The Fear Principle sign-ups and character sheets

Faith Eliza Cord

Four Thousand Club
The year is 2075. Twenty years ago, the prevalence of murder and violence in America continued to rise sharply and steadily, as corruption in the government soared and the economy plummeted. By 2057 murder was at an all time high, with people murdering and being murdered at exponential rates. Entire families were slaughtered routinely by people of all races, genders, ages, and social classes, and it was hardly safe to be in a locked house at night, let alone to walk down the street. Children were left orphans when their parents were murdered, and hungry and traumatized, forced to become feral and in many cases to begin to kill as well to survive.

Those times are over now, and the murder rates have been lowered considerably, the government has been overthrown and cleaned up to a return of a true democracy, and there is now a very successful system in place in which people who kill or commit violent crimes can be apprehended and rehabilitated at highly successful rates. They are, once tried, taken to a large prison called Eyes of Man, in which teachers, who hold the role of prison warden, teacher, psychologist, and often semi-hypnotist, use either virtual reality, a highly individualized form of "therapy," and often, mental penetration and manipulation, to help prisoners to face themselves fully and deeply. The theory of the prison is that murder is committed out of a deeply seated fear of some sort that twists the person up inside, and that once the person is made to face the fear, they will no longer be driven to murder.

Some of the teachers at Eyes of Man, and among the most successful ones, also happen to be empaths. Empaths can use supernatural mental abilities to see into others' thoughts and memories and can draw them forth and help a person navigate through them in order to best help the person face their fears; they can also use their powers for very negative and even evil manipulation. It is considered prudent for empaths to not discuss their abilities outside their work because the "average" people are generally afraid of them, and they were blamed for and caused many brutal deaths in the killing times.

You guys can play a teacher, whether an empath or a regular human, a worker of the prison who is not a teacher, people acquainted with my characters or other characters, or prisoners. Prisoners can be empaths as well, which could get interesting. I think it would be cool too if someone would play a prisoner who happens to be the same prisoner who killed my character's family that she has to work with, but that's up to you guys. I don't mind of my characters are dating anyone either.


1. Literate roleplayers only. This means reasonable grammar and sentence structure, at least a paragraph per post, which is about five sentences minimum. Characters must be detailed and well-planned.

2. Violence and swearing allowed.

3. No godmodding, always ask before harming another person's character badly.

4. Please try to post regularly or let me know if this is not possible. Regularly for me means at least once or twice a week. If you go missing for an extensive amount of time I reserve the right to do with your character as I see fit. "Extensive" means in most cases a month or more of no posting. I will warn you if it's getting close to that time.

5. Change the color of your character name so I know you read the rules.

Character skeleton:



Age During Killing Times:


Position/Job/Role at Prison:



Relationship with other characters: (if plotted ahead of time)

Are they an empath?:

Their fear: (something deeper than say, snakes; along the lines of that they are a failure, that they will never be loved,etc)

Name: Jaguar Addams

Age: 27

Age During Killing Times start: 8


Jaguar was orphaned at a young age, before the Killing Times began. Jaguar was raised by her grandparents, who had Native American blood and were empaths themselves. Her grandparents kept her safe, protected, and educated in the home, and also taught her how to utilize and grow strong in her abilities until their murder when she was eleven years old, in the height of the Killing Times. They were killed by a stranger who broke into their house and shot them both, then stayed for several times, physically and mentally torturing Jaguar until he finally grew bored and left, thinking her to be dying. Jaguar did in fact survive and shortly after took to the streets after her home was broken into and taken over, where she became a feral child, often forced to eat the dead or to catch rodents to get by. She was taken off the streets along with some other children when she was thirteen, when the Killing Times were beginning to wind down again, and was placed into a home for children which was also lead by empaths who helped to teach and heal the children. At eighteen, Jaguar became the youngest to join the staff at Eyes of Man, acting as first a volunteer and observer, than an intern, than being becoming a teacher herself, and was quickly discovered to be one of the most talented among them. By age 24 she was a full time teacher.

