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Fandom The Farmhouse Dream { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Rowan was not exactly skittish but he was not exactly trusting either. They had spent a long time for little ones on their own. They were running out of food. He was starting to worry how they were going to be able to stay there. He thought about leaving, but it was scary outside those walls. “Where?” He was not sure where they could go. “More trees?” He didn’t like the trees. That’s where all the scary things hid.

Asher held himself up with one hand on the barn. He blinked several more times, watching Carlos disappear. He focused on Jordan. “I’m… fine. He’s,” not. Clearly. but what was he supposed to do? He paled. No. No he wasn’t going to be that person again. They used that only for hunting game now. “I don’t-“ do that anymore? Need that. Carlos clearly did. Jordan was right. If he wanted to get past Alex, he could. They did know him as well as they might like, not yet. It was still evident how much Kaleb meant to him. “Okay.” He shook off the fear of what could be happening to Kaleb and the stun from Carlos. “District him.“ He ran off towards the farmhouse. Nate did as he was told, because Carlos was a big guy, especially compare to Nate’s little guy self. There was no doing anything against that. From here, they could hear the sniffling. They could see the way that his body moved. Nate thought it reminded him of people misusing medications. Or other various things. If that was Carlos normal, he could only imagine. “Move, Alex.” This was a command. Carlos didn’t command people. His voice wasn’t supposed to do that. It made Nate want to move. Good thing he already had. “This is exactly how we find him. Staying here isn’t doing anything. Come with me or move.” That was about when he got there and slid to a halt too close for Nate’s comfort.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Killian looked at Kaleb, then at Rowan. He knew they couldn’t stay here much longer. Either from no food or something else. Kaleb looked between the two. “Jackson. It’s a beautiful town. No scary monsters, no scary people. Wonderful people live there. It’s magical.” Kaleb said as Killian blinked his eyes and shifted closer to Kaleb. “Really?” He asked, voice full of awe.

Jordan looked at Asher, hearing him. He knew that he was asking a lot but at this point. This was what they needed. They needed to get Carlos to slow down and breathe. Running off on unchecked emotions will be his downfall. “Okay gorgeous, but be quick yeah? Not really looking to be a Jordan pancake.” He said, even in this stressful situation he still joked. Then Jordan jogged after Carlos. Alex heard that command from Carlos but shook his head defiantly. “No.” His voice never wavered. Never changed. He wasn’t moving. “If you run off without thinking first, you’ll kill yourself and never find him.” Alex added, and he was stubborn. He knew this was a side of Carlos they’d never seen before. But Alex, at his core, was a warrior who’d seen and engaged in several battles with warriors double his size and strength. Hell, he’d trained with Ezekiel in hand to hand and they were very different stature wise. “Back up.” A command of his own, and then. “Beautiful stand down.” Jordan was beside Alex, locking their arms together. Distract the upset big guy. Here goes nothing.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

No scary monsters. No scary people. Rowan was not sure what that would even look like. Something magical where people lived. More people. When was the last time that they saw more people? “But you are lost.” This was the hardest part for his little mind to get around. If all were lost, how would they get out? Even if Kaleb was from a magical place with nothing scary, how would they get there? He drew his knees to his chest and rested his head on them. What Rowan wanted was a hero.

Nate had never actually been afraid of Carlos. He may have been a little unnerved by him at the beginning. Him with that perfect hair and manicured clothing. That hat. He looked too good for the world that they lived in. Too good. Even when he was running around pummeling infected and blowing up some really terrifying hunters, he was always doing it with a smile. Even when he got shot, Carlos was never anything to be scared of. He was just Carlos. But this? Nate didn’t even know what he was looking at. It was so cold and dark out here. The lights in Jackson were totally out, which meant they were in almost complete darkness. They were lucky that they had more moon than not, otherwise they might not have been able to see much at all. It was enough, though. It was enough to see how the guy standing in front of Alex was an entirely different person than the one they were used to seeing. No laughing and joking. No shameless flirting. This was someone who was running off of fear. When he moved, his entire body jerked. He was erratic. It honestly reminded Nate of the infected, and in that moment, he wondered just how bad it would be if Carlos became one of them.

