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Nation Building The Final Frontier

[species Sheet]

Cho' Gnaanth

General Life-Span (Cannot be eternal): 45-50 years

Appearance (Pic and/or word desc): A race of reptilian humanoids, they stand roughly 9ft tall on average, on two feet, have two arms, and short stubby tails. Their feet have three long toes with claws on the end as well as a heel-claw. Their hands have six fingers (two thumbs, four fingers), and their bodies are relatively human shaped.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/2204ed0c596fd077b9a6158217e33ce1.jpg.40f6e2b1bd9adb4ed7f56d2f5c8c2813.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80422" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/2204ed0c596fd077b9a6158217e33ce1.jpg.40f6e2b1bd9adb4ed7f56d2f5c8c2813.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Attributes (Cannot be overly OP):

Strength- The Cho' Gnaanth value strength over many other attributes, thus they are a race of incredibly strong creatures. (Roughly twice that of a normal human male)

Sight- Seeing in infrared solely gives the Cho' Gnaanth certain advantages and certain disadvantages. While up close they can see just fine, their long range vision is non-existent,

most Cho' Gnaanth can't see beyond 130 yards, just slightly more than a football field.

Artistic- Though valuing strength over many intellectual attributes, the Cho' Gnaanth are quite artistic, crafting wonderful works of art that are often sought after.

[Civ Sheet]

Confederacy of Ra'Salm, AKA Confederacy, CoR(core)

Type of Government: Aristocracy of Chieftains


Ra'Salm, Elder Chief of Gromalath tribe

Anu'Nudrian, Elder Chief of Drian tribe

Orgath Molo, Elder Chief of Ria'Sark tribe

Wert'yerra, Elder Chief of Gual Shir tribe

Home System: Big Red System

Home Planet/Moon: Pan, a lightly forested, mild temperature planet that easily supports Life. The north and south poles where once frosted over, but following a nuclear war some twenty years prior most of the ice caps have melted and left much of the planet underwater. Now, the planet is formed with three major continents(a map provided below).

a map for Pan, the scaling is a bit off for the map to fit on one image but basically; Kraas Sukai is slightly larger than the United States, Irt Irtis is larger than Alaska, and the Ji'r Archipelago is a massive scattering of Islands that spans most of the ocean on the Planet. Also, I only labeled the Capitols of the four Tribes, the largest city on the planet, and the launch pad area that the Cho' Gnaanth are using to work on their space program.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Map.jpg.3f9b8ad8f5fe48d70dafe10286345a38.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80605" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Map.jpg.3f9b8ad8f5fe48d70dafe10286345a38.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
History: Cho' Gnaanth tribes have dated back before recorded history, many tribes rise and fall as do all great things. Much of the Cho' Gnaanth's history is unknown, the species has never had a written language and instead relied on direct face-to-face communication. This meant if two Chiefs wanted to discuss something, they would organize a meeting place and talk it out, or fight it out, whichever happened last. Cho' Gnaanth relied on "Fate Weavers" to retell history, often times they were the Elder female of the Tribe and would often distort what actually happened to better inspire that particular tribe. Thus, much of Cho' Gnaanth history is legend and mythology, many of the Elder Chiefs recognize this but refuse to change, it has always kept the Cho' Gnaanth inspired and happy and so long as one Fate Weaver didn't spin tales that aggravated another tribe, it maintained peace.

It wasn't until recently when a particularly brutal tribal war over territory almost forced the Cho' Gnaanth into extinction. Under the leadership of Ra'Salm, a neutral party in the conflict they united the Tribes under a Confederacy, united under multiple banners the Elder Chiefs of the four most powerful tribes forcefully indoctrinated all smaller tribes into the Confederacy and the Cho' Gnaanth tribes agreed to utilize each other to the others benefit.

A little bit on Culture/Lifestyle: Cho'Gnaanth are ruled by a strict hierarchy, from highest to lowest it goes; Fate Weaver, Elder Chief, Chief, Chieftain, Brood Mother, Scraag, Youngling, and Bru'ja(brooha) Fate Weavers, as said before are the eldest female of the Tribe, often times infertile and older than the average Cho' Gnaanth, they are responsible for the overall record keeping of the Cho' Gnaanth. Since the founding of the CoR, the Fate Weavers have began work on a written language to better keep the records of the species.

