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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds




Chiharu wasn't sure how long she was up there by now. It seemed like forever, but her sense of time was skewed a bit considering she thought that Rini and Misafune had forgotten about her after not even a day or so. So by now, the young girl thought that she'd never get out of here and never see the two of them again, and that thought was terrifying. She was cold, hungry, and scared, and not in a position to really do much of anything. She had no idea what was happening in the construction site with Misafune distracting the men who she had saw earlier, or anything about the kerosene or the explosives. It was just dark and scary and Chiharu was alone. Suddenly though, she heard a familiar voice shouting at her, and she looked up to see Rini over on the other side of the floor they were on. The young girl's eyes widened in surprise and her face scrunched up as a flood of emotions overcame her, managing out a small "Mama.." as Rini came over and hugged her tightly. She had never expected to Rini again, and was overcome with happiness and regret as she hugged tightly back, refusing to let go once she had held on. If she let go, Rini might go away again and she didn't want that. She didn't want to be alone anymore. Chiharu felt herself get lifted off the ground and carried as Rini made her way down the floors, at a much slower pace considering the still-bawling child cradled in her arms. The ice was beginning to crack and melt as they made their way down, though Chiharu didn't know that. All she knew was that Rini was back and she could leave this scary place.

Rini Yelil

Rini slowly but surely descended each floor of the building. Chiharu was clinging to her so tightly that even if she wanted to lift her and leave her on different ledges and spots to move quicker she couldn't. She wasn't going to do that anyways even if it added time to her journey out of the building, she wanted Chiharu to feel safe and that meant keeping her close. That was what she needed at that moment. Seeing the young child like this only made her feel more guilty about not checking up on her sooner and preventing her from leaving but apologies would need to be kept for later. Leaving the explosion laden building was more important right now since if she failed, there wouldn't even be a chance to apologise to Chiharu.

She came to the last floor, picking her steps as some of the floor had crumbled into the founds of the building. The door was now right infront of her, they had made it out in time, Rini let a sigh of relief as she exited the building "Were going to go see Misafune now, okay? And after that we'll get you some clean clothes and something to eat, how does that sound?" She said in a soft tone in an attempt to calm Chiharu down, she began looking around the areas for Misafune, a slight furrow in her brow for a moment when she saw that he and the men were missing.

@Jofune Tsurabisu @Lumina
"Haha. Well, wanna go to bed? Kinda tired." She said before she yawned a bit. It was really late of course. Reika felt like she was gonna have a food-coma. She soon stood up and stretched a bit as well.

"Yeah." Ken yawned once more and put his hands behind his head as he stood there with Reika. "Hey maybe we could train a little tomorrow." he suggested. a big smile on his face as he said that.
"Yeah." Ken yawned once more and put his hands behind his head as he stood there with Reika. "Hey maybe we could train a little tomorrow." he suggested. a big smile on his face as he said that.

"Kay. Sounds good." Reika said before smiling at Ken before yawning once more and leaning on Ken a bit drunkly. "That is... If I don't wake up with a hangover~"
"Kay. Sounds good." Reika said before smiling at Ken before yawning once more and leaning on Ken a bit drunkly. "That is... If I don't wake up with a hangover~"

"Did you drink more while I was out?" Ken asked, turning to look at the bottle of sake. He had put his arm around Reika to keep her up, laughing lightly at the situation. "hm, let me get you to bed. I'll clean up our stuff in here." he added, soon walking in the direction of their bedroom.
"Did you drink more while I was out?" Ken asked, turning to look at the bottle of sake. He had put his arm around Reika to keep her up, laughing lightly at the situation. "hm, let me get you to bed. I'll clean up our stuff in here." he added, soon walking in the direction of their bedroom.

"Kay~" Reika answered as she walked with Ken to their bedroom, the drunk sort of coming out.
"Kay~" Reika answered as she walked with Ken to their bedroom, the drunk sort of coming out.

Coming to a stop in front of the door, Ken placed his hand on the doorknob and turned it, opening the door and walking Reika inside. "Next time, you should limit yourself." He then took her to the bed and sat her down, and he went to the other side of the bed, sitting down himself.
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Coming to a stop in front of the door, Ken placed his hand on the doorknob and turned it, opening the door and walking Reika inside. "Next time, you should limit yourself." He then took her to the bed and sat her down, and he went to the other side of the bed, sitting down himself. "

"Fu~ Why didn't you finish your food~? You're so weird Ken!" Reika said drunkly. It was official. She's drunk. She soon just laid down on the bed and rolled around a bit. Making drunk noises as she did so. After a while, she finally calmed down and had already drifted to sleep.
"Fu~ Why didn't you finish your food~? You're so weird Ken!" Reika said drunkly. It was official. She's drunk. She soon just laid down on the bed and rolled around a bit. Making drunk noises as she did so. After a while, she finally calmed down and had already drifted to sleep.