When Jordan joined Alex, there was a visible shift in Carlos. He did not step back exactly, but he shifted. Nate wondered exactly what that meant. “Stand down?” Carlos’ voice wasn’t his own. It was injected with so much pain that it nearly made Nate forget what was happening. “How can I do that, Jordan? How can you ask me to stop? We have to find him!” Desperate. Those were desperate words, and Nate understood them. If Alex was missing, he would be desperate too. In a sudden turn of perspective, entirely unexpected, Carlos whipped his entire body around and was looking at Nate. He hated being on the other end of that gaze. It felt like Carlos was blaming him on the lack of Kaleb. Like Nate led Kaleb astray. “You promised me.” Carlos took two steps closer to him, and Nate was not sure if it was worse that the words were breaking him apart or if it very much felt like Carlos was going to. “Promi-“ “You promised me! You promised that you were going to fix him!” “I-“ “And now he’s-“ the words did not just falter. They tumbled away as Carlos’ face contorted in a kind of agony that Nate had never seen before. In a moment of weakness, he reached out. Carlos pushed Nate’s hands away, only it was more than hands. It was full arms too, and he had a lot of emotion swirling in there. Nate stumbled back to the ground as Carlos stood there. Shaking. Struggling to breathe. He looked down, and Nate could see there were a million things rolling in that head of his, and all of them were bad. He was suddenly two steps from Alex. One. “He’s your brother too! And you’re just going to let him-“ his breath was gone. “suffer. And you?” Those eyes, pupils so dilated they seemed to be taking over, washed over Jordan like he had been lying to Carlos since the day they met. Nate realized in that moment that if he had to, Carlos would go through all of them to get through that gate. Or anywhere. He would do anything. They were lucky that he only just made that decision.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Killian looked at Kaleb who had taken another step towards the bed, his eyes narrowed as he did. "I am lost, but I have a hero coming to save me. He'll save all of us. May I join you on the bed?" Kaleb asked, now close to the mattress. Killian looked at Rowan and shifted away from his brother to make room for the male. He missed his dad and he was so scared and tired of running. There was something about Kaleb that made him feel like, if anyone would help them, he would.

Alex watched Carlos, the shifting and shaking, and both of them heard the pain that was injected into the words as he repeated them. Jordan bit his lip as he heard the desperation in his words. "And we will find him. We aren't saying that. But we can't.. we can't go running in those woods with emotions as high as they are." Jordan said, as Alex nodded. Though his blood boiled as he saw him turn to Nate, and he was frozen as he heard him. Heard the words tumble away as he spoke. This was not the Carlos they all know and love. This was one driven by fear and desperation.

When Nate stumbled to the ground, he wanted to go to him. But then he had Carlos a step away from him. His sharp brown eyes looked up at him, there was a height difference and size difference. "I know he is my brother. I don't want him to suffer. But if you run off like you are, it will not end well. You'll fall off a cliff or.. and then Kaleb would be alone. He'd want you to listen to us. Not shove us around and beat us up because we're trying to help you. Stand down. Now." Alex's voice was not loud, he was stern however. Jordan saw that look and he clenched his fists. Come on gorgeous, we need back up He thought as he looked into the eyes that seemed to say he'd been lying to Carlos from day one.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Rowan was still very unsure. After all this time of hoping someone would come to be their hero, he was now afraid. It was so easy to be afraid when things were new and changing. Was this a good change? Killian seemed to believe it. Rowan thought that maybe he was right. Hopefully. “You have a hero coming?” Suddenly he wanted to know more, because all Rowan wanted for them was a hero. “Where is he?” Could he come faster? Did he know where they were?

Who are you? Those were the words that trickled through his mind and seized his senses. Who are you to stand between me and my Kaleb? They wanted to stop him for what? For his own safety? He didn’t care about his own safety. He didn’t care about cliffs, because Kaleb was already alone. Even if he were with people, he was alone. He didn’t have Carlos. That was the worst kind of alone that he could be. It was Carlos’ job to keep him safe. It was on him to make sure that he never fell back down into the hell Carlos dragged him out of. Jordan should understand. He was doing the same thing with Asher. And yet, here was Jordan, someone who acted like Kaleb was one of his inner sanctum, telling him no. Acting as backup for Alex who was supposed to be on his side. Handsome or not, he seemed to think that ordering Carlos to stop meant anything. It meant nothing. Nothing meant anything if he didn’t have Kaleb. What if he was hurt? What if he was somewhere waiting for Carlos to find him? And they were delaying him. They would be the reasons that he was-

“I am going to find him!” He shoved his way forward, caring not for limbs he may have hit or pushed or whatever. He did not care if it hurt someone. He did not want to hurt them, but they had to know that this was not an option. Waiting was not an option. He had to get through this gate. So he grabbed at arms in an attempt. He flailed to make it harder for him to be caught. He excelled in hand to hand combat, so he was used to not getting hit. He was also used to knowing how to fight. And he would fight if he had to. Ramming hands and elbows and feet wherever he had to in order to get this gate open. He would rather just move them out of the way. So he tried that first.

