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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Caspian Soul
Caspian smiled as she led the way, taking his arms back to his sides as he followed silently for a while next to her, "And to be honest it isn't all too fancy, other than the fact i have to do a lot of signing... Now that i think about it, it honestly doesn't look to bright my future, sitting at a desk and writing about how the sun looked better today than it did yesterday... Perfect future," He said while giving a quick chuckle before he took in the sites around him, noticing even more students of different kinds all around him, Angels and Demons of different kinds he took note of, and scowling slightly when they got to close.

- Rosalie Dalton -


Rosalie blinked a few times after he had spoken about his future. Her gaze moved over to him, her grasp on her notebook, loosening as she lowered it a little. She didn't understand 100% what he meant by his statement about writing about the sun if she were honest and that fact probably showed in her expression too. Her gaze moved back in front of her so they could continue to walk at the same pace. "Surely there is more to being a prince than sitting on your behind signing things, right?" Her voice eventually sounded. "You don't get to go anywhere fun?" She continued to ask, lifting the notebook up closer to herself again.


- Elaena & Elliot Rillas -


Elaena giggled softly "It would only be for your own good, but okay. I can choose when I look at thoughts unlike with dreams so I can promise I won't then" she said smiling at Seria "Uh, you're welcome" Elliot answered, his tone sounding slightly unsure as she chugged the bottle down but he offered a smile at her anyways. "So uh..is this helping?" He asked looking towards Seria and the bottle, pointing at the bottle "Y'know, helping your... memory thing"

Seria looked at Elliot and laughed before putting the bottle down. "What're you talking about, since when does drinking alcohol ever help with memory?" She stated as she was drunkenly swaying. She said that as a fact but seeing as how a name like Natsumi popped into her head when she was drinking, it seemed to be working. Maybe she just believes it doesn't help. But maybe she really is getting these memories and thoughts back. She just doesn't realize it. Maybe the siblings should see for themselves to check if it was really working...
After a while of walking, Gregory and Ariel, which decided to take a little detour through the local park, arrived at Ariel's house, where they agreed to rest for a little bit while the girl gets what she needs for their "day off", as they agreed upon.
Nona Nona

- Ariel Reaver -


After the two's walk through the park, it really wasn't a far walk back to Ariel's home, after all, she lived pretty much right next to the school. They arrived through the gates and walked up to the front door. Opening it slowly, Ariel peeked in the door first before speaking "I'm Home!~" she called before stepping inside waiting for Gregory to follow. It was then that Ariel's mother had left where she and her husband were in the kitchen and moved to the doorway "Hi sweetie" she said softly before her gaze moved to Gregory "Hello" she said simply with a nod after staring at him for a moment or two.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving


- Ariel Reaver -


After the two's walk through the park, it really wasn't a far walk back to Ariel's home, after all, she lived pretty much right next to the school. They arrived through the gates and walked up to the front door. Opening it slowly, Ariel peeked in the door first before speaking "I'm Home!~" she called before stepping inside waiting for Gregory to follow. It was then that Ariel's mother had left where she and her husband were in the kitchen and moved to the doorway "Hi sweetie" she said softly before her gaze moved to Gregory "Hello" she said simply with a nod after staring at him for a moment or two.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Daniel had busied him self with cooking as well until he heard the sweet call of Ariel smiling as he watched euloria go off he soon followed suit. Walking through the door way with a soft smile at the sight of his daughter walking towards her he held out his arms for a hug. "Hello beautiful." He said as he hugged his daughter lovingly

Asako Karasuma


(It's fine~)
Asako checked the time as she neared the cafe. She actually managed to not be late, mainly because she was excited to see Kenai. She considered Kenai her best friend. Of course she and her other two roommates were close, but they were more like sisters at this point.She looked up to see the entrance to the cafe, and upon looking at the window she could see Kenai. Grinning, she pushed open the door to the cafe, walking over and sliding into the seat in front of him. "The almighty Asako has arrived~" she said happily and poked his cheek, mainly to catch his attention.

