture magic. Anything you desire " he grinned evily looking at her " even blood magic
Lily nodded and raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms "blood magic?" she smirked, that peaked her interest. "I have a lot to learn will you teach me?" she spun to face him.
Saxis looked over at her " sure I will teach you.. whatever you like to learn just make yourself like your at home. " he then pointed towards some old ancient blood magic books " that's the section where you will find the blood magic books
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