the first EPAAM outbreak


Saul submitted a new role play. @Saul, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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First Read the rules!:





Appearance: (Anime or description, no photos please.)

Sexuality: (You can leave this blank.)




Debilitation: (If applicable)

Extra hunter:



Appearance: (Anime or description, no photos please.)

Sexuality: (you can leave this blank.)



Weaponry: (Description or photo)

Name: EPAAM Patient zero (Pam for short)

Age: 28

Height: 6'9


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bff979543_gasmask2.jpg.c847e32841445541fc08692cbc282dbc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25382" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bff979543_gasmask2.jpg.c847e32841445541fc08692cbc282dbc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: When Pam was young he was very quiet, and nothing has changed except his reasons for being so. When Pam was young he was quiet and shy because he had an extreme phobia of strangers. but after 10 years of being infected he has changed drastically, now he is cold and calculating, and has many methods of getting his way, even as a crippled weak man.

Bio: Pam originally was a normal person, he lived a happy life and was actually quite intelligent for his age. He took a degree in biology and eventually managed to get an internship at a prestigious scientific institute. He did this for roughly half a year until he was involved in an accident when containing Kepler Alpha. The whole institute was destroyed, everything in it, including Kepler alpha was wiped from the face of the earth, everything but Pam. He was the sole survivor, and the only person infected the with EPAAM pathogen for a long time. In this time he manifested his amazing abilities, as well as slowly growing weaker and weaker until he had to moved in a wheelchair and could hardly lift cutlery to his face to eat or move a page to write. He was shocked (and secretly delighted) when he was told the news of a second EPAAM outbreak, however he was not counting on being detained by a new international task force. He eventually escaped along with a couple of other Extra's and set up a secret institute for Extra's to go if they needed refuge, he named it the extra's haven.

Ability: Pam's ability is probably the strongest, as well as most unique. Pam can manipulate the building blocks of the universe, atoms. destroying them, or taking them apart to reshape them.

Debilitation: Pam's amazing abilities are balanced by his debilitations. Due to the first EPAAM pathogens selective acidic qualities Pam's muscles have been damaged, they are extremely weak, though moveable. Pam find it hard to lift a fork to his mouth due to this, and has to be moved around on a wheelchair as he cannot support his own body weight. He also cannot breath normal air for the trace gases induce violent coughing fits and eventually death in Pam, to work around this he wears a gas mask which filters the air into pure Oxygen and Nitrogen at all times.



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Name: Freyja Gotthard

Age: 20

Height: 5'5

Appearance: (her canines are a bit longer than normal and she is normally seen in a type of cloak to cover her head. She also has a long deep scar on her throat that she keeps covered by a choker)


Sexuality: straight

Personality: Freyja is a kind hearted person who can be pretty shy at times. But she is also loving to the right people and knows how to protect herself. She can be a little sneaky and disappear at random times if she doesnt feel safe, which comes with the trust issues you might get from her if you havent proved to be a good person. She has yet to hesitate when protecting herself so underneath everything she is a person who will do anything to stay alive and have no regrets about it.

Bio: Freyja while growing up had one sibling and two wonderful parents. It was a pretty plain life but she enjoyed it and wouldnt have wanted anything else. When the first meteor struck earth she was slightly terrified since to her it was like when the aliens came to earth in her books and movies. But she was the eldest sister and wanted to prove herself brave for her little sister. Her parents worried for their childrens safety so for the longest time they were home schooled by their mother. When the second meteor crashed 5 years later Freyja was 15 and her sister was 7. She started hearing her parents talk about moving but freyja and her sister wanted to attend public school that coming year and also so her mother could get a job. So reluctantly her parents stayed there. And so came the third meteor strike. Freyja had graduated high school three years previous and was looking into being a school teacher. So when the next meteor came down she had just received her associates degree and was on her way to her parents house from her apartment to celebrate. But she felt a rumbling in the streets and cars in front of her started honking. She witnessed a large explosion and the ground under their cars cracked open, some people trying to flee fell in but freyja had managed to escape and try running to her parents home. But the air was making her cough and gag making it hard to keep going. When she finally reached their house it was nearly dark and she was feeling pain all over her body. Her house was dark and inside her family lay on the floor an their deaths seemed to be from asphyxiation. She passed out shortly after only to wake up in a horrifying state.

