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Realistic or Modern The Fab Five

Heidi Florence

Heidi Florence woke up in the familiar, comfortable bed of her best friend when the alarm on her phone began quietly playing "Habits" by Tove Lo. Always the morning person, the girl lifted her head head ever so slightly and reached blindly to switch the alarm off. Stringy blonde hair still covering her face, she flipped over in the bed to face her still-sleeping best friend. Normally, six in the morning would be way too early for any teenager to wake up, but Heidi was a special breed: her life was perfect, there was no reason to stay in bed and waste it away. She smiled at the ceiling for a moment, taking in the bittersweet realization that this was the last time she'd wake up in one of the girls' beds on the first morning of school. Her eyes fell on the beautiful, sleeping girl, and her mind couldn't help but replay a thousand memories with Darcy, who she usually started the year with. Junior year had obviously been a flop for their friendship, and Heidi wanted nothing to do with the homewrecker, but that didn't stop the memories from hurting.

"If you want to look half as good as me, you better get up now." She joked, lying a hand on Lux's shoulder to shake her gently before crawling out of the warm bed into the cold, dark room. The sun wasn't yet up, but that was how Heidi preferred it: plenty of time to look her best. Not that it took much. Bare feet plopping against the floor, she exited the room to go down to the kitchen, still just in a tank top and boy shorts. It wasn't as if she had anything to hide, and she'd never been one for modesty. The kitchen was empty anyways, and Heidi poured a glass of water and retrieved her overnight back from where she'd left it at the front door the night before.

Her mother picked her up from camp at six p.m. the night before, though she was scheduled to arrive at five thirty, which Heidi definitely made her hear about the entire ride back. The blonde then proceeded to spend a whopping ten minutes at her own house, just long enough to grab something to eat and pack a bag before leaving her push-over of a mother behind (against her wishes, of course) and taking the car to Lux's, where she showered and spent the night catching up with her friend.

Once she returned to Lux's bedroom, she took a seat at the vanity to spend the usual time straightening her hair and applying her make-up, which always had to be done before getting dressed in Heidi-world.
"Make sure you don't wear pink. It'll clash with my red." She remembered to remind Lux nonchalantly, smacking her lips together in the mirror to test out the newly applied dark red lipstick, a perfect match for her red skirt.

She didn't mean to just regularly sound like a bitch, though she didn't actively try to stop it, either. So, to feel less guilty, she sighed, standing from the vanity once she was done to sit at the foot her her friend's bed, legs crossed politely.
"This is the beginning of the end. It's actually really sad, you know? We're never going to have a first day of high school again. We're never going to spend the first day of school commenting on everyone's weight gain and bad haircuts together." She spoke dreamily, with a sincere tone that she didn't use very often as she stared at the wall in front of her. The truth was: Heidi was terrified. But she would never let anyone else know that. She was worried that this town, and New Hope High and her group of friends was her peak in life, and it was all downhill after High School. This is what she was good at: she knew how to own teenagers: how to intimidate what she wanted out of others. What if the real world wasn't like that?

Heidi blinked rapidly a few times to shake the thoughts from her head and pouted up at Lux
"I love you. Don't ever forget me."

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The silence of the crisp morning air suspended in the quiet trees was broken as the sound of heavy steps and breathlessness disturbed the peace. A tall muscular teenager with faded brown hair and piercing hazel eyes jogged determinedly down the forest trails. His eyes slowly closed as he reveled in the feeling of the wind against his face and the sunlight embracing his skin. Soon, the sparkling ripples of the nearby lake came into view as he paused next to the muddy water banks. His hazel eyes squinted against the bright sun, absorbing the peacefulness of the woods before he would have to return home.

After his short break, Aiden continued along the dirt path around the lake, his muscular legs kicking up more dirt as he became lost in his thoughts. His head wandered from his recent hookup session with his ex, the Queen Bee, to how his scorned "friend", the Outcast, was holding up. A wave of guilt passed over him as he was reminded of how much pain he caused on the people around him. He pushed his legs to run faster as if to force out his feelings of remorse, convincing himself that Heidi had brought it on herself. After all, half of their relationship had been filled with needless arguments that she had started for no reason. He didn't know if it was because she wanted attention or if she was bored, but he got sick of all the drama she was causing. Still, did that mean she deserved what he had done to her?

As he exited the forest trails, he saw a familiar house come into view- the Outcast's. It took all his power not to text her right then and there to come out so that they could talk. He knew the consequences if he was ever caught speaking to her again, but he couldn't help but wonder how she was doing. And honestly, he missed her. The entire situation had been his fault. Sighing, he tore his emotion-filled gaze off of the house and continued his way down the sidewalk, trying to ignore the churning in his stomach.

As Aiden reached his own driveway, he slowed to a stop and grabbed a water bottle from inside the garage. After downing the entire bottle in a matter of seconds, he opened the kitchen door to go inside. He secretly hoped that his father was not awake yet, as he was in no mood to deal with him and his lectures. Sure enough, as he walked inside, the first face he saw was none other than his dad's. The man immediately looked up at the sound of the door opening and gave the boy a small greeting nod. "How was your run? I have a lot planned for you today," his father said.

However, Aiden simply gave his dad a brief acknowledging look before briskly jogging up the stairs to his room. He collapsed onto his soft white bed with weary muscles, putting in his earphones and getting lost in his music. He still had some time before he had to shower and go downstairs for yet another day of intense training to prepare for football season. And he was going to enjoy every second of it.



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Lux Cameron's eyes instantly shot open upon hearing her best friend's voice. She had already been awake, feigning sleep when Heidi woke up. The blondish-brown haired girl had been admiring Heidi's face since four in the morning. Sure, it was weird, but she couldn't help herself. In her mind, Heidi was the most gorgeous girl she had ever seen in her life and she admired her. Not only for her beauty but also because everyone either wanted her or hated her. Lux wasn't sure if she wanted to be her best friend or be on top of her. It was weird. She always pushed the thoughts out of her mind as quickly as they entered. All girls think of their best friend in that way, she would tell herself, hoping to one day believe it. Truth be told, Lux didn't know what the hell was going on with her. She just wanted the thoughts to stop - and fast. She pulled back her bed's comforter from her slim frame and sat up, watching Heidi as she exited her bedroom in only a tank top and shorts. Before she knew it, her eyes quickly wondered to her best friend's ass.

When Heidi left the room, she rolled her eyes at herself before walking over to her considerably large closet. She rummaged through it, annoyed at her irresponsibility. What the hell am I going to wear? Lux thought. It wasn't as if she had a limited amount of clothes. In fact, she had a ton of clothes. Some of which she hadn't even worn yet. What bothered Lux was the fact that she usually took her clothes out the night before but somehow, she forgot. It was the first day of school, she knew she had to look her absolute best. All of the Fab Five did. After a couple of minutes deliberating, she finally decided on an outfit.

Lux exited her closet, happy with her outfit choice. She hadn't even noticed Heidi come back into her bedroom. Hearing Heidi tell her not to wear pink caused her to slightly frown, but she quickly got over it. Maybe I'll just save it for tomorrow, she thought to herself, going back into her closet. After at least 5 more minutes, she had decided on a different, slightly more edgy outfit. She, then, laid her outfit onto her bed as she always did in the morning and sat down beside it, slightly wanting her friend's approval. She watched as Heidi sat on the foot of her bed and began speaking but Lux wasn't paying attention. No matter how hard she tried, her full attention was on the blonde's red lipstick. Coming back to reality, the only words she heard was Heidi telling her that she loved her and not to forget her. "Are you kidding?" Lux smiled and grabbed her friend's hand, "I will never forget you. I love you, too, Heidi." She pulled her in for a hug, and practically squeezed the life out of her before standing up and walking into her bathroom.

