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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

((Sorry if it's short and/or messed up, I don't remember much of what happened in the last post, just wanted to get things rolling again))

Astrid stood with her arms crossed as Alejandro spoke, trying not to roll his eyes at his droning. Honestly, as much as she kind of understood what he was talking about, it was unnecessary. The fact of the matter was that they were partners, and that they didn't leave each other behind on missions. End of story. Blue had already messed up once in that regard, and Astrid wasn't about to let it happen again. She watched for a moment as Hyou took off, noticing that her partner had his arms out for her so he could carry her. Since she made it very obvious that she didn't have wings to fly with, it seemed he'd have to carry her. Trying not to let her thoughts stray about that prospect, Astrid moved so she was in his arms bridal style, finding it a little hard to look him in the eye. "Let's just get going already." She stated, a little too quickly, her hold on him tightening both from embarrassment, not wanting to fall, and a slightly faster pulse for reasons she wasn't willing to admit yet.

Roman Roman
Everything was still overwhelming for Chiharu. But being around Rini and Misafune and being safe inside a house was making things a little bit easier. For one she wasn't nearly as cold, and the scrapes she got from climbing up were starting to heal a little, so she was starting to become less scared, but only as much as a five year old could. Honestly though, the wonders of the new place she was in was a helpful distraction from the not-so-good hours prior, so Rini thinking that taking Chiharu to her room would help her, she was correct. The young girl was enamored with the girlish colors and the soft plushies, even giggling and smiling as she rummaged through them. She found a favorite in a simple teddy bear, bringing it into a hug as Rini searched for something she could wear. The older girl was correct, the dress was filthy. It was the only piece of clothing that this version of Chiharu owned. Her teenage personality that she had "grown up with" had an ability where she could change clothes on a whim - not that this real version of Chiharu knew that at the moment. Rini was in the process of undressing her when Misafune walked in, leaving the 5 year old shirtless as the door opened. Seeing him upright and okay, Chiharu completely forgot about the task at hand and ran half-naked toward him, wrapping her frail arms around his legs. "Papa!!"

Nona Nona Jofune Tsurabisu Jofune Tsurabisu
This boy was intriguing for sure. Similar powers, similar training (ish), and they looked to be around the same age. Yup, good choices were made to go talk to him. As Iris floated there, she decided to up the ante a bit, letting her eyes glow white as she temporarily slipped into the Avatar state. She had told herself she'd only do this when it was absolutely necessary, but it was more like a guildeline than a rule, so she was fine, right? As she did this, she formed fire in her hand and manipulated it to form a mini tornado, which coiled up her wrist and around her arm like a gauntlet. The other wrist flicked a pouch open on her belt from which water came snaking outward and formed the same kind of gauntlet around her free arm. A section of air formed behind her, forming what looked like wings, wrapping around her shoulders and a bit of her torso to latch on. Smirking, she put her hands out a bit in front of her as if she were presenting a work of art, speaking at her new friend. "Though, my ability involves a bit more than just attunement."

The Fabulous Emerald The Fabulous Emerald
Well if this wasn't the most embarrassing moment of her life, she wasn't sure what was. In a frenzy Celaena changed back into her normal attire, rushing out of the changing area without grabbing the clothes she wanted. Her appearance shifted back to her Fae-aligned one, her white hair extending to its normal length down her back as she ran out of the store, completely bypassing her tour guide. At the moment, she didn't care about clothes around them. All she wanted was to leave, to find solace in the comfort of the forest. Get away from all this.. not-forest. In her embarrassment and hurry, she didn't even say anything to Ansom, forgetting her royal manners and letting her emotions rule her actions. Leaving the store, she didn't know where to go, and just started heading in a direction, hoping she'd come across a door to the outside of this unnatural boxed building.

Panacea Panacea
Lilliana continued eating, hoping that what she said would be good enough for their dad. In truth, she did actually know how to read, she had just panicked about what to say. Maybe it was not wanting to admit that she had slacked on trying to better her own personal exceed abilities, or maybe just genuine panic in general, but she knew that it wasn't exactly the truth about what she said. But even still, Ayen spoke as if it was, instructing Len to help her out until she was at a sufficient level or something. The siblings knew she didn't need the help, and that he'd tease her for it later, but that was something to be dealt with later. "Yes papa." Lilliana agreed, going back to the task at hand of eating. She glanced at Len to see if he had caught on to her lie, desperately hoping he wouldn't say something about it.

Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne
Well, this was a bit awkward of a situation. Sayuri was going to be the only female among the four of them, and they were all, uh, interesting people to say the least. As she sat there and listened to their sensei speak, a realization dawned on her: she didn't actually know who anyone in her group was. She knew that the two boys around her age would be her teammates, and that the adult was their sensei, but that was pretty much all she knew. Raising her hand, Sayuri spoke aloud, hoping she wasn't interrupting their sensei. "Uhm, Sensei? Shouldn't we be doing introductions first?"

Roman Roman Fukushima Akira Fukushima Akira
What the heck even was happening anymore? That was the question on the young Sanctum's mind as Yukari bid her leave from the king and dragged Haruka along with her. As she followed Yukari away from the king and his wife, she couldn't help but look back as she did. So, if she got everything straight in her head, she shared some ability with this man, who also happened to be the king of her race? This ability was something only the royal family should be able to possess, yet she had it? Why? For what reason? As she thought about it, her mind began racing a bit as well as they walked. Since she was the kid, she didn't have a choice in what happened to her. The adults, who had just convened together about what to do with her, decided it was best for her to stay with Yukari, who was now going to be her legal guardian. What if Haruka didn't want her to be her legal guardian? It wasn't like the two girls knew each other that well anyways, so why would they think that Haruka felt any sort of attachment to Yukari? And why would Yukari feel any attachment to Haruka? Yukari was just her escort, and they literally had been forced together only a few days prior. It was like Haruka had no say in any of it. The numbness of her parents death still affected her, but it was beginning to wane slightly and be replaced with other emotions. Anger, mainly. As she walked with the older Sanctum woman, her expression started to harden some, her eyes showing a bit of the upset emotions she was feeling. Though it wasn't super outwardly apparent yet, and was mostly hidden behind the stoic gaze that she always seemed to have.

Roman Roman



...ΨKenji's face continued to erupt into a red heat, his cheeks burning with embarrassment as his pair spoke of the night's prior engagements. He, in truth, had let another part of himself surface in those lust-filled hours, his more primal side. He wasn't able to control it, considering the one thousand years and all within the Throne World. Her touch was able to draw a piece of him out, and still maintain his gentle nature afterwards, something Kenji would have to remember. But currently, his embarrassment was causing his mind to go blank. His blush seared through his cheeks and for a minute he thought his face was on fire. He suddenly felt awkward, diffident, and coy; even going as far as attempting to hide his crimson features behind his fingers. Stuttering with his response, Kenji dropped his hands and replied to Lumina, his expression being that of pure embarrassment, and shock at the way Lumina was actingΨ...

St-stop it! Th-that's way too in-depth!

Character Information

His Bedroom.


Talking with Lumina.


Interacting With: Lumina.
Tags: Lumina Lumina .


