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Nina suddenly felt a little more shy in front of the man. He wasn’t someone she expected to run a sweet shop. She more expected a kind, small old lady or something. Not a huge and somewhat intimidating man. Intimidating to her at least.

When Midori got her attention it was then that she realized she was still holding onto his hand. She quickly let go and blushed lightly, feeling somewhat embarrassed. She hoped he didn’t think she was weird. She just got distracted by the many treats around her.

She looked around after asked her what she wanted. She glanced at the man once more and instead of speaking, simply pointed at the things she wanted, kind of like a shy child. She decided to get some Dango as well. After she was done showing him what she wanted, she shyly handed over her money, and the man packed up their haul. Once they had what they needed, they walked out of the shop together. After a moment of silence Nina spoke up. “S-Sorry about Uh...” she held up her hand as if you apologize for her holding his hand for so long.
Midori shook his head as he smiled at Nina, "Don't worry about it. You didn't do anything wrong." He looked away for a second and whispered to himself, "Although, it felt kinda nice..." He snapped back to attention and diverted the topic, "And we finally have our food! I can't wait to eat it!"

He turned towards her with a worried look over his face. He leaned close and whispered, "Didn't you think that man was suspicious or something? He looked too tough to be keeping a sweetshop."
Nina moved gaze to the ground as they slowly walked, making their way to an inn. “I don’t know...” she said softly. “I wasn’t try to look at him too much. It did seem odd though... but who knows? Maybe the man just likes sweet.” She looked up at Midori. “It could be suspicious. But tough guys can like baking cakes and stuff too.” She said with a small smile.

After a little bit of walking, Nina quickly pointed out a building. “Look! I think that’s the inn.” The building looked traditional, somewhat fancy, not too big but not too small either. Nina was excited to take a rest from walking and snack on some sweets. They walked in together and walked up to the front desk. There was a sweet looking old women behind it, wearing a lovely mint green kimono. “Hello there! How may I help you?” The old woman asked.
Midori had already eaten half of his dango pack. Each bite he took immersed his tongue with its sweet flavor. He gobbled up a few more dango pieces before they were greeted by an old woman manning the front desk. He quickly finished the remaining dango and stashed his food pack away in his bag.

Midori leaned on the front desk and said, "We're looking for somewhere to sleep in for the night. Do you have any available room for the two of us?"
The woman gave them a sweet smile. “Aren’t you two cute.” She commented. “Let me see what I have.” Nina have the women a confused look. What was that supposed to mean? Cute? Was it like what that man said earlier, calling them little kids? She sighed and shrugged it off.

The old woman looked through a small book for a few moment. “Ah! As I matter of fact I do have something for you. How long were you looking to stay?” She asked. “Uhm... a-a few days.” Nina spoke up. The woman nodded before handing them a key and telling them where their room was. They thanked her and began making their way to the room.
While making their way to the rooms, Midori looked around and admired the beautiful, but simple inn they were staying at. Tiny trees breathed life into the establishment and calligraphy art hung from sections of walls, stating quotes and words from important figures. One such writing stated, "Don’t fear failure. Fear doing nothing." The quotee's name was written on the bottom of the paper.

Midori came nearer and read it out loud, "Sage of Six Paths" He frowned a bit, not recognizing the name. He turned towards Nina and asked, "Nina-chan? Who is this Sage of Six Paths guy?"
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Nina glanced at Midori for a moment, then to the name under the quote. “Oh, I don’t really know too much about him. They say he’s the father of all Shinobi. That he created the Shinobi world we know today. Or something like that. A lot of people say it’s just a story though...” She told him.

They finally made it to their room and Nina sighed with relief seeing two beds. She was worried the old woman would get the wrong idea. She let out another sigh as she flopped onto one of the beds and stared up at the ceiling. “This is nice...” she mumbled.
Midori pondered over the name for the moment. He wondered how the person became the 'Father of all Shinobi'. He shrugged it off and continued towards their room. He can research and learn more about this Sage of Six Paths after rest.

Upon making it into their rooms, Midori whistled while he admired the room they rented. It looked simple and it was quite a cozy place for him. He put down his bag and jumped onto one of the beds. He shifted a bit before he cuddled a pillow as if his life depended on it. He looked over Nina's direction and smiled, "I agree, this place is really cozy!"
She nodded and closed her eyes. “I guess we should rest for a bit... is there anything you wanted to do today? I’m fine with doing something or just relaxing... a nap sounds nice.” She said, turning on her side and curling up.

She stayed silent for a few moments before she spoke up again. “We could always figure out where we’re going next. I-I mean... if you want t-to that is. W-We don’t have to go together...” she said quietly. She didn’t mind if they kept traveling together. She enjoyed his company and traveling alone could get kinda lonely at times. She just wasn’t sure if he would want to do the same.
Midori blushed a bit when he realized what she meant. She might like hanging out with him even though he was just a runt-like and inexperienced kid, he thought. He leaned back and placed his head on the soft pillows, “I think I want to train with you, about ninjutsu that is. Pretty much the reason I went out of my village was to learn more about the world and chakra.”

He shifted his position until he was facing Nina and looked directly at her, “If you don’t mind me saying, I am relieved that I met you.” He smiled as he remembered how their awkward first meeting went beside a river inside the deep forest. “Come to think of it, I would have been Bandit Meat by now if I didn’t meet you.”
Nina looked back at him and smiled softly. “Well... T-Thanks, that’s very nice. And I-I really didn’t do much... I’m sure you would have been fine on your own.” She mumbled before closing her eyes again.

