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Fantasy The Final Battle

am I accepted :?

also @H A R P Y hello!! fancy seeing you here :33

do grace us with your amazing bbcoding skills
Uxie said:


Archangel of Justice, Balance, Foresight


no slide



Cassia "Cassiel" Fiel


Cassia appears differently to many, though the most common description would be that of a young girl with black and white hair with pale kaleidoscopic eyes that seem to bore into your soul. All who have seen her feel utterly exposed while under her gaze, and are unable to ever forget the way her eyes change colour as she takes in your entire existence.

Her eyes are so pale that they at first glance many mistake her to be blind. She is technically blind, as her eyes can only glance into the mind and spirit, but her ability to see superficial things are very low. When blending in with humans, she is found wearing thick glasses to be able to see clearly.





Similar to Seraphim, Archangels are one of the highest ranking angels in heaven, but instead deal with human affairs, carrying out God's will while Seraphim pass on His messages.


Since The Creation of Mankind







Cassia is a rather serious individual, though it doesn't bide well with the form of a young girl she usually takes. Most smart creatures know not to cross her, though many angels still make jokes about how short she appears, and she ends up being very tempted to use Cortana on them.

Humans do not adore her, and she is by no means beloved to them, but they respect her. She is the representation of Justice and all that is Fair, and it would be dire if they were to make a mistake to offend her.

She doesn't really have a good sense of humour, and she tends to look down on silliness and making light of situations.



Cassia can look into a person's core, and take in their whole existence without exploding completely. This is how she judges souls. Souls appear to her in various colours, and the colours represent different things.

Clearsight also allows her to glimpse the future. She
is the archangel of Foresight, too after all.


Being one of the Archangels, Cassia is blessed with (a heck lot of) longevity.


Like most Angels, Cassia is able to take on any form, though she chooses either her favourite form or how the subject envisions her to be when she manifests in front of demons or humans alike.

Mental Manipulation

Cassia can read minds, implant ideas and thoughts, and even control one's emotions. This power does not work on Angels and High Demons.



Scales of Justice

Cortana, Sword of the Fair



Cassia has been around a damn long time. She's an archangel, after all.

One of the oldest archangels, and one of the most respected as well, she has been here since the creation of mankind, which is pretty long. When God first looked upon her and pronounced her the Archangel of Justice, she has been fighting crime like a tiny superhero! Just kidding. Over the years, Cassia has taken a slight passive role when it comes to humans. She does not interfere in godly, flashy ways

like many other Angels and Demons do, but instead appear as a human, or something close enough to be a human. She in itself radiates a holy aura, and people know not to cross her. Though her sword is unable to draw blood unless the reason is justified, she still has a demonic wolf spirit, so.

Since they were both young, and time in itself was in it's youth, she has worked closely with Zedekiel, the Archangel of Mercy. Without Justice, there may be no Mercy, and with no Mercy, one would never find Balance. Cassia was sad to see him fall alongside Beezelbub. She'd heard of his decided interference with the affairs that were not to be meddled with, especially those concerning mankind, and to this day, is still incredibly disappointed in his decision.

It is clear the fall of Mercy made Cassia more ruthless, and she rarely spares judgement anymore, as there is no one to bequest of her to do so. There is only one occasion that she has ever fallen in love, with someone she had been contracted to guard, but whom broke the contract when he returned her love. He was struck down during the war, despite her various attempts to save him. But ultimately, balance had to be achieved. He died and she's never loved since.


"By my hand or by my wolf, you will know the wrath of truth."


A grey wolf spirit whom is wholly loyal to Cassia. A tamed demonic spirit, he and Cassia are two sides of the same coin, in the sense that they represent balance in all things. Good and bad, Angels and Demons.



Accepted! Haha sorry I forgot to reply

; - ;






|| Species - Race ||

Angel - Rising

Currently, Anahel is mere angel, one of many. However, her potential has been recognized and she is in line to become an Archangel after Gavreel deems her worthy.

|| Pet ||

Aja, White Raven

|| Chosen Side ||


|| Gender ||


|| Sexuality ||


|| Age ||

1,500+ Years have passed since the beginning of her angel life.

|| Appearance ||

Anahel stands tall with the perfect posture and grace of any angel at her side. Her lengthy white tresses fall loosely down her back, past the emergence of translucent blushing wings. A solemn expression is the dominate expression on her face, though a wistful smile is not unknown to her lips. When interacting with others, save the humans whose souls she carries, they may notice a faraway, almost dreamy look in her amethyst eyes; only when confronting the souls of the fallen does her gaze gain any sort of solidity.