She looked at herself in the mirror and began playing with her hair, unsure if she should leave it straight or curl it. A few days ago, she dyed it slightly blonder. Sort of like Heidi's. She began to wonder if her friend thought that she was weird for doing that.
"How are you wearing your hair today?!" she slightly yelled out to Heidi. She knew that whatever hairstyle her best friend was going to have, she would have to have something different. She idolized her, but she knew that the exact same hairstyles were a big no-no.

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Azaiah Richmond

You know what your problem is?

You don't ever see the big picture

I want you to take me serious

Baby, I want you to take me serious

The sound of papers falling and small curses could be heard over the soft music playing in the background in the room that belonged to Azaiah Richmond. With a small sigh, Aziah dropped down to the floor, picking up the fallen paper as well as a caustic and small box a nerds. Azaiah had been up since around five, fixing up some posters he’d be putting up around the school. It was a new year and as the Class President, Azaiah was going to be sure he’d decorate the shit out of that school with what he wanted. Placing the papers on the table, he opted to stay seated on the floor, pulling down his posters to take one more final look at them.


They had been filled with pictures of the students Azaiah had taken during the summer. He had organized summer events for the school- School Barbecue, Midnight Rally, Summer Beach Black Out- All had been successful in his opinion. He’d managed to get a lot of the school to come out and enjoy themselves. It really was a nice thing to see when a senior was actually being kind to a freshmen. If anything that’s what Azaiah wanted out of this year- Friendship. He wanted to bring his school together. Make them all one big unit of friends, happiness, and fun. Dark brown eyes flickered onto a certain photo and the sudden optimistic look of the school’s future became bleak.

The Fab Five. Of course it was them that crushed his dream.

Those girls- While all beautiful and absolute sweethearts to him- Had a bit of a problem with the rest of the school. If anything, they would be a bit of an obstacle with trying to bring the school together. But Azaiah would just have to push through and do what he needed. Focusing in on the picture his eyes went to the brunette beauty he had the pleasure of calling his girlfriend. A small smile came to his face as he looked at the smile on her face from the picture. The girl he’d fallen for all those years ago. It surprised him how long they’d been together- He had never thought it’d be such a long term relationship but boom- It happened.

The patter of paws came trotting and before long, Azaiah was being assaulted by a tongue.

“Ack!” Azaiah shut his eyes, quickly moving his pieces of artwork out of the way as his dog continued to lick his face. “Dammit Jeremy! No licking, no licking!” He let out a small laugh and turned to look at the time, seeing that it was around 6. Perfect timing.

He managed to stand up, Jeremy at his feet and walked towards his phone, grabbing it as the song changed. He hummed along to it as he made his way to the bathroom. It only took him a few minutes to get ready, dancing and singing along to his music happily as he did so. It did earn him a knocking on the bathroom door, his sister telling him to shut up so she could sleep. He laughed at that and continued on with his morning ritual which of course meant almost tripling over the large body of his dog Jeremy who had waited so patiently for his master to be finished- Choosing to lay down right outside the door.

“You will be the death of me man.” Azaiah joked lightly, scratching his dog’s ears before frowning. Quickly, Azaiah turned back around and went to wash his hands before continuing his ritual. He made his way downstairs, getting his dog set with some food before grabbing an apple as he made himself some toast.

Jill crossed his mind once more and Azaiah pulled out his phone.

Cutie Pie <3
Good morning beautiful. Just wanted to know if you wanted me to pick you up today. Let me know. See you later. Love you

Of course Azaiah wasn’t exactly expecting for her to let him drive her to school. He figured the girls had some sort of plan for this morning to come onto the campus with style and Azaiah had no plans of being a part of that. It felt so weird having all of those eyes on him when things like that happened. He felt like it was the wrong attention.

Shaking his head, Azaiah continued on with his day, letting his dog out before it was time to head out. The Class President had to be early and Azaiah would be
damned if he didn’t keep up his punctuality on the first day of school.
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If there's one thing Alfie hated, it would definitely be mornings. They weren't his thing, really. He'd rarely wake up early, and so his family members would end up barging into his room and yelling into his ear. Sometimes, he had such heavy sleeps that he wouldn't wake up even then. That is why he bought a really loud and annoying alarm clock this summer. He knew that he'd regret buying it, and he did, but he'd also be thankful for it. Otherwise, he'd still be in his bed for half an hour, which would be bad since he wasn't really the fastest in the morning. And him still lying in bed and looking up at the ceiling proved that point. He just wasn't ready to get up and face the day.

After being in bed for five minutes, contemplating about whether to get up or not, Alfie finally managed to push himself and walk to the bathroom. The first thing he did was wash his face. It was the most effective thing he did to wake himself up completely. Not that his face was cold from the water, he didn't want to go to sleep anymore. He then brushed his teeth, changed his clothes to the usual black shirt, black leather jacket, and for a change, he wore dark blue skinny pants for once. He'd wear the black pants the next day, but for now, he needed to go wild with this color. He sighed, looking into his mirror. This was it. The final year. Boy, was he excited to start it, see Heidi, spend time with the ones he knew at school, and get this year over with. But now, he didn't know what to feel. He was never a fan of studying, but it just felt weird knowing this was going to be his final year.

But at the moment, that didn't matter. He needed to get downstairs. His room felt like it was choking him with it being such a closed and, well, not open space. It wasn't that the room was small. It was big. Very big considering their parents were rich people. But at least the living room was an open space with big windows and a bit of air to breathe in. Though he dreaded walking downstairs and seeing his parents. Maybe he should spend some more time here.

Heidi came to mind and Alfie found himself getting happy. He allowed himself to smile now, but in front of other, he wouldn't do this. He wouldn't let people see him as an easily influenced person. Still, that wasn't his focus now. Heidi was. In just a bit, he was going to see her. Out of the Fab Five, she was the only he cared about. He didn't care about that Lux girl, or that one that always banged guys, or the one he believed was called Tegan. He didn't even like his sister all that much. But Heidi definitely was something. He considered texting her, and he did take his phone out, but he decided against this. It wouldn't be the best idea since he wanted the first words he'd speak to her this school year to be in person. So he put his phone in his pockets again and looked at the door he dreaded to open. Okay, maybe he should check his phone for text messages. Yeah. That seemed like a better idea.

Darcy Paige Beckett - The Outcast

The alarm blared like a siren, violently ripping Darcy from her admittedly poor sleep. She fumbled for the alarm clock, taking what seemed like forever to slap the off button, the ear-piercing, screeching noise still echoing around the inside of her head. Darcy lay there in silence for a while, wrestling with herself over whether or not to even bother getting up. Maybe if she just lied there long enough, everyone would forget about her and she wouldn't have to go. But no, she thought, she had to make it through this school year. She had to go to school and she had to keep her grades up so she could get into a decent college and move far, far away from here, from where anybody knew her name. Then she could finally get a fresh start. No sex tape, no New Hope High School, and most importantly, of course, no Fab Five.

During the months of summer, she'd successfully managed to avoid the Fab Five and pretty much everyone else from school by never leaving the house, but now she'd be forced to face everyone, something she dreaded more than anything. Of course she wasn’t exactly looking forward to having to be around them and listen to their merciless taunts and jabs in her direction, but she didn’t even know if she could look them in the eye, especially Heidi. She didn’t want to let the girl who had once been her best friend to see how fragile and broken she’d become. You couldn’t show weakness in front of the Fab Five, or they’d pounce on you and rip you to shreds. They were like vultures, always circling around dying creatures to snag an easy meal.