Position/Job/Role at Prison: teacher, empath

Personality: Because of her past, Jaguar can be very closed off from other people and can come across as very abrasive and even unfeeling. However, just the opposite is true, and she is deeply empathic to the point that this is why she must close herself off and not allow herself to become too deeply involved in others, to take their pain on as her own. Jaguar is not a shy person at all and can in fact seem like an exhibitionist; she enjoys doing things simply for shock value. However, she is a very private person and those she trusts have well earned it. She is intelligent and honest to the point of being harsh, much prefers to jump into solving a problem rather than tiptoing around it, and yet can be gentle when needed.


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Relationship with other characters: (if plotted ahead of time) Friendly with Rinji, though very often irritated and exasperated by her

Are they an empath?: yes

Fear: That she will be the destruction and death of all who draw close to her; that she will lose them through her own fault

Name: Rinji Fogden

Age: 20

Age During Killing Times (when started twenty years ago): infant


Rinji was lucky enough to be an infant and small child during the Killing Times, and so she remembers none of it. Rinji's mother was a teenager who managed to survive the Killing Times and begin to raise Rinji herself shortly after "graduating" an institution similar to the children's home that Jaguar had been put into. Rinji grew up poor but with what she needed, and though her mother was traumatized, Rinji herself grew up as a very happy child. Rinji dropped out of her first year of college and instead horrified her mother with her announcement that she wanted to work at Eyes of Man. She was quickly discovered to not be talented or intelligent enough and instead is simply a receptionist.

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Receptionist/assistant

Personality: Rinji is in many ways the total opposite of Jaguar. Playful, spunky, very flirtacious, Rinji is like a hyperactive butterfly flitting about between each person she encounters, loving every single one of them and confident that they also love her. Rinji is optimistic, naive, and cheerful, has a habit of running her mouth and stating everything that crosses her mind, and is very physically affectionate. Rinji's original name was Lindsey, but she considered that much too common for herself and instead renamed herself as its Japanese version, Rinji.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/medium_1TMKcB.jpg.8b851305a582b323e8b84157dce3e05d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="157" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/medium_1TMKcB.jpg.8b851305a582b323e8b84157dce3e05d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Relationship with other characters: (if plotted ahead of time): friendly with Jaguar, very much admires her

Are they an empath?: no

Fear: Rinji has few fears, and none rule her life or truly hurt her, but she does worry that she is as easily dismissed and irrelevant as some believe her to be at times.

Oh yeah, this is based off a series of books, but none of the characters have to be canon, and you don't need to read the book to follow



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Name: Jacklyn "Jack" Corelli


Age During Killing Times: 6

History: Jacklyn, of Jack as she prefers to be called was born into a family well off on money and was pretty much living a very sheltered yet, luxurious life when the Killing Times first started. Her parents, who had married young, were hardly ever around so she was basically raised by a handful of Nannies. One afternoon, shortly after she had turned eleven, her nanny at the time ran from the house screaming out of nowhere, and was struct by an oncoming car as she had rushed into the busy street outside of Jack's home. The woman was severely injured and later on passed away at the hospital.

Unknown to the Corelli's, it seemed as if they're only child was an Empath, and was using her 'gift' to manipulate the house staff's
fears, causing several others to quit later on that week. It wasn't that Jack was a bad kid, she didn't really have a strong enough control yet over her powers, she just wanted her parents to be around for her more, to actually feel like she had parents. But instead, they just hired even more staff. Finally, by the age of thirteen, the teenager had had enough and started acting out, sneaking out of the house, starting fires in abandoned buildings, breaking into peoples homes to steal things for the fun of it.

Things went to far and Jack started getting herself caught, desperate cries for the attention of her parents, but once again, they just hired the best lawyer that money could buy to wipe her record clean. So, one night using her powers on her own parents, she forced enough fear into their heads that the two turned on each other, her father killing her mother. When Mr. Corelli had realized what she had just made him do, he then turned on her, chasing his daughter out into the night, where she ran and tried to hide in their pool house. Hoping to distract him enough so that she could get away, Jack started a small fire in the room, not anticipating it to catch as quickly as it did.

The room quickly filled with smoke and when her father burst in after her, it caused to roof to cave in, a beam falling down, knocking Jack unconscious She woke, a few days later, handcuffed to a hospital bed, badly burned but quickly healing. The only proof from the fire are the scars on her left hand which she hides under a leather glove (finger parts cut off) When she had fully recovered, she was charged with the death of her parents and was shipped from prison to prison, finally landing in Eyes of Man after she had passed her 20th birthday.

