The Fear principle (Accepting)

She had gotten what she wanted out of Jack- a promise to help her watch Rinji, to watch Mason, to keep them apart from each other. This was as much for her own protection as for Rinji's, because if Mason happened to tell Rinji anything at all about Jaguar and her history with him, then everyone in the entire building would know about it by the end of the day, courtesy of Rinji's mouth, and no doubt Jeremiah would pull Jaguar from his assignment. Maybe even want her to get checked out psychologically, or on an empathic level, to make sure that Mason had not made her shadowed in her efforts to connect with him mentally. Jaguar didn't want that, any of that, or even the possibility of it...

And yet she could not guarantee strongly enough that Jack would help, that anyone would. She was not connecting well with Jack, and in order to do so, she realized, she would have to break boundaries between them...she would have to show pieces of herself, before Jack would trust enough to let her see pieces of her.

But could Jaguar do this, even if it was for Jack's own good, for Rinji's, even for her own? Could she truly make herself that vulnerable?

She forced herself forward, one hand out, and closed her eyes as she lay her cheek with surprising strength against Jack's face, forcing her to stay, to see what she is transmitting to her in full. In her thoughts she opens up one pathway for Jack to see, showing her the younger Mason, in a small home, the dead, tortured elderly couple at his feet, the glimpse of the fearful face of the little girl he forced down to the ground. She let her see just enough for Jack to understand what he had done to her, how deeply he had hurt her, before pulling back and dropping away from physical and mental contact.

"That is what he is capable of," she said softly, looking into Jack's eyes. She didn't know if Jack would recognize her face in the child's, or if she would make the connection if she didn't. It took everything she had to remain still to wait and see.
((FINALLY found the name of my avatar for Jack, so hard to find names for the tattoo models -___-))

Jack swallowed hard when Jaguar, once again, despite her previous protests, stepped forward. She didn't have time to react as the woman pressed her forehead against her. She had been half-expecting another kiss, but the wave of images flooding her mind caused her to almost feel sick as her insides twisted at what she saw.

She caught a quick glimpse of the child and as she jerked back, she found herself staring into the same eyes as Jaguar looked her over. Letting out a shaky breath, and without pausing to think, she closed in the space between herself and her doctor and pressed her lips against the other woman's. It wasn't a heated kiss like their earlier one had been, but a gentle one, and as her hands moved up Jaguar's arms, the touch was soft, no fingers digging in, no pulling her body towards her.

What she had just seen...Jack knew it wasn't a fabrication...she knew what the Mason guy was capable of, but hadn't been expecting this. Jack let her arms drop to Jaguar's waist and paused there, her fingers barely touching her as she deepened the kiss, forgetting everything from earlier that day, and the anger she had felt. This woman...Jaguar had just opened something in her...Jack couldn't remember the last time she had felt this...she didn't even know how to describe it, but suddenly she no longer felt her earlier hatred. Where she wanted to protect Rinji, she somehow wanted to protect Jaguar more...

I won't let him hurt you again...

Startled by her actions, Jack pulls away, her cheeks flaming and looks away, knowing that the other woman was able to hear what she had just thought. Coughing roughly, she moved back to her cot and dropped down onto it, not bringing herself to look at Jaguar.

"Can...can you...are we done now?" she finally asks gruffly, rubbing her hands along her tatted arms.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/521438_561508980547210_1944738943_n.jpg.d5be5fa3d08072fbb34dc0b31cb606a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2169" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/521438_561508980547210_1944738943_n.jpg.d5be5fa3d08072fbb34dc0b31cb606a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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This was exactly the reaction she had hoped for in Jack, exactly what she knew Jack needed to feel to begin the first steps towards her own healing. Jack needed to feel towards Jaguar, to begin to connect with her for the first time on an emotional more than mental or physical level, and Jaguar had thought that to open herself to her in such a way would be the first true step forward. She could feel in Jack's changed, softened aura, in the feelings that came into her eyes, even before the other woman reacted that she had succeeded.

