The Fear Principle sign-ups and character sheets

Okay. Sounds awesome. We'll have to discuss what her relationship with the characters would be currently, how would she and Jaguar and she adn Rinji likely get along?
Looks like she claimed head. You can have someone who's perhaps Jaguar's supervisor or superior? Perhaps the person who got her hired or into the place?
Okay. I mean, I don't need a place of authority, I was just making sure so we didn't have two warden-type people lol
I didn't realise she had already found someone to do it? I offered to take the position for her a couple of days ago when I decided to join (while I thought up her life)


Completed placing up the timeline btw
Name: Matthis Westerfield

Age: 24

Age During Killing Times: 7

History: When the Killing Times started, his parents were shot by an empath while he watched. After shooting them, the man pulled him over to his dying father, put a curtain over Matthis' emotions, set the gun in his hand, and said "He's in pain. Finish him off." Being young and feeling nothing in that moment, it made sense, so he killed his father. Two days later, when there was a short break in the empath's control, he killed the man and struck out on his own, terrified and alone.

It was after this brush with another empath that Matthis' own abilities started to bloom. He used them mostly to remain alone, to know when people were nearby, what their intentions might be and therefore how best to deal with them. In the struggle and fear of survival, he killed many.

Fearful of being 'emptied' as he had been when he killed his parents, he did his best to stop feeling things and did the emptying himself, thinking that if he did it before anyone else did he could control his own actions and never be a puppet again. It was easier to kill that way, and allowed him to do what he needed to do to survive, whether it was killing, stealing or bargaining.

When crime dwindled and criminals were being caught, he managed to run for almost a year before he was funally caught and caged. Only after the policemen realized he was an empath did he finally get shipped to the Eyes of Man.

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Inmate

Personality: Matthis is very blank, but not overtly cruel. He doesn't connect with people because he's tried not to feel anything for anyone or anything, and so he has trouble telling the different between right and wrong sometimes, a contributing factor to the body count he was arrested for. Because of his past, he distrusts empaths instinctively, even himself. It doesn't help that he had no training but his own experience and doesn't have full control over his abilities. Sometimes, when he can't shut it out, the amount of feelings he gets from other people drive him insane.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd91d3398_KasukaHeiwajima.jpg.36e9f237a4226de4f3f8f2a92801b2d0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/57a8bd91d3398_KasukaHeiwajima.jpg.36e9f237a4226de4f3f8f2a92801b2d0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship with other characters: None

Are they an empath?: Yes

Their fear: He fears being made to do things and having no choice in the matter, and - slightly less so - fears never finding anyone trustworthy, being alone and empty forever. He is also claustrophobic, though that's not as deep or psychological as the others.

Name: Jeremiah Kable

Age: 28

Age During Killing Times: 11

History: By the time the Killing Times started, he had already discovered his empathic abilities and played with them a bit, so he had a little experience. His parents were always struggling to get by and so were rarely home, which is why it wasn't so much a tragedy when they were seperated. He had to assume they had been killed after they were gone for two days, and was forced to move on on his own. Staying in one place meant death during those times.

Jeremiah survived by playing with his own abilities. Every person he came across, he manipulated. Occasionally he tried the big emotions - fear, love, lust, anger. But for the most part he decided to see what the smaller ones would do. He played with a little contentment here, a little paranoia there, and was able to keep himself safe without killing. By the time the new government was established, he had honed his abilities to a fine art, and after meeting other empaths he refined it even more, teaching himself to recognize when he was feeling his own emotions and when he was being pushed in a certain direction by another.

He earned his place at Eyes of Man mostly through skill but partially through favors. When the crack down on crime had really begun, he'd helped out where he could, calming crowds of riotous people for the policement to detain more than once. He was directed to Eye of Man when it was established because of this, and has since worked his way up the ladder almost to the top. His abilities allowed him to pick out empaths and to determine which people - despite attitude or tempermant - would be best for working at Eyes of Man. When people need help with the "hard cases" that's when he comes in.

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Supervisor, Teacher

Personality: Jeremiah isn't the best with people. He knows how people operate and how to manipulate them, but he's never had much experience in just bonding with them. He had to see people as experiments to survive when he was younger and that mentality sort of clings after so long. He has the capacity to like people, and he does like the ones he's hired, but he's generally awkward socially, so he sticks to himself. When he's called in to help with inmates, it's usually just to keep them in check and report on what they're feeling so the real teacher/psychiatrist can do their work.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Evarist.jpg.bbf97cbb2df31f928159937ce62d509e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Evarist.jpg.bbf97cbb2df31f928159937ce62d509e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Relationship with other characters: He discovered Jaguar at the empath's home for children where he was asked to help out a few times, recognized her talent, and did a bit of careful guiding to get her interested in Eyes of Man, thinking it would be good both for her reabilitation and others'. When she did finally apply, as planned, he got her hired.