Since then she has gotten into several prison fights, and has been known to start a riot every now and then out of boredom. It's unknown just how many deaths she may be responsible for.

Personality: Jack can appear to be very friendly but she's known to use her looks and powers to get things that she wants from time to time. She knows when to show respect and stay under the radar at the prison. Loyal to those who are loyal to her. A bit of a flirt, teachers, guards, and prisoners included. She identifies herself as bisexual

Appearance: Jack stands at about 5'6", with a curvey but toned body. She has dark brown hair that goes down to her chest, it's naturally wavy but she insists on keeping it straight. Jack has two different colored eyes, the right is a pale blue and the left is honey brown. She's heavily tattooed (half sleeves on both arms, along with several others on her back, legs, hands, and chest) and has a few piercings. Her one hand is badly scarred but she tries to hide it as best as she can under a cut off leather glove.

Relationship with other characters: Jack keeps to herself for the most part, only being social when needed. No one at the prison has really struct an interest in her just yet.

Are they an empath?: Yes

Their fear: Jack is very superstitious and she believes in the afterlife, so the thoughts of all those she has killed in her past tends to keep her up at night.

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Looks good, one thing though. They don't stay at prison once they are rehabilitated, or if they are, they are then released back to the outside, to keep down the prison population. So her being there four years would either mean that she has been a challenge or maybe she should be there a shorter time...maybe if she was a challenge to a non-empath teacher she was just transferred to Jaguar?
That makes sense, if she's an empath she could have easily fought off any treatment so that would explain her being there so long. If that's okay with you, if not I can tweak it
Name: Sven Christopher

Nickname: Seven

Age: Twenty-eight

Age During Killing Times: Nine

History: When he was a lad he was raised by his older brother, the times being for lack of a better word ‘horrendous.’ The times were rough all over but him and his brother migrated to the tougher crowd, meaning less than savory elements. A great example would be murder and to a lesser extent theft of property, which was common place back then for pretty much all over. As he aged in the environment he grew more and more accustomed to murder, it almost being a second sense just as simple as breathing.

The nickname “Seven” came about when he was Eleven years of age, referencing in the way he killed. The first time it was a premeditated murder happed so quick the guy barely knew what was coming, his brother giving him the name “Seven” in reference to how many seconds the guy had left to live when Sven decided to kill a person. His reputation was well known and increased as the years passed, even amongst a population of murders and crazies. In a city of serial killers a lot of them used a kids kid ration as a marking point, which said something in volumes.

His life turned around when his brother became ill and abruptly died, his life now not quite as it use to be. Sven looked up to his brother and now his bros death outweighed all of the deaths that Sven had caused, now all of a sudden his life was put in perspective. After years of pulling himself out of the drudgery of his past he found a few reputable occupations, them leading to a consultation job in the re-education facility…more commonly refereed to as a prison. His background sometimes also calls for him to act as an enforcer as such, surprisingly as it may see (sarcasm) but prisons can be dangerous at times.

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Consultant/Enforcer

Personality: For all intensive purposes he is a nice guy, which is odd considering the background his generation grew up in. On occasion he can be a bit deep with what he has to say, but at the same time he also seems to be a different person when he goes the deep rout. (Possible multiple personality due to the death of his brother, perhaps causing his darker side to split from his lesser known gentle side. Tough and a bit of a psychopath when the situation calls for it, him being no stranger to violence or twisted situations.


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Relationship with other characters: No relationships to speak of, or at least none worth mentioning in the character sheet.

Are they an empath?: No empathic abilities

Their fear: Falling back into his psychopathically centric mind set, meaning Seven rearing up again.
Name: Eric Kantone

Age: 28

Age During Killing Times: 6

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Prisoner

Personality: Fanatical Pyschopath

Appearance:View attachment 11585

Relationship with other characters: Unconfirmed killer of Jaguar Grandparents

Are they an empath?: No

Their fear: Eric has a fear of Ochlophobia- Fear of crowds or mobs. (it's so lame but couldn't think of anything else)

History: Eric was born and raised by his father Army Major Kevin Kantone, who was at the the time stationed at Fort Campbell Kentucky. Eric was always under the thumb of his father, who never seemed to make time for Eric except when he was being yelled at for some obsecure reason that made only sense to himself, Eric was a bright and gifted student, he had a talent for science and math, during the killing years he was sheltered and protected living on a base with thousands of soldiers at the time. So what's a kid to do living on a military base when only a few hundred yards outside it's walls there is mass killings going on, Eric dove into books and manuals by age 11 he knew just as much about military tactics and equipment as his father or other soldiers on base. By age 19 Eric had been in college for 2 years graduating early from highschool and enrolled in a quiet lesser known military academy, studying medicine but after a year he lost his interest after his father was killed in an automobile accident. Eric returned to his childhood home to gather his father's things.