Ah, yes. Lumina managed to even make him cover his face from the embarrassment! Ah it was such a cute look on him, it made her wish she was a bit more confident so she could do it to him more often. So this was why he always liked to embarrass her. This feeling of affection toward his embarrassed state was probably not dissimilar to how Kenji felt when she got embarrassed. Seeing that she got what she wanted, Lumina figured it was probably a good idea to stop and give him a break, as she also knew that she wouldn't be able to keep up her own facade for long before acting just like he was. It was quite embarrassing acting like this as well. "But you're so cute, I can't help myself, Kenji-sama!~" Lumina remarked, poking his red cheeks before bursting out laughing, a blush finding her cheeks as well. "Alright, alright, I'm done~" she managed out once her laughter about his embarrassment died down, opting to snuggle against his chest with her unclothed body. She didn't think anything of it other than wanting to be close to him, showing that she was done teasing him, though she couldn't help but think that he wouldn't just stop being embarrassed so quickly. Speaking softer and more like her normal self, she raised her head from the crook in his shoulder that it found itself in, looking up at him with a soft, endearing gaze. "I'm sorry, it's just... seeing you like that really is cute though. It just makes me happy that I can get you like that at all. Makes me feel special to be the only one to see that side of you." She kissed his cheek, the same spot where she had poked not moments before, before returning to her spot nestled in his shoulder against his side, sighing contently as her body settled still.
Isuzu couldn't help but marvel over just how much food Fenris had in his cart. She had quite a bit herself, but not nearly as much as him, and her wallet weeped a bit at the thought of how much it would all cost. Hell, it wept at the thought of how much her own cart full of goodies would cost, but that wasn't the point. She did remember he was a bartender, and she vaguely recalled him mentioning owning the place or something like that. Did that place serve food? Well, it's not like she had gone to that bar to eat anyways. Another glance at the carts revealed more food items to be purchased. Did bars serve salmon and ribeye steak? Shaking her head, she knew she was getting distracted from the other fine piece of meat in front of her. Bringing her gaze back to Fenris, she gave a smile at the sight, genuinely happy to see him again. "I hope things have been going well for you. Nothing much has happened with me, got a letter home from mom and met a neighbor of mine, nice boy. Yknow, normal stuff." She waved her popsicle whimsically before taking a bite of it. Part of her wondered if the comment about meeting a male neighbor would get to him any, considering how they had last met, though she highly doubted it. Isuzu snuck another glance back at the contents of the carts (mmm, cognac) before looking him in the eyes and speaking. "So, what's the occasion? Planning a dinner party for your monthly book club meeting?" She jeered, leaning a bit against the handle of her own cart. Not so much to where it'd roll out from underneath her, but enough to show that she was relaxing in his presence.

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester
EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

Vito watches this elemental manipulation before him. It was clear Iris was much better at it than he was, but something seemed off. As far as he could tell, Iris couldn’t create the element like he could – a sign of different attuning. To Vito, true attunement is where one is so connected to the element they almost become the element themselves, able to create it from thin air and manipulate in ways that men can only dream of. At least, that was the way of his monastery.

Still, Iris was impressive as it was. She was better at attuning to multiple elements, while he could only attune to one at a time – perhaps she wasn’t better than him, as he previously thought, but instead just has different strengths than him. As he watches with a smile, his clothes change yet again to a more subtle yellow tone (I don’t remember which element he was before :P I believe it was Earth) signifying the change to the element Air. As the change completes, he commands the air to lift him upwards slightly, still cross-legged, giving him the illusion of hovering.

“Impressive. Still, something seems off to me…can you create elements like I can?”

As he says this, he holds out a palm as a miniature storm cloud appears, complete with lightning that strikes at his hand (he doesn’t seem fazed by the lightning though), and forms a lightning tornado in his palm.
Lumina Lumina

• Ariel Reaver •
Ariel continued hold her breath until the water sank low enough for her to stick her head out of it and breathe, once that happened she coughed a little bit before she took a deep breath, fixing her hair back from her face. She looked over at Gregory and smiled, deciding to just watch him while he worked instead of talking so that she wouldn't distract him.


• Ariel Reaver •
Ariel continued hold her breath until the water sank low enough for her to stick her head out of it and breathe, once that happened she coughed a little bit before she took a deep breath, fixing her hair back from her face. She looked over at Gregory and smiled, deciding to just watch him while he worked instead of talking so that she wouldn't distract him.

Dozeji Dozeji

• Ariel Reaver •
Ariel continued hold her breath until the water sank low enough for her to stick her head out of it and breathe, once that happened she coughed a little bit before she took a deep breath, fixing her hair back from her face. She looked over at Gregory and smiled, deciding to just watch him while he worked instead of talking so that she wouldn't distract him.

(I'm gonna feel so weird now, seeing you reply in BBCode)
Greg soon made all the water around them disappear in a short while. His eyes slowly opened after that, as he looked around, and upon seeing how Ariel was fixing her hair, he smiled back at her, letting out a slight sigh
"Welp, that wen't well, didn't it? Wait, lemme just... do that" He quickly raised his hand over his love's head.

Ariel would feel a slight wind upon her skin and clothes, and in a little while, she would be completely dry.

