The Fall of Gaia : Character Creation

Character was well-thought out and I can tell you put a lot of effort into her! Thank you for wanting to join! I look forward to roleplaying with you! Your character is accepted!


Dino said:
I talked with Dago and he said the image was fine.I'll find a new one in the morning
Who's Dago?
[QUOTE="Flip Jester Boy]Ugh, i give up. I thought this would be like The Island, an RP on another forum i'm part of

Sorry to hear that. But I suppose not. 

Dino said:
Meant to say Humor. Sorry my brain is dying its two am here
Ha ha, well, remind me to shake my finger at him. It's just the picture of the man that's the issue. Other than that, he's practically ready for approval.
I can't do it on my kindle *grumbles* Going to sleep will get it done when I wake up.
Almost done with the application. I just have to do stuff around the house >.< It's like the world is trying to keep me from posting it
Finished my application. It's been too long since I have had to make one of these, I apologize if it's not up to par.
Cressy said:
I posted my application finally. First post and I feel kinda sad ;-; It doesn't seem good enough ;-;
You don't know how long I've been waiting to read your application sheet.. :D
It'll probably start tomorrow, honestly. Once Humor submits his and I get the others accepted. I think I'm gonna make one more character too, though. :)  

Very good job and well-thought out. The only thing I have a question with is how is he of Asian appearance? Is his family from Jaisai from down the line? Other than that he's pretty much approved.

Appaulse for a well done character! He's very creative and I like his tie-ins with PaiPai. I'm excited to have you as a new roleplaying partner! You're approved.
Ah, I don't think I meant to add that. I changed his resemblance as to that of his mother.
May I take one of the Three Masked Mistresses please? They sound very cool. xD

Oh, and are there going to be others playing the other two Masked Mistresses as well? I can't make her backstory until I know and stuff...ahahaha.... ^^"



The Three Masked Mistresses


"I won't hesitate to cut you open and gut you like a fish." - Jia Hua

A woman of wealth and stealth,


Note: I am not a Chinese speaker and these are all from Google Translate, if you do speak Mandarin, I do apologize if I mess it up completely and will happily welcome corrections. ^^"

  • Name:

    Jia Hua or ??


    "Just because I'm in my thirties does not mean I'm old." - Jia Hua

    Jia's thirty-four years old. And she's still single.




    Raven Black, but is slightly tinted dark brown.


    Caramel Brown

    "With eyes the colour of caramel, melting in your hands a-" - Jia Hua

    Stop right there.


    Slightly tanned, tinted "yellow" from Asian decent.

    "That's somewhat racist." - Jia Hua



    "I will rise to become a goddess!" - Jia Hua


    Assassin (suspected as a Summoner, but there's no proof)

    "We're quite well known, have you ever heard of the Three Masked Mistresses?" - Jia Hua


    "I am a goddess. I'm my own faith." - Jia Hua

    Gaia and Gloria don't deserve to rule the world, Jia thinks she should and collects the hairs of many of her victims. Although, she is aware that those gods and goddess exist.

    Weapon(s): Jia tends to hide many weapons in her clothing, they are used when she doesn't have Yixin. This woman is an assassin, she doesn't walk around with obvious weapons.


    • Yixin: two metal fans that are capable to slitting throats, easily mistaken as just two normal fans. They had a very beautiful design of two birds and flowers on it and is a rusty gold. It's mostly rusty because of all the blood that has been spilt on it. Many people say it is cursed and that all the diamonds that decorate the fan hold the spirits of others. Although no one has proof that Jia is a Summoner.

    • Hidden Beneath: As I stated before, Jia has many smaller weapons concealed in the many layers of her rather skimpy kimono, although most are just camouflaged in plain sight.

    Appearance Notes:

    • Jia always wear a red mask of an oni to cover half of her face.
    • We suspect that her measurements are B100-W60-H110 (cm), there for a J cup.
    • She has rather long legs and is very proud of her "thunder thighs".
    • Crushing the Asian stereotype that everyone is small, Jia stands at only 5'4 feet tall.
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There can be, until then, you can just assume the roles without making profiles. Like, move them around only when needed. Oh, and real quick: I forgot to put this in their description but the leader to the Masked Mistresses is very close to the Empress. They were rumored to be best friends as children and like sisters, but the Empress never meets anyone anymore except behind a screen. So you can incorporate that in there, if you wish.
Wow. I was about to ask you that about the Empress in a PM xD If she was Alive or not for the sake of making a character but that would be MAJOR spoils and would ruin the fun really so I would have asked if she only met people who were truly close to her on the inside or always veiled
Hip hip hooray! So I didn't have to fill in a sheet? Well, I'm going to anyway once I get the two other Mistresses here to discuss their backgrounds. :3

I'm very tempted to create a hardcore, manly fairy. xD

Ivar Nadeau


Age: Unknown, although he looks approximately 30

Gender: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: One a dark grey, one a blood red

Skin: Unusually pale

Race: Demon

Class: Assassin

Faith: Gloia


Silence: Ivar's main weapon, and one that follows the name. It a dark blade that follows the art of stealth and speed, stolen off a man he once slayed. It does not seem like anything special, but had enhanced agility, and is able to blend into shadows as well to fool opponents.


Caeruleus: A simple dagger, one that has the ability to absorb someones magic temporarily. From that, Ivar can then use their own magic against them, though the effects only last fifteen minutes. Considering he does not like drawn out battles, he usually does not use this weapon.