- Kenai Yelil -


Hearing a familiar voice and a finger sinking into his cheek, Kenai immediately grinned back when he turned his head to view who it was. It was, of course, Asako...or "The almighty Asako" as she had dubbed herself just now. Said title caused Kenai to chuckle a little before speaking. "How lucky I feel to have you make a presence here with me, I thought you were going to ditch me or something" he joked, bowing his head in a joking fashion as well "So, what have you been up to?" He asked as he leaned back on his chair again.


- Ariel Reaver -


After the two's walk through the park, it really wasn't a far walk back to Ariel's home, after all, she lived pretty much right next to the school. They arrived through the gates and walked up to the front door. Opening it slowly, Ariel peeked in the door first before speaking "I'm Home!~" she called before stepping inside waiting for Gregory to follow. It was then that Ariel's mother had left where she and her husband were in the kitchen and moved to the doorway "Hi sweetie" she said softly before her gaze moved to Gregory "Hello" she said simply with a nod after staring at him for a moment or two.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Gregory slowly entered Ariel's house after the girl. When she went up to her mother and hugged her, he got a little uncomfortable. He knew that he to them was missing, and possibly they were angry at him for leaving their daughter, but so far.. nothing happened out of ordinary. Yes, Ariel's mother did see him, but the only thing she did (for now) is nod at him and say "Hello".
"Hello" He said quietly, looking at the girl's father, which also came out of the kitchen as well, soon after hugging his daughter as well
(Not really having that much time, but I'll do my best)
Seria looked at Elliot and laughed before putting the bottle down. "What're you talking about, since when does drinking alcohol ever help with memory?" She stated as she was drunkenly swaying. She said that as a fact but seeing as how a name like Natsumi popped into her head when she was drinking, it seemed to be working. Maybe she just believes it doesn't help. But maybe she really is getting these memories and thoughts back. She just doesn't realize it. Maybe the siblings should see for themselves to check if it was really working...

- Elaena & Elliot Rillas -


Elliot stared blankly at her when she started to laugh at him before his cheeks flared up in embarasment, realising how dumb what he just said had sounded. "I..W-Well yeah...I guess you're right...I just thought maybe cause you remembered the name that maybe..." He cleared his throat a little before glancing off "Yeah. Sorry..." Elaena, who was resting her eyes at this point slowly opened them and looked over to her brother, speaking in a soft whisper so their drunken acquaintance wouldn't hear them "You could always check?~" Elliot waved his hands "N-No way! You promised we wouldn't. I'm not breaking a promise!" He quickly answered in a hushed tone. Elaena shook her head as her smile grew a little "I promised I wouldn't. Not you. So we aren't breaking anything" she poked the side of his face, using her finger to push his face so it was looking towards Seria, who was swaying back and forth now "It would be for her own good though right? She wants her memories back. You can go find them." She said with a shrug "She'll get mad though...and you know I normally don't go through other people's thoughts..." Elliot mumbled as he put his hand through his hair. "She might not if you're helping her out. Do you really think it's safe for a girl with no memories to be also wandering around drunk?" Elliot paused, his mouth slightly open as if her was going to say something but stopped. He let an exasperated sigh and shook his head "Fine. You're right..." Elaena nodded slowly before moving away from him again. Elliot looked at Seria for a brief moment with a slightly awkward expression "Please don't hate me for this..." He said quietly before placing a hand on Seria's arm and focusing. After a few seconds of this he had entered Seria's mind, honestly not knowing what to expect at all.

Gregory slowly entered Ariel's house after the girl. When she went up to her mother and hugged her, he got a little uncomfortable. He knew that he to them was missing, and possibly they were angry at him for leaving their daughter, but so far.. nothing happened out of ordinary. Yes, Ariel's mother did see him, but the only thing she did (for now) is nod at him and say "Hello".
"Hello" He said quietly, looking at the girl's father, which also came out of the kitchen as well, soon after hugging his daughter as well
(Not really having that much time, but I'll do my best)

- Ariel & Euloria Reaver -

Ariel smiled brightly at her parents, hugging her father back for a bit before pulling away. Euloria again stared at Gregory for a bit when he had said hello back as a small, baby dragon had hopped up on to her shoulder a chirped, like it was speaking to her. Although her facial expression was neutral the look in her eyes looked a bit angry. She obviously hadn't been told where Gregory had went to for that year so she was under the assumption he had just ran off and left Ariel alone. She took a breath, not wanting to be angry at the boy right away and upsetting Ariel, after all Ariel was smiling now, which was a change from the past while. This reason also explaining the short "hello" he had received from Euloria rather than a "where the hell have you been".