He didn’t notice Asher who was running back up from behind him. He wouldn’t notice him as long as no one said anything about it. Nate did while he was on the ground. Nate thought it was better to stay quiet and also there. Asher caught Jordan’s eyes and pleaded to hold on just a moment longer. He had to get up there first. He put a finger to his lips. This was only going to work if Carlos wasn’t paying attention.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb nodded, hearing the question from Rowan. "I do. His name is Carlos. He's saved me before and he'll save us too." Kaleb said, slipping onto the bed in between the two. Killian shifted to sit beside him. "Well, he's somewhere at the edge of the woods." Kaleb admitted, wondering how his love was doing.

Alex looked at Jordan and they both snapped to attention at his words. Oh no. Jordan braced as he felt the force hit him. Alex held fast, his arms over his head as he stood like a statue. Jordan pushed at Carlos to keep him from leaving the gate. His eyes snapped up, seeing Asher running up from behind Carlos. He saw the finger to his lips and a quick curt nod. "Beautiful. This is ridiculous. You need to take a millisecond to calm down." Jordan said, hoping to keep him distracted just a little bit longer, just enough time. Alex wasn't faring as well, the hands and elbows ramming into him pushed him into the gate hard, his head bumping against the gate with a groan. He shook his head but he felt his vision swim. He wasn't going to last much longer. He could already feel the bruises forming on his body from Carlos. His head was pounding in his skull. Jordan saw that and pushed hard against Carlos, but there was nothing that was going stop him. He wondered if it would be easier to let him go and head out with him. Stay close to him and not let him hurt himself trying to find Kaleb.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

“How far is that?” Rowan may have known that Kaleb was lost too, but that did not stop him from asking questions that a five year old might. Because if it wasn’t that far, then even if they were lost, a hero could find them. He knew about heroes. He used to read the comics that they found. Oh. Right. He slid off the bed, taking another wary glance towards Kaleb. “But he can find us, because he’s a hero.” He moved to a table where he pulled off the first of the Savage Starlight comics and brought it back to the bed. “Hero.”

He was rusty. That was the worst part about this. Asher worked so hard not to be this person anymore. He translated all those skills for hunting people into skills for hunting animals and only for food. He learned how they thought in order to trap them and end their lives as quickly and painlessly as possible. It was a cold but necessary thing to do for their survival. He didn’t do this to people. Not anymore. As he ran from the farmhouse to the gate, shoes shoved on his feet but not laced and an open pack in his hand, he was trying to bring it back without bringing it back. He was afraid that if he let this take over, it would consume him.

Carlos was not a person. Not a real one. He was a target. He was not the most cunning or effective target either, though he was a raging one. His moves came from instinct and not strategy, which meant that Asher could treat him like an animal. This was an animal who was feeling cornered and threatened. No. This was an animal who felt their baby was being threatened. In this scenario, Kaleb was now a helpless newborn. That might have been funny later. For now, it was helpful. Carlos’ thrashing was not going to stop. Neither Alex nor Jordan were doing what Asher probably would have, and that was currently at their detriment. Nate looked like he was in shock on the ground, but Asher needed him to wake up and help him. He approached with fingers on his lips and then tossed him the other side of a rope. There were numerous options here. Trip on the rope. That sometimes worked. Slip on something. That’s what all these were for. He silently threw out ball bearings. Or potentially subdue him. That’s what the herbs were for. He could only hope he had the right concoction. It had been so long. Though, honestly, he had a feeling he knew what they were actually going to need to do, and no one was going to like that.

Carlos couldn’t see who was fighting him. He couldn’t see anything. All he knew was that this gate was the only thing keeping him from finding Kaleb. He had to find him. So he thrashed like a caged wild animal. He was on a single track and nothing could stop him. “Carlos!” From behind but he wasn’t listening. He wasn’t listening to any words. “Carlos it’s Kaleb-“ that was enough to make him stop. He whipped around which was enough time for Asher to swoop below and knock out his leg. Carlos crashed down, falling in the the bearings. Nate dropped the rope which they determined wasn’t going to work anyway. The bearings meant he couldn’t get up. He cried in anguish, and Asher crawled on top of his back. But he couldn’t remember exactly where without hurting him. “Up and to the left.” Asher looked at Nate who was pointing. He gave a curt nod and then pinched Carlos where it was going to temporarily paralyze him. It was fine. Asher bent down and growled, “Touch him again, and it’s going to go poorly for you.” Carlos, on his stomach and unable to move, cried. “Okay, we’ve got about five minutes. If we’re lucky. Two if we aren’t. The adrenaline might ruin it.”
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb sighed softly because he didn't have an answer. "I don't know how far." He said softly as he watched Rowan slip off the bed. Killian watched his brother as he shifted so he was leaning into Kaleb's side. It had been a month since they'd had any adult contact and he was soaking it in. Kaleb wrapped an arm around the little one as he looked up and nodded. "Right. Hero. That's it." He agreed, nodding his head with a small smile.

