The First Hunger Games ~Sign Ups~


Queen of Eternal Snow
Nearly 75 years ago... Before Katniss Everdeen, before Peeta Mellark, before even the first Quarter Qwell. There was a first hunger games. The games to but an end to any thoughts of rebellion. The games to show the districts that the Capitol was in charge. No one knew how it had gone down. No one knew the children. No one knew the story... So really... how did it all happen?

~Character Sheet~








~My Characters~

Name: Jacoby Yale "Jake"

Age: 17

District: 1

Description: He grew up beinng waited on hand and foot by his parent's servants, because they were to caught up in their own selfishness to do it themselves. Because of this, he is used to getting everything he wants, and woe unto you if you get in his way of getting it. As you can tell, he was one of the higher ups in society, and is used to people scrabbling around in an attempt to please him. This might not fair well for him in the games, seeing as everyone's against him instead of for him.

Personality:Very demanding and yet very charming. He has mastered the art of manipulation, seeing as he's hot, and he knows how to use it. He uses his charms to weave a web of deception and pull people into doing his bidding. He is the type of person who will smile to your face while plotting your death in the back of his mind. Be very wary... He is a master of his emotions when he's lying and a very good actor....

Other: Prefers to surround himself with a group of people who adore him and let them do the fighting.. However, if forced to, he prefers to use short range daggers and swords... He is currently aligned with Anna, having her believe that her finds her the most attractive and sweet girl he ever met...Although he is still looking for others and will not hesitate to betray her if he must.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Jake.jpg.7032822e1203aed21e80fb62053e7895.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9184" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/Jake.jpg.7032822e1203aed21e80fb62053e7895.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Annalise Maine "Anna"

Age: 15

District: 2

Description: Both of Anna's parent's are doctors in her district. She grew up around medicinal herbs and remedies, and is a master of them herself. She was the top of her grade every year, and is extremely intelligent, albeit very shy.. She is most likely a good asset, seeing as she will be able to fix almost any affliction.

Personality: Anna is very shy and quiet. She has a very low self esteem, and one insult can send her into a fit of silence where she refuses to speak to anyone, believing herself unworthy of contact with others. She cares immensely for the well being of others, putting the safety of them above her own safety. She also is very obedient, if she believes someone cares about her, she will listen to almost anything they say... this makes her an easy target for Jake.....

Other: Anna uses long range weapons including senbon and shuriken, seeing as she has a great knowledge in human pressure points.. this also makes her alright in close combat. She is currently aligned with Jake, thinking that he actually believes in her, although he constantly puts her down and then apologizes in an attempt to keep her close to him..


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/article-1028462-01B4F8B900000578-320_468x435.jpg.dc3f231133449cb7f1053bad2e03e659.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9183" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/article-1028462-01B4F8B900000578-320_468x435.jpg.dc3f231133449cb7f1053bad2e03e659.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~~Current Characters~~

District 1 : Male (Jake) Female ()

District 2 : Male (Luka) Female (Anna)

District 3 : Male () Female ()

District 4 : Male () Female (Kat)

District 5 : Male () Female ()

District 6 : Male () Female ()

District 7 : Male () Female (Brie)

District 8 : Male (Grayson) Female ()

District 9 : Male () Female ()

District 10 : Male () Female ()

District 11 : Male () Female ()

District 12 : Male (John) Female (Anastasia)



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Name: Kathryn Parker; "Kat"

Age: 17

District: 4

Description: Being from District 4, Kathryn has spent her whole life on, at, and in the sea. Her parents are both very well known throughout their fellow citizens as hard workers and talented individuals. Kat is no different. Like most children from her district, she was vigorously trained to perform multiple fishing tasks from a very young age. She can swim amazingly well and faster than any other kid around her age back home. To add to that she can hold her breath longer than the average person, has an in depth knowledge of edible sea life, and is good with turning everyday objects into fishing equipment.

Personality: To those who don't know her very well, Kathryn may seem cold and calculating. Her icy, blue stare may contribute to this as well as her lean and muscular frame. It is true that Kat is tough but she's not cruel. She just wants to survive the games. What that entails she do to achieve that goal, well, she'd rather not think about it. Kathryn is not afraid to kill to save her skin but that doesn't mean she thinks this whole show is right. She's not the type of girl who lets herself be pushed around, and she feels that's exactly what the game makers are doing.