Are they an empath?: Yes

Their fear: He fears that he'll never be able to feel like a real person, or belong with regular people, because of his social deficits.

((Look good?

Am I the only one that actually changed the color of the names? lol)) 

((It's totally cool, Pristine. I don't mind. I just like to double check everything before I accidentally make a double of someone else's character))



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Wow, Pristine, impressive. That also works because she would have completed her treatment before Jaguar was working at eyes of Man, Jaguar would have joined about 2072. So if she's been in place for two years, is she one to be actively involved, or one to sort of rule from office and contact others as needed? And from my understanding, because I am still a little confused, Xiao was successfully "cured," but then was sort of "uncured" or only partially "uncured?" Is she struggling between "cured" and "uncured" or is she fully uncured but pretending to be cured? 
Nala- accepted. I have a feeling Jaguar is going to make Jeremiah uncomfortable, lol.

So our current staff-

Jaguar, Rinji, Xiao, Bailey, and Jeremiah. Mediocritys Muse and MegaPatman, if you don't post soon I will have to assume you have dropped.


Jack, Sam, Amy, Mason, Matthis, Dakota. Looks like a good number for now. No more inmates for now then, guys, we have more inmates than teachers. So right now, Jack, the twins, and Mason are Jaguar's, someone else want Matthis and Dakota?
I'm having an issue :( The RP thread says it has 8 pages when I'm on the regular forum, but when I click on the title or the little 8 page number, it only brings up one page. Anybody have any clue why? 
Nevermind I figured it out lol I'm gonna see if I can read through before I have to make dinner for a family that lives near me. Any specific way you'd like me to jump in afterwards, Faith?
Depends on which character. How long has Matthis been there? With Jeremiah, what might he be doing at this time of the day? Does he see prisoners himself, would he see Matthis? Or maybe he would have received a report about what happened with Mason and Jaguar and Bailey contacting guards?
I'll say Matthis has been there for four or five months, maybe? Unless you want him to just be new. Jeremiah doesn't regularly see patients, but will if he needs to. He's more of an administrator, an observer and advisor, since he's gnerally not very good with people. And as for the last question, I'm only halfway through the RP and you guys have some freaking long posts so it could be a while before I know what you're talking about lol
I'll let you know. Could be a while, as I'm terribly easy to distract. 
Finally finished.

Okay, so what I'm thinking is maybe Jeremiah spends most of his time in an office, monitoring the surface feelings/thoughts of the inmates and staff, so when Jag starts getting all haywire he picks it up and goes to see her and stop her?

And Matthis, unless you want him new, I'll say he's been there for three months, but he doesn't really have a designated teacher right now, so I'm not sure what you want me to do with him.
Maybe he could be assigned to Bailey, under Jaguar's supervision, if Primal agrees? And yeah, I would imagine he would want to talk to Jaguar about Mason even if she doesnt' understand her reaction to him
Will try to answer each question presented to me since the completion of my CS here in detail.

So are we aware of her past and believe her rehabbed then [sic] enough to be head of the place?

All faculty should be aware of her history as part of the 'Pocket Aces' assuming they care about such things, however the fact of leadership is almost certainly obscured (unless they had the misfortune of crossing them somehow, the goal wasn't to make them a large part of the present day story however).

how would she and Jaguar and she adn [sic] Rinji likely get along?

I haven't a clue yet. I haven't read other CS to even have an idea of how everyone else would behave. Though you were kind enough to give a small summary of events in the shoutbox, I didn't get much info in the way of who was who, and so much of it is just a confused jumble in my head. (Enough so that I was considering reading the thread ANYWAY....which would take a bit of time)

is she one to be actively involved, or one to sort of rule from office and contact others as needed?

Everything about her is hands on. From leading a criminal syndicate to going out and getting a job JUST to keep her adopted parents home underaged; she's not afraid to get her hands dirty, and in fact prefers it, at least as written. She may still evolve a tiny bit when it comes time to make my first post, and then of course during the course of the story.

I am still a little confused, Xiao was successfully "cured," but then was sort of "uncured" or only partially "uncured?" Is she struggling between "cured" and "uncured" or is she fully uncured but pretending to be cured?

