• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Fallen (CS)


I'm your dead girl walking


Human or Angel?:
Nicknames (Optional):


(Either a picture or text is fine! If you feel extra motivated you can even do both!
Angels should add two, one for their human looks and one for their normal form)
(Any relations to existing characters)

Extras (Optional)
Voice claim:
Theme song:
Extra information:

If you want, feel free to add the character you'd prefer being paired up with!
Try to keep the Angel - Human ratio equal. Everyone's allowed to have 2 character!
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Name: Laforn Crimson Bloodmoon


Nickname: Angel

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Occupation: Student/Artist (Former Noble)


Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Charismatic, silver tongued, go with the flow, considerate, empathetic, perceptive, and spontaneous.

Backstory: Angel was born into a high noble class family, so even though he was completely different in appearance compared to other guys, people still showed him respect and would be willing to stand up for him. While growing up, he made a childhood friend who always seemed to be by his side wherever he went. She would always play games with him and soon they became best friends. When Angel was 13, his nation was in a civil war between the noble classes for power in the Monarch type government since their king and his entire family was assassinated. During the next 2 years, his family went into hiding until the time was right for them to make an appearance in the world again. Angel tried to convince his childhood friend to stay away from him so that he wouldn't get hurt but she argued with him for a while before winning. After he turned 16, Angel's family decided to come out of hiding an allow their son to bring down the new monarchy that was set up while they were hiding. Where he went to give his speeches about overthrowing the corrupt monarch government in secret, his childhood friend would always write down each one of his words in his speeches like a dedicated student. Somehow during the long years of trying to overthrow the government, Angel thought about how they could be caught at any moment but his childhood always kept reassuring him calmly about how she wouldn't allow that to happen. And he believed her. After 2 years of convincing the people of his nation to overthrow the corrupt government, he was able to rest when the people were able to overthrow thee monarchy system and set up a new one and due to Angel keeping his identity secret an hiding half of his face with a mask, Angel was named the Unsung Hero by the new government and placed in their history books as Revolutionary hero. Right after that, he fell in love with his childhood friend an was pleased to hear that he loved him back though she told him the secret about her being and angel, revealing her true form to him. She also explained to him why they were never caught by the monarch and how that it was dangerous for her to tell him her unique power but least of all her communicating to him since guardian angels were forbidden to communicate with their humans. After a few days of thinking about what she told him, Angel decided to believe her and she was pleased to learn that he will continue to believe in her and stay with her.


Only with his guardian angel so far.


Voice: A female type voice

Theme song:
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--Human or Angel?--

Alexa Day








Alexa Day is a cocky, bitchy, mischievous, jackass brat who is also a pest. She's very witty and tends to use jokes to break the ice. Sometimes, it doesn't go as planned. Alexa does not believe in love. If she feels that emotion, she'll do full "tsundere" and deny that she's in love. She does not have sympathy or pity. When she was younger, no one cared about her, so why should she care about them?

Alexa's cockiness is sometimes a good thing and a bad thing. Her opponent get's confused because she's so cocky. Her opponent then loses their confidence. However, sometimes it's a bad thing. One day, her cockiness will hurt her pride. Her fatal flaw is her cockiness and arrogance.

Alexa is a jackass because she's not very smart, actually. She doesn't have booksmarts. She does, however, have street smarts which makes up for it. She's clever in her own way.

She's also mischievous. She creates chaos wherever she goes. She's a troublemaker.

Alexa Day used to be an energetic, outgoing child. She had friends, and everybody loved her. Her family was perfect. Sure, they had some flaws, but that's what made them perfect. Victoria Day was the best mother she had. She gave Alexa her necklace, an important necklace that was passed around in her family for generations. Apparently, it gives the owner "protection". Alexa never believed in that, but she kept the necklace, since it was special. Her father, Roy Day, was a blacksmith. He was the best father, ever. She got her love of making stuff from Roy. Her sister, Abigal, was the best sister ever. They would do mischievous acts together, play together, and even prank others together. Everything was perfect, until the bandits attacked.

You see, Alexa was playing with her sister with a few fireworks. Accidently, she lit a firework, making them visible to the bandits. The bandits saw the fireworks, and immediately chose that village to attack. The bandits stole food, money, etc. and kidnapped women and children to sell. Abigal was actually a victim, and her parents pleaded and begged them not to take Abigal.

They earned a bullet to the skull.