While cleaning out his father's study, Eric came across a note book with names and clippings in it. After studying this notebook Eric realizes that every name in this book as the victim of a violent death. 24 victims all together but further in the note book there were 46 other names that didn't have any clippings. Eric starts to realize that his father despite being a decorated military man had a dark side, darker then he ever knew, his father was never abusive to him but he was cold and distant but the thought of him being a cold blooded killer was beyond anything he could imagine. Eric finished packing his fathers things and for 3 years didn't think about it until one day while walking home, he was jumped and beaten and had to spend weeks in the hospital to recover, laying in bed going bitter and hateful, he starts to think maybe his father was right, maybe he had just cause to do what he did.

Eric left that hospital and became determine to never be a victim again, armed with his father's old sidearm he begin patrolling the streets in the most dangerous neighborhoods, hunting lowlifes and executing them. He thought he was doing good in the beginning but like a drug killing was becoming addicting and exciting, he started killing anyone he thought deserved it, rather they were good or bad, didn't pay attention to your wife or kid, he would follow you and kill you. Next few years Eric finished and surpassed his father's list but he got sloppy and killed a decorated police officer which ignited a 3 state man hunt, and after a month of running he was corned in Pittsburg and even after an intense gun fight and being shot 9 times he recovered and was sent to prison. Now doing his time within the walls of the Eyes of Man to pay the debt for the 67 people he killed

(Fanatical Pyschopaths believe it's their calling to do what they do. Just thought I'd explain that.)
Other than the part about killing Jaguar's grandparents, which he would have had to have done at age 13, this is good. Primal Things has called the role of killing her grandparents, guys. Accepted.Primal and amdreams have mentioned a few more prisoners, after those we need some teachers/staff workers/ too
Name: Mason Cooper

Age: 37

Age During Killing Times: 17


Mason has never really been anything other than average. Before the Killing Times, he grew up in a middle-class household in an average neighborhood, got a standard education and was, you guessed it, an average student. While he wasn't horribly bad at many things, there wasn't exactly anything he excelled at either.

His parents were murdered during The Killing Times while they were out on a date. They were mugged, but when the situation escalated, both were shot point blank in the head. He was eighteen then, and appeared to move on very quickly. He left the house, moved into a small apartment and started working to support himself. He was twenty when he began to realize that intimidating people and exerting some sort of force made him feel powerful. At first, it was nothing more than robberies, bar fights, etc.

His first kill was when he was 21, which he was never caught for. The rush of the kill made him feel far more powerful than any other form of violence he'd ever tried. The kind of power that he had over his victims made him feel like god, and it was a high that he chased with fervor. Despite how average he was, though, he wasn't stupid. He figured out fairly quickly that in order to keep himself from getting caught, he wouldn't be able to kill randomly, as he had that first time, and he managed to keep his kill rate to around one person every other month or so.

He was caught, though, and sentenced to the Eyes of Man two weeks ago.

Position/Job/Role at Prison:



There isn't really anything about him that is spectacularly unsettling about him in particular, which is partly what makes him such an unsettling person. He isn't openly aggressive, but he is far from charming. He doesn't really see the point in being charming, because the only thing he's really had to do with anyone during his adult life was if he was killing them or working with them. Mason always favored isolationism, because he felt that it prevented anyone from developing any suspicion about him. His main concern was blending in, not making friends. Getting in the good favors of other people is far from his priority.


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Relationship with other characters: (if plotted ahead of time)

Jaguar's grandparents were the first people that he murdered. As of yet, though, those are his only relations.