"There we go..."

Greg absolutely missed Ariel, not seeing her for almost a whole year. His mind was always centered around getting back to her, and seeing her again, but nonetheless, if he did do it the first week after he departed, then they'd both be in trouble, so he did not do it. He was fortunate enough for her to take his apology and not slap him.
(I'm gonna feel so weird now, seeing you reply in BBCode)
Greg soon made all the water around them disappear in a short while. His eyes slowly opened after that, as he looked around, and upon seeing how Ariel was fixing her hair, he smiled back at her, letting out a slight sigh
"Welp, that wen't well, didn't it? Wait, lemme just... do that" He quickly raised his hand over his love's head.

Ariel would feel a slight wind upon her skin and clothes, and in a little while, she would be completely dry.

"There we go..."

Greg absolutely missed Ariel, not seeing her for almost a whole year. His mind was always centered around getting back to her, and seeing her again, but nonetheless, if he did do it the first week after he departed, then they'd both be in trouble, so he did not do it. He was fortunate enough for her to take his apology and not slap him.

• Ariel Reaver •
Ariel was about to answer him before he told her to wait for a moment. She blinked a few times as he waved his hand over her head and dried her clothes and hair with one swift movement. After he was finished she grinned at him, fixing her hair again now that it was properly dry and smoothing out her clothes a little with her hands. She nodded in response to his words moving herself so that she was now sitting on the middle of the bed "It went very well!" She giggled softly as she lay back on the bed "I really did miss going swimming with you" she said softly as she closed her eyes for a moment in thought before she fell silent. She opened her eyes again, turning her head in Gregory's direction, a small frown appearing on her face as she did so "Hey... It is 100% safe now... Right?... You won't need to get up and leave suddenly again." She asked, her expression looking a bit more worried now.


• Ariel Reaver •
Ariel was about to answer him before he told her to wait for a moment. She blinked a few times as he waved his hand over her head and dried her clothes and hair with one swift movement. After he was finished she grinned at him, fixing her hair again now that it was properly dry and smoothing out her clothes a little with her hands. She nodded in response to his words moving herself so that she was now sitting on the middle of the bed "It went very well!" She giggled softly as she lay back on the bed "I really did miss going swimming with you" she said softly as she closed her eyes for a moment in thought before she fell silent. She opened her eyes again, turning her head in Gregory's direction, a small frown appearing on her face as she did so "Hey... It is 100% safe now... Right?... You won't need to get up and leave suddenly again." She asked, her expression looking a bit more worried now.

Gregory smiled back at Ariel, as she laid back in the bed, him joining her right next to her. For a while, he was really happy with this current situation... but then his love went silent... which was odd for her. Listening to Ariel's words made Greg frown as well, looking her in the eyes. Of course he wasn't going to leave again. He was safe... no one was chasing him.
He slowly reached out and took her hand in both of his, his jokiness gone, replaced with pure seriousness.
"Ariel... this was the only time I was forced to run away... to leave... I won't need to get up and leave suddenly... ever again... if someone threatens to come over and do harm to you... because of me..." His expression went blank for a while, as he looked away, letting out a heavy sigh. The atmosphere around them was heavy, and he knew this. But he had to adress the point
"I will make sure... that he will not be able to do this again... saying it lightly" He said quietly, looking back at his girlfriend, opening his eyes slowly.
"I promise you this.. with every ounce of seriousness that is in me..."
EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

Vito watches this elemental manipulation before him. It was clear Iris was much better at it than he was, but something seemed off. As far as he could tell, Iris couldn’t create the element like he could – a sign of different attuning. To Vito, true attunement is where one is so connected to the element they almost become the element themselves, able to create it from thin air and manipulate in ways that men can only dream of. At least, that was the way of his monastery.

Still, Iris was impressive as it was. She was better at attuning to multiple elements, while he could only attune to one at a time – perhaps she wasn’t better than him, as he previously thought, but instead just has different strengths than him. As he watches with a smile, his clothes change yet again to a more subtle yellow tone (I don’t remember which element he was before :P I believe it was Earth) signifying the change to the element Air. As the change completes, he commands the air to lift him upwards slightly, still cross-legged, giving him the illusion of hovering.