Euloria looked between Gregory and Ariel before speaking "You're both in time for lunch actually, we should have plenty so you two can join too" she offered as she took a step closer to the kitchen. "Ariel? Your father wanted to speak with you for a bit." Ariel nodded a little in response "Greg. You don't mind helping me set the table, right?" She called to the boy, she looked pretty calm now. Ariel was happy, so she felt maybe being angry without knowing what exactly went on was a bit harsh, but she was 100% going to question this boy on what happened, whether Ariel wanted her to or not. Ariel walked in the direction of her father again. "Yes, dad?" She asked, wondering about what he needed to tell her.

Euloria had went ahead into the kitchen and continued to prepare the food "You don't have to set the table I you don't want to. But I'm sure it's better than standing in the hallway and feeling awkward. Correct?" She spoke, not turning her gaze away from what she was doing. That was part of her reasoning, her other part was the fact that she had better control of her temper than Daniel had on this matter, she didn't wish for him to yell at the boy with guns blazing, deciding to defuse the situation before it even began. "My hatchlings told me you were here yesterday too, no?" She asked looking over her shoulder at the boy "How long have you been back in the city for?" She asked, turning away from her work to face him.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Gregory slowly entered Ariel's house after the girl. When she went up to her mother and hugged her, he got a little uncomfortable. He knew that he to them was missing, and possibly they were angry at him for leaving their daughter, but so far.. nothing happened out of ordinary. Yes, Ariel's mother did see him, but the only thing she did (for now) is nod at him and say "Hello".
"Hello" He said quietly, looking at the girl's father, which also came out of the kitchen as well, soon after hugging his daughter as well
(Not really having that much time, but I'll do my best)

- Ariel & Euloria Reaver -

Ariel smiled brightly at her parents, hugging her father back for a bit before pulling away. Euloria again stared at Gregory for a bit when he had said hello back as a small, baby dragon had hopped up on to her shoulder a chirped, like it was speaking to her. Although her facial expression was neutral the look in her eyes looked a bit angry. She obviously hadn't been told where Gregory had went to for that year so she was under the assumption he had just ran off and left Ariel alone. She took a breath, not wanting to be angry at the boy right away and upsetting Ariel, after all Ariel was smiling now, which was a change from the past while. This reason also explaining the short "hello" he had received from Euloria rather than a "where the hell have you been".

Euloria looked between Gregory and Ariel before speaking "You're both in time for lunch actually, we should have plenty so you two can join too" she offered as she took a step closer to the kitchen. "Ariel? Your father wanted to speak with you for a bit." Ariel nodded a little in response "Greg. You don't mind helping me set the table, right?" She called to the boy, she looked pretty calm now. Ariel was happy, so she felt maybe being angry without knowing what exactly went on was a bit harsh, but she was 100% going to question this boy on what happened, whether Ariel wanted her to or not. Ariel walked in the direction of her father again. "Yes, dad?" She asked, wondering about what he needed to tell her.

Euloria had went ahead into the kitchen and continued to prepare the food "You don't have to set the table I you don't want to. But I'm sure it's better than standing in the hallway and feeling awkward. Correct?" She spoke, not turning her gaze away from what she was doing. That was part of her reasoning, her other part was the fact that she had better control of her temper than Daniel had on this matter, she didn't wish for him to yell at the boy with guns blazing, deciding to defuse the situation before it even began. "My hatchlings told me you were here yesterday too, no?" She asked looking over her shoulder at the boy "How long have you been back in the city for?" She asked, turning away from her work to face him.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Danile hugged Ariel tightly when she hugged him back before euloria had spoken. Smiling at Ariel he spoke. "Come on." He said happily as he started through the house to the backyard knowing Ariel would follow. Once they got outside he spoke. "So how have you been sweetie?" He asked softly
Danile hugged Ariel tightly when she hugged him back before euloria had spoken. Smiling at Ariel he spoke. "Come on." He said happily as he started through the house to the backyard knowing Ariel would follow. Once they got outside he spoke. "So how have you been sweetie?" He asked softly

- Ariel Reaver -


Ariel nodded and followed behind her father until they stepped outside. Hearing his question she tilted her head and smiled "I've been really good actually" she answered, her smile growing as she said this. She sat on one of the benches they had in the garden after speaking, looking to her father curiously, waiting for him to say what he wanted to talk about.