Other: Her hand to hand fighting style is quick, clean, and precise. If she must encounter an enemy face to face her weapon of choice is, of course, a three pronged trident. She has been trained how to use one to catch large, aquatic game since she was a young child and can use it much like a sword in combat. Though she is profound at this, she would much rather set traps for her opponents using fishing net and wire.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/image.jpg.dda641447e0d8783b9f60a645582e71b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9199" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/image.jpg.dda641447e0d8783b9f60a645582e71b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'm interested but before I create a character I'd like to know how many characters you're accepting. Too many hunger game attempts have failed because sign-ups went too long. Thank you. ^.^
@Aura I'm accepting as many as I can get. However, if we get a decent amount, I'm calling quits on sign ups, using NPC's to fill in remain positions and rolling with it. I don't want like waiting for extremely long times...
Name: Gabrielle Kennedy; "Brie"

Age: 12

District: 7

Description: Gabrielle was born to a poor family in district 7 though they always managed to scrape by. As her family didn't have a lot of money to spare, Brie began helping her family out a very young age. She showed promise as a lumberjack though her size and age have restricted her training in that aspect until the last few years. Though she did what she could with her father, most of the time Brie reluctantly helped her mother in shaping and creating wooden furniture for sale.

Personality: Gabrielle is a hard worker and she is eager to please. She is quite friendly and she is very trusting, Brie believes that everyone is essentially a good person and she hasn't had a lot of experience to counter this belief. She is extremely naive about people and the world partly because of her young age but also because her community and family were so giving and she wishes to emulate this attitude and therefore she is a giving and kind person. But despite her kindness Brie knows the value of hard work and can push herself to do what is needed or necessary, while she believes that people are good and that they should be befriended and loved, she will never roll over and play dead. (Essentially, she may not know if she's being manipulated because of her nature but she will not put up with it when she recognizes that she's being used.)

Other: Due to her work in her district Brie is fairly adept with blades. She is fairly comfortable and skilled with knives, she can use an axe decently enough though size and weight play a factor in how well she can use the axe, but she is near expert with a hatchet. Brie is also great at climbing trees, camouflage, and she has passable skills in identifying edible plants.


Name: Luka Marino

Age: 17

District: 2

Description: There is a long-standing tradition of peace-keepers coming from the Marino family, that is until Luka's father vanished shortly after Luka's younger sister was born. He left and was killed in the rebellion against the Capitol and was promptly labelled a traitor to the community who was very close to the Capitol due to the large population of peacekeepers in the community. Luka is very sensitive to what others believe and he vowed to make the Marino name one of honour once again and he dedicated himself to training to be a peacekeeper like all of his other ancestors.

Personality: Luka is determined and stubborn. He is the type of man who would rather die than fail. He does not make promises lightly and if he promises anything he will keep it at any cost. His stubborn determination is his most dominant trait and he defines himself through his family and his own value so he can also be quite selfish, calculating, and cold depending on what promises he makes to himself or others. He can often be single-minded, ruthless, but also careless when it comes to what he wants.

Other: Luka has a vast but shallow knowledge of most weapons due to his interest in becoming a peacekeeper. Luka's favourite weapon is actually a whip, however, which is fortunate given that the guns that he is familiar with due to peacekeeping training are prohibited in the arena. He is excellent in combat but his basic survival skills leave much to be desired leaving Luka to believe that he needs to form a temporary union (which may conflict with who he is if he develops a sense of loyalty to anyone in an alliance).