Anahel is a soft-spoken angel with a kind and well-meaning heart. She strives for empathy with her fellows and humans alike, even with a demon on a few rare occasions. Calm and collected are her more pervasive traits, though her facade of composure is far from infallible.

While she realizes the significance of her position as a future Archangel and will strive to attain such status, she believes herself free of selfish ambition. She wishes only to serve her King Gavreel and aid Heaven's cause.

So she tells herself.

Her time as in the dominion of Death has left Anahel curious and wanting.
Have I always lived this life? Was I nothing before the touch of King Gavreel's grace? Or did I live a life before this one of wings and war? These are the questions that plague her mind during times of idleness and are growing more and more difficult to brush aside as the years go by. But aside they end up one way or another, and Anahel goes about her responsibilities as any other dutiful angel.

But just how long will that last?

There once lived a wild woman who prided herself on adventure and fortitude. She traveled the lands in search of thrills and in doing so, committed may crimes. She knew the stories of the great battle between Gavreel and Beelzebub, but she ignored them and the warnings of retribution that came with them. This woman stole trinkets and lives and livelihoods, anything at all to add to her pursuit of excitement. In doing so, she made a great number of enemies. However, the woman was warrior of renowned skill and cut down every adversary she came across. In her mind, she was untouchable and immortal as the angels and demons themselves.

Amidst her travels, this woman came across a man. This man was a humble farmer with barely enough to live on. When the woman struck down his door and demanded money and food, he offered her all that he had for he was used to a life of nothing. In addition to this, the man offered the intruder a bed for the night, a safe spot to rest up before her travels the next day. The woman was certainly hesitant at first, and cautious to the point of holding her blade to the man's throat. But there was something about him... His calm demeanor, his subtle smile, she wasn't sure. Something about him compelled her to stay her blade and take his offer. And so she stayed.

Night after night passed by, and still the woman remained in the man's home. They talked of their lives, their adventures and their trials. She helped him with his chores and he cooked her a poor man's feast every night. Eventually, they married and bore children, two boys and a girl. Spurred by her love for her newfound family, the woman renounced her old life and chose to live honestly. She couldn't have been happier if she was in battle with the gods themselves!

However, as most joyful things go, such a life did not last. The woman woke one night to a presence leaning over her body, her eyes peering open to find a ghastly demon with a face smeared in gore of her children. He explained himself before stabbing a single, dastardly claw through her throat: So filled with hubris was this woman that overlooked a single, vengeful enemy. This enemy wanting nothing more in life than to avenge her fallen love who died by the woman's sword, and so she made a pact with a demon of Hell. The enemy sold herself to ensure miserable death for the woman she so despised.

The woman died, but an angel was born of her soul. Apparently, her Angel of Death saw something worth saving and allowed her to reincarnate as a servant of Heaven. This new angel was graced with name of Anahel and eventually given post as an Angel of Death herself.

It was the woman's remarkable skills as a warrior that first earned Anahel the consideration of a Rising. But it was the woman's astounding capacity to abandon a favored life of utter corruption for one of humility and sincere love instead that solidified the decision.

Anahel is destined for great glory or great damnation. Only after a time of ferocity will her final fate be clear.


So long as she touches a piece of a person, be it a body part or something worn, Anahel can peer into that person's head. That is to say, she may glean flashes of memories of that person, a glimpse of their location, and even their surface thoughts and emotions.


With focus and proper energy, Anahel may alter her shape into that of an animal when visiting earth. Currently, this skill is limited to animals that she has seen.

Growth Manipulation

This was a talent bestowed upon Anahel upon her designation as a Rising, and she is still learning its ways. It allows her to alter the growth of living things, to keep them in stasis for a period of time, or speed up their development. This power can be applied as a healing skill, though she has yet to mend more than simple cuts, scratches and bruises.
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|| Species - Race ||

Angel - Rising

Currently, Anahel is mere angel, one of many. However, her potential has been recognized and she is in line to become an Archangel after Gavreel deems her worthy.

|| Pet ||

Aja, White Raven

|| Chosen Side ||


|| Gender ||


|| Sexuality ||


|| Age ||

1,500+ Years have passed since the beginning of her angel life.

|| Appearance ||

Anahel stands tall with the perfect posture and grace of any angel at her side. Her lengthy white tresses fall loosely down her back, past the emergence of translucent blushing wings. A solemn expression is the dominate expression on her face, though a wistful smile is not unknown to her lips. When interacting with others, save the humans whose souls she carries, they may notice a faraway, almost dreamy look in her amethyst eyes; only when confronting the souls of the fallen does her gaze gain any sort of solidity.