Alex's head was pounding, and both of them had no idea when this barrage of limbs and fighting from the wild animal that was Carlos would stop. The moment Carlos hit the ground, Alex moved away, stumbling a little as he held a hand to his head. He stopped beside Nate. "Are you okay love?" He asked while Jordan moved to kneel beside the now paralyzed Carlos. "We need to get him sitting up, put a shirt and jacket and shoes on him. I need flashlights and a pistol. We're going searching." Jordan said, looking at Asher. He turned to Alex and Nate. "You two should stay here in case Kaleb finds his way back. But we're heading out with him." Jordan told them, he wasn't going to let Carlos do this on his own. But he also wasn't going to go out into the woods unprepared and bare chested to the world. He had a few scrapes and bruises but he was fine otherwise, unlike Alex who seemed to have a growing headache if the hand to his forehead was any indication. Both men didn't like this, but they had two men to keep safe and did what had to be done.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Rowan opened the comic to show Kaleb what was inside. Superheroes taking down bad guys and saving people. This citizen was a little boy like him and Killian. In the background were adults too. “Hero,” he repeated as he sat on the bed beside Kaleb. He looked at Killian. “I don’t want to be here anymore.” He knew that his brother felt the same way. He leaned his head against Kaleb’s arm. The last adult to be with them was their own parent, and that felt like ages ago.

Asher cupped Jordan’s cheek. “I can prepare for a hunt. You prepare him or I will.” And neither of them wanted that. Asher was not the kindest when he came to people who opposed Jordan. “Remind him that I am an actual tracker. Maybe then he’ll stop trying to kill us.” He stood up and ran into the house again. They could sit him up when he came back with all of the supplies. Nate put both of his hands up to reach for Alex. “Sit down. Let me look at you.” He did not feel like getting up yet. He knew enough about bodies and his own to know that he was not going to be able to do that yet. He was not the one who was banged against a gate, but he was not over the rush of the moment. He looked over at Carlos and sighed. That was not something that Nate had done in a while either. If they were lucky, Carlos was still awake. He might not have been though if he was that kind of upset and overwhelmed. He was awake, but his mind was horribly clouded. That was good for them. He might have been easier to talk to now.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb looked at the comic when Rowan opened it. He hadn’t seen comics in years. He’d once had them as a kid. “Yes. Hero.” Kaleb agreed, watching the little one climb onto the bed. He shifted his arm so he could wrap it around Rowan too. “Once he finds us, you two will be coming. Okay? No more being alone.”

Jordan felt the hand to his cheek and smiled at Asher. “I’ll prepare him.” He said, before he shifted so he was sitting beside Carlos. “Oh beautiful. We’ll find him. But you need to work with us. Remember that Asher is a tracker. We’ll find him in no time.” Jordan said as he waited for Asher to come back. He placed a hand on Carlos’ back as he sat there. Alex looked at Nate and took the hands, sitting down in front of him. “It was just a bang to the head. I’m fine.” Alex said, he was more concerned for his brother. No brothers. They needed to find Kaleb. He didn’t like the idea of him alone in the dark woods. “You didn’t answer me love. Are you okay?” Alex asked, softly.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Rowan turned the pages of the comic. He could read almost all the words. He worked so hard to be able to read them, and now he read them all the time. He would read them to Killian too. He looked up, curious. “We can stay with you?” He asked. He didn’t want to be alone in the cabin anymore. He wasn’t strictly alone. He had Killian. But they were totally alone. “And your hero?” He looked down at the comic book.

Nate held onto Alex’s cheeks and then gently ran his hand down the back of Alex’s head. He slowly felt for anything that should not have been there. “I am fine. He didn’t do anything to me like he did to you.” Satisfied that Alex was going to be okay, he pulled himself up to crawl his way over to Carlos and Jordan. He still did not trust himself standing. Now to check on his other patient. Carlos still cried, groggy and lost somewhere in that addled mind. Nate beckoned for Jordan and Alex to help him push him over. “I need to check to see if he’s damaged himself. And if he’s capable of listening right now.” He spotted the twitch in one of his arms. “We are rapidly running out of time. Where’s-“ “Here.” Asher came back with several packs. “Clothes for you both. Pack’s got all the supplies.” He was shoving his own jacket on now.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb was quickly finding himself growing attached to these two. Even though he wasn’t sure if he’d be good at raising kids. “Of course. He’ll be happy to have you with us.” Kaleb added as he watched Rowan looking at the comic. “We’d have a home?” Killian asked softly. He nodded. “Of course buddy.”