Elder Chiefs are the biggest, most proven males of the tribe. Anyone can become Elder Chief, but they must prove themselves better than the last. This includes feats of strength, skill, and Artistic capability. If an Elder Chief is killed in battle or dies of old age, the next ranking Chief becomes the Elder. If they prove to be incompetent, it is simple for another Cho' Gnaanth to overthrow him. Elder Chief's word is law, what they say goes, if the tribe disagrees with an Elder Chief, they are directly challenging him and his position must be proven against a competitor. He is also the only male that is allowed to breed, now much has changed since the tribal times but their biology is the same. While couples of Cho' Gnaanth is certainly strange, it is not uncommon for two Cho' Gnaanth to have a 'romantic' partnership. They are forbidden however to bear children, as a single female can lay almost 100 eggs from one pregnancy. Those born of any Cho' Gnaanth other than the Elder Chief are known as Bru'ja, the lowest of the low, often times killed as infants, if they grow to adult hood they are almost guaranteed to be forced into Slavery.

Chiefs are just under the Elder Chief, they are powerful and intelligent, they essentially are a micromanager as each is assigned a function and does their job as assigned by the Elder Chief. IE, there is a Chief of Warriors, a Chief of Mothers, a Chief of Art, ect. The Elder Chief tells them what he wants done and the Chiefs get it done. Chiefs are just as vulnerable to being replaced as an Elder Chief, the function is the same.

Chieftains are small time Military Leaders, essentially taking the place of "Generals and Admirals" they can be easily replaced just the same but advise the Chiefs on their actions.

Brood Mother, a female Cho' Gnaanth that is 'wife' to the Elder Chief, she is the sole source of newborns for the Tribe. Elder Chiefs can have as many Brood Mothers as they want, but under the Confederacy the limit is five. This was prevent overpopulation and the NEED to aggressively expand.

Scraags are the common man, they are soldiers, craftsmen, singers, and artists, they are majority of the Cho' Gnaanth. If they hold some position of authority or prowess, it can always be challenged by similar manner as replacing an Elder Chief.

Younglings, they are the children of the Cho' Gnaanth. Younglings mature rapidly, within 3 years they are fully functioning adult if a bit shorter and not as developed physically. When they turn 3 years of age, they take on an apprenticeship to a Scraag or Chieftain and learn the ways of the society. Between the ages 1-3, Younglings are free of all responsibility and can run out into the woods and die for all anyone cares.

Bru'ja, the unwanted children of the Cho' Gnaanth. Often times killed at birth, they make up the majority of slaves in the Confederacy.

Artistic skill is paramount among the Cho' Gnaanth. No matter their job, their way of life, even among the Bru'ja, artistic skill is a necessity. From the lowest Scraag to the Highest of Elder Chiefs, strength alone is never enough. They must demonstrate a work of art that is just as powerful as their muscles, be it a painting, a song, a ceramic creation, they must impress the other Cho' Gnaanth in order to be accepted.

Slavery- Cho' Gnaanth have no qualms about slavery, they are open to enslaving the Bru'ja and Slavery often serves as jail time for crimes committed. Depending on the severity of the crime, defines your time as a slave.

Other: Cho'Gnaanth religion is almost non-existent. Some believe the two moons of Pan bring good luck and most Cho' Gnaanth believe in Fate, that all things that happen, happen for reason but superstition is not large among the Cho' Gnaanth.

Apart from their "the strongest and brightest survive" form of leadership, it is uncommon for Cho' Gnaanth battles to be a bloodbath. Most willingly spare lives and set prisoners free (or enslave them for a few years before releasing them). It wasn't until the recent wars that battles became bloody. Because of their lack of written records, the true cause of this is unknown and the Fate Weavers of the Confederacy can't seem to agree who was more aggressive.