Appearance Notes: Ivar suffered a terrible injury that permanently scarred his face. He now covers his whole face except his eyes with black cloth.

Biography: ((currently a work in progress. I don't want to just throw up a bio for the hell of it, I want it to be good >.<))

((second character I was considering making. As I already mentioned, bios is progress. I'm open to hear any suggestion about anything though ^.^))

Cressy said:
999 views. I'm probably the 1000 >:3 
Or the 999. Works either way for me :3
Your view is counted once. That means 999 different people have looked at this thread.

Sir George: Seeker of Justice


Age: 30

Gender: Male

Hair: Read and Black

Eyes: Amber

Skin: Pink

Race: Anashi

Class: Warrior

Faith: Gaia, Eva

Weapon(s): Broadsword

Inner Beast: Red Panda


Robert and Martha Andelbright married at the tender young age of 17, not so abnormal for the times what with wars, demons and beasts wreaking their havoc across the lands. But this story is not about war or death, this things are simply implicit, no. This story is a tale of Gloia's true curse upon the land and Gaia's Folly. Gods are more than humans in many ways and yet in others they are less. Human's have the ability to indirectly affect their environment and those people around them as a result of their day to day choices. Gods are much the same as they affect not only lesser beings but the entire cosmos. My point? You can never know the extent to which a curse can ruin more lives than just those you intend.

3 months after their wedding, Martha became pregnant, in truth she was 2 month's pregnant but the signs had just begun to show and she had not yet seen the local priest. Martha and Robert had decided to take a picnic on the meadows. Unfortunately for them, they happened upon an imp scrounging about in a tall tuft of grass. Suffice it to say Martha lost her child that day and would never have another child after. Her tears were hundred, thousand, millionfold and the tumbled down her marble like cheeks. Robert wept as well but the loss of his child and every potential child would not dissuade his love for it was true.

Months later Martha cried no more but neither did she smile or laugh, instead she went about doing things that living people did while inside her soul lay dying of heart break and soon her body would follow. One night while Robert worked late in the forge, he was avoiding Martha and his own heartache and filling the void with work. For a moment his head spun, vertigo assaulted his body and he fell to the ground. Darkness swam across his vision and faded to reveal a soft billowing cloud, he stood atop it and before him stood the goddess Eva in all her beauty and terrifying countenance.

Robert, once your love was strong and true, what has happened to change such a love as great as yours?

Her question sat heavily upon his mind, he realised she looked almost exactly like her bust in the temple near the village.

Our love is tainted by sorrow, the sorrow of a lost child.

Eva looked upon him, her pity plain upon her face and it burned him all the more.

When you return, you will make a suit of armour, it will be light, yet strong and it will be small.

Robert was confused to say the least, even more so when a flood of images and information flooded his mind, despite this flood of revelation he was still puzzled as to its purpose. When he awoke he was greeted by the frenzied cries of Martha and the rabid howls of wild dogs. His heart beat a steady staccato while he grabbed his hammer and lumbered out the door. He saw Martha backed up against the wall, a bundle in her arms, before her was a pair of rather nasty looking wild dogs barking and snapping greedily at her ankles. Wasting no time Robert thundered up from behind the dogs and swung his hammer wildly. His clumsy movements earned him another bout of Vertigo and a clip to one of the dogs'' hind legs. it yipped in pain, growled but it' partner was gone and whimpered.

Robert placed his hand upon the dog's forehead as Eva had instructed and instantly it was calm.

So ends the tale of Martha and Robert.

Here begins the tale of George:

George is Anashi, his parents human. Ridicule and laughter marked his childhood, except for one kind soul his life might have been a terrible one. Sir Gilderoy Lockheart, a knight of Gaia, disgraced an outcast. The knight managed to earn him a life, he was the county Marshall responsible for protecting several villages along with a militia made of old mercenaries and young delinquents. Fortunately for George, Gilderoy took a liking to him and told him stories of brave knights in shining armour.

When he grew old enough, Gilderoy taught George how to wield a sword or rather, a knife. George took to the training like fire took to wood, what he lacked in size and strength he made up for in agility, speed and intelligence. One day Gilderoy did not return from a patrol, he had been killed by an imp. Filled with righteous anger and a need for vengeance George stole into his father's lockbox looking for something he could use and what he found was a shining set of armour and a sword, a proper one made for his short stature.

George dressed with the help of Thomas, the new leader of the militia who wore a crooked grin throughout the affair. Ready and willing George rushed of to the purported location of the imp and found instead the entirety of the militia laughing at him. Gilderoy was nowhere to be seen, a blessing in itself but the damage was done and George could no longer take the ridicule. He disappeared and once more his parents were heartbroken but this time they could not stave it off and his other passed first, soon followed by his father.

Years later, George returned to find his old village in ruins, he searched every building but found nothing until he came to his former abode, inside he found Thomas. He had wasted away and he looked the worse for it.

I 'erd abou' you, word says you're a big famous warrior now, yeh mammy and pappy 're dead an' you still look stupid. If only the boys were alive tah see you now, they'd be laffin deer 'eads off iff'n it weren't fer those demons.

George could say nothing, and instead he left, his heart saddened by the death of his parents.

They died after you left 'em 'ere George, iss all yer fault.

Extra Notes: (Anything else you want to make note of, if anything.)

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