Alexa was not a victim. In tears, she decided to avenge her family, and kill the bandits. She saw a gun and took some ammo from her father's office, and she decided to press the trigger to kill them. She was unable to do so, after all, she was only seven, with horrible aim. Instead, she decided to grab a dagger and stick it in their hearts. She decided to take them on by surprise. When they weren't paying any attention, she would run in and stab them.

It worked.

In tears, she was covered in blood, looking at the dead bodies. She started blaming herself for everything that happened. If only she wasn't playing with fireworks! If only she didn't take the protective necklace, she would've been dead and not her family. "It's all my fault!" she would cry. She remembered that day very well. Why? Oh, 'cause she has Eidetic Memory. She was traumatized over the event, and that she actually killed people.

A kind twenty-five year old man named Alistair took her in. There, she was trained. She was trained many types of fighting techniques and such. He showed her how to fight with guns, knives, and swords. She trained her Eidetic Memory into something bigger: Photographic memory. She soon got over her trauma, since she believed that Alistair loved her, and she loved him. However, she still have a piece of that memory of that night in her head. She still believes that it was all her fault.

Because she loved him, she ran away five years after. Alistair was such a kind man, yet he did not have enough money to even feed themselves. Heck, he could barely even feed himself. She didn't want Alistair to suffer, so when she found out about it, she ran. She ran far and far, living as a homeless person.

No one looked for her. Not even Alistair. She started to believe that he didn’t care if she fell and died in a ditch.

Alexa then started her life in crime. She stole many items to survive, included food, clothes, and even money. She was never caught. For four years, she lived that type of life. Since she’s never been caught, her self esteem went up. What did you expect? Of course she’s going to get cocky!

Her emotions like pity and sympathy started to fade away. No one cared for her, so why should she care for them? That’s just how her mindset worked.

Alexa started to enjoy stealing and such. It started to be her source of amusement. She knew a lot of information, like who’s going where at what time, if the fabrics' quality is good, etc. She became an important source for criminals. Name it, she has it. Kill her, all hell breaks loose.





--Theme song--

--Quotes, 'Cause Why Not?--
"It's as clear as 'Day'!"
"Bitch, don't underestimate me, I can snap your neck any second right now"
"I'm not a criminal! I just enjoy breaking the rules..."
"You? Challenge me? Ha! Warning: You won't survive."
"I don't blame anyone. I did this to myself. It's my fault. Everything is my fault."

Name: Syndra


Age: 21

Gender: Female

Occupation: Guardian, coffee shop owner by day and student by night.


Sexuality: Demisexual

Personality: Caring, loving towards angel, calm, cheerful, a little yandere type faithful, hard working, and intuitive.

Background: Syndra doesn't remember how she was born. All she can rmember is how when she fist woke up, she saw nothing but darkness. After what seemed about forever to a baby, a young woman wearing a black robe with a mask covering the top part of her face entered through a door. The young Syndra was picked up by the young woman before she fell asleep. After waking up, she heard the woman talking to someone and heard a few words like god and evil though Syndra didn't understand what those words meant. Syndra fell asleep again before waking up in a bright room with a white blanket wrapped around her. She looked around and saw two people with white wings looking at her and smiling. They tried to talk to her but she didn't understand a word they were saying. After a few weeks, Syndra was able to walk and after a few months he was able to speak. When she was two years old, she felt something tingle in her chest. She felt as though she was missing something in her life. She asked her family what they thought it was an they told her that her human may have been finally born. She asked them ehat they meant and they told her that unlike then, she is a guardian angel of a human meaning that she is destined to protect him. They took her to an alter made in honor of the creator of heaven to see who she was meant to protect. After learning Angel's identity, Syndra kept watch over him, hoping to one day meet him. After she turned 4 years old, her liking of him caused her to rebel against the Creator of heaven guardian angel system. She wanted to be with her human so badly that she went to her parents and told them her idea of abandoning her duty so that she can be allowed to see her human. Her parents somehow agreed to do so even though it was a disgracful thing to do. The next day, Syndra went to the HQ for guardian angels and told the person in charge that she was going down to earth. The person in charge, under orders by the creator to destory any angel that would dare contact the humans, ordered the angels to arrest Syndra. Before they could grab her, Syndra disappeared before reappearing next Angel while he was putting a puzzle together an befriended him rather quickly. Soon after, she would always be by his side. Her feelings grew deeper for him every year and she was happy when he allowed her to hide with him. After they came out of hiding, she bought a notebook so that she could keep track of each one of Angel's speeches. After the revolution, she was pleased to find ou that Angel had the same feelings for her and she was also pleased that he believed her about her being an angel. After making him promise that he would keep her secret, she would follow him to another nation.