Thanks to a rare metal known as Rae Cra'ir, the Cho' Gnaanth have developed hover technology shortly after the formation of the Ra'Salm Confederacy. This gives their society the illusion of superior technology as floating cars and hovering war vehicles are common place.



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[species Sheet]

Name: Harpy

General Life-Span: 80-100 years, age can be seen via the older the more withered the wings are.



Attributes (Cannot be overly OP):
Harpies are a omnivorous avian species which is capable of holding objects by the use of pseudo thumbs. They are fast and light due to light bones and highly curious.

[Civ Sheet]

Name: The Empire of the Phoenix

Type of Government:
Monarchy, Caste System

Leader(s): Queen Asalika

Home System: White Dwarf

Home Planet/Moon: Lu, a hot and humid planet which has a appearance of a tropically rain forest across all of it. Its mostly water and the small amount of land ends up having much rain. Some areas are be less forested but with still be quite humid. It is quite mountainous even though there is a lack of land.

History: The Empire of the Phoenix was founded when an oracle had a vision of a burning bird streaking across the sky. Quickly this idea spread to a queen who rose an army and took over all of the tribes forming one solid empire. A caste system formed based on the intelligence of the subspecies (Color of wings) This allowed for science to advance at an alarming rate, though military remained quite medieval (They can't hold ranged weapons like guns so they never invented them.) The created tools and made cities of wood. The Golden Feathered queens lead greatly and benevolently. Despite the caste system the happiness remained strong, (Or maybe they just forgot they were in a caste system.) Due to the forgetfulness of the lower harpies the law remained quite lenient. The upper caste ignored the foolish less intelligent subspecies and advanced quite rapidly. Now they have decided to reach for the stars.

A little bit on Culture/Lifestyle: Harpy culture has remained quite tribal despite its advancements. The lower caste essentially has remained rather playful and spend their time having fun. Though at times of need the low born is capable of acting (getting food, fighting, etc.) The upper class has advanced in its curiosity making new inventions. The whole society is rather lenient and even the caste system isn't that strict, just a way to manage people in times of need. Oracles (the black feathers) are treated as priest, they are considered lower class but their visions are well treated. The queen makes final decisions in order to keep order; she is born of the Gold Feathers so she has more intelligence naturally.

Other: Sorry I'm a bit late I haven't had much time lately.
[species Sheet]


General Life-Span (Cannot be eternal): 100 years

Appearance (Pic and/or word desc):

Attributes (Cannot be overly OP): Maltheciens have excellent night vision but overall inferior eyesight compared to other races. They possess leathery, thick skin and surprisingly dense bone. They are long-legged, and have wide torsos but comparatively skinny waists. On each hand are three fingers and one thumb; their feet are somewhat hoof-like, split in three directions. They have six razor-sharp teeth used for tearing, and twelve molars. Physically, Maltheciens overall are a naturally tough, durable race, capable of surprising speed but possessing little stamina in comparison.

[Civ Sheet]

Theocracy of Aorolach

Type of Government: Theocracy

Leader(s): Anthar the Prophet

Home System: Grendel System

Home Planet/Moon: Thebes has a gravity similar to that of Earth's, a stable ecosystem and a broad range of biomes that span from the great central deserts to the polar regions of the North and South. Between that: great rainforests of flora and fauna, raging seas, exotic islands, and towering mountain ranges.

History: Once an omnivorous bipedal species who thrived in dry, hot climates (similar to the african savanna). However, after a cataclysmic volcanic eruption, they were forced underground and became a subterranean species for two thousand years. Eventually they reemerged into a beautiful, fertile world and, armed with technology and knowledge developed over their long exile, swiftly set about turning it into an industrial hub.

A little bit on Culture/Lifestyle: Maltheciens, under the rule of the Theocracy, are incredibly zealous and industriously driven. Malthecien culture is built around devotion to their god Malthecior. According to their scriptures, it was He who sent them underground while he did battle with and cast down Balethor the Evil. Upon the discovery of a wider universe, the Theocracy has decreed their ultimate purpose is to spread the teachings of Malthecior to foreign worlds; all Maltheciens now work towards this purpose.