Anahel is a soft-spoken angel with a kind and well-meaning heart. She strives for empathy with her fellows and humans alike, even with a demon on a few rare occasions. Calm and collected are her more pervasive traits, though her facade of composure is far from infallible.

While she realizes the significance of her position as a future Archangel and will strive to attain such status, she believes herself free of selfish ambition. She wishes only to serve her King Gavreel and aid Heaven's cause.

So she tells herself.

Her time as in the dominion of Death has left Anahel curious and wanting.
Have I always lived this life? Was I nothing before the touch of King Gavreel's grace? Or did I live a life before this one of wings and war? These are the questions that plague her mind during times of idleness and are growing more and more difficult to brush aside as the years go by. But aside they end up one way or another, and Anahel goes about her responsibilities as any other dutiful angel.

But just how long will that last?

There once lived a wild woman who prided herself on adventure and fortitude. She traveled the lands in search of thrills and in doing so, committed may crimes. She knew the stories of the great battle between Gavreel and Beelzebub, but she ignored them and the warnings of retribution that came with them. This woman stole trinkets and lives and livelihoods, anything at all to add to her pursuit of excitement. In doing so, she made a great number of enemies. However, the woman was warrior of renowned skill and cut down every adversary she came across. In her mind, she was untouchable and immortal as the angels and demons themselves.

Amidst her travels, this woman came across a man. This man was a humble farmer with barely enough to live on. When the woman struck down his door and demanded money and food, he offered her all that he had for he was used to a life of nothing. In addition to this, the man offered the intruder a bed for the night, a safe spot to rest up before her travels the next day. The woman was certainly hesitant at first, and cautious to the point of holding her blade to the man's throat. But there was something about him... His calm demeanor, his subtle smile, she wasn't sure. Something about him compelled her to stay her blade and take his offer. And so she stayed.

Night after night passed by, and still the woman remained in the man's home. They talked of their lives, their adventures and their trials. She helped him with his chores and he cooked her a poor man's feast every night. Eventually, they married and bore children, two boys and a girl. Spurred by her love for her newfound family, the woman renounced her old life and chose to live honestly. She couldn't have been happier if she was in battle with the gods themselves!

However, as most joyful things go, such a life did not last. The woman woke one night to a presence leaning over her body, her eyes peering open to find a ghastly demon with a face smeared in gore of her children. He explained himself before stabbing a single, dastardly claw through her throat: So filled with hubris was this woman that overlooked a single, vengeful enemy. This enemy wanting nothing more in life than to avenge her fallen love who died by the woman's sword, and so she made a pact with a demon of Hell. The enemy sold herself to ensure miserable death for the woman she so despised.

The woman died, but an angel was born of her soul. Apparently, her Angel of Death saw something worth saving and allowed her to reincarnate as a servant of Heaven. This new angel was graced with name of Anahel and eventually given post as an Angel of Death herself.

It was the woman's remarkable skills as a warrior that first earned Anahel the consideration of a Rising. But it was the woman's astounding capacity to abandon a favored life of utter corruption for one of humility and sincere love instead that solidified the decision.

Anahel is destined for great glory or great damnation. Only after a time of ferocity will her final fate be clear.


So long as she touches a piece of a person, be it a body part or something worn, Anahel can peer into that person's head. That is to say, she may glean flashes of memories of that person, a glimpse of their location, and even their surface thoughts and emotions.


With focus and proper energy, Anahel may alter her shape into that of an animal when visiting earth. Currently, this skill is limited to animals that she has seen.

Growth Manipulation

This was a talent bestowed upon Anahel upon her designation as a Rising, and she is still learning its ways. It allows her to alter the growth of living things, to keep them in stasis for a period of time, or speed up their development. This power can be applied as a healing skill, though she has yet to mend more than simple cuts, scratches and bruises.

Accepted! <3
Name: Yura


Side(Angels, Demons, Or Humans): Human and Angel Kin

Species/Race(if demon or angels, what kind?): Human (With Angel Guardian)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Undecided.

