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Fantasy The Extraordinary League of Adventurers RP Thread


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Appearance: (1-2 paragraphs preferred. Image is nice but not mandatory

Personality: (A brief summary. 1-3 paragraphs should fit nicely but have as much as you want)

Skills: (Swordsmanship, archery, etc)

Knowledge: (Reading, writing, sciences, etc.)

Backstory: (Will likely be around 3 paragraphs. Just explain basics from childhood to now and anything or anyone important inbetween)

Items on Person: (Nothing should be a crazy amount of equipment or super high quality if the character is just starting off)

Misc Info: (Anything from likes and dislikes, favorite season and foods. Random knowledge)
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This is currently a WIP but feel free to use it as reference. I don't expect your character sheet to be 100% like this... I'm just posting to what I usually do for characters.

Name: Amber Reinhardt

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Human. Some Dwarf blood in her ancestor line but that was some generations ago.

Appearance: Amber is a woman of strength and virtue. She's a healthy spirit and a healthy body to boast it. She stands at a taller five feet, seven inches, and with her height has a good deal of muscle from her days of hard work and labor. Her arms and upper body in particular boast muscle strong enough to support her old work of swinging a pickax all day long. The woman strides with confidence and a demanding presence as she seeks to get involved with whatever mess she can get herself into. Her body has some scars and bruises from getting herself into trouble during her youth and fighting with her brothers. Amber has the dark green eyes of her brother and raven black hair cut short to keep out of the way.

Her clothes consist of a simple pair of black trousers and undershirt with a red tunic over it. Easy going and loose fitting clothes as to remain comfortable during fights. The only thing really constricting is the belt around her waist. She has brown work boots and leather work gloves to match. The last thing is a dark orange colored bandana that she has snugly tied around her head. (This sort of style with the bandana... obviously the model does not have the whole character look.)

Personality: Amber is likely described by her faults more than anything else. She's young and that's what one has to expect. She's headstrong, fierce and has a terrible attitude. She wants to charge into the fight and have fun doing it. And she likely gets all this from her father. Amber can hold her liquor well but will still manage to drink too much. It's part of getting rowdy and wanting to start a fist fight in the bar. Usually someone has to restrain her. Because of all this, she has trouble admitting she's wrong out of pride.

There is some good to her behavior, though. She's loyal to a fault and will stick to her guns even against all odds. Her work ethic is unparalleled and she will continue a project from the crack of dawn to the late of dusk. Amber will just not give up which is something to be admired. Even if it can be rather stupid at times. She's also got a bit of a heroic side to her as Amber is willing to defend and fight for her friends and family and take a few punches for them too. She won't let harassment pass.


Mining/Excavation (Competent) - Amber has worked the mines with her father in the past and knows how to swing a pick or shovel up some dirt. Gives her some nice labor skills and she's versed in safely exploring the underground from her work.

Swordsmanship (Apprentice) - Amber wields a Messer which is considered a rather crude weapon. Not a real "sword" but it's the best a mining family can muster for someone like her. She has some basic training but is inexperienced in real combat and is likely to get too reckless and make mistakes.

Hand to hand (Novice) - She's wrestled with her brothers and gotten into fist fights with strangers. Although Amber has far from any real training she can throw a decent punch. This being said her skill is more akin to a tavern brawler and has little practical use.

Construction (Apprentice) - Amber has built and rebuilt mining shafts and village homes in times of need. Of course she never took on a project by herself and was often instructed by a superior. She's no master craftsman or architect but she's gained the skills to muster something up.

Knowledge: Amber can read and write on basic levels although flowery language and in depth knowledge of math and science will go over her head.

Backstory: Amber grew up just outside the walls of Azeron. Her father and two older brothers, like most in the village, were miners. So it was only natural that when she was old enough to help Amber was aiding her family. Not that she took to the pickax right off the bat, but there were other tasks a young and spunky girl like herself could take up on. Amber and her mother mostly provided aid to the miners with food and making sure everyone returned safely. It wasn't until Amber hit her early teenage years till when the village would let her join her father in the mines.