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Name: John L. Grisham

Age: 16

District: 12

Description: John does what the people around him tell him to do. He lives in a poor distract where it's better to act and not let yourself think about consequences. He has four older brothers and they, and his parents, all live in the same two-room house. The Grisham family stayed loyal during the rebellion. His family tried its hardest to stay out of politics. John fishes with his father for food and to sell in the marketplace. His family is known for hunting and trapping

Personality: John has a 'go with the flow' type of personality. He doesn't say much and agrees with other people because he is more comfortable in a group. John is loyal only to himself however, he only followers other as far as they will take him. He keeps his opinions to himself. The concept of the games is unfair and outrageous to the rest of the district. John chooses not to think about it. There's no way for him to avoid fighting for his life so he doesn't see any benefit in grieving about it. He is a friendly kid who can get along with almost anybody. John would try to avoid situations where he might have to kill and his strategy would be to wait out everyone else.

Other: John is comfortable in nature, the forest is where he spends most of his time at home. This means that John has a good ides of the plant life in the forest and the difference between what's deadly and safe to eat. He's physical enough to use blunt weapons and fight hand to hand if he has to.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/john.gris.jpg.8e3c3a586efe542ec08aea439c2d8a2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9202" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/john.gris.jpg.8e3c3a586efe542ec08aea439c2d8a2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Grayson B. Crawford

Age: 14

District: 8

Description: Grayson works in a factory making peacekeeper uniforms. He and his mom live in a room above the plant with some of the other workers. They work for room and board and don't get paid for their labor. One night his father was taken in for questioning regarding the uprising. Grayson hasn't seen his father since. Grayson can fit into tight spaces and fix machinery that adults can't reach. He adopted a cat and feeds it scraps of leftover food.

Personality: Grayson's a smart kid. He wished he could have stayed in school longer. He picks up different skills easily and has a talent for turning tough situations in his favor. Grayson doesn't plan ahead, he takes it for granted that he'll always figure a way out of any conflict. He lacks physical strength and doesn't know how to handle big groups of people. Grayson isn't sneaky or manipulative. He's the type of person who's loyal to anyone who's loyal to him. He treats the fighting as a game and sets traps debilitating but nonlethal for the other players.

Other: Grayson looks up to the older guy players, never having a brother and being isolated from other kids himself. He can run long distances without getting tired. He has no idea how to use weapons against other people, but collects them as tools to use instead.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/district7.jpg.0785b60a55bd03f8b3bcf9026d4370e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9203" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/district7.jpg.0785b60a55bd03f8b3bcf9026d4370e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sorry for the delay.. my alerts were being stupid again...

@Aura Accepted ^.^

@Cross_Rhodes Accepted, it's lovely to meet you in another one of my RP's =3

I'm gonna try to hold out for another day or so before I start going NPC and starting anyways..

Name: Anastasia Avolon Nightshade

Age: 15


Description: When Ana was a young girl her mother passed away leaving her with four younger siblings and a father who worked all day in the mines. Having had to look after children, Ana develop habits of quick thinking and stealth.

Personality: Ana has always been a fierce girl with a no nonsense attitude. She likes to get things done and done right. Though she has a soft side which rarely anyone ever gets to see. She has a bad habit of finding trouble, whether due to her crude way with people or simply by bad lucky, no one is really sure.

Other: Likes to use bows and knives.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/funny-native-american-quotes.jpg.ad2aaa4470813e6c238b0333e5603aef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9249" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/funny-native-american-quotes.jpg.ad2aaa4470813e6c238b0333e5603aef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/50533-bigthumbnail.jpg.fc9eba936bfba17bb8548fdf92d04184.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/50533-bigthumbnail.jpg.fc9eba936bfba17bb8548fdf92d04184.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/funny-native-american-quotes.jpg.e83c93244bc34d3c972563071db46ee9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9248" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/funny-native-american-quotes.jpg.e83c93244bc34d3c972563071db46ee9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Deadline! One more day!! Anyone else who wants to join, please do so before tomorrow! I'm not gonna let this thread die because I waited to long! I don't want to use NPC's but I will is I have to!
I suppose... There was this story writing contest I was in a while ago.. That's actually where I created these characters, and what I mean by NPC is that any space that isn't taken can be manipulated. You can kill them, make allies, whatever... The untaken slots just can't win the Games, that's pretty much it..
And, that's all folks! The thread will be up within the next couple of hours. I just need to get a couple of things straight.
Sooner then expected. Screw sleep, I suppose, who needs it anyways when you have writing? Haha, anyways. The RP has begun!!!


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