Angel form:

Relations: Angel's girlfriend

Theme song:

Extra information: She was one of the first angels to rebel against the idea of Guardian angels having no contact with their humans. She can go months without sleep and still be sane.
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Work in progress! Beware of the hidden scrolls!

she gives them butterflies
Human or Angel?: Angel
Name: Loriel
Nicknames: Lorelei (current human alias), Lori
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Guardian Angel
Sexuality: Heterosexual

bats her cartoon eyes

Loriel appears to be extremely tall and graceful, standing at 5'10. She weighs 130 pounds and has a lithe figure. She also has pale skin, brown eyes, and long dark brown hair.
Angel Form: x (but with white wings)
Faceclaim: @flotoy
Voiceclaim: Lana Del Rey
[Still a WIP]
Loriel can be best described as lighthearted, modest, patient, and warm, but also overprotective, passive, self-deprecating, and even inappropriate. The angel is very laid-back and she doesn't seem to take things seriously most of the time, unless it has something to do with her job of protecting her human. Otherwise, she is very "loose" and not very serious. She would prefer to spend her time doing something fun and being happy rather than stay down, though she understands that not everyone is like that.

Human or Angel?: Human
Name: Vivien Shipley
Nicknames (Optional): Viv
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student (Botanist)

Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Shy, introverted, intelligent but lacks common sense, quiet, and disorganized.
Backstory: WIP

Appearance: Viv is about 5'2 with brown eyes and light brown hair. She really likes wearing 50's-ish style clothes.

Extras (Optional)
Voice claim: Brittany Jean Carlson (BC Jean)
Theme song: All we know- The Chainsmokers (ft. Phoebe Ryan)
Extra information: She has a puppy named Newton (Newt)
Also here's what her room looks like (She lives in a student apartment):




Human or Angel?





Guardian Angel (duh), Student


Anael, or, as she is called in her human/fallen form, Ana, is a rather naive and curious girl. Like a young child, she is very oblivious, knowing very little about the human world. She does what she's told and tries to please everyone.
She tends to be a little annoying, being a little energetic at times, yet it is always fun to be around her. She cares a lot for others, especially for the human she has been assigned to, trying to protect them at all cost.


Angel form:



Extras (Optional)
Voice claim: Cara Theobold

Theme song:
Extra information:

code by pasta
Human or Angel?

Hinata Parker

Nicknames (Optional):
Hina - He only lets close friends call him this though
Parker - The 'official' nickname, since he technically has a girls name he prefers to be called this



Student (music), volunteers at a pet shelter occasionally



(though he still isn't sure himself)

Hinata is a cold person on the outside, pretending not to care when he truly does. On the inside, he's incredibly empathetic and kind, and though he'll hate it, he'll do whatever he can to help someone in need. He's witty, sarcastic, and all those grand things not because he just likes seeing you get upset, he just finds it the easiest way to convey information. To him, ease of access is one of the most important things. That being said, he's an extremely logical person, though his pesky emotions tend to get in the way of his logical (and even cynical) outlook on life, as he truly wishes to have hope in humanity.

He just can't.
His cynical outlook on everything and general despair on the current state of humanity aside, he plans to make the world the best one he can, and if someone were to try to stop him. Hinata will gladly follow the 'few to save the many' principle. Though, he'd feel the guilt after it. He's essentially given up all hope on humanity as is, and were a human to somehow get close to him he'd become extremely loyal to them, doing whatever necessary to make them happy.

Hinata had a relatively normal life, sans his crazy otaku parents who, despite common stereotypes, were actually great hard-working people, really rather passionate about their respective lines of work. His mother illustrated the comic his father wrote, it didn't give them a very stable source of income, but it was enough to get them securely in middle class. This was good as Hinata was born with a weaker immune system so his family could easily afford to make sure he was always in good health. Being sure to feed him right and bundle him up properly in the winter.