Amber spent most of her youth exploring the open outside, playing with friends, and fighting with her brothers. Despite her father being a more traditionalist man, Amber was treated like one of the boys and was trained in basic self defense. Her aggressive behavior and assertive attitude got her in trouble many times, of course, but that was part of the fun. Amber never let a day go by boring and she still tries to avoid the mundane today. There was always something to explore. And she really longed for going deep into the wilderness despite the adults telling her not too.

When she got older her focus changed to being more responsible. Mining was only part of the work. Making runs to Azeron for supplies and equipment was a daily task she thoroughly enjoyed if not just for getting to go inside the city walls. Things remained this way for some time now as Amber grew up with a healthy and active lifestyle.

It wasn't until the more frequency monster attacks that things changed. Suddenly the village had a curfew and men were assigned to night shifts. The roads just leading out of the village were deemed dangerous. And none of the local guard could do much about it. With the sudden restrictions and her people at risk, Amber wanted to do something about it. She heard of the old adventurer guild opening up once more and while she prodded her parents constantly, they refused to let her join. Almost every dinner led to an argument about letting her join. Her father wanted her to not think about these things. Let the guards handle it. Her job was to mine the ore below. She hated just sitting and watching.

It wasn't until both her brothers were attacked by monsters that her parents finally reconsidered. Neither of her two elder brothers were killed but William, the middle child, was servery wounded and put out of work. Sol, the eldest, is struggling but he has a better chance of making a full recovery. The two were attacked by simply being near the mines and it was clear to the village something had to be done. Amber asked her folks one last time before they let her join The Extraordinary League of Adventurers.

Items on Person: A pickax, shovel, a backpack with some food and very basic medical supplies (bandages, mostly) a torch and her handy Messer. She also has a necklace from her mother.

Misc Info: Amber likes a well brewed beer and well seasoned venison for just about any meal of the day. She appreciates those who can hold their own in a fight and demonstrate a willingness to work even on mundane tasks. She hates ghosts or the idea of spirits though. Something rubs her the wrong way about the idea of something being able to hurt you that you can't hurt back. She's also weary of magic users and especially necromancy. Her favorite season is autumn.
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Name: Peter "Pete" Malduck

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/4c483660d7919b011233c300f930ab05.jpg.1e64421d2b0364a16f0d3f05ee6c6e9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114032" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/4c483660d7919b011233c300f930ab05.jpg.1e64421d2b0364a16f0d3f05ee6c6e9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(ignore the pistol. Ay me. If I had any skill at Photoshop...)

A strong jaw, wide lips, and carefully combed hair tell it just like it is. Pete is handsome and worse -- he knows it. A swagger bounces his step as he walks, confidence holding his shoulders square and sharp. Every step taps upon the wooden floor, his weight shifting like a dance. A wink to the pretty lady, a friendly arm slung over a drinking buddy, a taunting jibe tossed to the stink-eye drunk, well... with all that said, the impression you'd first get of Pete is likely accurate indeed.

Of course, he's tall. A full six foot in stature, with a long torso and thick legs. Beneath his officer's vest, a thin layer of hair tops lean muscle, and veins protrude. Brown dusts over his tanned chest, too, follows the carving muscle.

PS: The stank of coffee is on his breath, the grit of cacao beans in his teeth.

Personality: Vain, arrogant, and cunning would be top of my list to describe Pete. If he is cruel, it is only because he has something to gain from it. If sadistic, only because he thinks you're a rotten piece of cowsdung. To the stranger, and to most of his friends, Pete gives freely his taunting brand of lovingkindness. Making some uncouth remark about your mother while slipping money into your pocket, that kind of thing is common practice. Driven largely by self-interest, Pete is not above some charity off the top when his pockets are full, but when he's low on funds, he's like a cornered rat, thirsty for work, any work, and a stinky cheat at cards besides.

Skills: Basic training in sword and board, the pike, archery, and hunting

Knowledge: Street smarts, some commoner's herb lore (the usual headache soother, the poison apple seeds, things like that), and military discipline (formations, tactics, etc).