She didn’t want to see Aiden either. After everything that had happened, the thought of him still made her heart pound, even though she knew full well that he’d used her. She’d been such a fool to let herself get seduced by him, with his smile and the way he made her feel like they were the only two people in the whole world who mattered at all. The stupidest thing was that every minute they’d spent together, part of her had known that Heidi would find out somehow and that her life would be utterly destroyed, but she’d wanted to be with Aiden so badly that she’d let herself be reckless and impulsive and so, so stupid. She’d been selfish, too, hurting someone she’d cared about and had loved like a sister for a guy of all thing. Of course he wouldn’t stand up for her during or after her social ruin, because it would mean ruin for him, too. Even after you tried to rid yourself of Heidi, she would never really let you go. That was just how things were.

Darcy finally managed to sit up and get out of bed, pulling on a denim button-down dress and a pair of tan suede heels and loosely braiding her hair over her shoulder. As much as she felt like just wearing sweatpants to school, she was far too proud to look as weak on the outside as she was on the inside. She walked downstairs and into the kitchen, her favorite room in her house. It was warm and almost always smelled like food – her mother loved cooking just as much as Darcy loved baking. This morning, her mother had made her an omelette, her favorite dish that wasn’t dessert, but Darcy wasn’t hungry. She picked at it, too nervous for breakfast.



Sofie opened her eyes. Morning. Well, close enough. She knew that it would be around five o'clock, that was usually the time her natural alarm clock woke her. The thing was, she never felt tired when waking up so early. Her Parents had always been strict about morning routines, and so she was just used to her body waking her up at this time. In a way, she liked it. It was convenient. Giving out a little frustrated groan, she pushed herself into a sitting position. It was time to get ready for school again. The Summer had been fun. Hot and fun-filled. But, it was missing something. Richie. She had seen him on a few occasions, but meeting him out of school in such a gossiping place was social suicide. And actual suicide for Rich. If he was caught with her, his life would be over. He'd go to prison. He'd lose his job. He'd go on the sec offenders list! In all other aspects of her life, Sofie was content. She felt normal, like she was just living an average life. But with him-it was strange, unoccupied ground. And she loved it.

Sofie stood up, and stretched her arms up. She was in her favourite pair of pyjamas, and it pained her so much that she had to change out of them. She laughed at the thought of Heidi's face is she was to turn up to school in her pj's. She padded over to her door, the wooden floor of her bedroom was now totally tidy, as opposed to the previous morning, when it was covered with her clothes. She had made a pact with herself, that if her relationship with Rich was going to work, she was going to have to be more sophisticated. She just had to be. But the one thing that was holding her back was the idea that it just wasn't going to work. There were so many problems facing them, so many things that were difficult. She wasn't even sure that she wanted to be with him forever. But, for now, it was a thing. And she wanted to be with him at least for now.

Sofie went downstairs into her kitchen, and unsurprisingly, her Mother was sat at the table, drinking a glass of orange juice and smelling heavily of smoke. As she entered the kitchen, the sickly smell hit her, and she coughed loudly, letting her Mother know that she disapproved. "Morning Mama." Sofie mocked. She and her Mother were not on the best of terms. Her Mother ignored her and continued to read the paper. Sofie went into the cupboard, grabbed a muffin and went straight back upstairs. Sure, she could have eaten with her Mother, but frankly, she wanted to avoid the awkward, forced conversations with her.

Upstairs, Sofie set her half eaten muffin on her dressing table and began her hard work. Her hair was up in a bun and she knew that it was going to be beyond knotty when she took it down. She decided to leave that until last. She put on her make-up, a slight coat of foundation and a dusting of eyeshadow along with eyeliner and mascara and she was set. Of course, these minor details took her at least an hour to complete, and she had even done her hair yet. That was her net obstacle. She took down her mane and brushed it thoroughly, before turning on her straighteners and eating her muffin while she wanted for them to hear. An hour later and her hair was straightened, styled, and fitted with a nice subtle waterfall braid. She cracked her neck and smiled, proud of her hard work.

Her outfit was next. She needed something slightly classy but ultimately sexy, giving out the message that she was grown up but unfathomably mature. She went to her closet and pulled open her doors, before walking in and picking out a short, moss green dress and a jacket to match. The dress was short and revealed her shockingly long legs and the jacket showed that she meant business, but of course could be removed. She pulled the jacket together in the middle and grinned. Once she had finished her look, she slipped on @AlwaysYours


Tegan Arden-Redding


"Kiss me hard before you go," the warm, dark voice of Lana Del Rey crooned through the black clock radio atop Tegan's worn bookcase. The light-haired girl rolled over from her position on her side and slapped her hand on the snooze button, hoping to somehow evade time and gain herself another five minutes not spent worrying about the constant social pressure that was building around her. The knot was building in Tegan's stomach. What would she wear? What should she say to Heidi? Would she even be able to talk to Darcy? The questions loomed above her head like a monstrous dark cloud, threatening to wreak havoc in her life. Tegan wasn't sure things could get any worse than they were at the moment.

"Summertime sadness..." The voice sang through the radio again. Tegan cursed herself and rolled out of bed, her eyes barely open. It was summertime sadness indeed. The warm, long days had come and gone, and now life would be filled with homework, college applications, and social pressure. It had been a quick summer, but Tegan has tried to enjoy every minute of it.

"Tegan Elizabeth, you better get your ass down here if you want some pancakes," Maeve Redding called from downstairs. It was an annual tradition for Maeve to cook for Tegan on the first day, and senior year was no different.

"I'm coming," yelled Tegan, practically tasting the buttery goodness on her tongue. She moved her feet as fast as possible, nearly tripping over them in her effort. It was rare that the got to spend time with her busy mother, and it meant the world to her that they got to spend the morning together. Tegan muttered a quick greeting, keeping small talk with her mother as she placed three large pancakes on her plate and drowned them in sticky maple syrup. She imagined what Heidi would say - tsk tsk, just think of all those carbs - but she quickly pushed the image of the blonde out of her mind and began to eat.

After finishing, Tegan hurried back upstairs to get dressed. Finding an outfit was always stressful, especially for the first day. Everyone in the school would be looking at her and her group for inspiration, and she knew she couldn't wear just anything. Her fingers were quick as they skimmed over the many fabrics in her closet, finally closing in on a light cotton dress. She quickly slipped on a denim jacket and a pair of simple flats to complete the look. Denim goes with everything, right?

The question still fresh in her mind, Tegan said open her phone and went straight to the speed dial. She had never gotten her driver's licence , nor had she ever intended to, so she relied on her girls for rides in the morning. It wasn't like she was going to ride a dirty school bus. She shuddered at the thought. Quickly, she tapped on Heidi's icon and exhaled slowly, hoping the girl would pick up.


How to be the New Guy

The sharply familiar buzz is what woke him up. What kept him awake was the aching feeling in his gut of all the introductions he'd have to make. It was so mundane, yet so much of what he was. A walking opening post on the World's Cheesiest Blog. He rolled out of bed with the grace of newborn doe, stumbling off to get himself together. After brushing his teeth and such, he slid into a pair of khaki cargo pants and the first flannel shirt he could grab. It was typically
red and black. Not that he had a preference--anything but pink, anyway. He walked into the kitchen to find his mother already awake and in her favorite blue pantsuit. "Hey," he smiled, bee-lining to the coffee pot.

"Good morning, Jay." Ms. McAllister sighed, her voice sweet but clipped and formal. The wonders of having a retired Captain as a mother. Jarrod sat on a nearby chair. What he expected was an everlasting speech about being polite and not kicking up a dust storm. It was pretty much a part of the routine. What he got was silence. It had been that way ever since he did the "big reveal". Once upon a time, his mom was his best friend. Nothing could separate the two of them, not even her job at the time. But one seemingly small detail changed the very foundation to what they once had. Jarrod used to feel a pang of regret at the thought, but now he was just waiting for her to jump on board. Nothing had changed about him, but he was still willing to give her time.

"Good luck with the Mayor and stuff." he said loudly, carrying off his travel mug of black coffee. "And make sure to bring extra glue for his toupee." he added with a snicker, getting out of the way as quickly as he could.