“Impressive. Still, something seems off to me…can you create elements like I can?”

As he says this, he holds out a palm as a miniature storm cloud appears, complete with lightning that strikes at his hand (he doesn’t seem fazed by the lightning though), and forms a lightning tornado in his palm.
Lumina Lumina
Iris sat like that for a while before she started to feel the toll it always seemed to take on her. Not wanting to end up bedridden for the next day or so, Iris released her hold on the Avatar state, the elements around her falling away out of her control as she landed softly on the ground. Exhaling from a slight bit of exertion and a little headache, she looked up at Vito, who was still floating a few feet off the ground. It seemed their powers were different, though very similar. She watched as he changed his attunement, raising an eyebrow as he spoke. Creating the elements, huh? Her eyes settled on his hand as he created the handheld lightning storm, adjusting her stance on the ground to adjust for comfort.

"Well," she commented, holding up a hand as a spark of flame appeared within it, growing in size to fit her grasp, "fire is the only element we can 'create' so to speak. The way our bending works is that we take what is already given to us in nature and 'bend' it to our will. Thus, we call what we do 'bending.' "

It bothered her a little that she couldn't just create the elements like Vito could, but for her people she was the one that would keep the balance between the elements. Going and creating them on a whim could disrupt the natural flow of things, and she wasn't one to do that. She was fine with what abilities she had.

Letting the fire dissipate from around her hand, Iris continued on. "In my village, which is on another continent with their own set of laws and rules, people who are able to bend are only able to bend a single element. So, eventually nations were formed based on which element was predominant: fire, water, earth, or air. But then every generation someone like me comes along, who can bend all four. I'm what's known as the Avatar, to my people. I'm the one who keeps the elements in balance." Iris took a breath, realizing she was talking a lot, and figured she should probably shut up and finish her statement. "Our people believe that there are is a finite amount of each element in the world, and so we do not create the elements but only manipulate them. It's believed that creating more of an element than already exists can upset the balance of the world, which I as the Avatar am here to and sworn to protect."
EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

“Well, in the monastery I grew up almost everyone can create something. We believe creation to be the final step that we mortals can achieve to be truly one with our element. It’s not just the primal elements like Air or Fire that my monastery attunes to, but everything in the universe. Electricity, emotion and even time monks can be found where I grew up.”

As he finishes speaking, he clenches his fist around the handheld thunderstorm to reduce it to a simple breeze. He found Iris interesting – they were so similar in nature, yet they were so different in reality. It was almost amazing to him how different yet similar they were.
Lumina Lumina
EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

“Well, in the monastery I grew up almost everyone can create something. We believe creation to be the final step that we mortals can achieve to be truly one with our element. It’s not just the primal elements like Air or Fire that my monastery attunes to, but everything in the universe. Electricity, emotion and even time monks can be found where I grew up.”

As he finishes speaking, he clenches his fist around the handheld thunderstorm to reduce it to a simple breeze. He found Iris interesting – they were so similar in nature, yet they were so different in reality. It was almost amazing to him how different yet similar they were.

Lumina Lumina
Iris nodded at his explanation, understanding where he was coming from. She wasn't so naive to think the way the world worked aligned exactly with the beliefs of her people, but it didn't mean that she wouldn't still hold them as true. If they did not have some level of truth to them, then her birth and existence would have no purpose, and Iris didn't like the thought of being alive for no reason. She didn't like the thought of being alive simply to be the Avatar, so she was content with falling somewhere in the middle of the two. All it meant was that, even if given the opportunity or the ability to learn to create elements without an existing source, she would decline. It's not like there was a lack of air and earth around, so the only thing shed need to keep on hand was water, which she already did anyways.