"Well, old pop was a sneaky sort of guy. He stole with his words, made you give him his money freely. He was good with the law because he never tricked anybody with actual authority or connections to it. He was careful. He was smart. And ma was his complete opposite.

Where he was sneaky, she walked out in the open. Where he made enemies, she made peace. Ma was always workin'. For the butcher's shop cutting meat, for the tailor sewing dresses, but always making just enough to survive, which was never enough to live. She wasn't a pretty woman. Large, beefy arms, huge black mole on her upper lip. But she loved me, so I loved her and I wanted to do good by her.

That's why, like a painted fool, I up and signed with the reds. Army guys, discipline, not my thing. Barely lasted a year or two, just 'nuff to make officer, but that weed of a sarge sent me on a suicide run into monster territory, so I up and left. Oh, don't dare tell anyone about this, alright? They find me, I'll be strung up like a chicken. Hey. Hey, I don't like that look on your face, not one bit. I die, I'll know it's you. Revenge ghosts are the worst, you know. The anger makes 'em strong -- strong enough to stop your sorry heart anyway.

Yeah, so, now I'm here. It's basically boonsville, cow heap, empty city. Sure, things've been heating up lately what with the monsters and the recruiting slogans, but it'll settle right quick. Or it better, else the army comes sniffin' for a handsome dancer in an officer's coat."

Items on Person: A side sword with elegant hilt, a short bow (and 20 arrow quiver), a torch, an officer's coat, and banded armor.



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  • Name: Loraine Laos (goes by Raine)

    Age: 20

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Appearance: Being malnourished when she was young, and during her most important growth period her height was stunted at a perfect 5'2 feet, no more, no less. Becoming used to small meals did not help her either. She was left to be all skin and bones when she was a child. However she has become to be described as more healthy, and rather skinny, than a pile of bones due to more balanced meals. Working outside in the fields most of the time she's built up some strength, but no matter how long she is outside her skin remains fair as instead of a tan, she'll be gifted a sun burn.

    Her unkempt, red hair is kept at mid length and is often in a small pony tail. While her face is adorned with freckles on her nose and cheeks which draw others towards her brown eyes. She mostly wheres a faded one piece dress with a green petticoat.
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Name: Avelyn Corila


Gender: Female

Race: Mermaid

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.38271fc90ccc162100d802402124c1cd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114075" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.38271fc90ccc162100d802402124c1cd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>Appearance: Okay, for one Avelyn doesn't have branches attached to her back so forget that, the horns, are actually just a crown and can just get pulled off. The picture shows what she's like in mermaid form, while with legs (As soon as she touches land she gets legs instead of a tail.) her legs are covered in green scales and shaped like a humans, and she actually has really nice legs.

Personality: Avelyn is very adventurous, she loves adventure and exploring and wants to see the entire world, and her true happiness shows while she explores or sees new things, she's also brave and gladly will go into something head on, making her a bit reckless, she also not scared to give someone a piece of her mind, hell, she'll tackle them if she has to. To other people, she'll come off negative and sarcastic, and generally least optimistic.

Skills: Avelyn has no experience in a weapon whatsoever, and uses her elemental magic which consist of: Water, Air, and Earth, and her singing attracts the attention of men. Avelyn has most experience in the Water element. She can bend it to her every will, make a tsunami or a puddle, shoot it out of her hands, etc. Air comes second, where basically, she can make wind, or heat the air around her or a foe, making it harder for them to breathe. She mainly used it to throw large things at foes or throw the foes themselves. Earth comes last, and she can only feel Earths pain and grow it, like a flower or tree, but she cannot bend it to her will.

Knowledge: Foreign languages, reading, ancient artifacts, singing.

Backstory: Avelyn, as you would've guessed grew up in the depths of the ocean, daughter of the King and queen who ruled the entire seas, a great honor. As a kid Avelyn grew up spoiled with many friends, and was highly liked, she had a high education and learned how to read things in any form, be it ancient writing, from centuries ago, in which was a rare thing to know, and she learned how to communicate with just about anyone, and the teaching of magic. however her father and mother knew of Avelyns ambitions and made it a restriction to never look above the water, to make sure she never wandered unto land, where most mermaids never come back from.