He rode the whole mile and a half to the campus with the music blaring. Ellie Goulding was already a talented woman, and Active Child made amazing music as well. But, whomever decided to smash their songs together was a genius. "I just can't keep hanging on..." Jarrod mumbled off-key, pulling into his parking space. A few kids were lazily beginning to fill up the other spots, buses were dropping off their loads. The first day was kicking off in full swing. And with that was the tribal like localization of grouping. The proper person to their proper label, as with all clique type--which earned a grimace from Jarrod's face. He hated the aspect of kids being lumped together out of sheer need to fit in. There was honestly no other option though, if the school were under rule by the typical reigning She-Queen.

Jarrod cut the ignition and stepped out of the
car with his game face on. As soon as he did, the boy could feel the massive force of most of the student body staring at him. Waiting. It was as if he was being judged by the Sorting Hat. Jarrod stepped onto the sidewalk and made his way to the middle table. There was no one there, but he couldn't help the feeling that he was breaking some huge rule he had no clue about. That was verified by the crowd wide hush that fell upon the campus. Jarrod looked around, shrugged, then pulled out his Macbook and started reading an article on Human Temperaments and its affect on the adolescent mind...with a page by Buzzfeed in the background with kitten memes.


Saved by the Grosky

Was it a shame that the man couldn't think of one damn way to break it off? "Yes," Richard answered himself, staring at the phone message with absolutely no idea how to respond to it. She wanted to see him, which would have been fine under other circumstances. During the summer, he'd sneaked her away so many times that there had to be a new definition for the term "spending the night". It wasn't all just sex though, and he appreciated that with all of his heart. However, the problem still remained--how the hell was he gonna be able to separate being her teacher from being her "everything else" when he wanted nothing more than to do shameful things
on his job?

Do you wanna meet? I'll go to your classroom, be there.

He stared at the phone, every ounce of him yearning to tell her he could be at her house in five minutes. He already thought of the perfect way to say so when the intercom buzzed directly to his room, via the telephone. "Dr. Grayson, Principal Florence is coming by shortly. There is a new student and he will be a part of your homeroom. She will be delivering his schedule to you." The feeling of relief almost made Richard's head explode, causing him to fumble the phone receiver as he tried to reply. "Thank you, Mrs. Grosky, I'll be waiting for her." he replied to the middle aged secretary. Hanging up swiftly, he tried to text Sofie as quick as he could, promising to make it up to her at any cost. And, by now, she should have known that he would do just that.
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Heidi Florence

Heidi remained on the foot of her friends bed, where she could still see her reflection in the vanity mirror across from her, so she was content with her position. "I'm thinking sides pulled back in a ponytail with the rest loose. My new foundation is doing wonders for my cheekbones and I don't want my hair to cover them." She called back in response, reaching for her bag once she was finished admiring her reflection to pull out her recently purchased red skater skirt that she matched with a simple white tank and cute black and white patterned scarf. She'd forgotten the black strappy heels in her car, but she could slip them on upon their arrival to school. She stood from the bed finally to strip off her clothes and slip into her outfit of the day, examining the one Lux had set out in the meantime.

"That skirt is going to look so hot on you." She commented genuinely, struggling to fasten her black belt around her waist. She was halfway through getting dressed when her phone ran on the bedside table and she slipped over to see Tegan's contact photo on the screen. "Tegan's calling" she announced to Lux out of politeness as she slid the answer icon over and placed the cell to her ear. She held it between her right ear and shoulder so that her hands could be free to continue fiddling with her belt.

"Hey, babe. I'm at Lux's place getting ready. We'll be there to get you soon. Not that I have to tell you this because your hair hates the color, but just in case, don't wear pink." Once again, Heidi probably sounded like a bitch without really trying to. She couldn't think of a better way to put what she wanted to say, and there was really no time for manners when the girl was probably already dressed for the day. In Heidi's mind, it was very important, no, life-threatening, if any of the girls' outfits clashed with her own. She would probably have to die on the spot. Or, you know, go home and change. Either way it was a huge inconvenience that was easiest just to stop before it even occurred. "Love ya, we'll catch up at the table, my belt is giving me problems." And without waiting for an answer, she hung up and tossed her phone to the bed, groaning and following Lux into the bathroom

"Fix my belt"
she pouted, reaching to push one side of Lux's hair over her shoulder, letting the other hang over. "You should do that cute thing with the high, small pigtails on both sides and leave the rest loose. Literally only you could pull that off," she decided nonchalantly, letting go so that Lux could figure her belt out.

Heidi was far more clever than she liked to let others know. She wasn't oblivious to the way her best friend looked at her, she just simply chalked it up to being jealousy. She experienced it from others all the time, why not her best friend? Regardless, it was a nice feeling, being put on such a high pedestal by someone she found almost on her level of beauty and talent, and Heidi was a sucker for attention, so maybe she
did sometimes wear scandalous outfits to make Lux jealous of her body. Maybe she was currently standing in the girls bathroom in nothing but a skirt and bra to receive the familiar glances. Was it a crime to put herself into situations that made her feel confident?

Once the girls were dressed and ready for the day, Heidi swung by Tegan's house to pick her up, assuming by the lack of texts that the other girls were driving themselves. They knew to meet at the middle table in the courtyard so it was really no big deal how they got there. While waiting in Tegan's driveway, she blew the horn and updated her Twitter and Facebook with a selfie of her and Lux on their first day of Senior year. Once Tegan was in attendance, they started their ride to school.
"How was your summer? I wasn't allowed to have a phone at camp, I swear I wasn't neglecting you. I got so many texts while I was gone that my phone just completely shut down and I had to put my sim card in my mom's shitty old iphone 5." She explained to Tegan with an eye roll. Typical Heidi, asking someone else a question and then immediately making the conversation about her.

Trying not to make it obvious that she was procrastinating, Heidi drove just barely below the speed limit. Just slow enough to seem casually distracted instead of purposefully taking her sweet time. Not only did she almost not want to start the beginning of her last year of high school and quite possibly the last year of her peak, but she also was in no rush to be face to face with Aiden yet. Though, the thought of seeing Alfie did cheer her up a bit. She hadn't been able to text her ex-boyfriend all summer thanks to the strict camp counselor guidelines, and she wasn't sure if they were still sneaking around or if that was just a short hormone-infested fling because they weren't used to not
being intimate with one another. Either way, she wasn't excited to know the answer. Most boys, Heidi could play with like her own personal Ken doll, but never Aiden. Maybe that's what made him so attractive to her. He was above her charm and manipulation. The amount in which she didn't want to see him and know the answer yet didn't matter, though. New Hope wasn't too far from Tegan's house. She had no choice.


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Eleanor "Ellie" Spencer Jones

If there was anything that Ellie didn't need that morning, it was her mother shaking her awake. She squinted at the alarm clock beside her bed, only barely making out the numbers. What the hell? she did a double take, It was supposed to go off thirty minutes ago! Her eyes popped open rapidly, and she sat up. Her mother took that as confirmation that she wasn't likely to fall asleep once more, and left her room, all without saying a word. Whatever, who needs mothers to wish you a good day at school when you have a kickass outfit planned. It wasn't too flashy, but it wasn't too plain either, and the red flannel would ensure that people's attention drifted towards her. Her late start meant that she had to decide on her hairstyle pretty quickly, ultimately deciding to leave it down. Her black Chucks and a long key necklace completed her look- she had built up the reputation of hipster last year, and hoped that this year she could springboard even more into the limelight.