Other: Excited to play!
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Demonsoul said:
[species Sheet]
Name: Harpy

General Life-Span: 80-100 years, age can be seen via the older the more withered the wings are.



Attributes (Cannot be overly OP):
Harpies are a omnivorous avian species which is capable of holding objects by the use of pseudo thumbs. They are fast and light due to light bones and highly curious.

[Civ Sheet]

Name: The Empire of the Phoenix

Type of Government:
Monarchy, Caste System

Leader(s): Queen Asalika

Home System: White Dwarf

Home Planet/Moon: Lu, a hot and humid planet which has a appearance of a tropically rain forest across all of it. Its mostly water and the small amount of land ends up having much rain. Some areas are be less forested but with still be quite humid. It is quite mountainous even though there is a lack of land.

History: The Empire of the Phoenix was founded when an oracle had a vision of a burning bird streaking across the sky. Quickly this idea spread to a queen who rose an army and took over all of the tribes forming one solid empire. A caste system formed based on the intelligence of the subspecies (Color of wings) This allowed for science to advance at an alarming rate, though military remained quite medieval (They can't hold ranged weapons like guns so they never invented them.) The created tools and made cities of wood. The Golden Feathered queens lead greatly and benevolently. Despite the caste system the happiness remained strong, (Or maybe they just forgot they were in a caste system.) Due to the forgetfulness of the lower harpies the law remained quite lenient. The upper caste ignored the foolish less intelligent subspecies and advanced quite rapidly. Now they have decided to reach for the stars.

A little bit on Culture/Lifestyle: Harpy culture has remained quite tribal despite its advancements. The lower caste essentially has remained rather playful and spend their time having fun. Though at times of need the low born is capable of acting (getting food, fighting, etc.) The upper class has advanced in its curiosity making new inventions. The whole society is rather lenient and even the caste system isn't that strict, just a way to manage people in times of need. Oracles (the black feathers) are treated as priest, they are considered lower class but their visions are well treated. The queen makes final decisions in order to keep order; she is born of the Gold Feathers so she has more intelligence naturally.

Other: Sorry I'm a bit late I haven't had much time lately.
Accepted but "White Dwarf" is actually full... unless you want o live on a frozen ice ball. I would move to the "Grendel" system. And please use the names I created for planets, it would be annoying to change them. I can change them if u really want me to though (Maps in overview)
Vo1D said:
[species Sheet]

General Life-Span (Cannot be eternal): 100 years

Appearance (Pic and/or word desc):

Attributes (Cannot be overly OP): Maltheciens have excellent night vision but overall inferior eyesight compared to other races. They possess leathery, thick skin and surprisingly dense bone. They are long-legged, and have wide torsos but comparatively skinny waists. On each hand are three fingers and one thumb; their feet are somewhat hoof-like, split in three directions. They have six razor-sharp teeth used for tearing, and twelve molars. Physically, Maltheciens overall are a naturally tough, durable race, capable of surprising speed but possessing little stamina in comparison.

[Civ Sheet]

Theocracy of Aorolach

Type of Government: Theocracy

Leader(s): Anthar the Prophet

Home System: Grendel System

Home Planet/Moon: Thebes has a gravity similar to that of Earth's, a stable ecosystem and a broad range of biomes that span from the great central deserts to the polar regions of the North and South. Between that: great rainforests of flora and fauna, raging seas, exotic islands, and towering mountain ranges.

History: Once an omnivorous bipedal species who thrived in dry, hot climates (similar to the african savanna). However, after a cataclysmic volcanic eruption, they were forced underground and became a subterranean species for two thousand years. Eventually they reemerged into a beautiful, fertile world and, armed with technology and knowledge developed over their long exile, swiftly set about turning it into an industrial hub.

A little bit on Culture/Lifestyle: Maltheciens, under the rule of the Theocracy, are incredibly zealous and industriously driven. Malthecien culture is built around devotion to their god Malthecior. According to their scriptures, it was He who sent them underground while he did battle with and cast down Balethor the Evil. Upon the discovery of a wider universe, the Theocracy has decreed their ultimate purpose is to spread the teachings of Malthecior to foreign worlds; all Maltheciens now work towards this purpose.