Alex felt the hands on his cheeks, then the hand run down the back of his head. It was sore but fine. He nodded at that and then moved with Jordan to roll Carlos over. They managed to get him onto his back, and when Asher arrived, Jordan sighed. “Nate, you check on him while Alex, you sit him up. I’ll get his shirt and jacket on.” Jordan said. Alex nodded, moving behind Carlos and shoved his arms under his and pushed. He managed to get him sitting while Jordan worked to put his clothes on. As Nate checked him over, Jordan moved to put his shoes on. Then he pulled his own clothes on. He threw the pack over his back and pulled out the flashlight to help Nate see. “Once he’s good, let me know. We’re going to have to move fast.” Jordan said as they waited for the paralysis to wear off.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

That was too amazing of a thought. When did they last have a home? He could barely remember a house that they used to be in that wasn’t this one. He touched Killian’s hand and stared at him like he did sometimes. Like they could talk in their minds. “What is your home like?” He was curious. He wanted to know where they were going to go.

Nate checked him over around Jordan. Asher disappeared with his own flashlight, and he could only be found by the light that diffused around them. Nate heard the gate opening but was focused on working on Carlos. Thankfully, he did not physically hurt himself too much. Strained an arm. He would be so upset by the at later. “You’re very tired, I know. Look up for me. Down.” Carlos’ eyes moved like someone who was only partially aware. That was because he was. He bent one leg and Nate nodded. “Good. Don’t talk yet. Save what little strength you have left. You’re lucky Asher didn’t do what he was going to. That would have kept you out for hours. I suspect that was a knee jerk reaction.” He looked at Jordan. “He’s all yours.” He moved away just as Asher was moving back. “Got it. Found where he went. I’m going to scout a little more while you get him ready.” He turned away and left.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Killian looked at Rowan, feeling the touch to his hand. A small smile crossed his face as he looked at Kaleb again. “Well. It’s a big farmhouse, there’s sheep and we’ll have horses. And a big family to spend time with.” Kaleb said. “The farmhouse has a room full of paints and there are four other great people who live there.” Kaleb added, smiling wide.

Alex kept Carlos up as Jordan finished getting everyone dressed and ready to go. “Alright beautiful. I know you can hear me. Asher’s scouting for his trail now. When you come out of this, we’re going to take it easy. No unchecked emotions. I know it’s scary, I know it’s hard. But, we’re here to help you find him, not make it harder.” Jordan looked at Asher when he came back. “See? What did I say?” Jordan said as he looked at Nate and Alex. “You two get inside and get him warm. We’ll be back with our handsome ex officer. Well, once this one can move.” Jordan added, and he held Carlos up so Alex could move. “Come on Nate. Let’s head inside.” He said, moving towards him and holding out his hand. Jordan would help Carlos up once he could move.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

“Horses? And sheep?” Rowan was intrigued. He was looking less at the comic and more at Kaleb. “What’s a farmhouse?” It sounded huge with so many rooms. Maybe it was like those huge houses that they past sometimes. They looked like the biggest places in the world. Could they live in a place like that? “Are there rooms for us?” He looked over at his brother.

Nate did not want to leave him. Honestly, if they were going somewhere, he wanted to go with them in case Kaleb had a serious injury. He was not going to be any good out there with how cold he was and how much he would stress about Alex. Jordan was right. He needed to stay there. He looked at Jordan. “If you find him, and he needs me, I will be ready here. You yell for me as soon as I would be able to hear you, okay?” He stood up with Alex. Carlos was mostly able to sit up on his own now. Nate touched his hand, and Carlos just barely moved his head to face him. “We are going to find him, big guy. But you aren’t any use to him if you’re dead. Be brave for him.” Then he stepped away and grabbed Alex’s hand so that they could go inside. Asher came back over. “I think I found where he went in. Only one person, so I think we can rule out other parties in this.” Asher’s voice was matter of fact. Not quite cold but also not emotional. “Can’t tell when.”
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb looked at Rowan with a warm smile. His dark hair and blue eyes were like a combination of him and Carlos. Like fate had brought Kaleb here. “Yep! And a farmhouse is a huge place with all kinds of rooms. And yes, there will be rooms for both of you.” He said, nodding his head.