What she hadn't expected was for Jack to kiss her. For Jack to rub her arms and pull her attempt what seemed to be efforts to comfort, to reassure.

Jaguar didn't kiss her back at first. She remained still, letting Jack touch her, letting her kiss her, and did not pull away or tense up, but neither did she return the affection, until Jack deepened the kiss, seeming to be insisting that she did so. Then only lightly did Jaguar return it, confused about her own feelings towards it.

This was helping Jack, she knew it. The question was where was the line between trying to help Jack, and opening herself to danger?

I won't let him hurt you again...

Even when Jack pulled away and no longer met her eyes, returning to her rougher exterior, it was a successful encounter between them. Why was it that Jaguar was left feeling shaky and small, rather than confident and in control?

"Yes," she said finally in response to Jack's question. "We are done."

She headed towards the door, knowing she would have to report in on Jeremiah, praying he had not been snooping around trying to peek into either of their thoughts. As she exited, she paused.

"Thank you, Jack."

As she made her way down to his office, knocking on the door, she was struggling to completely shield her thoughts and feelings again, unsure even of what it was that they were.

(that person is hot, lol)
As Jeremiah waited for Jaguar to free up her schedule and come to see him, he considered. He couldn't bring himself to reach out yet, to listen in to his facility, and it wasn't like him. He'd never let himself be afraid before, and even if it wasn't quite fear, something was stopping him. He wasn't a person to let emotion get in his way, or even to feel enough of it for it to affect him.

He'd let himself drift too far, before this, but it was more than that. He hadn't lost himself as thoroughly as Jaguar had thought. He hadn't slept because he had dreams - dreams of memories that weren't his and weren't pleasant. His own memories of the Killing Times were bad enough; being inside the mind of serial murders and rapists and psychopaths just made everything 100 times worse, even in surface thoughts. His own experiences he could deal with, but others' . . . He was just so detached from them that he couldn't do anything about the experience, and just close enough that it felt real.

When the door opened, he finally looked up from his desk, fingers laced together against his mouth, and waited for it to close behind her. ". . . I wanted to thank you in person." He said, without preamble. He had never much felt the need for social niceties, and was at least appreciative of the fact that his behavior hadn't changed, despite his turmoil. He'd earned his control over long years of struggle. "It seemed appropriate."
As Jaguar entered Jeremiah's office, she quickly scanned his facial expression, determining to herself whether he was here to lecture her the best that she could judging off his expression alone. He did not appear to be angry or harboring resentment, not that Jeremiah usually would be, and so she exhaled, allowing herself a tentative confidence that she had control of the situation after all.

She did not yet attempt to scan the surface of his thoughts, knowing that he may see that as impolite or an intrusion. Instead she merely smiled with her lips, if not her teeth, and nodded at his statement.

"You are welcome. It was no trouble, and I hope it was helpful to you. Nothing of great importance happened in your absence, I assure you."
Jeremiah nodded and gave a short, faint little smile. He was quite sure she was lying to him, even without reaching out to her, which he had yet to do. "It was very helpful." He said, though he did not repeat his thanks. He had already said it once and been acknowledge; there was no reason to say it all over again. "But I'm afraid I may be in need of the very same services in the future." He didn't think that the nightmares would go away, not unless he stopped monitoring or left Eyes of Man - neither of those things were going to happen.

"Have a seat." He said, gesturing to the chair across the desk from him. "You can bring me up to date on what things of no great importance have happened while I slept." It was generally a rule for Jaguar that when she tried to downplay something it was important, at least to a small degree, and he had long since made a habit of finding out what was important to such a strong empathy.

"I would prefer to share empathically, as it is the quickest route," He continued, "But you may use whichever method you see fit." Perhaps if he connected with Jaguar first it would break him back into his old habits. He was going to have to shake off this hesitance one way or another.
"In need of the same services? Was that not enough?" Jaguar questioned, confused, as she sat down in front of him. "I thought you only required one day a month or something along those lines."