When Avelyn was 15, her curiosity got the best of her and in the middle of the night she swam up to the top and for the first time ever, saw the other side of her world. Land. Avelyn stared for about an hour before going back down to bed, however a royal guard had caught her in the act and reported to the king the next morning. He was outraged and she was tossed in the dungeons, forgotten and alone for 5 years, when she was 20 she made her escape, she broke out and went to land, discovering shortly after that her father hunts her, sending his men to retrieve her from land. She currently works at a local tavern as an bard, she sings for the tavern and is a well liked waitress.

Items on Person: Her coin purse, her clothes, and a musical instrument strapped to her back called a lite.

Sexuality: Straight



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Name: Bjorn Sigmundson

Age: 41

Gender: Male

Race: Varl

Appearance: Bjorn, as a Varl is extremely large when compared to other races. Standing at 9'6, weighing 900lbs he is exceedingly powerful, able to treat the strongest of humans as if they were mere children. Naturally Bjorn has grown horns atop his head wholly unique to him as well as a long beard that he has much pride in considering he has not shaved since he was a teen. When his age is stated to others many assume he is a middle aged man, but in fact due to his race he is still considered very young, as Varls can live several hundred years if their lives are not cut short.

Bjorn wears simple trousers and an undershirt that are both a dark black as well as a brown leather tunic that is many times thicker than usual due to his massive size.

Personality: Bjorn is a quiet man for the most part, generally keeping to himself as he finds he often intimidates those around him due to his size. However when somebody proves worthy of his time and attention he often grows fond of them and even worries about their safety as he views many races as inferior to himself as they lack his brute strength and durability. Like all Varl he has an innate love for drinking and fighting, often doing both at the same time whenever any fool in a tavern is drunk enough to try and fight somebody literally twice their size. This has landed Bjorn into a small amount of trouble with the towns guard on a few occasions though they have never attempted to apprehend him, likely fearing for their own safety if they did.


Farming (Competent): Bjorn has spent the vast majority of his life on a farm and has thus acquired a good amount of skill in doing so.

Swordsmanship (Competent): Being the sole protector of his village Bjorn has been in a decent number of fights involving blades and has thus over decades acquired a small amount of skill with a sword.

Hand to Hand (Basic): Rarely has Bjorn ever fought somebody using bare knuckles as rarely is anybody stupid enough to do so. Despite his lack of practice however he has a basic understanding of how to fight with his fists and though a competent fighter could likely avoid his strikes for some time, if they were ever struck at full force its likely they wouldn't wake up for some time.

Knowledge: Bjorn has little knowledge in anything outside of agriculture and basic reading, writing, math and science which are essential to his survival and ability to farm the land.

Backstory: Found in the forest alone and crying by a young couple he was reluctantly taken in to be raised as their child. However by the time Bjorn was three he already had a little brother and sister. It was with these humans that Bjorn was raised and given his name, an attempt by his adoptive parents to honor his heritage as a Varl. It was farmland that his parents owned and growing up rather quickly Bjorn was easily the size of a child twice his age by the time he was five and thus already began working the land with his father. Not only this however but he also helped as he could with raising his little brother and sister, often lifting and throwing them high into the air as they played together. By the age of ten Bjorn was several inches taller than his father and heavier and stronger as well.

It was around this time that his horns began to grow and Bjorn was beginning to take over the majority of the work at the farm. It was only a few years later that the families mule had died and the plow could no longer be pulled to till the land. That was however until Bjorn's father awoke one morning to seeing him plowing the plow alone, fighting for every step as he refused to allow his families lives to be ruined by a weak mule that couldn't survive a few years longer so that they could save money to get a new one. From that day on Bjorn volunteered himself as the mule of the farm and continued pulling the plow every year to prepare the land for seed sowing. It was through this action that Bjorn earned his impressive strength even among Varl, as well as his toughness.