Other: Excited to play!

Anaxial said:
[species Sheet]
Cho' Gnaanth

General Life-Span (Cannot be eternal): 45-50 years

Appearance (Pic and/or word desc): A race of reptilian humanoids, they stand on two feet, have two arms, and short stubby tails. Their feet have three long toes with claws on the end as well as a heel-claw. Their hands have six fingers (two thumbs, four fingers), and their bodies are relatively human shaped.

View attachment 179619

Attributes (Cannot be overly OP):

Strength- The Cho' Gnaanth value strength over many other attributes, thus they are a race of incredibly strong creatures. (Roughly twice that of a normal human male)

Sight- Seeing in infrared solely gives the Cho' Gnaanth certain advantages and certain disadvantages. While up close they can see just fine, their long range vision is non-existent,

most Cho' Gnaanth can't see beyond 130 yards, just slightly more than a football field.

Artistic- Though valuing strength over many intellectual attributes, the Cho' Gnaanth are quite artistic, crafting wonderful works of art that are often sought after.

[Civ Sheet]

Confederacy of Ra'Salm, AKA Confederacy, CoR(core)

Type of Government: Aristocracy of Chieftains


Ra'Salm, Elder Chief of Gromalath tribe

Anu'Nudrian, Elder Chief of Drian tribe

Orgath Molo, Elder Chief of Ria'Sark tribe

Wert'yerra, Elder Chief of Gual Shir tribe

Home System: Big Red System

Home Planet/Moon: Pan, a lightly forested, mild temperature planet that easily supports Life.

History: Cho' Gnaanth tribes have dated back before recorded history, many tribes rise and fall as do all great things. Much of the Cho' Gnaanth's history is unknown, the species has never had a written language and instead relied on direct face-to-face communication. This meant if two Chiefs wanted to discuss something, they would organize a meeting place and talk it out, or fight it out, whichever happened last. Cho' Gnaanth relied on "Fate Weavers" to retell history, often times they were the Elder female of the Tribe and would often distort what actually happened to better inspire that particular tribe. Thus, much of Cho' Gnaanth history is legend and mythology, many of the Elder Chiefs recognize this but refuse to change, it has always kept the Cho' Gnaanth inspired and happy and so long as one Fate Weaver didn't spin tales that aggravated another tribe, it maintained peace.

It wasn't until recently when a particularly brutal tribal war over territory almost forced the Cho' Gnaanth into extinction. Under the leadership of Ra'Salm, a neutral party in the conflict they united the Tribes under a Confederacy, united under multiple banners the Elder Chiefs of the four most powerful tribes forcefully indoctrinated all smaller tribes into the Confederacy and the Cho' Gnaanth tribes agreed to utilize each other to the others benefit.

A little bit on Culture/Lifestyle: Cho'Gnaanth are ruled by a strict hierarchy, from highest to lowest it goes; Fate Weaver, Elder Chief, Chief, Chieftain, Brood Mother, Scraag, Youngling, and Bru'ja(brooha) Fate Weavers, as said before are the eldest female of the Tribe, often times infertile and older than the average Cho' Gnaanth, they are responsible for the overall record keeping of the Cho' Gnaanth. Since the founding of the CoR, the Fate Weavers have began work on a written language to better keep the records of the species.

Elder Chiefs are the biggest, most proven males of the tribe. Anyone can become Elder Chief, but they must prove themselves better than the last. This includes feats of strength, skill, and Artistic capability. If an Elder Chief is killed in battle or dies of old age, the next ranking Chief becomes the Elder. If they prove to be incompetent, it is simple for another Cho' Gnaanth to overthrow him. Elder Chief's word is law, what they say goes, if the tribe disagrees with an Elder Chief, they are directly challenging him and his position must be proven against a competitor. He is also the only male that is allowed to breed, now much has changed since the tribal times but their biology is the same. While couples of Cho' Gnaanth is certainly strange, it is not uncommon for two Cho' Gnaanth to have a 'romantic' partnership. They are forbidden however to bear children, as a single female can lay almost 100 eggs from one pregnancy. Those born of any Cho' Gnaanth other than the Elder Chief are known as Bru'ja, the lowest of the low, often times killed as infants, if they grow to adult hood they are almost guaranteed to be forced into Slavery.