She wasn't complaining, of course. When Jeremiah was unconscious, she could get away with infinitely more than when he wasn't. Still, she tried to keep this optimism from showing in her thoughts as she listened to the rest of what he was asking of her. Bring him up to date...she heard the slight sarcasm in his tone as he repeated her own phrase back to her. If he really wanted to know what had happened he would ask Rinji, who always seemed to know exactly and had no qualms of sharing.

Her lips twitched slightly at this thought, and she shrugged, still casual as she said, "I prefer speaking aloud. I can tell you that there appears to be an understanding and rapport building between me and Jack, and that the twins as well appear to be inching forward somewhat. Other than that, same old, same old. You missed very little."

She dared him to challenge that.
Jeremiah arched an eyebrow slightly when she made a guess at his 'schedule', as he'd never had her do something like this to him before. She'd been too uncontrolled when she was younger, and hadn't known him for very long, and after that she'd had her own focuses. He hadn't wanted to distract her and, not knowing if he could trust her then, he hadn't wanted to ask.

"I do tend to need sleep every few days or so." He said, rather than answering the question directly, and just waited patiently as she gave him her summary of what was going on. When she was done, he sighed softly and rested a hand against his forehead, rubbing faintly, then shook his head. "I hope that some day you will stop this endless workaround of yours and speak to me directly, rather than giving only lies and half truths."

It seemed she almost never told him the truth. He could understand keeping personal matter to herself, but when she hid her work from him she wasn't allowing him to do his job, nor was she allowing him to give her the help she might need. She was a strong empath, of that he was sure, and she was gaining her experience - but she lacked control, at times, and it was his aim to teach her that control.

"Believe me, Miss Addams," He said, catching her eyes with his again, "If I did not approve of you and your methods, you would not be here at all." But perhaps she didn't know that he was the reason she was here. That he was the one who had taken notice of her, watched over her, and guided her here, even pulled what strings he could to get her the job and keep her there. It had never been necessary to tell her.
Every few days or so...that was news to Jaguar. From what she understood, it was considerably less frequently, but then, maybe he was recently trying to change this. If that was the case, there had to be a reason...was it because of her?

She could tell as she looked back at him, steadily meeting his eyes, that Jeremiah did not believe her words. She was not lying to him, exactly, so much as skirting around truth. Still, she had to check her response to him for complete inaccuracies before she finally came up with a reply.

"You disprove of some of my methods. I wouldn't expect otherwise. I know I'm not a conventional worker, Jeremiah. But I do know what I"m doing, and I'm getting results. Please...can you trust that?"
Jeremiah watched her as she formulated her answer, and even without reaching out to her he knew that she was doing it again. He had a feeling that she would do it no matter what he said, calculate her response so that it hided anything she didn't feel like he needed to know, kept secret everything but what she specifically wanted to tell him in that moment. It was frustrating, and disconcerting in the fact that it was capable of frustrating him.

He sighed, finally, and just rested his head against his clasped hands for a moment. "I have always trusted you, Miss Addams." He said, and shook his head slowly. He had always trusted her, but it seemed she would never trust him in return. He was going to have to simply accept that as fact and move on. He had bigger problems to worry about, in any case. "You may go back to your duties, then." He picked his head up and gave her a little wave towards the door, just picking up the few papers that rested in his 'in' box to look them over. While he recovered, he would look through some of the footage of what had gone on while he slept, then force himself to reach out to the complex again, as always. He couldn't keep withdrawn any longer - it was back to business now, personal discomforts aside.
(Primal things says she doesn't have regular internet access for some time now, so for now I guess I will control her characters if necessary.)