Jordan looked at Nate and nodded. “Of course. The moment we get close, I’ll yell. Or I’ll come get you if I have to.” He replied. His attention moved to Asher as Alex headed inside with Nate. “Okay beautiful. You heard him. You almost ready to stand up?” Jordan asked. He knew that Kaleb was a survivor, and he knew that they’d find him. “Thank you gorgeous. For scouting his trail.” He added, looking at Asher.

Alex headed inside and grabbed a blanket from the living room. He walked back over to Nate and wrapped him in it. “This should help you get warm. Let’s go sit down okay?” Alex asked as he led Nate towards the couch in the living room to relax until they hear more from the others.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Rowan furrowed his brows in thought as he tried to imagine this huge place with all kinds of rooms. “What else?” Horses, sheep, paint. “Are there other animals in the house? How many rooms? Can we paint?” He never got to use paint before even though he learned about it. “More people?” He remembered now what Kaleb said about others living there. “Like you?” He had always been incredibly inquisitive.

Asher merely nodded and turned towards the trees. He was already on the search for any signs. Carlos picked up one leg. It was fine. The other. Also fine. He moved his arms. Mostly fine. One was definitely sore. He didn’t care. He was only not getting up and running because he couldn’t. Whatever Jordan did to him was like a reset. It reminded him of when he would wake up slowly and struggle to get out of bed. Like he was temporarily turned off and it took a while for the power to comeback online. He opened his mouth, and the moment he wanted to say something, the tears silently started to fall again. With the hand he could mostly move without struggle, he wiped it away and worked to stand up. He was a little wobbly, but that would fade if he had to guess based on how everything else was fading. He put his hands out, testing the balance. He nodded to Jordan, but the nod made him dizzy. He could at least start walking, so he did. He was slow though eh would be faster soon.

Nate was officially in the shivering uncontrollably stage of cold, though it was not going to do any lasting damage. He would likely be able to tell if that started happening. “Thank you.” He moved into the living room to sit and then shook his head. “No, I can’t rest yet.” He still shivered as he stood. They had not been in long enough to make a difference. “Let me grab the medical supplies first, okay?” With the blanket wrapped around him, he propelled himself from the couch and ran to grab anything and everything that he might need for when they got back with Kaleb. He refused to take chances with gathering this later in case they needed it quickly. Once he did that, then he moved back to the living room.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb was really enjoying this moment. He listened to Rowan, and nodded. “Well, there aren’t any animals inside the house.” He said first before he smiled. “Of course you can paint. In fact, the man coming for us? He’s an artist and I’m sure he’d love to show you how to make art.” Kaleb said smiling at them both. Killian’s eyes were wide as saucers. “Yes. There’s Alex and Nate. And Jordan and Asher. Then Carlos. The hero. They’re all different but they’re all super sweet.” He replied as Killian thought for a moment. “Big family?” Killian asked and Kaleb nodded. “The biggest.”

Jordan stayed with Carlos as he started getting up. Once he was standing, Jordan shoved his arm under one of Carlos’ as a support. “I’m here beautiful.” He said, walking with him. He’d be there until Carlos could move on his own better. They followed Asher out of the gate and towards the trees. Jordan didn’t know where they were going but he was going to be there. No matter what. They’d find Kaleb.

Alex had just sat with Nate and smiled at him when he saw him stand up. “Okay.” He said, not sure how he could help Nate when he didn’t know what he’d need. So he walked at the couch and when Nate joined him once more, he wrapped his arms around him. “How are you feeling?” He asked softly, rubbing his shoulder gently.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

There was so much in what Kaleb was saying that Rowan was not sure what to do about it. He had so many more questions. A hero who painted. So many names! “Are they heroes too? Do they paint? Do they have their own rooms?” He wanted his own room. No, now that he thought about it, he only wanted one with Killian was there too. It sounded scary alone. “Can you play games in there?”

Asher did not bother closing the gate. It seemed unnecessary especially if they were in a hurry to get back for whatever reason. Without explanation, he walked into the trees, expecting the other two to follow. Speaking too effort and time, two things that he did not have to spare. He was running on less than ideal amounts of energy, he was working double time not to fall into too many bad habits, and he was afraid. Kaleb may have been Carlos’ love, but he was Asher’s second. In the years that they were apart, Asher came to terms with the fact that a part of him did love Kaleb. It was in no way the same as his love for Jordan, and it never could be. It was still real. He could not let that take away his senses. He looked back to see if Carlos was better, and he was already on his own. Carlos was quiet still, and the tear tracks had not yet dried. Asher suspected that was because he was not yet done crying. When Carlos could speak, Asher had a feeling that he would not be happy with him.