- Elaena & Elliot Rillas -


Elliot stared blankly at her when she started to laugh at him before his cheeks flared up in embarasment, realising how dumb what he just said had sounded. "I..W-Well yeah...I guess you're right...I just thought maybe cause you remembered the name that maybe..." He cleared his throat a little before glancing off "Yeah. Sorry..." Elaena, who was resting her eyes at this point slowly opened them and looked over to her brother, speaking in a soft whisper so their drunken acquaintance wouldn't hear them "You could always check?~" Elliot waved his hands "N-No way! You promised we wouldn't. I'm not breaking a promise!" He quickly answered in a hushed tone. Elaena shook her head as her smile grew a little "I promised I wouldn't. Not you. So we aren't breaking anything" she poked the side of his face, using her finger to push his face so it was looking towards Seria, who was swaying back and forth now "It would be for her own good though right? She wants her memories back. You can go find them." She said with a shrug "She'll get mad though...and you know I normally don't go through other people's thoughts..." Elliot mumbled as he put his hand through his hair. "She might not if you're helping her out. Do you really think it's safe for a girl with no memories to be also wandering around drunk?" Elliot paused, his mouth slightly open as if her was going to say something but stopped. He let an exasperated sigh and shook his head "Fine. You're right..." Elaena nodded slowly before moving away from him again. Elliot looked at Seria for a brief moment with a slightly awkward expression "Please don't hate me for this..." He said quietly before placing a hand on Seria's arm and focusing. After a few seconds of this he had entered Seria's mind, honestly not knowing what to expect at all.

When Elliot entered her mind, it looks like nothing but a black dark room. Soon enough, fire appeared. Burning lively and wildly before a girl emerged from the fire. It looked like she was awoke upon Elliot's arrival. The flames died down and the girl opened her eyes, and sighed. "You're here. I can already guess your objective here." The girl said before several doors started to appear, all of them were wrapped by chains with light blue runic markings, bidden with a lock. "These doors just appeared before you. But I decided these doors are to be sealed. There's no way through them without my say so. I'd suggest leaving." She said before leaning on one leg. She had a grip on her sword, but she didn't look very threatening. But why are these doors sealed? Why can't she just open them herself?
When Elliot entered her mind, it looks like nothing but a black dark room. Soon enough, fire appeared. Burning lively and wildly before a girl emerged from the fire. It looked like she was awoke upon Elliot's arrival. The flames died down and the girl opened her eyes, and sighed. "You're here. I can already guess your objective here." The girl said before several doors started to appear, all of them were wrapped by chains with light blue runic markings, bidden with a lock. "These doors just appeared before you. But I decided these doors are to be sealed. There's no way through them without my say so. I'd suggest leaving." She said before leaning on one leg. She had a grip on her sword, but she didn't look very threatening. But why are these doors sealed? Why can't she just open them herself?

- Elliot Rillas -


Elliot looked around the dark room he was now in. He supposed an empty room made sense for someone with no memories, much tidier than his mind that was for sure. He took a few steps forward before the flames appeared causing him to stop. Looking into them he could see the form of a girl emerging from it. He straightened his posture and took a step back when the girl appeared and the fire died down, he stared at her for a moment, she looked sort of like Seria but a bit different, he was sure it was somehow her though and it was quite obvious she was trying to make sure he didn't move on further. After she spoke his gaze had began to move to the each of the doors, noting they were locked up tight. He ignored her warning about leaving, she honestly didn't look like she'd do him much harm, so he wasn't scared. He stared at the doors, stepping towards them and the girl. Were her memories cursed? With the runic markings it seemed that way and perhaps that's why Elaena was urging him to check, but she could easily have done this to herself on purpose too. She did say she decided on them being sealed after all, but that could also easily be a lie so it was hard to tell just yet. "You decided they are to be sealed?...Is there something you are trying to forget?" He asked, looking over at the girl again, as he tried to get to the bottom of this.


