The Final Exam (Plot)


UFO queen
After four years of study and training at an academy for magic five students have been chosen for a final examine which will determine who will become a new sorcerer and who will have to return to the academy for another year and attend the cram school. The gist of the final exam is that all five examinees must take refuge in the mortal realm where they are to find the human that possesses a clear Heart Crystals. Human hearts are fickle and easily removed by sorcery and are used as both decoration and currency in the magical realm. They come in an array of colors ranging from a loving red to a jealous black, though clear is the rarest and stands for purity. Unlike the other hearts once a clear heart crystal is taken from a human they do not grow a new heart and are left heartless shells of their former selves.

When the five examinees reach the human world it is up to them whether or not they want to work together and interact or work alone. Throughout their stay in the human world they will begin to see humans as more than just creatures that they learn about in school, they begin to understand them and relate to them. With their new feelings towards humans when they come across the pure hearted human with the Clear heart crystal will one of the examinees be able to take it from them knowing what will happen?


Heart Cyrstals

Red - Love

Orange - Lust

Blue - Sad

Green- Envy

Rose - Hope

Sage - Doubt

Aquamarine - Calm

White - Happiness

Purple - Pride

Yellow - Fear

Grey - Confusion

Black - Hatred

Diamond/Clear - Purity

The color of a human heart is based upon their current feelings, excluding the white heart crystal. Sorcerers are able to see the hearts of humans and can take them using a simple spell which brings no harm to the human.




Five examinees (one played by myself) who are sent out into the human world. Their ages range from 17- 23 with varying levels in the same magical elements fire, water, earth, wind, necro and light. Each examinee has a pet which also serves as a mentor of sorts.


At least one human is required, the human who possesses the white Heart Crystal. Other humans are allowed as the examinees views on humans and the mortal realm become fleshed out.

I am IN!!! A few questions first though? One. Are you a fan of studio ghibli? If so, so am I! Two. Is this kinda based off of kiks delivery service? If so, I loved that movie!! Three. Did u see tortoro in toy story 3? I admire your tortoro luv!

I shall sign up soon, our internet crapped out on us so I have to use my moms blackberry :3
1. Yes, I love Studio Ghibli :]

2. Actually the plot is based off two anime series, Sugar Sugar Rune (the crystal hearts) and Mamotte! Lollipop (the exam.)

3. And yes I did! I love Totoro! <3
Do yo think I could play a villain in this?

Every good RP, like every good story, needs some sort of conflict to keep the plot interesting and moving along.

A rogue sorcerer, outside of the Academy's control, interfering with the exam for reasons unbeknownst to any but himself?

Sounds cool, right?
I agree that all stories need a conflict and your idea does sound interesting. In the rp Riddle is already playing a rogue student who's pretty much the essence of evil. If you really want to play a villain I won't stop you because I am interested.

Perhaps your character could be someone who failed the exam but thinks that they're too good to go back to school?
I like this idea too, but I think that Coro should keep you informed with the general idea of what he's doing (No more than a General idea unless you need something explained)

This way it won't go overboard.
Not at all :] If you can make a character that will fit in go right ahead!

edit: I would just like to point out that if you want a magical character it can either be

A: A vagabond who lives in the mortal realm.

  • Perhaps they failed the exam and chose to stay with mortals.
  • They were scorned by their family for not passing.
B: From another magical academy (see Magic Pocket's charrie.)
What's happened in Exam so far?

Well, It's the 3rd day in and it's late afternoon/early evening and I can tell you where everyone is right now...

Foster (Riddle78) and Lydia (EpicFaerieTale) are in a voodoo shop called 'We do Voodoo' Foster works there and Lydia is trying to get his help in reviving a fellow examinee.

Hope (Me) and Tristan (Ranmyakki) are inside Tristan's house, Tristan is in a secret room and Hope is trying to collect her bag without him seeing.

Stratos (Dread), got shot in an alley and died; Pele (Hatchet) was sent to replace him as one of the examinees and is...wandering the streets?

Ty (Twisted) has yet to post for the day.

Rhys (Esme) and Derek/Zylo/Ryce/Jasper (All the same person) (Shadowblade) were hanging out at the orphanage during the morning, Rhys spent her whole day there. Shadow has yet to say where his character went.

Blake (Magic Pocket) is spending her first day on earth, being the only sorceress from a competing school

Kimberly (Sweetypiepenny) has spent most of her day by the river, crying? Some of the early morning period was spent with Tristan and Hope though.

Not much happened in exam yet, other then one of the examinee's dying. The rest of us are trying to get jobs and a place to live while we live in the mortal realm. Lydia is the closest to meeting all examinees, meeting 4 of 7...and has managed to collect a orange...heart? if I remember correctly.

Iunno if that helps but...yeah 8D
You may. I suggest reading Magic Pocket's charrie skeleton in the sign up thread, because her charrie is also an exam but she is from another school.

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