Nate was prepared for anything. He gathered so many different items and threw on near the couch. They did not have to be pretty for him to use. He had things for scrapes and scratches, twists and sprains, bruises and breaks, and even some poisons. He was ready. He was more than ready. He didn’t want to use any of them, but he was afraid too. Everyone was afraid. He fell into Alex’s arms. “I’m fine. Cold and tired but fine. How are you? Really. Not just a bumped head.”
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Killian wanted his own room too, though, maybe not. He’d spent his entire life sharing a room and sometimes a bed with Rowan. He didn’t want to stop that. Kaleb nodded. “They’re heroes too. And no. One is a medical hero, one can climb like he’s a monkey, one can find anything, and the other is a singer.” Kaleb replied, looking at Rowan and then at Killian. “Games? Of course. And we have at least two members of our family that love games.” Kaleb said as he looked at them.

Jordan was upset for Carlos. He would be the same way if Asher had vanished. Carlos was Jordan’s second love. The one that was always down to be distracted. That flirted back with the same intensity. “We’ll find him beautiful.” Jordan said softly, rubbing Carlos arm. He was determined. He didn’t know where they were headed but he trusted Asher to help get them there.

Alex wrapped his arms around Nate when he fell into them. He heard the question and looked away. “I’m sore. Afraid. Worried. Concerned. I’ve never seen him that..” out of control, desperate. “I just hope when they find him, he’s okay.” Alex added, pressing his forehead to Nate’s. Noses brushed against each other’s. Grounding. Comforting.
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

This sounded like a story someone would tell. A book maybe. “And it’s all real?” He wanted to check to make sure that Kaleb wasn’t telling him a story too. Sometimes, he would get lost in stories and forget what was real and what was for pretend. Sometimes he forgot about their parents. But that was real.

Asher threw his hand up and Carlos ran straight into him. Asher whipped his head around with a glare. “If this were a stealth mission, you would ruin it for us.” He did not look back at him before he bent down. Carlos clenched a fist. “Just find him,” he muttered so low that Asher might not have heard it if he weren’t already working his ears to death. “I’m trying,” Asher snapped. Carlos closed his eyes and said nothing else. He just groaned. And then he huffed. And then he stomped around a little. Asher glared at him again. “I’m glad you can move again but could you not actively impede what I’m doing?” “I don’t know what you’re doing!” Carlos’ voice was still small and quiet, like it hadn’t learned how to be any louder, and the words were hard to make out, but they were there. And they were broken. Asher stared at him and then at Jordan. “Sit.” A command to them both. “Then we’ll have a lesson on tracking. But you will listen to me and not throw a fit when you don’t immediately find him or I will pin you to a tree and come get you when we’re done.”

Nate was happy to be as close to Alex as possible. He and the blanket were warm, and he needed that for so many reasons. “You weren’t with us when I sent you to find shelter after Kaleb was shot. He was rough. He could have been worse. I could see it. I think having Kaleb there made it better. This is harder.” He pressed his hands to the sides of Alex’s neck. “I don’t know what I would do if I woke up and you were gone.”
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb nodded as he looked at Rowan. “It’s all true. Cameron and Emmett love games, and Theo is a ball of energy, I’m sure he’d love to run with you and play.” He replied as he looked over at a wide eyed Killian. “Wow..” He said softly. He really wanted to see this magical place now.

Jordan groaned, seeing Carlos run straight into Asher. He listened to Asher’s words and Carlos’ as well. This was not going well. And the small quiet voice of Carlos’ and Asher’s snapping words. The command made Jordan narrow his eyes. The hunter was right on the surface. He could see that. And unfortunately that was who they needed right now. “Gorgeous.. breathe.” Jordan said softly, ignoring the command. “Beautiful. Stay beside me. Take my hand.” Jordan said, hoping that by keeping Carlos beside him, Asher could focus on finding Kaleb.

Alex listened to Nate, felt his hands on the sides of his neck. “Was he really that bad?” Alex asked softly before he nodded and sighed. “I don’t know what I’d do either. That’s a situation none of us would know how to handle.”
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Rowan did not know how to feel about all these amazing things. How could they go from nothing to so much all at once? Where did this man come from? Jackson he said? Jackson must have been a place where everything was amazing. “How big is your family?” He tried to remember all the names, but there were so many to remember. The three Kaleb just said were different from the ones before. That much he could remember.