- Ariel & Euloria Reaver -

Ariel smiled brightly at her parents, hugging her father back for a bit before pulling away. Euloria again stared at Gregory for a bit when he had said hello back as a small, baby dragon had hopped up on to her shoulder a chirped, like it was speaking to her. Although her facial expression was neutral the look in her eyes looked a bit angry. She obviously hadn't been told where Gregory had went to for that year so she was under the assumption he had just ran off and left Ariel alone. She took a breath, not wanting to be angry at the boy right away and upsetting Ariel, after all Ariel was smiling now, which was a change from the past while. This reason also explaining the short "hello" he had received from Euloria rather than a "where the hell have you been".

Euloria looked between Gregory and Ariel before speaking "You're both in time for lunch actually, we should have plenty so you two can join too" she offered as she took a step closer to the kitchen. "Ariel? Your father wanted to speak with you for a bit." Ariel nodded a little in response "Greg. You don't mind helping me set the table, right?" She called to the boy, she looked pretty calm now. Ariel was happy, so she felt maybe being angry without knowing what exactly went on was a bit harsh, but she was 100% going to question this boy on what happened, whether Ariel wanted her to or not. Ariel walked in the direction of her father again. "Yes, dad?" She asked, wondering about what he needed to tell her.

Euloria had went ahead into the kitchen and continued to prepare the food "You don't have to set the table I you don't want to. But I'm sure it's better than standing in the hallway and feeling awkward. Correct?" She spoke, not turning her gaze away from what she was doing. That was part of her reasoning, her other part was the fact that she had better control of her temper than Daniel had on this matter, she didn't wish for him to yell at the boy with guns blazing, deciding to defuse the situation before it even began. "My hatchlings told me you were here yesterday too, no?" She asked looking over her shoulder at the boy "How long have you been back in the city for?" She asked, turning away from her work to face him.
Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Greg knew this was coming, and was preparing even since they were approaching the house, but the calmness of Ariel's mother caught him off guard. He would suspect her being mad at him, but she either wasn't, or she was hiding it pretty well
He decided to help out as much as he could, and soon enough he was setting up the table. He quietly listened to the woman's questions, and sighed lightly
"Yes... I was here yesterday... With Ariel, we decided to just come by and spend some time together... I was gone for a lot of time... probably a year, but I digress... And for the second question... I came back around two days ago." He explained shortly, thinking that his love would explain to her mother the full story.

- Rosalie Dalton -


Rosalie blinked a few times after he had spoken about his future. Her gaze moved over to him, her grasp on her notebook, loosening as she lowered it a little. She didn't understand 100% what he meant by his statement about writing about the sun if she were honest and that fact probably showed in her expression too. Her gaze moved back in front of her so they could continue to walk at the same pace. "Surely there is more to being a prince than sitting on your behind signing things, right?" Her voice eventually sounded. "You don't get to go anywhere fun?" She continued to ask, lifting the notebook up closer to herself again.

Caspian Soul
Caspian noticed her look over at her, before slightly lowering her book and then speaking, "Well, to be honest it might be like that, other than that it might be planning a war," He said this as if it were nothing before he rubbed the back of his head, "And i might get a holiday, seeing as things are going the hole 'King' thing might just disappear," He said with a smile giving a little laugh. He noticed the notebook once more before he turned around to walk backwards, facing her with a smile, "May i ask what that book is?" He said his head turning to the side slightly.

- Elliot Rillas -


Elliot looked around the dark room he was now in. He supposed an empty room made sense for someone with no memories, much tidier than his mind that was for sure. He took a few steps forward before the flames appeared causing him to stop. Looking into them he could see the form of a girl emerging from it. He straightened his posture and took a step back when the girl appeared and the fire died down, he stared at her for a moment, she looked sort of like Seria but a bit different, he was sure it was somehow her though and it was quite obvious she was trying to make sure he didn't move on further. After she spoke his gaze had began to move to the each of the doors, noting they were locked up tight. He ignored her warning about leaving, she honestly didn't look like she'd do him much harm, so he wasn't scared. He stared at the doors, stepping towards them and the girl. Were her memories cursed? With the runic markings it seemed that way and perhaps that's why Elaena was urging him to check, but she could easily have done this to herself on purpose too. She did say she decided on them being sealed after all, but that could also easily be a lie so it was hard to tell just yet. "You decided they are to be sealed?...Is there something you are trying to forget?" He asked, looking over at the girl again, as he tried to get to the bottom of this.