It was when Bjorn was in his early twenties however that a small group of bandits approached the farm and surrounding village that Bjorn earned his position as the villages protector. Hearing his mothers scream Bjorn came bursting out of the front door, literally ripping it from its hinges as he approached one of the bandits who had forced his mother to the ground. Having finally reached his full height only a month ago Bjorn was incredible to behold and holding the large wood cutters axe in his right hand as if it were little more than a hatchet the bandits were obviously scared. It was only when one approached with a particularly large sword held above his head to swing at Bjorn that he reacted. On instinct he threw himself to the side to avoid the attack and quickly slammed his own axe into the mans ribs. Ripping through flesh and bone Bjorn nearly cut the man in half in a single swing with the dull axe. It was then that Bjorn picked up the greatsword the man held and the remaining bandits fled for their lives.

From that day on Bjorn would use that greatsword to defend his village and family from anything, be it beasts or bandits. Eventually the village even gathered up enough coin to have the greatsword reforged and made larger to fit his stature. It was only recently that Bjorn decided to go into town, making the decision that he could do more good for his family and villagers if he joined the Adventurers Guild.

Items on Person:

Varl Greatsword: Weighing in at around 15lbs and a total length of eight feet it is a truly massive sword fit for only the likes of a Varl or some equally powerful race. Its weight combined with the powerful swings Bjorn can send thundering down on enemies has been known to slice men in two like butter.

Pouch of coin: Simply the money Bjorn carries with him, as of now he only has a few coppers and a silver.

Leather Tunic: Fitted for a Varl it is impressively thick leather, much more capable of defending Bjorn's body against attack than ordinary leather tunics.
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Name:Kyomimi Hakune



Race:Mix between A Human and elf, Being able to speak both english and elvish, and pertaining the pointy ears and excellent Archery skills or elves.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8afe77c8_images(61).jpg.cae111f4631b995712f18ba5081a4f77.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8afe77c8_images(61).jpg.cae111f4631b995712f18ba5081a4f77.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Just add in pointy ears and Long Red hair.

Personality: Kuudere. She's untrustful of anyone and everyone, besides her group members. The only way She'd be non-hostile is that she starts warming up to said person. To her group members, She a kind,Serious,Intelligient Person, Helping them out with mysterys.


Swordsmanship: She usually doesn't like fighting with swords or Hand to hand But if she has to, She's a skilled swordsman, able to predict many movements of opponents.

Archery: She's probaly the most skilled in Archery in the group. She can hit an opponent to up a mile away if she concentrates enough. She has different arrows, ranging from poison arrows, to burning arrows.


She can be know as the smarts of the group. People usually go to her for her to investigate mysterious items. Since she can read and write both English and Elvish, She can easily identify elvish items. She has an IQ of 175.

Backstory: She was a small child living in quite a poor town in her parents. Her mother was an elf and her father was human. She lived a normal life until a group of bandits raided their house, killing her parents. She was enraged and immediatly got a knife and started attacking each bandit, killing 2, until one of them stabbed her in her left eye. They managed to escape but with 2 of them dead. She was sent to an orphanage, and lived there for 9 years, and then bought a house of her own. She found out of the "extraordinary league of adventurers" and decided this could be something to help her in life.

Items on Person:

Steel Bow

Quiver:Carrys enchanted arrows that can change from normal to fire to poison. She has to be able to concentrate to be able to do this and have mana or else it'll fail.


Journal 6: A journal that details common monsters in the world.

She usually has a jacket tied to her waist.

Misc Info: She dislikes romance, though if someone she loved or cared about dies, She will get pretty sad. She loves ramen and challenges. She is always up for a challenge. Her favorite season is winter and she loves the rain.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/female-fantasy-magic-shaman.jpg.13154415b916c973c12bd4c1ee1b51e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114166" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/female-fantasy-magic-shaman.jpg.13154415b916c973c12bd4c1ee1b51e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

  • Name:







    Human (Probably)

    Items on Person:

    Two custom-made scalpels

    Misc Info:

    Rumored to have a disfigured face or to not be human. Some have wondered whether her mask is actually part of her.



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