This was until his mother died after a brief fight with cancer. His father was out of an artist for their comic and went out searching for one, he didn't find anyone within their price-range on their side of the country. This was double-e tragedy as he quickly gave up, still not over the grief of losing his wife, and soon enough turned to drinking to ease his woes. He tried his best not to do so when Hinata was nearby, but he always ended up doing so anyways, as child Hina was extremely insecure and needed comforting. His mother had died and he was a heavily emotional boy, of course he'd be a little clingy to his remaining parent.

His dad wasn't a violent drunk though, as the cliche would have you believe. Instead, his dad was a sad drunk, a very very sad drunk. Who always ended up leaning on his young son and sobbing about the loss of his wife and his sons mother. This ended up in Hinata gaining a cold attitude to the rest of the world after years of comforting his father, why should he care? 'only makes them lean on you, caring only makes them want you to comfort them, caring is taken advantage of.' were the thoughts going through his mind at this time. Of course it didn't stop him from caring, but he stopped showing it. 'Tough love' is what Hinata'd call it, besides, his parent was already broke, they barely had enough money left to eat each night. They couldn't get much worse, was the young teens reasoning.

When they were just on the brink of losing everything, however, it was like they were blessed by an angel. His dad found an artist who was a fan of his old works and wanted him to be her writer and story consultant, providing a nice sum of money in return. It wasn't as much as when his mother had still lived, but it was enough for them to live comfortably.

And that brings us to the present, to which currently he lives a peaceful life with his now sober father. Hinata isn't a well noticed kid in school, in fact, he's more or less ignored. For now however, everything is rather peaceful in his current life. Though he wouldn't call himself happy, he'd say he definitely had it better then others.


Weight- 156 lbs


Currently none to other characters- (will be changed later)

Voice claim: Mafumafu

Theme song:
The Defeated Boy (Haiboku no Shounen)
By Kemu ft GUMI

Extra information:

You can rarely find him without his headphones.
Though his immune system is weak compared to normal children, he's never found it to be much of a burden before.
he still does live with his dad.​
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Human or Angel?: Human
Name: Elijah Johansson
Nicknames (Optional): Eli
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Occupation: Night club bouncer

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Elijah is the epitome of "tough on the outside, soft on the inside". He is a sensitive is a and loving person beneath a strong, hard exterior built up from years of having to protect himself. The most important things to him are family, love, trust, integrity and justice- without those things he seriously questions what separates mankind from beasts. Elijah is a very empathetic individual and his capacity to care about others is only matched by his ability to devote himself solely to a particular goal or cause. It's because of this and his mind for quickly analyzing situations that he would well suited for his dream job as a detective. He's brash and outspoken, never afraid to speak his mind on a subject or give advice. Used to living humbly for much of his life, Elijah has no materialistic instincts and as a result is very generous with what possessions he does have. He'd willingly give things up if it meant someone else could benefit from it. The downside is that his selflessness often leads him to neglect himself. His health and even personal life sometimes suffers. He's great at starting relationships and despite the importance he places on them finds it hard to keep them in a good spot. He's not very good at communicating intimate, heartfelt emotions and prefers to show his meaning through actions. He is very curt and to the point though he loves a good joke and often looks for the humor in situations.

Though he is not quick to judge, Elijah has a good sense for analyzing a persons character. He is able to put himself into the shoes of others to help him understand how they think and that helps him filter through the people he comes in contact with. If he dislikes you, it's probably for good. He has a fierce sense of justice and will gladly bend the rules to make things right. He has a deep rooted hatred for certain kinds of people (namely violent criminals, abusers etc) and doesn't mind getting violent when it suits him. He's quick to anger and rarely tries to keep it in check which unfortunately leads to him blowing up on people. He trusts his instincts and is impulsive as a result. It gets him in trouble sometimes but trouble seems insignificant when he can kick just about anyone's ass. When he does exhibit physical rage he usually only enacts it on inanimate objects. His size and stature are intimidating which leads people to think he's aggressive and violent - which he can be but he certainly doesn't choose to. Most of the time.​


(Either a picture or text is fine! If you feel extra motivated you can even do both!
Angels should add two, one for their human looks and one for their normal form)
(Any relations to existing characters)

Extras (Optional)
Voice claim:
Theme song:
Extra information:


Human or Angel: Angel
Nicknames: Kam
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Occupation: Freelance Artist (Successful), Streamer

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Kamelotte is the weird chick. Her artwork greatly resembles that of Tim Burton with some of her own elements. She would say her work portrayed how she saw people to be as they truly are. Warped yet beautiful in their own flaws. Kamelotte is the type of girl who you'd expect her to be when learning that her favorite genre was horror and her favorite music was anything that instilled a sense of hypnotizing dread. She could be recognized as the "goth chick" but without the piercings or heavy makeup. Quiet and reserved to, normally, herself and her sketchpad and drawing people in her own style on regular occasion. Kamelotte's socializing skills aren't exactly the best but it normally isn't warranted for her type of work.