"I do carry some regrets. Some faults. And of course, memories I do want to forget. However the rest of the other memories are with them too... I'm sort of scared to open them. I don't want to relive those days..." She said before flames appeared again as it made a chair emerge from it and she sat down. The chair looked like a ruined throne that was burned, bashed and cleanly cut by dark energy. She then crossed a leg over the other before looking at the doors and looking back at Elliot. "I do say I want to remember, but I want to remember a selective few. And there's no way how to do that without reliving the bad moments."

~ Self-Proclaimed God

Mood -

Currently Doing -
Fighting Akira, planning to absorb him

Interacting With -
Akira Fukushima

Tags -
Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira

Theme -

Perfect blinked and was caught off guard by the sudden redirection of his ki blast. When it made contact with his body, he was sent crashing down to the ground. He knew what was going on, and it was going to be his downfall. Damn that woman... She was fighting him back. His control over the flow of her power was wavering, along with the others he had absorbed. This game him an idea though, along with the fact that he was going to be stating the truth.

Perfect looked up to Akira from where he lay on the ground, a smirk forming on his pale white face. The words he spoke only made this even more worth telling. He slowly stood back to his feet, stretching. His eyes still locked onto Akira. The wind blew and Perfect chuckled as he started to speak.

"Kill me. Just know, you'll be killing a fellow sanctum along with many of the students I've absorbed. This goes for civilians too, because after all, I wasn't able to achieve this form on my own. So yes, kill me. Akane is beginning to piss me off anyways. I can guarantee you it won't sit well with boy over there though. The dead one that is."

Perfect had to play it safe now, seeing as how his power was slowly starting to disappear, he was going to have to somehow absorb Akira... He should've absorbed Kenji. It would have been a big help. At this point, Perfect was left with no plan, so he had to come up with something quick. Taking the same stance as before, Perfect raised the palms of his hands and aimed them at Akira.

"This is the end, King. Kill or be killed... Unless you work one of those miracles."


Perfect lowered his hands to waist level and a blue sphere of ki began to form in his palms. After just a mere second, the sphere was complete and Perfect grinned, yelling out as he fired the ki blast.

"I didn't teach you for nothing! Show me the fruits of your training all these years!"



...♅Akira listened to Perfect explain his unique situation. He had sensed some student's power from within Perfect, along with a Sanctum's. With a sigh, Akira took in the information and began to think. With a nod, Akira brought his hands together and pointed them at Perfect, taking the same stance as his former mentor as he brought his hands to his waist and began gathering power. He responded to Perfect's prior statement and watched as Perfect fired his beam towards him. Akira then shouted as he fired his own blue blast towards Perfect, his attack soon clashing with Perfect's and causing a sonic boom to occur, blowing the air throughout the area. This in turn cause the nearby farm cars to be thrown into the air from the force of the attacks smashing against one another. The ground broke beneath Akira's feet and debris began to rise into the air as the attacks collided, the beams struggling against one another♅...

I'm glad you told me that. Now all I have to do is beat them out of you. One at a time.. Kamehameha!

Character Information

Perfect's Tournament Arena.


Fighting Perfect.

Neutralise his former teacher.

Interacting With: Perfect.
Tags: Roman Roman .


Greg knew this was coming, and was preparing even since they were approaching the house, but the calmness of Ariel's mother caught him off guard. He would suspect her being mad at him, but she either wasn't, or she was hiding it pretty well
He decided to help out as much as he could, and soon enough he was setting up the table. He quietly listened to the woman's questions, and sighed lightly
"Yes... I was here yesterday... With Ariel, we decided to just come by and spend some time together... I was gone for a lot of time... probably a year, but I digress... And for the second question... I came back around two days ago." He explained shortly, thinking that his love would explain to her mother the full story.