Chiefs are just under the Elder Chief, they are powerful and intelligent, they essentially are a micromanager as each is assigned a function and does their job as assigned by the Elder Chief. IE, there is a Chief of Warriors, a Chief of Mothers, a Chief of Art, ect. The Elder Chief tells them what he wants done and the Chiefs get it done. Chiefs are just as vulnerable to being replaced as an Elder Chief, the function is the same.

Chieftains are small time Military Leaders, essentially taking the place of "Generals and Admirals" they can be easily replaced just the same but advise the Chiefs on their actions.

Brood Mother, a female Cho' Gnaanth that is 'wife' to the Elder Chief, she is the sole source of newborns for the Tribe. Elder Chiefs can have as many Brood Mothers as they want, but under the Confederacy the limit is five. This was prevent overpopulation and the NEED to aggressively expand.

Scraags are the common man, they are soldiers, craftsmen, singers, and artists, they are majority of the Cho' Gnaanth. If they hold some position of authority or prowess, it can always be challenged by similar manner as replacing an Elder Chief.

Younglings, they are the children of the Cho' Gnaanth. Younglings mature rapidly, within 3 years they are fully functioning adult if a bit shorter and not as developed physically. When they turn 3 years of age, they take on an apprenticeship to a Scraag or Chieftain and learn the ways of the society. Between the ages 1-3, Younglings are free of all responsibility and can run out into the woods and die for all anyone cares.

Bru'ja, the unwanted children of the Cho' Gnaanth. Often times killed at birth, they make up the majority of slaves in the Confederacy.

Artistic skill is paramount among the Cho' Gnaanth. No matter their job, their way of life, even among the Bru'ja, artistic skill is a necessity. From the lowest Scraag to the Highest of Elder Chiefs, strength alone is never enough. They must demonstrate a work of art that is just as powerful as their muscles, be it a painting, a song, a ceramic creation, they must impress the other Cho' Gnaanth in order to be accepted.

Slavery- Cho' Gnaanth have no qualms about slavery, they are open to enslaving the Bru'ja and Slavery often serves as jail time for crimes committed. Depending on the severity of the crime, defines your time as a slave.

Other: Cho'Gnaanth religion is almost non-existent. Some believe the two moons of Pan bring good luck but superstition is not large among the Cho' Gnaanth.

Apart from their "the strongest and brightest survive" form of leadership, it is uncommon for Cho' Gnaanth battles to be a bloodbath. Most willingly spare lives and set prisoners free (or enslave them for a few years before releasing them). It wasn't until the recent wars that battles became bloody. Because of their lack of written records, the true cause of this is unknown and the Fate Weavers of the Confederacy can't seem to agree who was more aggressive.
Is my post good, or shitty. I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS *shakes Bob*
Evanw1256 said:
There's always other opportunities, like an insectoid race that lives underground and have cold prevention
That sounds really cool, actually..
Evanw1256 said:
There's always other opportunities, like an insectoid race that lives underground and have cold prevention
Or a race of mole people that live in asteroids of there once thriving planet
Evanw1256 said:
There's always other opportunities, like an insectoid race that lives underground and have cold prevention
Yep! God were getting a lot of people.

WHen this dies/ends I will be making another rp based on this world, but it will be more like "Ghost in the machine"
Sorry I miss read io as lu, also it would be more scientifically accurate to have a tropical planet there then a ice ball. White dwarf stars are some of the hottest (with red giants as the coldest)
Evanw1256 said:
Hey @Bobisdead123 demonsoul is correct so could that planet be tropical (and have his harpies)
My theory was the heat wouldn't radiate as far so his planet would be cold, but this RP wont be 100% accurate (It cant anyways) so sure why not :D
:D Okay!

Also, it would radiate far enough since white dwarves are some of the hottest stars and the planet is very close.

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