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Fantasy The Extraordinary League of Adventurers RP Thread


Groovy Dude
This is all currently a WIP. Feel free to make further posts and questions here.




@Yuuki Kagami




I'm also looking for 1-2 people to help me moderate and run things if any are interested. Will make a private chat for that. This RP may have a lot of people and posts so I want to make sure I can manage everything.

A couple of questions before I forget.

1. What time zone are y'all? I'm EST (East Coast United States)

2. How do you feel about two pages for In Character Chat? One for the tavern and more local things that's open ended (no post order) and the other for quests that characters go on (with post order). That way if some don't want to or have the time to go on a quest they can have another RP on the side without cluttering up those on the quest.
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I could possibly help moderate...Though I'd have to know what the job will be like .3.

I'm in Costa Rica, moved from US. Basicly you people are 2 hours ahead of me.
Excellent! I'll look through the Overview when I'm of work. I was actually going to say, I can help moderate if you need. :)
<<<< If you need an idea person, /raises hand. you know where to look.

1. I'm from CST (Central), I'm only an hour behind EST

2. Yea I would like 2 separate in character tabs, makes things less confusing, and more organized.
I'm in the eastern U.S so I'm on the same time as you. Also having two tabs is definitely best.
Seems you have many volunteers, and you can include me among your possible pickings. I'll gladly participate in any creative discussion and will not hesitate to bring down the hammer on those that break your law.

1. PST

2. Two threads for two purposes is a great idea.
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I posted the character sheet format. Feel free to add anything you feel I missed. Will get to all the replies soon. Thanks everyone :D
Disco said:
I posted the character sheet format. Feel free to add anything you feel I missed. Will get to all the replies soon. Thanks everyone :D
/throws confetti. i'm so excited
Forgot to say, I'm in PST (United States). And it seems you've got the two IC threads already made, so that's that!

The Overview was a fun read! Please correct me if I'm wrong: Leonardo III did nothing to further develop and expand the town during his "reign" (speaking of which, what exactly is the form of governance?), and now that the safety of the few who still live there is threatened, he's making a plea to adventurers to come help rebuild and fortify it (but for what reason?). It seems to me that this Laura Evercroft is more of the guild leader than he is, which makes me wonder where she came from. I only ask because I figure, even as secondary/background characters, Leonardo and Laura will still interact with or impact the adventurers. Maybe his notoriety or her prestige attracted some of them in the first place, along with other reasons. I'm just trying to get my head around who these people are and what general public perception of them might be.

Also, what qualifies a person to be accepted into the guild? Or, since this guild is in need of members, are there any requirements at all? Is there a hierarchy within the guild for the preexisting members or is everyone considered equal regardless of seniority or skill? How many people currently make up the guild before our characters join (assuming they're all new)? What is the protocol for obtaining a quest/mission? I would think Ms. Evercroft wouldn't hand out missions willy-nilly to anyone who asked, but then again, would she have a way to judge a person's level of skill?

Sorry for all the questions! It's important to me to know these kinds of details. >.<
Please correct me if I'm wrong: Leonardo III did nothing to further develop and expand the town during his "reign", and now that the safety of the few who still live there is threatened, he's making a plea to adventurers to come help rebuild and fortify it (but for what reason?).
Leonardo III and the League has had very little to do in town thanks to the developments of his fathers. All that he seems to fine for work is petty tasks that those who join the guild want no part of and generally helping with upkeep. The town itself bustles and is brimming fine with plenty of townsfolk, children, and people to work the land. That being said, those who were a part of the guild have long since gone (we're talking moved and left ages ago and far away...likely to find more dangerous places) and only a few veterans remain. Mostly closer friends of Leonardo III or those faithful to the guild stuck around. So now with the recent resurgence of monsters, aid is needed once more to make sure the town roads and outlying villages are safe.

(speaking of which, what exactly is the form of governance?)
The town and the outlying villagers who are deemed citizens of the town elect a Mayor or Governor of sorts to act as a representative for the town. The representative works the local politics of the town and deals with important tasks directly relating to them. This representative also speaks in the people's interests to the overlying kingdom that rules over the town. The kingdom itself (with no name so anyone feel free to take shots since I'm terrible with names) is ruled by a monarchy with a parliament (think England here). They have the Imperial Guard who watch the roads, although those guards are thinly spread across many towns and can't deal with the current problems themselves and the Imperial Army which is used only for war purposes. Only the town guard can reliably protect the townsfolk inside the walls and even with that the villagers outside the walls aren't necessarily safe.

