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Fantasy The Experiment (Reboot)

Nyll could see a little fox approaching too, he did not take any of them as a threat but surely as what he would serve himself for the feast the seemed to present him. Maybe today was Nyll's lucky day. He roared at the fox. To him she was just a tiny prey and nothing more but he was foolish to think so. the snow leopard was tiered and weak he could hardly walk and so hunting was never a option. He might not even be able to hunt a injured fox in his state. He walked towards the fox slowly keeping one paw after another hopping not to fall
Lily quickly changes into her human form and kicks him square in the nose. "I am not food!" She yells at him quite commandingly. "I know we've been locked up for a long time but have some damn manners! There's food in the kitchen. Including steak in the fridge if you wish. Fox and human will not be on the menu" She states glaring down at the snow leopard. She may seem timid but she sure as hell wasn't going to let herself get eaten by a cat.
James frowned. "Also, if I had changed into my hawk, you wouldn't be able to get me," and with that, he shifted. He took the form of a red tailed hawk, and he knew that snow leopards can't catch hawks. Then, he dove, and shifted back. "Now, go eat the stuff that's delivered to us and not human, damn it!" With that, James turned to the girl, saying with a blank face, "I'm going to go scout the area from above. I'll come back soon." He shifted and headed out. Ok... So now he was in the air, he had time to think. The area was part forest, but there was a flat savanna where the other people could go. The land was pretty good. As for escape, nice try! The radar would require a massive dive on his part to escape, and there were still guards patrolling. He would take an hour or two to fully look over. Then he would come back.
Nyll growled at her. He could barely understand what she had spoken as she spoke fluently and well for Nyll there was no language but what he barely remembered. So he did what any beast might do. He growled loudly at the human and began to move towards her. He was acting just on his instincts but seemed rather confused. ' Would i eat a human have i been made like this by the scientists is ' he thought. Soon he could see the other guy turn into a hawk then say something. It seemed that he had yelled at him. Nyll turned into his human form too not willing to eat humans maybe because he thought of this as a experiment. He just stared at them blankly not know what they had spoken about.
Lily gives a small nod to James and looks back at Nyll and sighs exasperatedly at seeing hm just staring. "Food. You know stuff you eat" She points to her mouth. She makes a motion for him to follow her as she makes her way back into the kitchen. She opens the fridge and points to the stuff inside. "Just don't go overboard. I don't know how long it's going to be until we get more......if we get more" She says the last part quietly. She watches him for a moment, a bit jealous he got to be something as powerful as a snow leopard and all she was, was a little red fox that was only good for running away from things like him.
As soon as she brought him to the fridge, Nyll's eyes glittered with joy. He charged into the fridge chewing different items all together. he was indeed a hungry beast. " thak yo " he said as he turned into a animal. He soon found a steak and began to chew it raw pleased that it was no sedative this time just real food. in fact a treat for him.
Lily couldn't help but laugh at him. He must of been avoiding the sedatives in the food, if he had been given them as she was. She rather stay sedated than deal with the scientists with her full mind. It was too much for her. Though she only got sedatives only when they didn't want to do their little "games". She nudges him out of the way while he ate before closing the fridge. She moves around him to wash her dish in the sink, finding the action so foreign to her. Such a normal thing, or used to be normal thing just felt strange. She never dreamed she'd be doing these actions again in a million years.
Nyll looked back up towards the red haired girl, a steak in his mouth. He just gazed at the water dripping from the tap. It was something he remembered seeing while he was just a little child but it was a scene that reminded him of those merry times. He did not chew anymore just glared at the water flowing down the tap. For some reason he was mesmerized in the not too great allure of the water. Nyll didnt say a word just stared
Lily was soon done washing her dish and puts it away, taking a moment to just stare at the house, or at least the kitchen she was currently in. She sighs and closes her eyes for a moment. It had been over two years since she had been in a house. She reopens her eyes and looks back over at Nyll, the moonlight made his silverish fur almost glow. "I'm going to go try and find an unoccupied room. Try not to eat any humans... or whatever you'd call us..." She gives a small sigh, wondering if they'd ever know "reality" again or if this was the closest she'd get. At least it was better than pacing her metal box.
The girl with honey-brown hair rose from her nest of sheets groggily and wandered cautiously towards the door of her bedroom. She walked down the hall with long, careful strides, peering down the stairs as a commotion of voices came from the kitchen. Aeni's heart began to beat faster as she heard conversation, "T-There's more people..." she whispered to herself in disbelief, excited but anxious, unsure how to interact with others of her 'kind' due to the long period of isolation she's been subjected to. But with the irresistible scent of home cooked food wafting into the air, Aeni couldn't help herself but to be drawn in by the smell.