“I’ll try my best to train you... but I’ve never really trained anyone before so I’m a little nervous...” she admitted. “I-I wouldn’t exactly say I’m an expert...” she sighed and relaxed into her bed. She had a feeling she could fall asleep at any time, and she didn’t mind. So far their day had been kinda long... “We can start later if you’d like...” she mumbled, tiredly.
Midori felt tingling sensations rush inside him, waves of happiness and gratefulness for being accepted as a student. “I really can’t thank you enough, Nina-chan. I’ll do my best! Please take care of me.” He suddenly felt tired and slowly swayed side to side. His eyes started to droop and his vision started to get hazy. “I’m getting really tired,” he whispered to himself.

Midori yawned loudly and his head slammed back towards the soft embrace of his bed. “I agree, Nina-chan…” He yawned again and continued, “Let’s continue this tomorrow. For now, we sleep…” After whispering that statement, his eyes completely went shut and he started snoring deeply as if he went asleep on command.
Nina woke up somewhat late the next morning, but was surprised she was still the first to wake up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes before pulling herself out of bed. She decided to take him time to take a shower, she felt like she needed on. She went into the bathroom and turned on the water. She smiled to herself, the hot water felt great.

Once she was done, she got dressed and decided to Wake up Midori. She shook him gently. “Wake up, let’s get some breakfast.” She suggested as she continued to shake him. “Then we can start your training.” She smiled.
Midori stepped back as he dodged the assassin's slash. He countered with a kick to her chest, pushing her a few feet away. The loud impact of his kick echoed around the coliseum they fought in. The girl slowly grinned and mouthed, "Wake up..."

Midori lowered his eyebrows and tilted his head, confused. "What do you mean?" He settled into a fighting stance, legs apart and both fists forward. His vision started shaking and everything faded in the darkness. "Let's get some breakfast. Then we can start your training," a feminine voice echoed in the darkness of his vision. His eyes opened and he saw Nina staring directly at him

Midori quickly sat up from his bed and yawned. He had a really interesting dream, about fighting and stuff. He turned to look at Nina while a bit of drool dropped from his mouth. "Goodz morneeng, Nina-tyan..." he slurred, his mind still slow and drowzy from sleep.
Nina couldn’t help but giggle a little and shake her head. “Good morning. I’m not usually a morning person but I woke up first.” She chuckled and stepped back from his bed. “Come on, get ready. It’s a new day.” She smiled softly and went over to the window in their room, looking out at the village.

She sat and waited for Midori as he got ready. Her mind wandered as she thought about what she should eat for breakfast, how she should start the training, where they should head next, and of course, how weird that sweet shop guy was. The old woman was kinda creepy too... but old people tend to do that. Big sweet shop guy was just strange and she didn’t like being around him when they were there.
Midori jumped off the bed and blushed, “I’ll take a bath now! Sorry for waking up so late!” He turned towards the exit and dashed towards the bathroom. He undressed quickly and jumped inside the shower, turning on the knob for hot water. As soon as the hot water hit his skin, waves of simple pleasure poured all over his body. He laughed as he wholeheartedly brushed and cleaned his body, “Hot water is the best!”

Finished with his shower, he dressed quickly in simple but flexible clothes, prepared for his morning training with Nina-chan. He went towards the window of their room where Nina-chan was sitting by. She looked to be deep in thought as she watched over the village.

Midori poked her shoulder and said, “Good morning Nina-chan. Did you sleep well last night?”
She quickly turned her head towards him when he tapped her shoulder and gave him a soft smile. “Good morning. I slept well, thank you. It was nice to sleep in a bed. It feels like forever since I last slept in one.” She said, thinking back to how cozy and warm the bed was. “Anyway, let’s go look around. I know Kusa has shinobi so there’s got to be a training ground somewhere around here.” She said as she stood up.

They both walked out of the building and began exploring the village. There were lots of villagers walking the streets and shopkeepers showing off their merchandise. There was also many lovely smells coming from food stands and restaurants. Nina likes how peaceful and beautiful the village seemed.
As Midori followed Nina through the village, he noticed a walled-off section off the village right beside the road. He went near the section’s gate and read the large sign posted atop the gate. “7th Training Ground, huh? Wait, Isn’t this one of those training grounds you were talking about, Nina-chan?” Midori asked as he pointed at the sign.

His eyes focused on what was inside the gate. A large field of grass surrounded by groups of trees covered his vision. A thin river cut through the field in a calm, straight line. Flowers, bushes, and sticks littered the grass floor. For Midori, this looked like the perfect place to train in. Midori turned towards Nina and said, “I think this really is a training ground. It’s so open and wide. We’ve got tons of space to work with.”



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Nina smiled as they entered the training ground. “This is perfect, it’s been awhile since I’ve been to a training ground...” she sighed quietly, taking in the sights. They explored for a few moments before getting settled in.

Nina took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to think of where to start. “Sorry, I’m very new at this.” She said quietly. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at Midori. “Well... let’s start with uh, why you want to learn this and maybe what you already know? J-Just so I don’t go over something you already have down... like chakra control, how are you at that?” She asked, obviously a little nervous. She truly wanted to help him and be a good teacher, but she was worried she might mess up.

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