Asher glared at Jordan for undermining the authority that he should have had and tore himself up to a standing position. “Fine, but if he-“ “Just find him,” Carlos interrupted. He begged. Asher stepped back from the force of the plea. To make it worse, those big sad eyes were looking at him like Carlos was the bad guy asking for forgiveness. His voice felt like it was made of shattered glass. “Please.” Asher let out a deep breath and turned around. Carlos did not take Jordan’s hand. He could not be some useless person on this hunt. He was not okay waiting and hoping that Asher could do this. They moved not too much further in when Asher stopped them again. “Down there.” He could see the disturbances where he had a feeling Kaleb fell. He would not be telling Carlos that. Before Asher could say anything else, Carlos was sliding down as well. It might have been impressive, this guy stable on his feet and moving down without tumbling, if Asher weren’t so conflicted on how he felt right now. He looked at Jordan and then sprang down as well.

Nate almost laughed. “He wasn’t this bad. But he could have been. And this isn’t as bad as he could be. This was with restraint.” He did not ever want to move from where he was. This was the only way to know that he had Alex. To think that not but a few hours ago, he was okay being in separate places. That was so hard at times like this. “We are learning how we all handle pressure. Carlos handles every kind of pressure but Kaleb well. It’s valuable knowledge.” If he thought about it like science, then it was easier to accept the reality.
Alexander Brennan, Kaleb Price, Jordan DeShay, Kaiden Lachlan, Elijah Lewis and Cameron Harris (and the Smith Clan)
Former Seraphite, Former FEDRA officer, Former Smuggler, Former WLF, Former Seraphite, Former Firefly | 19, 27, 30, 26, 27, 23 | Current location ;; Wyoming

Kaleb thought for a moment about how big their family was. “Well. We have four people who live with us. Along with ten that don’t so we have fourteen altogether.” Kaleb explained as he sat there. “They’re all wonderful to. I think you’ll love them.” “Will they like us?” Killian asked. “They’ll love you.”

Jordan saw the glare and he knew that he’d be having this conversation again. He heard that beg from Carlos, the plea. He bit his lip as they started walking again. It wasn’t much further in that Asher stopped them once more. Once he heard Asher, he nodded but watched as Carlos slid down the embankment and Jordan followed them both down. When they got to the bottom, he saw marks on the hill like Kaleb had tried to go back up. He hoped that Carlos didn’t see that, though he had a feeling Asher would.

Alex listened to Nate. He’d seen him upset but not like this. Not at all like this. Restraint. He hated this. Hated what they had to do for him. Alex pulled Nate closer. “We are learning that unfortunately very well. And we all know where Carlos is.. weak when it comes to the pressure. Kaleb. But they’ve been together through a lot and it’s understandable even though it was scary.”
Nathaniel Matthews, Carlos Price, Asher McCoy, Ezekiel Finch, Theophilus Sharpe, and Emmett Adler (and the Smith Clan)
Former Firefly, Aspiring Artist, Former Hunter, Former Seraphite, Former WLF, Former Firefly | 21, 25, 32, 29, 25, 24 | Current location ;; Wyoming

That was so many people! In one family? That was way more than what he and Killian had. And they were going to love them? Oh. Wow. “Can we be part of your family?” A family of heroes and artists and people who play and find everything and sing. That sounded like everything that they could ever want. And Kaleb already promised no monsters. None at all!

Asher most certainly did see where Kaleb tried and failed to climb back up. He most certainly did see where he hugged the line around this hill. It was what he did. He tracked, he hunted, and he won. He always won, because there were no other options. Well, except for when he lost with Jordan, though, to be fair, he felt that this was still a win. He steered them through the trees. Carlos was getting antsy. He was searching too, but he didn’t know what to look for. Any time he started to say something with any sort of volume, Asher cut him off. Carlos wanted to scream for Kaleb. He wanted Kaleb to know that he was coming. Surely he knew. Asher let Carlos lead when he knew there was a pretty solid direction that Kaleb went. He fell back to Jordan. “He’s hurt,” he whispered. “Not bad enough to sit still apparently but definitely hurt. If he hurt his leg again,” he huffed and paused as Carlos paused. “This goes up. He would have gone up,” and he was running up before anyone could stop him.

Nate needed the reassurance that this was going to be okay. He slid his arms around Alex’s neck and held onto him like he might fall if he didn’t. “They haven’t been through this. We haven’t either. I hate just sitting here and waiting. What if he’s out there and he needs us? What if he’s hurt and I can’t help him?”

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