- Euloria Reaver -


Euloria listened to his story, merely raising an eyebrow in response to it before nodding "Right." It was vague and didn't answer the questions she had about the situation at all, after all she hadn't gotten to speak with her daughter much since his return so she had no way of knowing. At this stage the food she had been cooking was ready, just in time for the table being set. , she glanced out the kitchen window, spotting Ariel and her father in the garden outside, Ariel smiling brightly "Ariel seems happy to see you back...I'm glad she's cheered up" She commented as she carried the food over to serve on the plates Gregory had set out. She sighed softly as she began to place the food on the plates. "Where did you travel to for a year? That's an awfully long holiday..." she asked, glancing over at him.

Caspian Soul
Caspian noticed her look over at her, before slightly lowering her book and then speaking, "Well, to be honest it might be like that, other than that it might be planning a war," He said this as if it were nothing before he rubbed the back of his head, "And i might get a holiday, seeing as things are going the hole 'King' thing might just disappear," He said with a smile giving a little laugh. He noticed the notebook once more before he turned around to walk backwards, facing her with a smile, "May i ask what that book is?" He said his head turning to the side slightly.

- Rosalie Dalton -


Rosalie blinked a few times after he explained how his job would work. "A war? Seriously? Where you live must be pretty dangerous. I hope you won't have to do that on your behalf...you know...unless you like violence?" She furrowed her brows at the thought "But you don't seem like someone who would..." She added after. She held up her notebook after this, smiling a little before she gave an answer "As for my book? It's a little mix of everything. Honestly if you looked inside nothing on the pages would make much sense" she let a soundless laugh as the voice continued to speak "When my abilities get faint and I can no longer use them for speech or if I'm near normal humans that don't know sign language, this book becomes my voice. So this book is mostly filled with the answers I give when people speak with me" she lowered the book after this, hugging it close to herself again. It wasn't that she was trying to hide the book or anything, it was just a thing she did to keep her hands busy. They were now nearing the reception desk where he would have to sign up and get his dorm key.


- Elliot Rillas -


Elliot looked around the dark room he was now in. He supposed an empty room made sense for someone with no memories, much tidier than his mind that was for sure. He took a few steps forward before the flames appeared causing him to stop. Looking into them he could see the form of a girl emerging from it. He straightened his posture and took a step back when the girl appeared and the fire died down, he stared at her for a moment, she looked sort of like Seria but a bit different, he was sure it was somehow her though and it was quite obvious she was trying to make sure he didn't move on further. After she spoke his gaze had began to move to the each of the doors, noting they were locked up tight. He ignored her warning about leaving, she honestly didn't look like she'd do him much harm, so he wasn't scared. He stared at the doors, stepping towards them and the girl. Were her memories cursed? With the runic markings it seemed that way and perhaps that's why Elaena was urging him to check, but she could easily have done this to herself on purpose too. She did say she decided on them being sealed after all, but that could also easily be a lie so it was hard to tell just yet. "You decided they are to be sealed?...Is there something you are trying to forget?" He asked, looking over at the girl again, as he tried to get to the bottom of this.

"I do carry some regrets. Some faults. And of course, memories I do want to forget. However the rest of the other memories are with them too... I'm sort of scared to open them. I don't want to relive those days..." She said before flames appeared again as it made a chair emerge from it and she sat down. The chair looked like a ruined throne that was burned, bashed and cleanly cut by dark energy. She then crossed a leg over the other before looking at the doors and looking back at Elliot. "I do say I want to remember, but I want to remember a selective few. And there's no way how to do that without reliving the bad moments."
"I do carry some regrets. Some faults. And of course, memories I do want to forget. However the rest of the other memories are with them too... I'm sort of scared to open them. I don't want to relive those days..." She said before flames appeared again as it made a chair emerge from it and she sat down. The chair looked like a ruined throne that was burned, bashed and cleanly cut by dark energy. She then crossed a leg over the other before looking at the doors and looking back at Elliot. "I do say I want to remember, but I want to remember a selective few. And there's no way how to do that without reliving the bad moments."