Extras (Optional)
Voice claim: Eve (the name of the character from an audio drama called Afterlives. don't know her real name. tried real hard looking for who the VA was once. Basically, a light voiced with Scottish accent)

Theme song:

Extra information:

If you want, feel free to add the character you'd prefer being paired up with!
Try to keep the Angel - Human ratio equal. Everyone's allowed to have 2 character!
I think this is still a W.I.P. although it might be good. I'm indecisive on CS's.

Human or Angel?: Human
Name: Abel Holland
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Occupation: Bookkeeper at a library

Sexuality: Bisexual

Abel has been rather depressed, withdrawn, since the death of his twin, Cain. Before his brother’s death, Abel was rather sarcastic. He was irritable but didn’t exactly let his irritation show, preferring to put on a smile and rage about it later so he didn’t upset anyone. Now though, Abel can’t control the ability to suppress his irritation. He can’t really suppress any of his feelings anymore, if he even has any. Most of the time he’s either numb to his surroundings, numb to the world around him, or he’s annoyed and irritated with everything and everyone. The only way he attempts to control these feelings is with the use of drugs, thinking that he feels alright when he’s high, that he’s happy for once in a long time.

Abel was born into a pretty a-okay family. He was the second of two children that his parents had; Cain was the first by a few minutes. Since his parents were first timers with two kids, two infants, at the same time, they were rather tired during their childhood, but they still tried. They would be there at every football game, every track meet, every swim meet, they were always there. When the boys got to be a little bit older though, say 14, and they entered the high school life, they were quickly introduced to drugs and alcohol. At first, Abel was the one who just took sips of beer at parties, sitting on the couch surrounded by people who were too high to go enjoy themselves; at first it was Cain that was the life of the party. Soon enough though, Cain got caught by their parents and was straightened out. Abel, however, was not caught. Eventually their parents began to favor Cain, his grades were higher, he was doing better in the extracurricular activities than Abel, he was the golden boy that everyone loved. This only created a fit of rage inside the younger boy though, which swirled into some kind of jealous depression, causing Abel to be the one shooting up drugs when they went to those parties, causing Abel to get hooked on ecstasy and cocaine. One night, Abel was just about to overdose, this time it was an accident, but Cain was having it. He immediately dragged Abel out to their car and rushed to the hospital, the only problem was that Cain was nervous, speeding while he had previously drank a few beers. It was raining and he couldn’t see that well in the dark either, so they began to veer out of their lane into the other as they climbed a hill. It turns out that there had been another car in the other lane, the boy’s just hadn’t found out until the last possible second, making it too late to do anything but crash.

Cain was killed on impact, Abel somehow managed to make it. Ever since then he hadn’t gone to any parties, he hadn’t driven a car, he hadn’t visited his brother’s grave and he hadn’t even gone to his funeral… well, he did, but it was only for a moment. During the funeral, Abel was high and had a flask hidden in his blazer pocket. He had to leave as soon as the hearse arrived with the casket. If he would’ve driven home, Abel would’ve purposefully driven off a bridge, but he didn’t. Instead, he walked home, walking in the middle of the road, wavering with each step as he drank from the flask. When he got home, he locked himself in his bedroom and attempted to commit suicide by overdose; unfortunately for him, his parents arrived just as he place the needle inside of a vein in his arm. They came up the stairs and panicked when they found that the door was locked. Eventually his father had kicked down the door and they both saw Abel laying on the floor, a lighter, a spoon, an empty bag, and a syringe on the floor around him. He was instantly rushed to the hospital. Ever since then, Abel had trying to commit suicide two more times, one being a failed overdose and the other was the use of noose; his father found him standing in the attic, the rope around his neck, ready to step down from a chair.

Relations: N/A, unless someone wants to hit me up. ;)
Extra information​

Voice claim: Jensen Ackles (because I’m trash)
Theme song: N/A, for now.
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