Personality: Shy, Reclusive, Very Kind, Emotional, and can be Brave in times of importance.

Powers/Abilities: Healing magics from small, to even large wounds that restore the body only up until he can maintain his stamina. Summoning, guardian like aspects of himself to fight. Water magic, more for defensive measure than compared to offensive. Wields a staff that is slightly long but can be carried rather easily. An natural attunement to spirits and spiritual energies from angelic, to even demonic, however too much can hurt him from the demonic side.

History: Yura was raised in a good home with good parents. However, when his older brother left home to fend for the war, things went downhill. Once it became great scale, his father also left leaving Yura and his mother at home. After a ruinous demon horde destroyed Yura's home, Yura was forced to watch his mother cast him to safety and fall behind, a memory that haunts him. However, he has become a practitioner and become adept in the ways of prayer to the angels as well as casting basic elemental magics primarily water and light based. Although he is pacifistic at nature, Yura will defend his friends in dire times even rivaling the ferocity of demons if pushed too far. He ventures now to find his brother or father, and to restore faith to the people of the angels watching over them, healing the sick and tending to the worried as he goes.

Equipment: A staff longer than himself that is thin, but very beautiful. Etched, intricacies into the staff as well as a azure jewel in the top helping Yura maintain his powers. A satchel containing small things such as a journal, medicine, and odds and ends. He wears a white bow in his hair near the back his hair no longer spiky, but longer and tied back in a small ponytail. He wears robes similar to a kimono except the sleeves aren't as long only to his wrists and wears black simple shoes in order to move swiftly in his enchantments and ritualistic "dancing" of sorts to channel the light of the angels.

Pet: None, save the spiritual voices of the angels he may hear.

Other: Yura is easily frightened at blood, mainly his own. After being hurt to a degree, his personality can change into a virtuious, but also fierce fighter. His eyes more harsh, teeth tightly clenched and his gentle, cute face now angry and even fear inducing. But only after being pushed to a extreme can he unleash more power of casting demons away.
Yura said:
Name: Yura

Side(Angels, Demons, Or Humans): Human and Angel Kin

Species/Race(if demon or angels, what kind?): Human (With Angel Guardian)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Undecided.

Personality: Shy, Reclusive, Very Kind, Emotional, and can be Brave in times of importance.

Powers/Abilities: Healing magics from small, to even large wounds that restore the body only up until he can maintain his stamina. Summoning, guardian like aspects of himself to fight. Water magic, more for defensive measure than compared to offensive. Wields a staff that is slightly long but can be carried rather easily. An natural attunement to spirits and spiritual energies from angelic, to even demonic, however too much can hurt him from the demonic side.

History: Yura was raised in a good home with good parents. However, when his older brother left home to fend for the war, things went downhill. Once it became great scale, his father also left leaving Yura and his mother at home. After a ruinous demon horde destroyed Yura's home, Yura was forced to watch his mother cast him to safety and fall behind, a memory that haunts him. However, he has become a practitioner and become adept in the ways of prayer to the angels as well as casting basic elemental magics primarily water and light based. Although he is pacifistic at nature, Yura will defend his friends in dire times even rivaling the ferocity of demons if pushed too far. He ventures now to find his brother or father, and to restore faith to the people of the angels watching over them, healing the sick and tending to the worried as he goes.

Equipment: A staff longer than himself that is thin, but very beautiful. Etched, intricacies into the staff as well as a azure jewel in the top helping Yura maintain his powers. A satchel containing small things such as a journal, medicine, and odds and ends. He wears a white bow in his hair near the back his hair no longer spiky, but longer and tied back in a small ponytail. He wears robes similar to a kimono except the sleeves aren't as long only to his wrists and wears black simple shoes in order to move swiftly in his enchantments and ritualistic "dancing" of sorts to channel the light of the angels.

Pet: None, save the spiritual voices of the angels he may hear.

Other: Yura is easily frightened at blood, mainly his own. After being hurt to a degree, his personality can change into a virtuious, but also fierce fighter. His eyes more harsh, teeth tightly clenched and his gentle, cute face now angry and even fear inducing. But only after being pushed to a extreme can he unleash more power of casting demons away.
accepted! i will make the thread soon
[QUOTE="H A R P Y]I do like to wander from forum to forum.~
Ahahh well I tried---

it looks heckin beautiful as always

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