Nodding, Iris looked up at her new friend. She too held out a hand, sparks popping in the space above her palm before a zap of electricity burst forth, the electricity bouncing around her hand, to which she also seemed immune to. "Though, the fun part about being the Avatar and being able to bend all the elements is the different ways we can mess with them. I might not be able to create lighting outright, but tweak the fire into a bolt rather than a flame and you've got exactly the same thing."
Ramona quietly followed behind Himeragi as they made their way upstairs to her bedroom. When they got there and Himeragi showed her what it looked like, she smiled, "Wow~ This looks nice, though I'm surprised you didn't make the bed." She said, giggling a little. Ramona never really fixed her own bed, she just used magic to do it since it was an option.
"Well... I didn't really think it should look nice.." She said before she giggled.
Roman Roman
EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

“Yes, but still. Electricity has its own uses, like to power machines, or to destroy them. Still, I’ve never really experimented with what I could do with my abilities. I am a monk, after all – fighting is against our teachings in most scenarios.”

Even though he carries a naginata, a type of polearm, the blade itself hasn’t been unsheathed in years. Iris could easily tell, since the sheath was chained onto the blade’s shaft, only unlocked by a key that Vito carries with him. It is meant to signify the restraint that a monk has, to permanently sheath their weapon and to never unsheathe it unless absolutely necessary.

“Still, the power of creation allows me to create a tsunami in a desert, should I choose so, or turn sand to stone. Anyhow, there’s no use in comparing abilities – we are different, and that’s normal.”

Of course, there is the other side to creation – destruction. Vito is very much able to destroy should he choose.
Lumina Lumina
EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

“Yes, but still. Electricity has its own uses, like to power machines, or to destroy them. Still, I’ve never really experimented with what I could do with my abilities. I am a monk, after all – fighting is against our teachings in most scenarios.”

Even though he carries a naginata, a type of polearm, the blade itself hasn’t been unsheathed in years. Iris could easily tell, since the sheath was chained onto the blade’s shaft, only unlocked by a key that Vito carries with him. It is meant to signify the restraint that a monk has, to permanently sheath their weapon and to never unsheathe it unless absolutely necessary.

“Still, the power of creation allows me to create a tsunami in a desert, should I choose so, or turn sand to stone. Anyhow, there’s no use in comparing abilities – we are different, and that’s normal.”

Of course, there is the other side to creation – destruction. Vito is very much able to destroy should he choose.

Lumina Lumina
Iris nodded, agreeing with all of Vito's points. "Yes, you are correct. I've seen firsthand what can happen when you let your powers get out of hand, or letting the fact that you have power at all get to your head. It's sad, really." Her eyes glosses over a bit as her sentence finished, reminiscing on something or other from a time now passed. Her look had an almost sad expression on it, though it was dulled by a sense of nostalgia mixed with regret. But it only lasted for a moment before Iris' eyes brightened back up and her smile returned to its rightful place on her face. "I hate to admit that I have a bit of a temper, a.. "hothead," if you will. I don't exactly shy away from confrontation, though I probably should.." she laughed dryly, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. "In terms of disposition, you've probably got me beat.. but you're right. No use comparing semantics when we're obviously different people."
EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

“Yeah…there’s no use comparing the apple to the banana. They may be both fruits, but they are totally different.”

Vito sees the sadness that appears in her eyes, but decides not to pry into it. He has learned in his time away from the monastery that everyone has their secrets, and they want to keep them hidden. Maybe he’ll ask her about it, in time. Maybe she’ll tell him, in time.

“Speaking of fruit, all this talk and meditation has made me thirsty. Do you want to go and get a drink or something?”

He says, with a smile. In truth he wasn’t that thirsty but he felt like Iris needed to be distracted from her memories for a while.
Lumina Lumina
~~Roland Armstrong~~

This had become somewhat of a norm for Roland, hadn't it? Not every night out of the week, but at least three. Though, even for those three, before midnight was, even though still late, early for him to come up. Truly, it had been matter over mind as his stomach demanded food. Of course, Roland had noticed the light from the tv and doubled over his sneaking (which looked akin to a cartoon villain tip-toeing around) to try and avoid drawing attention. As far as Roland knew, he had succeeded. However, that train of thought blurred away to the back of his mind as he got to the fridge. At first, he was just planning on some leftover pasta from the other night, but as he took it over to the microwave, his eyes set upon a certain plate of cookies. What harm would there be if, per say, he only took a few as his food warmed up? Well, depending on your perspective, he really only took a few, or you could also say, there were only a few left. Either way, there's 'a few' in there somewhere. The microwave beeped and Roland practically dived for it, only then remembering that it was rather loud. It was stopped at the second beep, but there was also a slight thud, and a quiet "Ow" to accompany it. Grabbing the container of leftovers out of the microwave, Roland went to the kitchen table to eat, using some of his own self generated fire for a light.