She quickly entered the kitchen, shifting side to side nervously as she encountered the individuals in the room.
Nyll did not respond to what the red haired girl had said to him, instead he munched the whole steak and swallowed it in one single gulp. Shortly another girl entered the room she had brown hair just like the color of sweet honey, the only thing Nyll could think of now was honey it had been years since he had it. Last time he had tasted the sweet thing was when he had just been transferred into the facility.he growled at the girl warning her not to get too close.
James, after scouting out the entire area, flew back down. He wanted to stay up there, but everyone needed to know sooner or later, and sooner was better. He walked back inside, only to see a snow leopard growling at a new person. (Nekoni) "He does that, it's been like this for the rest of us. I'm James. I've been scouting the territory while everyone else has been gone. I morph into a hawk. What's your name??" He then waited for an answer. She looked nice, but he wouldn't force her into anything. Then, he turned to Lily. "Can you please get him to stop growling at her?" Putting his attention back onto the newbie, he said to her, "The place is for us, pick any room you want."
Aeni backed up a bit, eyes wide with a lack of any response but a small stutter "E-Excuse me..." she muttered, holding her arms out in front of her in defense as she stumbled backwards "H-Hiya..." the girl greeted the large predator with a quiet voice as she glanced at the James with a nervous smile "My name is..A-Aeni(Ai-ehny), Um...it's really nice to meet you, James" she introduced politely, her face flushed red with an indescribable shyness in her tone. She stood no taller than 5ft, feeling quite small compared to the others in the room, but in her home country that considered as a fairly tall height.
Nyll stopped growling and turned back to being a human, " me Nyll " he said. He just scratched his head. It did feel nice to be out of a confinement after all he could now move freely. He moved close to the little girl which he towered over and nudged her with just hand. He meant no harm just was curious to find out if this was a dream or a dreaded experiment or maybe reality! " Real you ? " he asked.
Lily blinks at James as he asks her to stop Nyll's growling, like she had any idea how to. The kick to the nose was a shot in the dark but she didn't want to kick him again. She was relieved when Nyll came back around. She listens as he speaks, he had been alone for a long time. At least she kept her speaking skills due to having to interact with the scientists almost daily. Lily leaned against the doorway, rather than going and finding a room now she decided to see who these people exactly were. She knew she couldn't sleep with people she didn't know hanging around.
Aeni nodded quickly to the Snow Leopard man's question, body stiff and frightened as he nudged her "Un...I'm Aeni...W-What's your name?" she asked back curiously, staring at his shirtless chest. "You don't speak well, do you?" The honey haired teen gave small smile, trying to open up a little to her new acquaintances.
" me Nyll" he spoke still continuing to poke her with his palm's back. " Aeni...Aeeeni ? " he pronounced her name over and over maybe trying to get it right. Nyll might seem like someone dumb and mindless from outside but inside his mind was running he was wondering maybe this was just another experience and he might be free thinking to be damaged good. He was talking like that just to put up an act, in reality he could talk normal just like them. They might have tried hard to break him but they never did.
Lily turns her attention away from Nyll and Aeni and to James at remembering he took off earlier to look around. "Did you find anything while you were out there? That fence looked pretty fortified from what I saw. My nose still hurts from it's shock..." She states curiously. Her panicked thoughts had settled down some at seeing at least these few people seemed relatively harmless. They were just like her so they had to be just as clueless as she was to all of this.
Luna stood from sitting next to the jerk on the couch. "We found camera's out there." She said, sitting on the edge of the counter in the kitchen. She smiled. 'Name's Luna." She said, swinging her feet. She sighed and looked around at the rest of the bunch. There were all kind of odd, and this was defiantly a stupid experiment that they were being put though.
Aeni perked up a little with a small smile, finding his speech quite cute to listen to, never once in her 17 years of life has she heard anything similar. "Nice to meet you Nyll..." She replied reddening shyly to her new friend as he prodded her arm. She glanced over the kitchen waving a hello at Luna, hoping to learn more about everyone else in the room "Um...and what's your name, if I may ask?" she asked the red hair woman with soft voice, seeing a strong will in her.
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James looked over at Lily. Oh yeah, the scouting. "There's radar over the entire place. The place is divided into two parts. One's a savanna, the other's a forest. The electric fences are patrolled by guards. Trust, me it's hard to escape. The only way I can think of is a sharp dive, getting under the radar, over the fences, but still too fast to hit. That's only performable by flyers. Any others besides me? On another subject, the place is pretty open. Maybe an acre? I don't know." James then paused. "I didn't patrol the ground, maybe he," James motioned towards the other man, "could do that." James wanted to know who the rest of them were.
Lily eyes Luna for a brief moment. "Of course there's cameras. There's an owl in the woods that's nothing but a camera in disguise" She looks at Aeni as she asked her name. "It's Lily" She looks over at Nyll as James points to him. "Well he doesn't speak too well I don't know if he'd be able to describe much of what he found to us.... I can roam around, but would prefer to in the morning. I know there's mice out here but I don't know what else they've added"
Litha yawned, opening her eyes to find she was crammed into the metal cage as a human. She took a moment to figure out why this was, then pain hit her full force. She squeezed her eyes shut, then took a deep breath and did her best to block out most- not all- of it. Blocking all of it made her feel less human. At that thought she almost laughed: right now she was anything but human. They had injected her with all sorts of strange things and drawn her blood, and her right arm was numb, twisted strangely, and she couldn't move it. It had probably been broken in her sleep. She shifted into her raven form, trying to spread her right wing. It still lay limp and numb, although it was no longer twisted.