- Elliot Rillas -


Elliot had frowned lightly at her answer looking away from the doors to look at Seria who was now seated. "So you'd rather be a stranger to yourself? I know experiences can be tough but I know if something horrible happened to me there's no way on this earth that I'd trade fond moments with my family and stuff to forget it." He said before pausing and waving his hands "I-I'm not calling you dumb or anything" he blurted awkwardly "I just think forgetting everything isn't the best. Your experiences make you who you are. Good or bad." He said with a small sigh.


- Ariel Reaver -


Ariel nodded and followed behind her father until they stepped outside. Hearing his question she tilted her head and smiled "I've been really good actually" she answered, her smile growing as she said this. She sat on one of the benches they had in the garden after speaking, looking to her father curiously, waiting for him to say what he wanted to talk about.

"That's good sweetheart." He said happily to her. Looking to her he sent a smile her way before speaking. "So...... I see that boy is back." He said clearly not knowing how to say what he wanted to in the right way
"That's good sweetheart." He said happily to her. Looking to her he sent a smile her way before speaking. "So...... I see that boy is back." He said clearly not knowing how to say what he wanted to in the right way

- Ariel Reaver -


Ariel raised a brow at his word choice "Greg. His name is Greg, dad" she then corrected him. She looked at her father for a moment, she knew what this was about, she had a feeling that this conversation was on the way. "He didn't abandon me. He had his reason for leaving. That's why I've forgiven him." She began to explain, fiddling with a piece of her hair. "Someone wanted to hurt him. If he didn't leave they would have found him and would have hurt me too. He didn't want that so he left" she paused "...Is that what you wanted to know from me?"


- Euloria Reaver -


Euloria listened to his story, merely raising an eyebrow in response to it before nodding "Right." It was vague and didn't answer the questions she had about the situation at all, after all she hadn't gotten to speak with her daughter much since his return so she had no way of knowing. At this stage the food she had been cooking was ready, just in time for the table being set. , she glanced out the kitchen window, spotting Ariel and her father in the garden outside, Ariel smiling brightly "Ariel seems happy to see you back...I'm glad she's cheered up" She commented as she carried the food over to serve on the plates Gregory had set out. She sighed softly as she began to place the food on the plates. "Where did you travel to for a year? That's an awfully long holiday..." she asked, glancing over at him.

Gregory listened to Ariel's mom speak, and knew his answer was lackluster, but he didn't want to explain the situation to her just yet... that was, untill he heard the term "holiday" being used
He sighed, and shook his head.
"This is not it... I wouldn't use the term "Holiday"... I'd use the word.. "exodus", "refugee", "escaping from potential threat"... I didn't do it voluntarily, someone forced me to run.. As I said, it's a long story, so it's better that Ariel explains it all to you, miss, I told her everything..." He was rather reluctant to remind himself of the events that hit him...


- Laurel Bay -

- Current Mood -

Laurel walked out of a coffee shop, clutching her caramel macchiato. She had just gotten out of bed, and she needed it. Her phone buzzed with a text. She looked down at it.
It was her dad. He was checking up on her. She rolled her eyes and glanced up, making sure she didn't run into anyone, then looked back down at her phone and started to reply, to tell him that she was going to go to school. She put her phone in her back pocket and sighed. Even though it wasn't a lie, she was at least two and half hours late. She took a sip of her coffee and headed towards the school.

code by pasta

- Elliot Rillas -


Elliot had frowned lightly at her answer looking away from the doors to look at Seria who was now seated. "So you'd rather be a stranger to yourself? I know experiences can be tough but I know if something horrible happened to me there's no way on this earth that I'd trade fond moments with my family and stuff to forget it." He said before pausing and waving his hands "I-I'm not calling you dumb or anything" he blurted awkwardly "I just think forgetting everything isn't the best. Your experiences make you who you are. Good or bad." He said with a small sigh.

She went wide eyed before looking down so her bangs cover her eyes from Elliot. She knew that already. But hearing someone else say it feels embarrassing. She then got up before walking over to a door and looking at Elliot. She used her sword to cut the chains. The door was still closed even though the chains are broken, but a push would help open it. She then spoke as she looked at the door. "Then... Can you help me through this?"

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