The Experiments



  • :D ]

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Would it be okay if I had 3 strong powers but they were practically a prolonged self destruction/had heavy drawbacks? I was thinking of making a somewhat masochistic character with 3 strong powers that would cause self damage.
Natevess said:
Would it be okay if I had 3 strong powers but they were practically a prolonged self destruction/had heavy drawbacks? I was thinking of making a somewhat masochistic character with 3 strong powers that would cause self damage.
Yes, that would be okay. As long as he isn't too OP with little to no weaknesses (:
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How many monsters do you think are allergic to gluten? Also, is the OOC chat exclusively for questions, comments, and concerns, or can we post the occasional really bad joke?
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Hahaha, all of them xD Use your imagination~

The occasional really bad joke is of course, accepted ;D

It looks like Laine is really into bats, huh? Especially since she just got a nosebleed over one

just kill me now

also @Archangel haha yeah I know I might have made my character a little OP! I love Ash's face claim, by the way.
That joke just made me lose a bit more of my faith in humanity ._.

And to that.. Heh... Heh heh.. I have no idea who he is, sorry :D I never use pictures of characters I know, 'cus that just feels like I'm betraying them somehow....

Don't even ask.
@Archangel You can essentially access your powers whenever. It's just up to you when you want your character to unleash them. Like for me, I'm going to wait to use the other powers until my character develops more.

@Ginko Oh my god.... xD

oh btw. You watch Yona of the Dawn, I presume?
@kokochii WOW I haven't finished any season of Tokyo Ghoul I just stopped after Kaneki went white-haired and ballistic. i couldn't handle sad kaneki. you are so strong
Sorry if my last post was crap, I was tired and could barely keep my eyes open. (' :| )

I also had a question to ask. What kind of experiments do the characters go through? Are they using magic on them or injections and such?
@Leuffteria It wasn't crap don't worry~ c:

And I'd say both, really. It could be injections or magic depending on what exactly their result will be. Like, if it's for super speed or something, then that could be an injection result. If it's for conjuring fire, then that could be something beyond scientific knowledge- so magic would come into play if your character would have that supernatural ability. Does that kinda make sense? ><

@Archangel Yassss. What season are you on? I'm nearly done with season 2. Kaneki ;A;
Hey i was thinking that Levos and Laine could probably know eachother if that sounds reasonable or cool

Like they may or may not have seen eachother for a while but they could have known one another from their childhood. It also seems like Levos might have been there for at least a little longer than her. If you do want them to know eachother, she'd probably know him by his nickname Levvy

Up to you

If anyone needs an rp partner, let me know so we can work something out or talk amongst yourselves. I don't want anyone left out, kaaay? :')

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