She grabbed her purse and ran downstairs, not at all surprised at what she saw. Her mother was sitting there, reading. Her father was sitting there, reading. Her older brother was sitting there, not reading but... was he taking apart his computer? And her twin was sitting there, studying. Seriously, Ellie knew who got the fashion sense in the family. Not the brains, a small voice from within reminded her with a pang. Hey, she might not be Harvard bound, or the next Doogie Howser, but she had a kickass sense of style and a far better shot at a social life than anyone else in her family. She pushed the doubts down, refusing to become pessimistic on the first day of school.

She never thought she would have said it, but she was glad school was about to begin again. Her parents thought it was a stellar idea to send both Ellie and her twin to super math camp at a local college. While her twin had loved it and excelled in the subject, Ellie had a miserable time. She was the dumbest there, by far, even if the other kids couldn't match their T-shirts and shorts to save their life. It was boring and frustrating, and it had ended only for the school year to start again. Unlike the rest of her family, Ellie hated academics. But there was a perk to the school year starting- she would finally see her friends again, and she was even slated to become the next Queen Bee of the place. Sure, the academics blew, but Ellie had a feeling that this year would be the best yet.

The school was within walking distance, so Ellie grabbed a granola bar and headed out the door. She couldn't stand being with her family any longer than she had to.


After five minutes of aimlessly checking his messages, which he actually bothered to answer since he wanted to waste some time, Alfie headed to the door. He took a sigh as a preparation, and then moved the door knob. He peeked outside, expecting someone to be out there. Maybe his parents? But no one was there, which was a relief. His parents must be downstairs, and his sister preparing herself or something. But he was also scared she was asleep. If she was asleep, he'd kill her. He was her ride to school today, and if she made him wait more than necessary, he was going to burst. So he knocked on her door and yelled out, "Hey, I'm leaving in ten minutes. Better be prepared then or I'm leaving you here." With all of those useless things she does to make herself look pretty, he doubted she'd come in a few minutes. One could only hope.

Alfie took his backpack from his room which he was looking forward to coming back to again, swung it on one shoulder, and then headed downstairs. Just as he expected, his parents were there, chatting and eating their breakfast. And like always, they only gave Alfie a glance before getting back to their conversation. His mother's work would start soon while his father's changed every time, so he had no way of knowing when he was leaving or whether he'd come back and see him after school. Not that he cared, anyway. Well, actually, he did. If his parents weren't here in the house, he'd be able to come back and play his guitar as loudly as he could. If Jill wasn't here as well. No one knew about his hobby since no one cared. And because it's been a while that this was unknown to the family, he wasn't really willing to show his talent publicly anytime soon.

There were many empty seats in the kitchen, but Alfie always liked to sit in the farthest corner of the dining table, away from attention. That was how he was in life until things in school changed when he started dating Heidi. He hated being the center of attention, but he ignored it. Just like he was now with his parents' eyes on him. He simply took himself a waffle and started eating it. Mentally, he had to admit his mother's cooking was not bad. It was nice. But he would never actually say that especially since telling her would motivate her to cook more complex foods, and that would end in a disaster. Every time she cooked something new, it was as if she was solving a complex puzzle. One that burned easily. He preferred her being creative in her job only, and not in the kitchen.

Since he had finished his food quickly, Alfie found himself standing up and saying goodbye to his parents. He started walking to the garage where all of their five cars were. Two of them belonged to his dad. He never understood why he needed two cars. He turned to the key holder and took out his car keys from it. As a slowly started approaching his car, he found that he was a bit too overwhelmed to go to school. Last year, he reminded himself. Then he'd be free. But he also didn't want the school year to end because the possibility of not seeing Heidi wasn't so slim. Sure, Jill was friends with her but who knew what would happen to their friendship? He shook the thought away from his head and got into his car. Everything would be alright, he was sure. He needed to be happy for now. Happy that the lousy school was actually a way for them to see each other.



Sofie looked down at her phone. "Idiot." She said, under her breath, not knowing whether she was saying it to herself or Rich. Perhaps she was just being an annoying little girl. Well, she didn't care either way. She wasn't going to try now. That was it for him. Perhaps he had made his mind up. She squeezed her eyes shut and smacked the wheel, feeling secretly embarrassed. She started the car and she was off. She knew that she would probably be the first of the five to school, she was always the early bird, surprisingly.

Sofie pulled up at New Hope and turned off her engine. She had parked close to school, but far away enough so that people who were outside or onlooking could see the genius of her outfit. She stepped out of her car and flipped her hair over her shoulder. She went to the passenger side, grabbed her bag (today it was a brown, leather shoulder bag) and then leant on the side of her
car. There was no way she was going to go inside until she saw at least one of the other girls. What if she ran into Rich? She'd die right on the spot. She pulled out her phone from her pocket and texted Heidi.

I hope ur nearly here. I need ur advice. Kisses.

Although Sofie despised shorthand, she really didn't feel like adding in apostrophes to her text messages, especially when she felt like one big, stupid, blonde idiot. She just wanted her friends. She needed her friends. She sighed and forwarded the message to all of the five. She had told the five about Rich, or Mr. G, and that they had done things, but never had she told them how she really felt. And, of course, she wasn't going to now. She wasn't ever going to. That was something only she could know about. But, she could tell them that he had been ignoring her calls, right? Her usual attitude when it came to men was uncaring, so if she kept a straight face and a confident tone, they wouldn't suspect a single thing!

@pulpfiction @Amora Aurora @Saaaaaarah @QuixoticKitten


Aiden let the hot steaming water flow down his muscular back as he reveled in the few minutes he had in the shower before he had to rush to school. Soon enough, he stepped out of the warm haven and wrapped a dry white towel around his hips. The faded brunette boy made his way to his room and threw on a tight white v neck that emphasized his muscles as well as a pair of black jeans. He decided to wear his typical navy varsity jacket since it was the first day of school, so he knew the football team would be wearing their own varsity jackets as well to make a statement about their social group. Slipping into a pair of navy vans, he grabbed his black backpack from the floor and made his way down the stairs.

As he stepped into the kitchen, he was greeted with the delicious smell of scrambled eggs and pancakes made by his loving mother. A wide smile crossed Aiden's face as he took a seat at the island counter in the middle of their kitchen and began to devour the meal.
"Thanks, Mom! This is amazing," he said gratefully through his food.

His father was sitting on the other end of the island counter and let out a grunt.
"You should be eating more meat, son. More protein more muscles," his dad told him as he sipped on his morning coffee. "Keep in mind that you've been training all summer for this season. You need to stay on top of your game. Division 1 schools only want the best of the best," the man reminded him for the hundredth time. Aiden's sharp hazel eyes shot his father a glare but gave him a small nod before quickly finishing his breakfast.

"Bye, Mom!"
he shouted over his shoulder as he left through the garage door towards his black Acura. The tall muscular quarterback slid smoothly into his car and backed carefully out of the driveway, speeding off into the distance.

Soon, the familiar shape of New Hope High came into view as he realized that this would be the last time he would be arriving for the first day of high school. Secretly, Aiden was glad. He was more than ready to escape all the unnecessary drama and cliques of high school. He was ready to move onto college and pursue his passion in humanities, eventually becoming a journalist. Sighing softly, he parked his car into his usual spot next to the other football players. He slung his backpack loosely over his shoulder before exiting the car and making his way towards the school.

His green eyes spotted Sophie's car from a distance where it was parked next to the usual parking spots of the other Fab Five members. The faded brunette boy knew that this meant Heidi and her posse would be arriving soon. Aiden wasn't sure if she still wanted to continue their secret hookups now that she was dating Alfie, not that that had stopped her before, but he figured he would just play it by ear. His gaze also subconsciously swept the crowd for Darcy, as he knew that she especially would be dreading the first day of school. His attention shifted over to the growing group of football players crowding at their usual spot under the large tree that grew near the middle table. Smiling at the familiar faces, Aiden quickly pushed through the rest of the students to join his friends.