Ability: She is capable of blowing fire and fast reflexes

Debilitation: If she breathes fire for to long it damages her vocal cords and makes her mute for awhile
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Name: Shona.

Age: 19



Sexuality: Straight.

Personality: The only personal traits he kept from childhood are unrealistic dreams and an imagination most people would rather keep to themselves, but not shona, he sometimes throws jokes out to lighten up the mood when everybody else is glum and tends to smile when people yell at him as part of his coping mechanism. The military has hardened his emotions regarding tense situations, only teaching him to react instead of thinking, like a good dog of war. Shona would rather keep his feelings to himself though, never letting people know about his history since most of his friends died but miraculously hardly of his family did.

Bio: At the time the first Asteroid came to earth, Shona was at the young age of 9 and was mesmerized by the site of an outer world object by watching it on the television when the news had covered the story; between that time and 5 years later, he had taken on astronomy which he held on to until the day another asteroid had entered the atmosphere. Unfortunately he didn't capture anything but the vapor trail and some pieces that had jettisoned from the larger piece, but from that experience, Shona's obsession with these objects solidifies into a deep passion as another 5 years rolled by. This time when another asteroid headed towards earth, it was different, or so it would seem since the govt. would cover up anything it deemed as a threat, but what happened that day was far from being able to cover up. when people started dieing and gaining powers there was mass hysteria, even from Shona's own parents, which gathered up everything they could to try and escape the mayhem until they made it out into a desolate place hardly populated by people that were shut off from the world. This is where Shona's dad had told him to stop living in fantasy and astronomy cause the world was not as glamorous as some people would like to believe, that's when he decided to leave behind the people he loved to join the military. within two years of being in service he had received orders to report to a special unit that had very specific orders to detain Terrorist, and that's exactly what he believed.

Weaponry: Heckler & kosh G3, 1911 45.

Training: 2 years U.S. Army training as Designated marksman including limited hand to hand combat training and close quarters combat. Had tried to Finish Ranger school but was cut short due to his opportunity to join the special task force. No formal training on how to apprehend people with special powers.

(First time rping in awhile so forgive me if I'm lacking structure.)
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@MorticiansDaughter @Cotten Both of you can start role playing as soon as you'd like! or you can wait for me to make a post, it's up to you! :D
Name: Mave Cinder

Age: 18

Height: 5'9

Appearance: (Her shirt reads 'Dollhouse' and she wears bright green boots)


Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Mave can be very distant at times, always seeming to be in another world. She very sweet and opened hearted even for her bitter past. She can be a bit harsh but its never intentional. She is mostly playful and loves to joke around. But she can be very cold when others are put in danger. She has strong issues with anger and is always on edge. She is often paranoid and still is in fear for her life. She has a calm outter layer but only for a bit under high pressured situations she snaps. She is very trust worthy, she only says what she think is important. She is very stronged willed and will not let anyone stand in her way.

Bio: Mave live the furthest thing from a normal life. Her mother was a heavy drinker. Her father often was with other woman and her beloved brother was a drug addict. Mave avoided the worst by staying out of the house. She was sitting outside her house when the first asteroid struck. She was amazed by the sight of it, watching in amazement and raced in to tell her brother. When the second asteroid hit she was in the house fighting with her brother. The sound of it made them both go quiet, but soon her brother returned and hit her. A few days after the second asteroid her brother over dosed and died. She was heart broken for even if her brother, had hit her from time to time she still loved him. Ten days before the final asteroid hit she packed up her things. Living the life of a stray cat. She couldn't handle the affect her brother death had on her family. Her father left her mother finally and she became the punching bag for her mother. When the asteroid hit, she was working her day job at a local dinner. She rushed outside to see what was happening. She fell to the ground gasping, her life was flashing before her eyes but soon pain interrupted her and she was once awakened. She saw that most were dead and she struggled to stay alive or even awake. She tried her hardest but soon passed out.