Are they an empath?:


Their fear:

Limbo – the space between life and death

Name: Bailey Foster

Age: 26

Age During Killing Times: 6


Bailey remembers very little about the Killing Times. Her father was killed during then, but since Bailey was out with her mother, she didn't witness it and barely remembers her dad at this point. She started showing empathic abilities as young as four years old, but her parents just thought that she was perceptive. In her teens, she went a little bit wild because being around the constant teenage turmoil was difficult for her and she started partying a lot, using that as a means of escape. After an attack that ended in her nearly being raped, however, she made a point to clean herself up and got the help that she needed and eventually found work at the prison as a teacher.

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Teacher


Bailey is a fairly quiet individual outside of work, and is almost afraid of her abilities. However, when she's around co-workers, she is able to interact a little more freely, as they can discuss their abilities and the stresses that come from having them. When she's comfortable with people, she can actually be very sweet, and while she isn't necessarily physically affectionate, she has no qualms about telling people that she feels affectionately toward that she adores them.


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Relationship with other characters: Aside from working with the other teachers and prisoners, none have been planned yet.

Are they an empath?: Yes

Their fear: Her abilities, mostly that they would get out of control.
(I hope it's okay that I kind of fused both sign ups into one. I didn't feel like writing the same stuff twice when I could do it once.)

Samson "Sam" Talbot aka "Hansel"

Age: 26

Age During Killing Times: 7

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Prisoner

Personality: Sam is generally cold, sarcastic and seemingly stoic. He has quite a temper though but doesn't often show it, believing in revenge rather than confrontation. He will lose his cool though if his sister is involved. Seeing no one but Amy, he is fairly closed off and mostly sees everyone else as either utter trash or tools to be used. He's willing to put up an act though if he feels it would benefit them. Though he seems like he is a leader type, he is extremely dependent on his twin and would even follow her into the bathroom if there weren't generally people who prevented him from doing so. Actually he does that quite a lot and sometimes pulls Amy into the bathroom with him as well if there's no one else in there.


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Name: Amarissa "Amy" Talbot aka "Gretel"

Age: 26

Age During Killing Times: 7

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Prisoner

Personality: Like her brother Sam, Amy is somewhat of a loner and doesn't very much care about other people than him. She is quieter and calmer than Sam and rarely gets angry. To Sam, she is rather passive and caring but to others she is cold, distrustful and is slightly disgusted if someone tries to touch her. She's also very dependent on Sam and to the point where she cannot sleep or calm down unless touching him in some way, the most common of which by holding hands. (Luckily, she's a righty while he's a lefty.) However, although she seems very obedient to her brother, she does have a mind of her own even if it's always thinking about Sam.


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History: Sam and Amy Talbot were born to fairly wealthy socialites who thought of their twins more like a source for good press rather than actual children. It wasn't a bad life for the few years they got to experience it. They had food, shelter and eachother. Though close, little Sam and Amy were not as close as they are today but they did love eachother very much. The two were happy.

Then one night during the Killing Times, a group of masked men broke into the Talbot mansion and killed the two socialites as well as most of the staff there. The men, a bunch of unemployed men whose businesses went belly up because the Talbots refused to loan them money, woke the ten year old twins and asked them to reveal where their parents hid their fortune. Unable to give the masked men what they wanted, Sam and Amy were kidnapped and brought to one of the men's houses. They were kept in cages in the basement just far enough apart so that they couldn't reach eachother and were only taken out when the men needed to vent their frustrations on the kids, only separately though.

For a few years, Sam and Amy put up with everything the men did to them in silence but the abuse and separation did something to them. By the time they were twelve, nothing seemed more important than to be able to reach eachother. It had gotten to the point where each night, they tried their best to push their cages together. One night, one of the men got careless and left Sam's cage unlocked when he was finished with the boy.

Tasting freedom for the first time in years, the first thing Sam did was run to Amy's cage and took her hand in his. Feeling her warmth transfer to his skin, he felt stronger. He found a knife in the basement they lived in and used it to repeatedly stab at the lock of Amy's cage until it broke and she was finally free too. The two hugged tightly. The sweet moment of happiness was suddenly filled with a need for revenge and the two ascended the steps to the rest of the house. At 3 AM, the owner of the house awoke to see the two twins staring down at him, knives in hand and smiles on their faces. They painted the bedroom red.

Years of torment and the thrill of their first kill left an insatiable taste on their tongue and a new view of the world. The two began a streak of murders, killing everyone they saw as a threat including the police officer who offered to take them to an orphanage, that one teenage girl who told Sam she thought he was cute and a molester they met on the subway. Eventually the two became known as "Hansel and Gretel" partialy due to a murder where they set an old woman's house on fire, and partially due to how they were always holding hands.