"What's up, guys?" he greeted them with a nod as he neared. The other football players smiled as soon as they saw their captain join them and each offered him their usual handshake.

"You been training this summer?" the linebacker, Derek, asked, observing him.

"Yeah you look bigger,"
another wide receiver, James, nodded in agreement.

You bet I have. My dad has been working my ass off the entire summer," Aiden replied with a grimace.

"I'm sure one of the old Sexy Six would be more than happy to give you a nice long break," Derek laughed with a teasing wink.

"I think you mean
two of the Sexy Six," James added, laughing as well.

The quarterback chuckled with his friends, but his smile was the type that didn't reach his eyes. His stomach churned as he listened to his friends refer to the cheating scandal as a big joke.
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Jarrod just so happened to look up when the chatter and small talk picked up again. Apparently, some girl named "Sofie" had arrived. Jarrod took a gander at the parking lot and saw a single female waiting outside her Fiat. Apart from owning the world's only fashion accessory on four wheels, she seemed rather normal. Prettier than most, yes, but nothing really gave him anything else to say about her. 'The things that matter to some people.' he thought before storing his precious laptop and breaking out his journal to pass the time. Licking the tip of his pen, he made a note not to arrive this early ever again.

Withing mere seconds of him describing the way light hits a lace pattern and tells a story of its own, he felt a quick poke to his side. Looking up, he saw a brightly colored kid with frosted highlights and cherry LipSmackers painted on oh so lightly. He couldn't help but groan inwardly, painting a convincing smile on his own face.

"Hi, I'm Jeffrey," the guy introduced, holding out one brilliantly spray-tanned hand.

"Delighted," Jarrod replied flatly, shaking the open palm with the enthusiasm one gives to attending funerals. He thought that would come across the way he intended, but it seemed that Jeff wasn't the type who could take a hint very well. "I just want to say, you are one of the bravest and most fashionably daring guys I know."

Jarrod rolled his eyes and placed his journal down, to give Jeffrey his full attention. "While I thank you for the lovely compliment, can I ask you what you mean and also to get to the point?" The reaction the guy had was a cross between sheer wonder and a little terror. "No one told you?" he whispered, looking around edgily. "Told me what? No one has said a thing to me yet." Jarrod replied. "I mean a hello would be nice!" he followed, really starting to consider home school in trade of this place.

"No one is going to talk to you until you leave this spot." Jeffrey answered, shaking his head. "And, I suggest you do that quickly." The kid walked away after that, leaving Jarrod even more confused and wanting to know what brand of jeans he was wearing.
Azaiah Richmond

The sounds of 98.9 drifted through Azaiah’s
@AlwaysYours [/size][/font][/center]
Darcy Paige Beckett - The Outcast

Realizing it was time to go, Darcy stood up from the breakfast table and mad her way to the front door. Her steps were slow and shuffling, betraying the anxiety she was feeling over going back to school. She knew from experience from her junior year that the flood of name-calling and petty insults would start the instant she stepped foot onto school grounds. As she pushed her way through the door and it slammed behind her, she stopped, taking a deep breath and exhaling. No. She wasn't going to let Heidi and her pathetic little minions - they disgusted her now that she wasn't one of them - ruin her final year at New Hope. Even though everyone at school hated her and thought she was a skank, and despite the fact that not a single person there would even talk to her if not to call her a homewrecker, she was going to make something of senior year. She wouldn't just lie down and accept defeat. She wouldn't let herself get destroyed by Heidi, even if it meant destroying Heidi herself. Especially if it meant destroying Heidi herself.

Darcy swung her purse into the passenger seat of her cherry red Miata and herself into the driver's seat, started the engine, and drove off towards school. Her radio pumped out pop music, some latest hit or whatever, but she wasn't listening. Her mind was on the same day last year, when instead of her purse sitting in the seat next to her, it was Heidi. They'd been so excited. They had been beautiful and young, not to mention powerful, and they'd had two whole more years to rule the school like they might've ruled the world someday. Nothing could’ve possibly stood in their way, and yet, something did come between them. Darcy was lost in nostalgia for a moment until she shook her head, clearing her mind. Heidi had shattered her world like she’d never mattered to the other girl at all. What was she doing feeling sentimental about the person who had quite literally ruined her life? Heidi didn’t deserve this. The girl was despicable, loathsome, abominable, and she would get what was coming to her someday, Darcy would be sure of it.

She pulled into the parking lot of New Hope High School and parked her car, looking around the lot for familiar faces. There was Sophie, standing next to her car and looking at her phone. A smile twitched at the corner of Darcy’s lips; she knew her well enough to be able to tell that she was strategically positioned just so to maximize the amount of admiration her outfit received, and it was well-deserved, of course – Sophie was always impeccably dressed. Out of the corner of her eye, Darcy thought she saw Azaiah with an armful of posters. She’d voted for him in the class president election, although so had pretty much everyone else. He was one of those guys that was popular not for being a manipulative evil sociopath, but for actually being a genuinely nice guy. She’d always liked that about him.

And then she spotted Aiden, smiling with a group of other football players, and something inside of her fractured. Her knees went week and she almost tripped over her own feet. She forgot for a moment that she was surrounded by people who all despised her and got distracted by his bright hazel eyes. He had really nice eyes…

Aiden spotted her, and for the tiniest moment, they made eye contact. Darcy mentally slapped herself for the second time that day and shoved her face down towards the sidewalk so he couldn’t see her blush. She was being completely ridiculous. Even after he left her for dead, somehow he still made her a blubbering mess inside. She hurried past him and his group of stupid fuckboy friends, hearing the other guys laugh and biting her lip hard in a futile attempt to stop her ears and neck from turning as bright red as her car.
Jill Wednesday Olsen


Getting ready was never one of Jill's strongest suits. Especially in the morning. Especially on Monday mornings. And Jill still couldn't exactly decide which was worse - the pressure of the first day of a new year, or the fact that it would be her last year in high school itself. As she frowned at her reflection on her dresser mirror, she thought that it was probably the latter. For one, it wasn't very likely that she would see all her friends again (not all of them, at least). Second, well, the glamour of being one of the Fab Five would be gone, but that was only a dwarf among the giant possibilities and opportunities that college would both open and close for her.

Jill had woken up a little late that morning. It was most likely one of the biggest reasons why, besides procrastination, she was always a little behind on mornings. She knew better this time around, though. For starters, she'd picked out her outfit the night before, as to gather more time in doing her makeup and hair and all that jazz. Honestly, she wished her life was a little like the movie
Clueless - a machine to choose your outfits, and a lot less problems in life.

It took her approximately an hour to get her act together. Even then, she still wasn't completely ready, still making adjustments to her
hairstyle that she hadn't noticed her phone buzzing in her bag - signalling that she'd received a text message - or two, to be specific.

She had only finished spraying hair product on her dark locks, however, when a knock on the door interrupted her.
"Hey, I'm leaving in ten minutes. Better be prepared or I'm leaving you here." her brother's voice resounded through the door, making Jill pout just a little. "I'll be down in fifteen," she negotiated, shrugging, even though she knew Alfie couldn't see her. It wasn't as if she even needed the fifteen minutes, though. For once, she was on time. Jill straightened her outfit before swinging the door open to follow Alfie down the stairs, studying her brother's expression. Her sibling was always someone she couldn't figure out - and ever since he and Heidi started dating, she'd always thought it was a miracle. That was another reason why she admired Heidi so much - she made her brother smile in that way Jill had never seen him do even in front of close friends before.

With languid movements, Jill made a point of scrolling through her text messages before even starting the engine. She could see Alfie in the periphery of her vision, most probably incredibly annoyed - which was what she was expecting anyway - but he could wait. She'd only noticed then how Azaiah had texted earlier, offering her a ride to school. She suddenly wished she had taken it; her brother's annoyed glances were starting to annoy her right back.