Ability: Extreme speed, Master of Weapondry

Debilitation: She can only take a few hits before being knocked down
[QUOTE="Messing With Reality]Name: Mave Cinder
Age: 18

Height: 5'9

Appearance: (Her shirt reads 'Dollhouse' and she wears bright green boots)


Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Mave can be very distant at times, always seeming to be in another world. She very sweet and opened hearted even for her bitter past. She can be a bit harsh but its never intentional. She is mostly playful and loves to joke around. But she can be very cold when others are put in danger. She has strong issues with anger and is always on edge. She is often paranoid and still is in fear for her life. She has a calm outter layer but only for a bit under high pressured situations she snaps. She is very trust worthy, she only says what she think is important. She is very stronged willed and will not let anyone stand in her way.

Bio: Mave live the furthest thing from a normal life. Her mother was a heavy drinker. Her father often was with other woman and her beloved brother was a drug addict. Mave avoided the worst by staying out of the house. She was sitting outside her house when the first asteroid struck. She was amazed by the sight of it, watching in amazement and raced in to tell her brother. When the second asteroid hit she was in the house fighting with her brother. The sound of it made them both go quiet, but soon her brother returned and hit her. A few days after the second asteroid her brother over dosed and died. She was heart broken for even if her brother, had hit her from time to time she still loved him. Ten days before the final asteroid hit she packed up her things. Living the life of a stray cat. She couldn't handle the affect her brother death had on her family. Her father left her mother finally and she became the punching bag for her mother. When the asteroid hit, she was working her day job at a local dinner. She rushed outside to see what was happening. She fell to the ground gasping, her life was flashing before her eyes but soon pain interrupted her and she was once awakened. She saw that most were dead and she struggled to stay alive or even awake. She tried her hardest but soon passed out.

Ability: Extreme speed, Master of Weapondry

Debilitation: She can only take a few hits before being knocked down

Great, you can roleplay as soon as you'd like!
Name: Arie Nobel

Age: 27

Height: 5' 11"

Appearance: Zachary Quinto (google search, sorry for the inconvenience)

Sexuality: straight

Personality: He is a very calm and sometimes a very cold person. He is usually very kind to people he knows. He likes to see what makes the extra hunters "tick". It is very hard to get under his skin but yet it's still possible. He also likes to disguise his emotions most of the time.

Bio: Arie was a watch maker and he liked his job he really did. He was averagely smart and very kind. His mother was suffering from a head injury which was resulting in memory loss. At which point his mother was murdered. He was sad and depressed until the world turned and he moved on. When he saw the meteorite fall from the sky he wanted to see what it was. 5 years later by the age of 22 a second meteor flew by. After the first one he could care less about this one. After the government started to detain people like him he started to panic. Even after 5 years he did not know what his ability even was. 1 year later his house burnt down with him in it but nobody could find a body. He took this to advantage and stayed at the 5th floor of a hotel. He thought he was able to hide away but then again. These people broke in the door at which point were in for a surprise. He ran out the window and hit the ground. 4 years later some people still assume he is dead but some do not.

Ability: rapid cellular regeneration (technically can't die)

Debilitation: if hit in a certain point in the brain he will drop dead but after you remove the bullet or knife he will come back to life.

(Sorry about the appearance thing)
ParadoxRefactor said:
Name: Arie Nobel
Age: 27

Height: 5' 11"

Appearance: Zachary Quinto (google search, sorry for the inconvenience)

Sexuality: straight

Personality: He is a very calm and sometimes a very cold person. He is usually very kind to people he knows. He likes to see what makes the extra hunters "tick". It is very hard to get under his skin but yet it's still possible. He also likes to disguise his emotions most of the time.

Bio: Arie was a watch maker and he liked his job he really did. He was averagely smart and very kind. His mother was suffering from a head injury which was resulting in memory loss. At which point his mother was murdered. He was sad and depressed until the world turned and he moved on. When he saw the meteorite fall from the sky he wanted to see what it was. 5 years later by the age of 22 a second meteor flew by. After the first one he could care less about this one. After the government started to detain people like him he started to panic. Even after 5 years he did not know what his ability even was. 1 year later his house burnt down with him in it but nobody could find a body. He took this to advantage and stayed at the 5th floor of a hotel. He thought he was able to hide away but then again. These people broke in the door at which point were in for a surprise. He ran out the window and hit the ground. 4 years later some people still assume he is dead but some do not.