The two were fairly successful in their killings, only getting caught recently when Amy fell and Sam refused to run on without her.

Relationship with others: Not . . . sure what to put here exactly. Oh well.

Empath?: While the twins are not empaths, they do share a very deep connection with eachother that can sometimes seem like some form of telepathy between the two of them. That is not the case and the two share no supernatural powers. However they can sometimes tell when the other twin needs them and when making eye contact, they always seem to be having private jokes and small conversations with eachother.

Their Fear: Their greatest fear is being separated from eachother. More specifically they hate feeling alone or weak like they do when they're separated.

(If anything needs changing just tell me.)
....I love them already, dreams. I'm very excited to read them actually lol. So yes, accepted.

Anyone else? I will likely start it up soon if no one else signs up. I would like for there to be more staff if possible but we can have some NPC's or add in new staff later, maybe. So, so far we have:

Staff of some type:











That's almost even, but since only Jaguar and Bailey are teachers, we should discuss who is assigned to what. I want Mason assigned to Jaguar, and I'd like to take one of the twins if Primal would like the other. I think because Jacklyn has had previously failed treatment she would have been put with Jaguar recently as well. So this leaves two for Bailey, unless Primal would rather start off with just one, up to her. Primal, would you like one of the twins and Eric, or just one person? Or actually, maybe if you wanted Bailey is a new teacher and Jaguar is in the process of observing her and letting her work her way to being a fully independent worker so they often are in the same room during trainings, and Bailey may observe Jaguar as We can discuss. Anyone have a preference or input?

By the way, both Rinji and Jaguar I will leave as bisexual for now so any possibilities are open
I could have one of the twins and Eric, that would be perfectly fine :) . I was thinking that maybe Bailey could be new-ish, and Jaguar is more of a consult/mentor that she goes to for questions or whatever. If someone has a preference for teacher, that's fine too. I'm up for chatting about it or whatever.
Well Dreams says that the twins will have been there about a month. I'm thinking that Jaguar realized by then that treating them separately is not working and they need to be in sessions together to start with. So yeah, I think Bailey learning from her is probably good to start with and we can go from there.

Hm. I still kind of feel like the characters involved now are sort of minimal...probably just me, I need to figure out who would be involved in Jaguar's life. Though I suppose if she isolates herself the answer might be no one much outside of work
Name: Alexander Simpson

Age:34Age During Killing Times:14

History: Alexander was just barely in High School when the killing times started. Most of his family was killed back then. His best friend Mitch Anderson was all he had left in his life. As the years went by, they turned from friends to lovers. When Alex was 18, Mitch went out looking for food one day. After a few hours Alex went looking for him, only to find Mitch with his throat slit and all of the usefull items Mitch had were taken. Alex went throuh the rest of the years alone. He was fueled with rage for a long time. He even tried to go out and track down the killers. He eventually realized that it was a futile attempt and stopped. He never let his rage boil over enough to want to kill though. After the new government had been established, Alex was never sure people were completely sane. That was why he took to studying the human mind and decided that he wanted to help people get better. Since he never killed anybody, maybe he was the right person to try and rehabilitate people.

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Teacher/Psychiatrist

Personality: Alexander is very polite and enjoys being around people, although he doesn't try to become too personal. He devotes most if his time to helping the patients of the Prison. Alex feels that he is better than most people, though he rarely expresses it. He is a calm and organized person who detests violence. He tries to be the mediator as well when it comes to arguments. He is openly gay but doesn't seem like he would be.

Appearance: He is a fairly attractive man in a cute-chubby kind of way. He has close-cropped brown hair and emerald eyes. Alex is about six foot even and stands tall. (Will post picture when at a computer)

Relationship with other characters: None

Are they an empath?: Nope.

Their fear: He has the fear if losing the people he cares about most in this world.