Xiao was successfully rehabilitated on December 2nd 2069. From that point until her capture she would be mostly like any other rehabilitated person, a normal functional member of society. On June 9th 2073, she was abducted by the rebellion group 'blind' for the purposes of acquiring a new and valuable asset who fits the following criteria: She is proven repeatedly successful, she is 'ruthless', she is high ranked inside the area's 'Eyes of Man' facility; also she happened to be the ex-leader of a high ranking, though retiring, member of the rebellion (who would have vouched for her abilities).

After abduction, they commenced 'deprogramming'. The process merely involved forcing her to re-live the history that turned her from a loving daughter to the ruthless crime boss in the first place. It has had very little effect at the completion, but has been growing stronger with time. In essence: she is still mostly cured, but it is slipping with time. The difference shouldn't be overwhelming in terms of personality (due to her somewhat stunted emotional system, but rather her motivations will change.

The difference wouldn't be very noticeable personality wise (as she has always possessed the same personality), only her motivations would change.

As an appended note: She DOES realize that she's slipping; she has not told anyone though, nor would she even consider it.

Now, I have a question of my own related to this statement of Nalakitty01: "...monitoring the surface feelings/thoughts of the inmates and staff..."

I was under the impression that empathy was the ability to sense the emotional state of others; nothing more, nothing less. Would you please detail your version of the ability Empathy?
In my version of empathy, empaths are more highly attuned to the average person of sensing emotional states, however, they are able as well to penetrate thought and emotion mentally. Depending on the level, skill, and ability of the empath, they may be able to extract memories or thoughts from others, see scenes within their minds of a memory, or even project the memory out where people can see it in holographic form. They can implant thoughts or words in someone's head, communicate telepathically, and also put up mental shields to keep others from doing so. Not everyone can do all of this or do it well, however. And anyone playing an empath must work with the other person as to how effective they are at doing so or what they see in the person's thoughts or if they are able to see anything, you can't just invent someone else's thought or memory if you don't write for them.
Name: Carson 'Crane' Reynolds, Alistair 'List' Reynolds

Age: 24

Age During Killing Times: 6

History: Crane and List grew up in a small family that couldn't quite cover its expenses, so the twins started to steal at a young age. It helped, but because of the Killing Times, Crane couldn't get the medical treatment he needed to be completely sane, and their parents blamed their unstable child for all their troubles. List was fiercely protective of his brother, as he'd basically raised Crane their whole lives. The hatred only grew worse when their mother was killed, and because the boys witnessed it Crane's dysfunction grew worse with it as well.

List took the beatings their father dealt out so that Crane wouldn't have to, even antagonizing the man to distract him at times. The one day that List wasn't fast enough, or perhaps just not irritating enough, their father managed to hit Crane instead. So List took a knife from the kitchen and slit his father's throat, stood over the man and watched until the life drained from his eyes.

List took Crane away a while after that, when their home was no longer a safe place. He did the thinking for them, for the most part, decided which places were safe and where they could get food, even directing Crane to practice his empathy so that he could control it and it wouldn't bother him so much. List did whatever it took to protect his brother, which meant killing at times, and incapacitating at others. He managed to keep them out of sight of the new government for over a year before they were finally caught, and even then fought to keep them together, even at Eyes of Man.

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Inmates

Personality: List is cold and calculating. He's smarter than the average person and perhaps might have been called a genius had he been given the chance and the right coaching, away from the Killing Times. He reads people and situations extremely well, so he manages to keep himself and his brother afloat in an empath's world.

Crane is unstable, to put it lightly. He has times of lucidity, so when he finally snaps and starts acting crazy he usually catches people by surprise. He doesn't percieve morals as others do and so will do most anything if he feels like it, if List lets him. Generally, the only authority he respects is his brother.

Appearance: (Crane on left - minus long hair - and List on right)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Mocchiri_Oyaji_full_529114.jpg.bce01ece3c449ec140a0ecb107e4cc3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="362" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Mocchiri_Oyaji_full_529114.jpg.bce01ece3c449ec140a0ecb107e4cc3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship with other characters: None

Are they an empath?: Crane is, while List is not.

Their fear: List fears any harm coming to Crane and being unable to protect him. Crane fears being seperated from List, as List is sometimes the only thing that keeps him and his abilities in control.



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They have meal time, shower time, exercise times outside their room, as well as if they earned special privilege or are having a special session of some kind
Due to a large amount of life issues and time drainers, I regretfully find myself incapable of performing on par for what is needed to remain in some of my RPs. Sadly, I feel I must drop this one but wish you all the best.


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