Jaguar remained still for a few moments after Jeremiah had dismissed her, continuing to search his face for his intentions and feelings. He was clearly displeased with her, even disappointed, but he seemed resigned to her lack of response and was not pressing her further. That didn't mean, however, that he wasn't trying to pry at her thoughts in such a subtle manner that she couldn't tell, and it didn't mean that he wouldn't ask around later about her activities while he was in his unconscious state.

It didn't occur to her that he might watch the videos of her actions during his absence and draw his own conclusions, or even stumble across the facts. Later she would think of this and be worried, but for now she simply stood, backing away towards the door. But before she leaves, she turns back to him, speaking evenly.

"If we are finished here, since you are awake now, then I guess it's okay for me to see Mason now."


After her conversation with Bailey, Rinji is, as ever, in a cheerful mood, and she walks down the hallway humming to herself, deciding on a new visitor to see. Of course, as with the twins, she has no key to Jack's cell, but this doesn't stop her from making her way towards it and lightly knocking on its small plastic window as she peered through.

"Hi Jack, it's me!"
((Oh, that stinks :( I would be so bored without internet. . . Though I guess it would make me get back to reading the numerous books I bought and left unread on my shelves xD I should really do that))

Jeremiah focused on getting back to work even as Jaguar observed him, knowing she was doing it but not quite caring enough to stop her. When she finally got up and walked to the door, he almost said goodbye, but she spoke up first. Mason Cooper. That man was an ever-present subject when around Jaguar, and nothing about the two together sat well with Jeremiah.

"I have not lifted the protocols I set before I slept." He said, looking at her sharply though not quite harshly or angrily. "As per my directions, you will not step foot inside that room without my being there." He shook his head. "It can wait until I've gotten caught up, Miss Addams. Mason Cooper is not going anywhere." And he wouldn't, not for a very, very long time, if ever. Jeremiah had a feeling this man would never be rehabilitated and would eventually need to be shipped to some other type of facility for safe keeping.
(I won't have internet myself until Monday at my new house, but I go to the library a lot and I do have it at the house I'm at now)

Jaguar's lips thinned as Jeremiah replied to her, and she shook her head very slightly, thoroughly disliking Jeremiah's words. He had no idea what he was doing, denying her access to the man, just as he had no idea what it did to her when she was around him. Mason knew her in a way that Jaguar wanted no one to know her, understood a not so distant past her that she wished only to eradicate. If Jeremiah would not let her work with him and against him on her own terms, how would she ever be able to fix the wrongs that he had committed against her? How could she help herself, let alone him?

"I have done nothing to harm the man or anyone else," she said tightly, looking Jeremiah in the eyes, and allowing some passion to come through in her expression for the first time. "You thought I was harming Jack too and my methods actually brought a higher level of rapport and understanding between us, just as was intended, WHILE you were absent. Why can't you trust me with him as well? You say that you trust me and I don't trust you, well maybe it would be easier to trust me if I saw more evidence that you trusted me."
Jeremiah almost frowned as she spoke, wondering when he had ever shown concern about Jack, of all people. She was a spitfire with a lot of bark and only a little bite, and he had never feared for Jaguar's safety around the girl. But thinking back, he supposed his timing could have been interpreted that way.

"I wasn't worried about your sessions with Jacklyn, Miss Addams." He shook his head. "Neither you nor her were any danger to each other. As for Mason Cooper, and my trust in you, I am not afraid of you hurting him, I -" But he stopped, for once cutting himself off when he'd meant to say something out loud because he found he hadn't quite gotten the words together before he spoke.

It was difficult for him to put into words, things like this. He had never had much experience with human relations, even as a child, and as an adult things were infinitely more complicated. He had preferred to focus on his work and avoid it entirely, but now? Now it was clear to him that he did not quite care what happened to Mason Cooper. He cared about the obvious and powerful influence the man had over Jaguar, and realized also that he had never quite stopped watching over her. He had always kept a closer eye on her than anyone else, and he'd let himself carry on too long. She wouldn't appreciate the thought of him wanting to protect her.