As FYI: The town is what is inside the walls. Aristocrats and the wealthy live here along with merchants, craftsmen, iron workers, blacksmiths and tailors. Those sorts. The town holds libraries and schools for those who can afford it along with taverns, inns, guilds and shops. Many homes are also inside the town and line around the walls. Outside the town are smaller settlement villages. The people who live here are the laborers with less money or funding than those inside the walls. (They are allowed in at any point just living inside is more expensive). The people who live in these village settlements are miners, farmers, etc.

It seems to me that this Laura Evercroft is more of the guild leader than he is, which makes me wonder where she came from.
Laura certainly seems to be the face of the guild these days with Leonardo's depressive slump. You have a correct inference that she is a big part of the reason why the guild even remains at all. I plan to develop Laura and other non player characters backstories and development during the RP. What most people know is that she's a friendly face and runs what little of the guild is left. Plenty of rumors also circulate around her and Leonardo III. Anything you can think of, really. It doesn't help that she's a half Elf and seems to be rather cunning.

Maybe his notoriety or her prestige attracted some of them in the first place, along with other reasons. I'm just trying to get my head around who these people are and what general public perception of them might be.
Both those things could very well be reasons as to why people show to the guild. As far as general opinion goes: People know Leonardo III has been a shut in and a shell of his family image. Many are doubtful and see little reason for the guild to take funding to run if it does relatively little as to what it used to. Truth is that people see Leonardo III as a failure to his family name. Although his close friends remain strong on the idea that he will bounce back and return glory to the guild once he leaves this slump.

As mentioned before, Laura seems mysterious and cunning to many. She's the only one who has real interaction with Leonardo III and keeps checks on the guild. She's also fought very hard to keep what's left of it up. I should mention that because of recent public interests, elected representatives have heard the townsfolk and taken away funding and housing from the guild to use it for other purposes. Laura's political moves have kept things alive but even she struggles. Some townsfolk have bitter testaments of Laura because of this as they see the guild as an unneeded tax.

Also, what qualifies a person to be accepted into the guild? Or, since this guild is in need of members, are there any requirements at all? Is there a hierarchy within the guild for the preexisting members or is everyone considered equal regardless of seniority or skill? How many people currently make up the guild before our characters join (assuming they're all new)? What is the protocol for obtaining a quest/mission? I would think Ms. Evercroft wouldn't hand out missions willy-nilly to anyone who asked, but then again, would she have a way to judge a person's level of skill?
Qualifications are minimal considering the guilds state. They look to see if you can use a weapon of sorts and intend to teach the novices anything important from the ground up as Leonardo I had done. When it comes to ranks, none technically exist and the guild is rather carefree. The only people really in charge are Leonardo III and Ms. Evercroft. While ranks are not seeded into the guild, many ideals of respect and honor are. One in the guild doesn't take orders because of rank, they take orders out of respect for the man who is better skilled and more experienced. So you could say older, senior members carry respect and the higher "ranks." Respect is earned. The few remaining are likely to be around 8 members of senior "rank." (10 including Laura and Leonardo) They all occupy the rooms in the last remaining guild hall and typically don't have much to do about in the day. The others consist of treasurers and barmaids. A small clique of barmaids and cooks (about 6 of them) work the guild tavern and 3 treasurers handle the money. Finally, Ms. Evercroft takes town requests from government and its people and hands out based on that seniority rank and how proven someone is. Those who have earned her respect and trust with multiple successful tasks are given more difficult and important jobs while novices are handed out easier jobs until Ms. Evercroft can gauge their reliability.

Sorry for all the questions! It's important to me to know these kinds of details. >.<
Don't feel bad bout asking questions. These are important for everyone to know. I just hope I answered everything cleary. Lemme know.
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@Disco Thanks for the explanations! I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions, and I sincerely hope they were useful to at least one other person. I may have jumped the gun a little with my enthusiasm to participate, though. I won't have my laptop next week which will make posting difficult (and I don't want to hold you guys up) so since this is still in the earliest stages, I'll quietly leave now so the next person waiting can start creating their character. S'been fun!

Best wishes to you all!
Apologies for the wait guys. My schedule took a huge gap recently and I got super busy. Will get to this ASAP Q.Q Sorry again.
@Disco Sorry to say this, but I don't think I'll be able to participate in this anymore due to having no time with new roleplays I'm currently partaking/making. So I won't be taking up a slot anymore for another person to join. Hope to see you all again, and have fun roleplaying ^^
Okay I'm going to start going over character sheets and such. Once again, sorry for the delay everyone.

@Yunn don't worry about it. I'd rather you tell me sooner than later.

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