There was another message, from Sofie this time. Jill hastily typed out a reply with a smirk on her lips, before starting the car's engine and leaving the driveway.

I hope ur nearly here. I need ur advice. Kisses.
I doubt u even need advice on anything. on my way <3 btw, is azaiah there yet?

tagged: Alfie @DuskerTem, Sofie @SpectroVector

mentioned: Azaiah @JujuBee, Heidi @Amora Aurora

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Eventually getting to school was inevitable but that didn't make it any easier on Heidi's nerves. Once there were no more back roads and side streets to take, her forest green Camry rolled into her usual parking spot in front of New Hope. The vibe circling the courtyard was the same as ever: all the stereotypical cliques mingling among themselves. Play 'Dirty Little Secret' in the background and they could have practically been in a teen movie scene. That's how Heidi preferred things, though: everyone needed to know their place along the social hierarchy. There were five spots reserved for the Fab Five, because Tegan had never needed one and one had always been Darcy's. Not that she was out, Heidi regularly lent it out to her current boyfriend or some other lucky sucker. The spots were ideal because they were equa-distant between the courtyard and the front door, so not only was the walk easy in heels, but it was a prime attention location, and that's what the Fab Five thrived off of.

Heidi put the car in park and swam through her text messages quickly, most of them from irrelevant classmates wishing her a good first day. Heidi was a firm believer in not texting a driving,
("Too pretty to die young, duh") so she always had a collection to read right before school in the mornings. She stopped at Sofie's and furrowed her eyebrows at the girls text and need for advice, quickly putting the phone away and fixing her hair in the rear view before taking the first step out of car. As usual, eyes all turned their way, and Heidi did her best to look humble, as if she didn't actually notice. There were more important things on her mind anyway, something was wrong with Sofie, that much was obvious just by the look of the beautifully dressed girl two parking spots down. So Heidi took a few moments to fully soak in the attention of the first day back in all of her tanned and sun-bleached blonde hair glory, but ultimately made her way over to her bombshell friend perched against her own (admittedly much nicer) car.

"Hey, babe. Just got your text. We'll definitely talk in private at the-" Heidi's words were cut short when her hazel gaze landed on some random dude sitting at their table. The few cliques around him were all staring in anticipation, waiting to see what the Fab Five would do to him, and Heidi mentally groaned. Couldn't anything just go smoothly in her life? Sometimes, she didn't feel like being a terrible bitch. This guy was obviously new and didn't know not to sit there, but in order to assert her dominance over the school, she had to be rude to him anyway. Couldn't someone have just warned him before their arrival that he couldn't sit there?

"Uh, but first, who the hell is that?" She asked, flipping golden blonde hair over her shoulder casually so that she could nod towards the guy at their table discreetly. "I'll handle this" she added with an eye roll, holding up a manicured index finger indicating for them to hold on, and turning to walk over to the middle table. It was time's like these that she envied the others, who got to look attractive and be idolized without having the responsibility of being a bitch in situations like this.

There was no point wishing she didn't have to do this. There was no other choice. She had to either tell him to leave, or they didn't sit there for the day, and that would seem beyond weak on their part. She supposed she could politely tell him to move. Well, as polite as
Heidi Florence could manage. She shot a flirty smile at the table in closest quarters, a stone perch full of skaters and 'emo' kids staring in silent anticipation. "Excuse me" She finally said once she reached the middle table, bent over not only to bring herself to the new kid's level but also show off a little more leg to the skater table. "You can't sit here. Anywhere else. This is our table." There, simple and to the point. All he had to do was move along and the whole debacle would be over, much to onlookers probable disappointments.
Eleanor "Ellie" Spencer Jones


Ellie munched on her breakfast-to-go as she walked to school. It was a familiar routine, one she started when she was about 6, in first grade. She didn't want to deal with her family members, so she simply walked herself to school. No listening to science jargon in the car, or children's music about the periodic table. Besides, it wasn't like her parents were always home in the morning, either. They had to go to work, and they often worked more shifts than a normal doctor. In any other family, this would mean that the siblings adapted- the older ones looking out for the younger ones, as a type of replacement for their actual parents. But her siblings were to concerned with their schoolwork, and it was every man for himself. So she was responsible- not a bad thing. She took herself where she needed to go, she cooked her own food. But something was missing- guidance. She had found that in school, indirectly, from the hierarchy. Everyone had their place in the social structure of the school, and that was a consistency she never got at home. She was acutely aware of this, she aced Psych class the previous year and often found that she used herself as a case study. Whoop-dee-doo for dysfunctional children of dysfunctional families.

The walk was long, granted, but Ellie didn't mind. It gave her exercise, helped her work off the calories from her breakfast. She was secretly proud of her figure, and couldn't wait to reveal it at school in the upcoming year. Over the summer, she had finally lost the last of her baby fat, and now was very slim. Granted, she still didn't have any curves, and she still had to pad her bra, but there wasn't an ounce of fat on her. The previous year, she could tell she was getting somewhere with getting the attention of the Fab 5, particularly their leader. That was all due to her fashion sense. This year, armed with more clothing, a slim figure, and a new (and infinitely cooler) pair of glasses, she was sure that they would notice her right away.

She didn't have many friends in her grade- years of homeschooling had robbed her of the social interactions her needed to learn. Younger students looked up to her- she was well put together, and she got good grades- she was smart, dammit, even if she wasn't a whiz-kid genius like the rest of her siblings. The older kids tended to respect her somewhat, probably due to her fashion sense as well. Well, that, and the fact that she was a favorite to copy off of on tests. So the parking lot meetup before school just made her sad- she had no one to meet up with, and had learned a long time ago to stop trying to insert herself into other peoples' groups. So she headed straight to her locker, where she fixed her hair and make-up, and grabbed the books she'd need for her first class.


Jarrod's jaw almost fell in sheer shock. This could not be happening, right? He looked around and found that everyone was whispering in a hush and staring at the two. Not good. The blonde girl before him couldn't have just said what she did and still managed to make it sound polite in the end. He couldn't think of anything to reply to her with. Anywhere else would have been just as fine as this spot. She was the one coming in, only 18 minutes prior to the first bell. Granted, it wasn't as of she demanded the spot.

But she did, right? Waltzing in with her perfect
everything and giving more care to a spot than the fact that it was the first day of school. She didn't even give him her name, which he was sure he'd find out sometime soon. The girl gave off an air of ownership that was only likened to those worthy to be called "Queen". Other than that, she seemed annoyed at the fact that she had to tell him this bit of info herself.

Jarrod sighed, resting his chin on his knuckles. Everything started to make sense in the one gesture. Which meant this could get ugly, really quick. He decided to be diplomatic about the whole endeavor. He didn't know the girl, so he had to play nice. "We could sit together and chat boys if you want. But, I've been here for close to an hour and I really don't plan on moving, if you don't mind." he replied. No harm, no foul. Bygones could be bygones if she let. The choice was really up to her. The crowd seemed to quiet,
again, and he could feel the looks of many down his back. His ears reddened from the embarrassment of unknowingly getting in Her cross-hairs.

interacted with: @Amora Aurora
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As Aiden conversed with the other football players, updating each other on their respective summers, his hazel green gaze noticed an unfamiliar boy sitting in the middle table not too far off. He smirked a little, assuming that the boy was new and was completely oblivious of the school's hierarchy. Things were going to become rather eventful when Heidi showed up and saw that her turf had been invaded. He watched out of the corner of his eye as a flamboyant boy approached the new kid, no doubt suggesting him to leave. However, the original boy stayed put, making it clear that he wasn't going anywhere. The quarterback raised his eyebrows amusingly at the boy's stubbornness. He really had no idea what he had gotten himself into.