((gtg bye!))
"You seemed to think I was a danger to her," Jaguar contradicted, her tone even, but her eyes intent. She took a step away from the door and towards Jeremiah but left the door partly ajar as she continued speaking. "You told me to leave her room because you felt she was in distress. I was working with her. We are breaking through her tendency to wall herself off and reject intimacy of any kind, and it's beginning to affect her. But you didn't trust the process and asked me to leave. Maybe I did push her too hard that day, but to find someone's breaking point, you have to constantly push against their sharpest edges."

She blinks, her mouth opening and then closing only slowly as she hears and takes in the meaning of Jeremiah's clarification about Mason Cooper. If he isn't afraid of her hurting Mason...he's afraid of Mason hurting her? But how did he come to this conclusion that he might? What had he seen, what did he know already?

"Jeremiah," she said slowly, unconsciously licking her lips before continuing. "What makes you think that Mason might pose more of a risk to me than any other violent prisoner here? What...why would you think he's the one that I can't control? He isn't an empath. I should have more control of him than what makes you think he's different?"
Jeremiah shook his head slowly. "Jacklyn is a volatile, fragile being at times, and I underestimated her resilience. Congratulations, Miss Addams. You have broke the wayward stallion - or at least, you have begun to. I will concede that point in this instance, but I will not apologize for taking precautions. The Eyes of Man's purpose is to rehabilitate, not to provoke or damage further." Jack had been teetering on the edge when he had interrupted them, and he hadn't wanted either her or Jaguar to push too far.

He can see it, though he doesn't reach out to her, can see the moment she realizes what he's said, even though it's afterwards clear she doesn't know what he kept himself from saying afterwards. So be it, he thought. He refused to let this uncertainty float between them, and even if it would make her angry with him he was going to speak the words he had held back, if only to get her to understand his precautions, even if she didn't like them.

"Empath or not," Jeremiah pressed on, keeping eye contact because for now it was the only way to gauge her reactions, "Mason Cooper is inside your head. He's manipulated you, in ways you may refuse to see. You think you are always in control, but you are wrong. When you first spoke to this man, you experienced a sharp spike in fear, anger, and hate - feelings that you had heretofore kept in check, feelings that stung with familiarity, from you and from him. He knows you, and you know him in turn, and I know that you will never willingly tell me why that is, but whether you like it or not he is in control. And I worry for you."

It was why Jeremiah wanted to be in the room, so that he could be close enough to even freeze them both if he had to. He wasn't quite sure he could calm Jaguar to the point of acquiescence, not with her willpower and strength, but an ordinary man would be easy. She had worked long and hard to have the skill and control that she had gotten thus far, and he would do anything he could to keep her from losing it, especially to a despicable man like Mason Cooper. Jeremiah would not see her relapsed into the small, scared child she had been just to fulfill the selfish desire of having her not hate him.
"I wasn't damaging Jack,"Jaguar argued back, shaking her head. That much, he had to get straight. She liked the girl, she wasn't about to screw with her just for the fun of it. "She's tougher than you think, like you said. You have to provoke to heal sometimes, and that's all it was."

She ignored the nagging knowledge that this wasn't ALL that it was; she was in part using her work with Jaguar to soothe herself of her anger and frustration from Mason. But Jeremiah had no need to know this, and it had worked out in the end, hadn't it?

But as off the base as she felt that he was with his assessment of her time with Jack, he was dead on in his assumption of her time with Mason. Jaguar wasn't sure how he could know it- was it possible he looked into her dreams without her knowing? But somehow, she was sure he knew, or at least suspected, and a slow chill swept over her as she fought not to avert her eyes from him, sure this would be an admission of truth.

He was right...Mason was in her head, whether he put himself there or she allowed him to enter and take up residence herself. He affected most of her day now and all of her thought, and she could not seem to force him aside. But how could she let Jeremiah see this? How could she tell him that he was right, when it would cost so much more than she could afford to lose?