(If I need to elaborate more, please tell me. And I am not able to change the color yet. I'll also do that when I get to a computer)
Name: Dakota (last name is unknown: reference history for why)

Age: 15

Age During Killing Times: infant

History: Her mother had been down the canned goods isle at the local supermarket as she tried to stock up on some provisions that would last her a few weeks without worry. Her husband had left them four months previously after saying he couldn’t be bothered with feeding their newborn and suggesting that they discard the girl, and so she had to be careful with supplies. She always picked the canned goods because they worked best if she had to ration food for a bit longer than intended so as to cut on spending … that and the fact that she would sneak a can to some of the less feral children when she could afford to without risking herself or her new infant. The run was only supposed to take a few minutes and so she had left the child, an infant of 9 months at the time, asleep in her car seat with the AC running and the window cracked. She never thought that fate would see fit to make her abandon her child there.

Now, everyone had been having money issues and so finding people with enough money on them to get you a meal was rare enough. It didn’t do much to stop the random muggings that had been going, however. This thought was what drove the man to the store that day. His daughter was had been growing weaker and weaker as she tried to save on food. He had to do something … and it so happened that the sleeping baby girl in the parking lot became an orphan.

Somehow, amidst the corruption and loss of morals, some small bit of humanity touched one of the youths of the area who was commonly considered to be among the more feral of the lot and thus avoided. When the crying child had been uncared for still hours after the police had left and the store had closed, she stepped in. Ms. Katherine, as Dakota had known her until she had left on her own with a boy of seventeen when she was but twelve years old, cared for the baby as best she could despite the hardships.

After leaving this surrogate mother, the girl bounced around to four or five different boys of various ages ranging 16 to 32 before winding up in the rehabilitation center. It was the last one that had gotten to her. She had been able to put up with the physical abuse, the mocking comments, and the cheating … but the last one had dared to flirt with her worst fear. He had dared to tell her that she was never going to be truly wanted. Having finally snapped, desperation driving her hysteria, she altered his mood in a way that she had never even thought to try before. She had already used her empathy to calm those she was caught pickpocketing, but now she used it to project everything. Every bit of pain and insecurity existing in her was projected and magnified tenfold until the man’s bloody suicide was found two days later.

The suicide was less than normal, however, in that it lacked the usual note. According to friends and his employer, the man had been stable and happy. Thus the police looked for signs of foul play and eventually locked up his child lover on charges of having slaughtered him. When the court assigned psychiatrist outed her as an empath and testified that she would have been capable of committing the crimes she was accused of … which brings us to the beginning of her imprisonment.

Position/Job/Role at Prison: Inmate

Personality: The girl is surprisingly innocent and desperate for attention and affirmations of worth but refuses to let most people see this. Rather, she projects a cold and silent exterior. Often times she mimics those around her and has been known to stare blankly at someone she wishes to mimic without moving for minutes on end. This act normally results in a bit of amusement, followed by confusion, trailed by apprehension and suspicion, and finally concluded with fear. The sheer scope of emotions which pass over the person’s face offer her many different things to parrot.

Appearance: The girl has light auburn hair which is cut short so that it falls messily in front of her cold, grey-blue eyes. Her skin is flawless and olive toned. Her body type is mostly androgynous with a nearly boyish form due to a rather flat, still-undeveloped chest. Her facial features are very sharp and refined but also bear a hint of androgyny which gives her a sort of forbidden fruit beauty which is just enough to make you not entirely certain of gender at first glance.

Height: 5’2”

Weight: 103lbs

Scar: She is missing one canine due to a particularly abusive ex who wasn’t getting what he wanted and has small scars near her wrists which she won’t talk about.

Relationship with other characters: none

Are they an empath: Yes

Their fear: Her greatest fear is herself. She fears that there is nothing of value in her and that she will eventually be discarded.

((I’m also trying to make Pris join – hope that’s ok 0.~))
Accepted. Just as a heads up guys, I would really like someone to be head of the place/Jaguar's superior/another teacher equal in status to her
Name: Xiao Mei-Yin Fairbanks

Age: Twenty Eight

Age during the killing times: Eight

  • Xiao Mei-Yin, like many other little girls during the time, was rendered an orphan after a group of teens killed her adopted mother and father for their car keys and the twenty four dollars they had in their pockets. Moving from one illegal job (due to her age, not shadiness) to another in an effort to keep her surrogate family’s home, she eventually came across a business owned by a ‘Frances Kivaah’: Paperworks Incorporated.

