The Fairy Struggle


Lady, running down to the riptide
Please keep Genders and Species even! Also, only Fairies and Humans are allowed in this rp.

Fairies accepted: 3

Humans Accepted: 3

Human Sheet







Fairy spottings:
(How many fairies you have seen, doesn't mean you caught them)

Pets: (This isn't a fairy. It can be a cat, bird, dog, or nothing.)


Appearance: (Picture please)


Fairy Sheet





Age Appearance:








Name: Fen

Nickname(s): None

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, though still quite young

Age Appearance: Hard to tell, probably around 15-17

Height: 4-6 inches about

Powers: Minor healing (Sealing cuts and the like), sparks of light that can blind people temporarily if hit in the eye, Ability to create pictures or illusions out of thin air.

Flaws/Restrictions: Using her 2nd power can usually make her weak and often she finds it's powerful effect has been fading a bit. If sucessful, it normally will only blind her enemy for a minute or so.

Sometimes her illusions are obvious, but usually only if she's weak or the picture was too big or detailed.

Crush: No one, Fen doubts she'll ever be able to have a relationship.

Human/Master: None yet, luckily.

Personality: Shy, timid, caring, kind, sweet, loyal, slow to trust. Fen is a very sweet girl, she may be very shy and timid to strangers and take a while to trust them, but after that she is a very loyal friend. When she isn't being shy and timid she can be very happy and playful.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf336d5bf_Fenthefairy.PNG.d078ef9b9e15282f6a0eba370d0ba689.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf336d5bf_Fenthefairy.PNG.d078ef9b9e15282f6a0eba370d0ba689.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Ignore those wings! Also, her shoes are actually white)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Fairy_Wing.jpg.bf034ac810dfc48810558ad97795baa3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Fairy_Wing.jpg.bf034ac810dfc48810558ad97795baa3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (These are her wings except they are more see-through)

Other: Nothing yet.



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Name: Melodia Jacee Morris

Nickname(s): Melody, Mel

Gender: Female

Age: She's 103 years old.

Age Appearance: 17

Height: 5 inches

Powers: She can control any source of water.

Flaws/Restrictions: In a very dry place she will become noticeably weaker.

Crush: None

Human/Master: None (thank goodness)

Personality: Melodia is the quiet-but-will-glare-daggers-at-you kind of person. She hates people who act fake and has trouble dealing with overly nice and sensitive people even though she can be really sensitive herself. She's a slightly competitive person and always tries to be better than boys. If people think only a boy can do something good she will try to prove them wrong. Even though she's like that, Melodia can shows happiness more than scorn and competitiveness. When you get to know her you can often see a smile on her face and know that she loves books. She has always been naturally drawn to learning and reading. She likes to go off on her own and read in a quiet corner somewhere. She kind of a reserved person, but is always open to listen to someone's problems even if she may not have the answers to them.

  • Likes:


-Painting (occasionally)

-Winning a game

-Listening to music

  • Dislikes:

-People judging people they've never met

-Getting so angry she starts to cry

-Crying in front of people she's angry with

-Trying to prove herself


  • Hair: She has wavy, silver hair that reaches the ends of her shoulder blades.
  • Eyes: Blue eyes that almost looks violet.
  • Wings:

Other: None
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Name: Emma

Nickname(s): None

Gender: Female

Age: 100

Age Appearance: 16-17

Height; 5-6 inches

Powers: Can control fire

Flaws/Restrictions; In cold places she will be a bit weaker

Crush: no one (yet)

Human/Master: no one

Personality: she is Sassy but also very nice and friendly , but she hates people who lie and are full of themselves.


Other: None
(( To anyone thinking about making a character: We need some humans, so please consider that when you begin creating your character)
Human Sheet

Name: Ashlee Sparks

Nickname(s): Ash

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'5.1" (=168 cm)

Fairy: None.

Fairy spottings: Three.

Pets: An English Foxhound named Belle and a Maltese named Sasha.