And yet he knew. He knew and he was worried, and somehow this brought a slight lump to Jaguar's throat she had to fight not to acknowledge or show.

"Don't worry," she said, but her voice was softer than she would have liked. "It's...Jeremiah, I'm fine."
Jeremiah let Jaguar have her point of view of Jack's progress, even if he didn't quite agree with her. He didn't want to argue that point anymore, because it wasn't quite as important at the moment and he could deal with it later. Now he had to make her understand, and even if it seemed that she knew of his concern, perhaps she didn't quite get how dangerous Mason Cooper was.

"I want you to exercise the most extreme caution that you can." He said, instead of pointing out that no, he did not suspect she was 'fine'. "Keep yourself walled off from him as much as you possibly can, and never set foot inside his cell or inside his mind without me present and observing." She wouldn't appreciate his restrictions or his oversight, but it was for her safety, so hard feelings be damned. ". . . I trust you, Miss Addams, but I am going to keep his cell locked to you." He didn't want her emotions running high and causing her to slip up and do something foolish.
Keep herself walled off from Mason? He wasn't an empath, so this wasn't even a concern. What did Mason mean by that when it wasn't even possible to be "open" to him, at least mentally?

She wanted to argue and nail down this point, but Jaguar suspected that it would only take up time that Jeremiah could use to make more valid points, ones she couldn't squirm away from. If he started asking the questions she didn't want to answer, or prying in her thoughts, she could hardly avoid him much longer.

She didn't know what he thought Mason would do to her if she were to see him alone again. Hurt her, try to rape her? What could he really do to her that she couldn't mentally fight back against to stop him before he finished? With no weapons but his body...

But then, that had once been weapon enough.

Jaguar gave a slight shudder at the thought and immediately regretted it, knowing Jeremiah must have noticed. Hoping he would forget if she replied quickly enough, she raised her voice slightly.

"Fine. Completely ridiculous, but whatever."

It's not like she can't speak into Mason's mind or stand outside his door any time she wants.
Jeremiah watched her carefully, as he always did, and the quick, subtle shake her body had given wasn't something that escaped his notice. He did his best to just let it go, because no matter what he did she would never tell him why. He would just have to sit back and observe, and protect her as best he could. As much as she would let him. It was the thought of keeping an eye on her and keeping her safe that finally made him let out a slow, careful breath, and start opening his senses to the rest of the complex again. It was almost overwhelming at first, but he was used to it, and he settled into his role just like always.

"You may go, Miss Addams." He said, because there was nothing else to be said on the matter of Mason Cooper that wouldn't simply be restating something he'd already told her. "Attend to your other inmates first and we will return to the matter at hand once I have gotten myself caught up with all that's happened."
Getting himself caught up on what happened...that was what Jaguar dreaded. Whether he spoke to Bailey or to Jack, to Rinji or to Mason himself, undoubtedly something would get said that she didn't want him to hear, and that was what made it difficult for her to leave to "attend to the other inmates," because she knew the moment she left, he would begin to dig deeper into her business.

She opened the door to his office again, preparing to exit, but though she keeps her back to Jeremiah as she walks away, she leaves her mind lightly tuned in to his thoughts and emotions on a surface level, wanting to at least be aware of who it was he was talking to and what emotions they invoked in him. She wasn't about to completely refocus on something else with this lurking danger.

It wasn't that she didn't trust Jeremiah, really. She knew he would always do the right thing, as he saw it, and he sincerely thought he was doing what was best for her. Her concern was that they didn't see eye to eye on just what that best was, and inadvertently he would do worse by her. As she walks away she is heading towards the twins to work with them, even as Rinji continues to call out to Jack from her cell.
As Jaguar walked out, Jeremiah was already beginning to skim through the footage of the time since he'd slept, not focusing on anything in particular as he made sure nothing major had gone wrong. There were no alerts waiting for him, so he was sure no major disasters had occurred, and yet he still had to check and see for himself. There wasnt much turmoil in the facility now as he scanned it carefully, wary of his own headaches and apprehensions, ignoring his own hesitance and pushed past it. He couldn't let himself why away from his own duties, despite discomforts.