    On the surface the business appeared to be little more than a printing paper manufacturer specializing in the production of high gloss paper. Deeper under the surface however, the company functioned as a front for a money laundering operation run by a much worse ‘Nicoli Vivik’. Xiao Mei-Yin worked tirelessly operating machinery to transport large reams of paper into shipping units at ridiculously low wages until noticed by this Nicoli Vivik and scouted out as a potential ‘gift’ to an overseas ‘investor’.

    Lured in with the offers of a drastically increased salary, Xiao Mei-Yin eagerly entered a limousine with her boss Frances where he promised they would discuss her future with the company. Rather than arriving at a larger Paperworks facility as she had expected, the limousine opened its doors to Nicoli Vivik’s loft where he had been waiting with other potential ‘gifts’. Unable to shake her feelings of unease, though nothing overtly suspicious was yet visible, Xiao Mei-Yin opted to cancel out of her ‘great opportunity’ but found herself unable to escape her now hostile boss.

    Xiao Mei-Yin found herself dragged kicking and screaming into loft where she spent the next three months of her life, waiting in despair with other girls roughly her age and ethnicity. Sometime during the frequent rounds of narcotics intended to keep her reliant upon them for her next fix, surrounded by the extreme desperation and decadence, she awakened to her empathic nature. Though she was now capable of sensing the emotions of others, her own had become rather stunted.

    Leveraging her newfound ability, Xiao enticed Nicoli over time; Convincing him that she would serve his needs far better here, than overseas. Finally alone with Nicoli in his bedroom, after a great many drinks on his part, she convinced him to allow her ‘take care’ of him. Tying him to his bed post by his bed sheets, she injected him with his remaining supply of narcotics before making her way out though his window, barring the doors, and setting the entirety of the loft ablaze.

    By the age of seventeen, Xiao Mei-Yin had long since kicked her induced addictions and was leading a small group of teenagers in their efforts to cut out a portion of their city as their turf. Kept just ahead of those ambitious enough to try taking her on for her position by her empathy, Xiao eventually garnered the fear and begrudged respect of all those under her employ. Those that rested were slain, immediately and without warning. At their pinnacle, her cartel-like gang rose to control roughly one third of the city, with ‘agents’ dispatched to the other rivaling gangs to keep tabs on their movements.

    At the age of twenty one, the bubble collapsed for Xiao Mei-Yin. The new government had overthrown the old, and each hot spot was steadily being taken down by frequent raids and stings. Eventually, her headquarters itself was under siege.

    The members of her organization fought back furiously, dragging law enforcement officials into a long and drawn out battle. While law enforcement could easily cycle their people out however, the members of her gang were forced to endure long shifts and dwindling supplies until finally they were overrun. Within the ensuing chaos, Xiao found herself shot though the chest and collapsed.

    A year later, Xiao Mei-Yin awoke from a coma induced by severe blood loss to find herself in the long term care ward of an average hospital. Alerted to her awakening by their machines, nurses arrived to try and explain the situation to their lucky charge. Though they had the best of intention’s, they instead met death by her hands using the various materials about the hospital until her re-apprehension at the hospital elevator by orderlies.

    After she had been recovered she was eagerly passed on to the proper authorities for sentencing, where she eventually made her way into the Eyes of Man facility and was mostly successfully rehabilitated. Though still somewhat emotionally stunted, Xiao applied her empathic talents with her typical drive and over the course of the next four years managed to rise up and become the head of her facility. Unbeknownst to her, due to her propensity to achieve success, she had been scouted once again as a potential; This time for an organization rebellious to the current regime.

    During her usual morning run, she stopped at a simple mom-and-pop grocery store for water and was abducted by this rebellious organization. Over the course of one week, she was forced to relive her youth in an attempt to ‘deprogram’ her and return her to a state more useful to their purposes. Once deprogramming had completed, she and one of their retiring officers were deposited into a shack not too far from where she had been abducted.

    Confessing to the abduction and securing her cover story, the retiring rebellion agent was sentenced to death after three failed rehabilitations. Xiao Mei-Yin Fairbanks returned to work after several weeks of ‘recovery’ after her ‘terrible ordeal’ and has secretly struggled with the effects of her deprogramming for the last two years up to the present day.



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Yes :3 I am actually in the middle of writing the detailed timeline into the post (which will be under general information) 
(she WAS rehabbed's due to the rebellion that it's slipping in the first place

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