Just then, the familiar sight of Darcy's long dirty blonde hair caught his eye. His amused smile immediately disappeared as his alluring hazel gaze focused on the girl's soft features and slim figure. His breath caught in his throat as he laid eyes on the girl he was still in love with, and had hurt deeply in the past. Aiden shifted his attention to her light eyes, shining orbs that had once, and still did, mesmerized his entire being. In that shared moment as they locked eyes, he could only see her. The laughing voices of his football friends were drowned out and the morning bustle of the high school students faded away. However, the faded brunette teenager snapped back to reality as she hurried past him and his group of friends. Aiden noticed the flushed red look on her face, no doubt hearing snippets of the jokes that the other football players were making. His longing green eyes watched her leave, fading away into the distance, before he turned his attention back onto his friends.

A little while later, he spotted the familiar green Camry roll into the Queen Bee's usual parking spot. He watched Heidi from afar as she exited her car to converse with her friend, Sofie, before noticing that her regular middle table was already occupied. The muscular quarterback observed her facial expression change as she flipped her golden blonde hair over her shoulder, obviously planning her next move. Heidi stalked up to the unsuspecting boy at the middle table until she was only a few feet away from Aiden and the football players. His friends fell silent, as did the whole schoolyard, as everyone prepared for the events that followed. The Queen Bee informed the new boy very simply that he had to sit somewhere else. He genuinely hoped that for his sake, the boy would listen and move from his seat with no complaint. However, that didn't seem to be the case as the new kid made it clear that he wasn't planning on moving. Aiden's hazel gaze noticed him turn red, no doubt noticing the silent observing crowd.

The quarterback crossed his muscular arms with a grimace on his face as he surveyed the situation in front of him, watching Heidi assert her social dominance. He had never approved of the way she used her power to intimidate those who were too meek to defend themselves, and he had to say that he admired the new boy for standing up to her. It was about time someone did. Aiden's disapproving gaze pierced the blonde Queen Bee, anxious to see what would unfold.
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The whole ride to school, Alfie was not looking ahead. He didn't have to since he wasn't the one driving. His sister was. Instead, he took the chance to lean back against the seat and close his eyes a bit. He wasn't going to sleep. He never slept in the car. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't. The sound of the engine, even if muffled, and the unsteadiness of the car made things hard on him. What he usually did was just relax a bit. It was in his nature to be laid-back during situations. He loved taking things with ease. It was his technique of calming down when things got too stressful, as well. And right now, with his overwhelmed self, he needed this. He knew his sister was probably staring. Maybe she was not as was too focused on something else. Either way, he didn't care. Not as if he usually cared about what people thought of him - even in school. No, especially in school. The crowd wasn't his thing.

Before he knew it, the two were already in the school building. He didn't need to open his eyes to know that they were even near it. He simply knew it from the car's motion. The frequent visits to school made it hard not to memorize the road even with his eyes closed. And damn, he hated that road. But since they arrived, he let himself open his eyes. Now was the time to let himself appear tough. Not as if he needed to pretend or anything. This was easy for him. He straightened up, unbuckled his seat belt, looked at his sister for a short second, and then got out of the car. He didn't talk to her much even when they were at home. Here, he stopped talking to her completely for some reason. But he didn't
hate her. She was still family to him. An annoying one at that, but still family.

He wanted to stick here a bit longer outside, but it was too early in the morning for him, and the sun was especially annoying in this time of day. He hated the sun. If he could actually hold it, he'd let it choke. He realized that he was just stalling, thinking about the sun, and staying here. really, he didn't like going into the school, but he had to. So he did. Oh, how he missed the days when he'd enter and not one person would turn to look at him. Now, every single pair of eyes turned to him. It was a package that came with Heidi. He wished he could get the attention away from him, but he knew he couldn't. He had accepted this change when he had dated Heidi, even if it was difficult, but during the first day of school, everything seemed new to him.

And right now, he had to claim his seat in his first class. The back seat was where he belonged, and even if all the back seats were occupied, he'd let someone get up. He realized that a bit of Heidi rubbed off on him, but not too much. Still, he used the attention and fear he got from people now to get the things he wanted, which weren't much. All the stupid things he cared about were the back seat and the private time he had to smoke. Before he could even head to where the class was, he had noticed that Heidi was standing while some guy was sitting in a table. Her table. Fights were his thing, as well. He had to get involved. He approached Heidi and put his arm around her shoulder, careful not to startle her. "Hey, Heidi," he said, kissing her cheek as he smiled. He turned to the guy in the seat now, and his smile turned to a cold glare. The guy was definitely new. First, he hadn't seen his face. Second, he was basically committing suicide by sitting in Heidi's place. "Guy giving you trouble?" he asked, not taking his eyes away from him.

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Jill Wednesday Olsen


The car ride to school was silent. And it was a scene that Jill was getting accustomed to, too. If this happened a few years ago, back when Jill wasn't part of the Fab Five - she might have tried to stir some sort of conversation with her brother. That would be back when she actually tried to make things better between them. Now, all she could really do was give him sideways glances through the rear view mirror from time to time, completely ignoring the idea of making the kind of mind-numbing small talk that she knew they both hated. Jill stared at the road ahead, tapping her manicured fingernails against the steering wheel. No big deal, she told herself. She was already getting used to it. Alfie's cold shoulder wasn't too different from the kind of attitude she received from about one half the student population, anyway.

It at least didn't take long before they finally arrived at their desired location: New Hope high school. Judging from its slightly less worn down appearance from the last time she saw it - they had done a little renovation - although it wasn't like it made the sight of school suddenly more appealing to students. Jill drove her car into the school parking lot - the satisfying sound of wheels against gravel making her smile just a little. She had only recently reunited with her black convertible, since her parents had confiscated it over the summer (they had disliked the fact that she wasn't home all the time, although she really didn't appreciate the fact that they took out her punishment on her car). Jill stepped out of the vehicle with a grin, flipping a lock of braided hair over her shoulder. She could already spot Sofie in the distance, leaning against her car, and a figure which she highly suspected was Heidi, talking to some random boy.
Which isn't like her. Jill's award-winning grin soon turned into a small frown on her face as she noticed that everybody's attention seemed to be on them, making her realize that something was wrong. As she neared the scene, however, the situation became much clearer. So clear, in fact, that she could recognize the boy Heidi was talking to.

James? Jared, was it? She knew it had started with a letter J, but then again, she hadn't really been paying much attention when her parents introduced them to the new neighbors across the street. She felt a slight pang of irritation as she saw him now, standing comfortably in
their place. She guessed that this was probably the reason why Heidi was talking to him now - and the cause of the apprehensiveness amongst the ever increasing crowd. Jill silently walked over to Sofie's side, doing her best not to attract attention to herself as the conversation between the two went on. "Jarrod," she supplied to Sofie without further explanation, "I think that's the boy's name. He's my neighbor, apparently." Jill shrugged, leaning back. Although even the new ones last year weren't nearly as stupid, she thought in addition.

It was somewhat satisfying seeing Heidi put someone in their place. It was so early in the morning, too, but that's what high school's all about, isn't it?
Drama. Jillian watched with an eyebrow raised as her brother entered the scene. What's he gonna do? she thought, almost annoyed, glare at him until he goes away? Jill doubted that Heidi needed help from Alfie, of all people. But she guessed intimidation would be a good tactic too. Jill stood, scanning the crowd. None of the other girls were there yet, but she could already see a few familiar faces - some she'd even rather not see. What made her break into a smile despite the situation, however, was the sight of her boyfriend, Azaiah. It was almost satisfying just seeing him there, standing with all those posters bunched up in his hands. God, he was cute. She had to admit, she missed him a whole lot. Especially over the summer. Biting her lip, she curled a strand of loose hair around her finger, completely ignoring what was happening around her, and hoping to catch his eye.

tagged: Azaiah @AlwaysYours


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