Personality: Ashlee is a bit of a dork. She gives the impression of someone carefree and child-like, someone who lives in her own little universe and ignores everything known as reality. While the first part is true, Ashlee is very sensitive and compassionate of others, as well as a little absentminded and very forgetful. She has the tendency to go off into Neverland, but she can be sharp and ready for battle if she deems it necessary. Ashlee is a little vain with the long routines she has in the mornings and evenings as well as her focus on fashion and hair. She likes to receive complements and praise for her work, and has a bit of an ego that can grow to the size of a palm tree if others keep feeding it with their positive feedbacks. Being a bit of an attention-seeker, she loves being the center of attention, but she also has the dignity to step into the background and let someone else take the center stage, even if she often does so reluctantly.



Other: None.
Name: Samantha Grace Ryan

Nickname(s): Sam, Sammi, Ryan

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Height: 171 cm or 5ft6.

Fairy: Open.

Fairy spottings: One.

Pets: Maine Coon cat named Dorian.

Personality: Samantha is a laid-back and reserved young woman. First impression of her is generally someone calm and mature, which isn't far from the truth in this case. She is intelligent (book smart, to be more precise) with a tendency to come with sarcastic and witty comments when she is upset and/or lacking sleep. An obedient and well-read student, she loves searching for new information and explore the limits of the known world. She has always been fascinated with mythology and its mythical beings, but has always looked at things realistically, so this hasn't really taken as big a part as these days. Samantha is a closeted romantic - hopeless one, too. She likes to read Nicholas Sparks novels and dive head first into the old works of Shakespeare and Jane Austen. Being a bit of a feminist, she stands up for herself and holds tightly on her personal opinions, which can sometimes get in the way of her day time researches.



Other: Nothing of special origin for now.
Human Sheet

Name: Magnus Nickolaisen

Nickname(s): Nick, coffee-addict, muncher

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Height: 185 cm

Fairy: Open

Fairy spottings: 4

Pets:Black pug called Maggie

Personality: A little here, a little there. Nick is a crazy guy with a wild imagination. He rarely sit still, but instead he runs around and is wild and free. With the soul of a child, Nick has no problem in believing in faries, and find them to be more suitable as friends instead of pets like many find them to be. A voice like an angel, and an energy like nothing else, he's often seen with crazy outfits too.




Nooooooothing yet.

If you wannna hear his voice ;)
Lizzy said:
(( Ok everybody, the rp will be starting today! ))
Ummmm is it too late to join? If not then.....

Name: Marceline Flaem(pronounced Flame)

Nickname(s): Marcy, Marce, Mar

Gender: Female

Age: ?? Unknown

Age Appearance: 18-21

Height; 5 1/2 inches

Powers: Manipulation over clothing materials (She can make clothes basically)

Flaws/Restrictions; Gets very weak after using magic, very hard to survive in water or extreme heat

Crush: Magnus Nickolaisen

Human/Master: Magnus Nickolaisen(if that's okay with them)

Personality: Shy, quiet, geeky, misunderstood, "emo"


-Looks: Brown scene hair, blue-green eyes, pale, thin




-Outfit: Jeans, black pullover, black beanie, pendant with magic dust, black Converse

Other: nothin
Name: Torinth Mackleberry

Nickname(s): Tory



Age Appearance: 17-19

Height; 3-4 inches

Powers: Water manipulation.

Flaws/Restrictions; Must stay hydrated or else he dies slowly. Always seems to be drinking out of a little flower cup.

Crush: Melodia (although he hides it because he is too afraid of what she will say)

Human/Master: None...yet. (he will be caught sometime if one of the humans agree)

Personality: He is always joking. He loves making people laugh. He is known to have been seen making little human girls giggle with his shennanigins of water and faces of hilarity. Although having to stay hydrated is a slight draw, he never lets it bother him hoping one day he will find someone who is not bothered by it.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Hairstyles-for-teen-boys_18.jpg.2f1bedd074de186a786acb29194623d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20589" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Hairstyles-for-teen-boys_18.jpg.2f1bedd074de186a786acb29194623d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/alya__s_water_fairy_wings_by_lucyfullbuster089-d59zu8h.jpg.94f670c97fdc6fe5486750f717c1fc7c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20587" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/alya__s_water_fairy_wings_by_lucyfullbuster089-d59zu8h.jpg.94f670c97fdc6fe5486750f717c1fc7c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/dcmarvel-01.jpg.75f852f6cecf87f193d163e8ec8e354c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20588" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/dcmarvel-01.jpg.75f852f6cecf87f193d163e8ec8e354c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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