There was a beep overhead as an intercom clicked on, and a single word was spoken before it went off with a rustle. Cages all around began opening, scientists unlocking them and shooing the animals and people towards a door. Hers was unlocked as well, and she shifted into a human quickly to hide her broken arm; the last thing she wanted was more needles stuck into her arm.
Raymond's cage always looked warped, phasing in and out of reality. He knew it wasn't but his body's reaction to the sedatives had convinced him otherwise. He hated them. They left him light headed, too weak to move, to register thought. He didn't know why but it never fully put him to sleep, unless they decided to use a larger dose. He would have preferred if it had. Being awake through the torment was terrifying. The sound of metal scraping caught his attention, although it sounded far away and muffled. He rose his head lazily, in his coyote form. The cage was open. He felt his heart leap at the thought. The cage was open! He tried and failed several times to get up onto his feet, plopping down onto his stomach as his knees continued to give out. His teeth gritted and gnashed together, eyes gleaming. The sedative was beginning to wear off slowly, but Raymond wasn't going to wait. He forced himself onto his feet, lurching forward shakily with irregular steps. Slowly but surely his shaky trot turned into a light jog, turned into a full on sprint as he raced for freedom. He reached fresh air, grass, the sky! He was free!

He yelped out in pain as he ran into a fence and got a nasty shock, backpedaling and falling onto his rump. He growled at the electric fence and guards watching over it, his heart plummeting to his stomach. There was no freedom. He was still trapped.

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