Ability: rapid cellular regeneration (technically can't die)

Debilitation: if hit in a certain point in the brain he will drop dead but after you remove the bullet or knife he will come back to life.

(Sorry about the appearance thing)
All's good but appearance, I said in the character sheet skeleton that you could only use anime or descriptions, and that photos of real people weren't aloud. It sounds a bit selfish but it really gets on my nerves. However if you don't like anime you can just describe Zachary Quinto xD
Saul said:
All's good but appearance, I said in the character sheet skeleton that you could only use anime or descriptions, and that photos of real people weren't aloud. It sounds a bit selfish but it really gets on my nerves. However if you don't like anime you can just describe Zachary Quinto xD
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.b6c523b3cca3d3c7672233b9d519b62e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25554" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.b6c523b3cca3d3c7672233b9d519b62e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> He is the one on the right (without the bow tie and stuff)



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Name: Levian Sice (Icarus ecis)

Age: 19

Height: 6,3




Personality: Levian is very shy, he tends to to be the one in the back ground observing every thing he see's, if you try to become his friend he usually walks away unless you interest him in some strange way, or if your persistent he will slowly befriend you, this is a rare occasion though. Levian is also very wary and paranoid, having been asleep for most of his life he cant tell reality from fiction for he has not been told what is right and what is wrong, this also affects his choice making, he will do thinks most people would think insane. Having a terrible grip on things leaves Levian to be fooled very easily as well, if you tell him something is true he will believe you until proven other wise. With all of this Levian is also very bipolar, so much that he has a different persona named Icarus.

Icarus is very outgoing, nothing tends to bring him down, and he will always be reaching for something higher then himself, he try's to make friends instantly as he see's someone, but he has trust issues, always thinking that someone will bring him down from his high hopes. He never backs down from a fight, and he will fight until his heart no longer beat's, And if you tell him to work or do something, he will do so like a stallion, non stopping and until he dies.

Bio: Levian had slept through all the chaos of the three starting asteroids that hit earth during the EPAAM break out, this does not mean he was not affected by it all, after the third Asteroid hit earth and started infecting people Levian woke up in a empty house, no one to welcome him to the world he was left to fend for himself, and so he did, but he had something weird along with him someone called Icarus, that thing was him, a side personality that had formed because of the pathogen he had breathed in when he was asleep, the side personality also brought along chaos to Levians life, making him untrustworthy and a slight criminal, not on purpose though, he knew not that what he was doing was bad. He stole from stores without entering them, he took people's money without even laying a finger on their stuff, it was how he was, he thought everything in the world could belong to him, he was wrong.

Ability:He has the ability to control, create and manipulate wind, air, etc (to the point of picking up large objects and taking apart small building's, He also has wings.

Debilitation: Insanity, Bipolar, Psychosis, parnaoid.

((if its ok, I was wondering if Levian could have wings because of the mutation
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Name: Tatsu

Age: 17

Height: 5' 6"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Tatsu.JPG.c96a7fc4a83fadcc3f87f4b47681c9be.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/Tatsu.JPG.c96a7fc4a83fadcc3f87f4b47681c9be.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: A very happy and easily excited person. She is insane and loves to kill people, unless you interest her, which should be a fairly easy task.

Bio: When the first meteor struck when she was seven, she found Pam interesting and learned about him. She thought his powers and the way he was was very cool. Five years later the second meteor hits Earth, and Tatsu learns all she can about it. When the third meteor comes around and explodes, she ends up inhaling the particles and passes out. When she wakes up she finds her family dead, a new desire, to kill, and a new ability.

Ability: Shifting into a dragon

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c00655e45_DragonTatsu.jpg.022246b7de53880bd598c3d6f8211e14.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25964" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c00655e45_DragonTatsu.jpg.022246b7de53880bd598c3d6f8211e14.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Debilitation: She gets head aches from the insanity. She can only maintain her dragon form for a few hours per day, and if she goes over that, her head aches will get worse. If she goes on in her dragon form for an extreme amount of time, she will receive brain damage or death.



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