It was a clue to how focused he had to be to keep himself in control and doing what he was supposed to that he didn't notice Jaguar's presence at the very fringes of his mind for nearly twenty minutes. Sighing, Jeremiah shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. I am not such a closed book that you must communicate secretly, Miss Adams, He sent. If you wish to speak with me about something, you may meet me in my office and discuss it directly. Until that point, focus on your duties. He shut her out after that, and just went back to focusing on his own tasks.


Crane was lying on his back on their bed, his head dangling off far enough his hair almost brushed the ground. ". . . You're turning purple." He said, blinking curiously at his brother, as if unable to recall what had actually caused the bruises blooming darkly on List's throat. Then again, it was possible that that was the case. Crane did have a tendency to 'forget, List's injuries and their causes in an effort to protect himself.

List sighed and looked a bit sourly at his reflection in the mirror, then just turned and walked back to sit next to Crane, in order to stop the boy from making himself dizzy. "Thank you, Crane. I'm aware of that." He was going to get in trouble for this wasnt he? Although, if he went along with what apparently everyone seemed to think about he and his brother being intimate with each other, he could claim it was on purpose. If they didn't dig too deeply, that was. God, he hated being around other empaths. A least living with Crane had taught him at least a little bit of defense against it. He could lock the experience away in the mental box he reserved for other things he didn't want Crane accidentally cleaning.
((wow, I totally stopped getting notifs for this -_- ))

Jack had laid back down on her cot after Jaguar had left, her lips still tingling from their kiss. It was just as the first had been, had stirred feelings inside her that she couldn't explain, and frankly didn't really want to.

She had just closed her eyes when she heard the tapping on the window of her door and the corners of her lips twitched. Had the kiss been that good that the good doctor was already back for more. Dragging her feet off the side of the bed, Jack's smirk didn't falter when she heard Rinji's cheerful voice and hurried to the window, grinning as she slapped the palm of one hand against the plastic, a little too enthusiastically and grinned at the blonde woman.

"Hey there cutie..." she winked and her smile widened, leaning against the door.
Outside the twins' cell, Jaguar stiffened as Jeremiah spoke into her head. She had not realized he had noticed her "spying" on him and his voice of reproof comes as a surprise. Somewhat formally, she nods, though he cannot see, and withdraws her presence from his mind. Even as she goes to open the twins' cell, however, following proper procedure, her mind is back with him.

How can the man consistently affect her as he does?

She sees immediately as she enters the room that List's throat is bruised, and she makes a noise of concern, stepping one step closer. "You are injured." Her eyes move to Crane, though she doesn't ask or yet try to enter their thoughts.


"Hi Jack," Rinji repeated, smiling through the small slitted window as she balanced awkwardly on her toes, her other hand pressing against the glass to meet with Jack's palm. "You look cute too...your face is a little red. Are you hot, or are you blushing? You don't have to be shy around me, you know. I'm not shy so there's no need for you to be!"

She traced the outline of Jack's fingers with her own as she continued, "I really wish I had a key. We could have a lot more fun if I did but I'll just talk to you now."
List stiffened a bit when the door opened, Crane just looking towards it curiously and not getting up. List resisted the urge to make any sarcastic remarks about her stating the obvious, instead debating briefly whether or not he should joke or be serious. His expression never changed, either way, but eventually he just leaned back on a hand, slipping easily into a position that was casual but not overly so, and shrugged.

"I've seen worse." He said, rather than allude to any cause of his current bruising, and finally reached down to pull Crane back up onto the bed. "You'll get dizzy." He explained, so Crane wouldn't complain.

Crane just smiled at him a little, already looking slightly dazed. "I like dizzy."

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