• Dakota Mayer •

She continued quietly watching, he had obviously noticed the TV by now, she thought he'd stop sneaking actually but what happened instead was much more amusing. He really did look like a cartoon character. Watching him continue to stealth cook she heard the loud beep accompanied by the quiet 'ow'. It seemed stealthy wasn't going well for him. Feeling like she was about to laugh, she gently placed a hand to her mouth to keep herself quiet. She decided that she might as well go over there, she wasn't going to spend the rest of the time pretending she didn't see him. Moving the blanket off her knee she draped it around her shoulders and stood up. She yawned a quietly as she walked across the living room floor, she wasn't wearing any shoes so only the very faint patter of her bare feet across the floorboards could be heard (if it could be heard at all, she wasn't very heavy footed). She peered around the doorway, her eyes drifting towards the table where the dim light of a small flame was coming from to the nearly empty cookie plate to stopping on Roland. She flicked on the light switch, thinking if she just walked into the room in the dark, that would be extremely creepy, especially with her eye flickering habits. That would freak anyone out, she decided that she would spare him and not pull a prank like that. Instead of speaking she simply smiled and gave a small wave. She walked over to the table, taking a cookie from the nearly empty plate "Evening~" She joked, smiling at him "I was going to try and spook you but I changed my mind... You still need to work on your sneaking" she laughed softly as she took a seat at the table, letting another yawn after sitting down, fixing the blanket that was on her shoulders "Working on something important?" She asked curiously before taking a bite from the cookie she had taken off the plate earlier.


• Kenai Yelil •
Kenai raised a brow at her over dramatic delivery chuckling lowly "Phases huh. This is some serious business, this snow thing" he joked, putting his hands into his pockets, he did begin to wonder how many phases exactly did she have in mind to do, not that he minded, he was actually enjoying himself, as he always did with Asako. He grinned back at her when she started to enthuse about snowball fighting. That was also something he had never taken part in, he had of course seen others do so in movies and indeed in reality too. As lazy as he tended to be he really did have admit it did look really fun to take part in. That and he was pretty sure if he refused she'd just snowball his face anyways so it wouldn't make a difference. "Bring on the battle then"

"Oh I will~" She grinned. "Ok, so, here are the rules. We will have 2 minutes to make as many snowballs as we can for ammunition, once the time is up, we are able to start throwing the snowballs at eachother~ If you run out of snowballs, you can't make any more until the next round, that way it doesn't go on forever. Whoever hits the other the most wins the round!~" She said. "Before we start, do you know how to make a snowball? I don't want to start and find out you didn't know how to."
EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

“Yeah…there’s no use comparing the apple to the banana. They may be both fruits, but they are totally different.”

Vito sees the sadness that appears in her eyes, but decides not to pry into it. He has learned in his time away from the monastery that everyone has their secrets, and they want to keep them hidden. Maybe he’ll ask her about it, in time. Maybe she’ll tell him, in time.

“Speaking of fruit, all this talk and meditation has made me thirsty. Do you want to go and get a drink or something?”

He says, with a smile. In truth he wasn’t that thirsty but he felt like Iris needed to be distracted from her memories for a while.
Lumina Lumina
Once again, Iris found herself nodding at Vito's words. They seemed to think a lot alike, which only confirmed her positive feelings about having randomly decided to come and sit herself down next to him. "Though, you can't deny that they're both tasty!" She joked, leaning toward him a bit for effect. It was then that he offered to go out for a drink. Iris thought nothing of it, not even considering the fact that he might have noticed her saddened momentary expression and was trying to help. She had learned to move on from things in the past, so it was rare to slip into those moments at all. But even still, his offer came off as nothing but a kind gesture. Leaning back up, Iris gave a grin and yet another nod. "I'd love to," she responded, patting down her pack to make sure she'd have her wallet. Wouldn't want to be rude and make him pay for everything.

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