Ken looked at Reika, laughing at the things she said. Her behavior drastically changed after drinking, though most people's behavior did. He decided that he'd just clean up tomorrow since they didn't leave anything but they're glasses and the bottle of sake in the living room anyways. He changed into his pajamas, and crawled into bed, closing his eyes and going to sleep himself.

(((( Timeskip? ))))
Ken looked at Reika, laughing at the things she said. Her behavior drastically changed after drinking, though most people's behavior did. He decided that he'd just clean up tomorrow since they didn't leave anything but they're glasses and the bottle of sake in the living room anyways. He changed into his pajamas, and crawled into bed, closing his eyes and going to sleep himself.

(((( Timeskip? ))))

Sure Could you start?)
Sure Could you start?)

(((( Sure ))))



Ken yawned, slowly opening his eyes after moving around a bit to see if he could get comfortable again to sleep longer. Nothing worked. He then sat up, looking at Reika to see her still asleep. Ken smiled a little and kissed her cheek, getting out of bed right after to get ready for the day. First, he went into the bathroom and showered, then right after brushed his teeth. "Phew..." Ken lastly went and got dressed, putting on his favorite blue and white sweater, and a jacket on top. "Guess I'll make breakfast for her. She made me dinner after all." he said to himself, before going to start on his cooking, taking the two glasses and empty bottle of sake out of the living room on his way. Taking a look online to find a perfect breakfast to help with hangovers. He had figured she'd probably have one after drinking a majority of the sake on her own.
(((( Sure ))))



Ken yawned, slowly opening his eyes after moving around a bit to see if he could get comfortable again to sleep longer. Nothing worked. He then sat up, looking at Reika to see her still asleep. Ken smiled a little and kissed her cheek, getting out of bed right after to get ready for the day. First, he went into the bathroom and showered, then right after brushed his teeth. "Phew..." Ken lastly went and got dressed, putting on his favorite blue and white sweater, and a jacket on top. "Guess I'll make breakfast for her. She made me dinner after all." he said to himself, before going to start on his cooking, taking the two glasses and empty bottle of sake out of the living room on his way. Taking a look online to find a perfect breakfast to help with hangovers. He had figured she'd probably have one after drinking a majority of the sake on her own.

Reika finally woke up moments after Ken began looking up recipes. She groaned because she indeed had a hangover. She just laid in bed because due to her hangover, she didn't wanna do anything. "Ugh...Such a bad idea..."
Reika finally woke up moments after Ken began looking up recipes. She groaned because she indeed had a hangover. She just laid in bed because due to her hangover, she didn't wanna do anything. "Ugh...Such a bad idea..."

After finding something to cook, Ken had eventually finished and there wasn't a thing that went wrong. He had tasted everything and seemed to taste pretty well, though if he didn't follow the recipe, it'd be the other way around. He put the plate on a tray, and he made coffee for the both of them. Sighing lightly, he picked up the tray and walked to their bedroom, seeing Reika awoke, he smiled, "I knew you'd be hungover. I made you a hangover cure." he said, laughing lightly. "Here you go." Ken set the tray on the nightstand beside Reika and took one of the coffees he made for them. "The rest is yours. I had ate my breakfast while cooking."
After finding something to cook, Ken had eventually finished and there wasn't a thing that went wrong. He had tasted everything and seemed to taste pretty well, though if he didn't follow the recipe, it'd be the other way around. He put the plate on a tray, and he made coffee for the both of them. Sighing lightly, he picked up the tray and walked to their bedroom, seeing Reika awoke, he smiled, "I knew you'd be hungover. I made you a hangover cure." he said, laughing lightly. "Here you go." Ken set the tray on the nightstand beside Reika and took one of the coffees he made for them. "The rest is yours. I had ate my breakfast while cooking."

Reika stared at the tray for awhile before she began moving, slowly sitting herself up and reached for the coffee. She took a sip before she set it down. ''What time is it...?" She said before getting her food. She set her plate in her lap and began eating. Of course she was a bit slow due to the effects of the hangover. Dealing with headaches was something that would drag her down the most.
Reika stared at the tray for awhile before she began moving, slowly sitting herself up and reached for the coffee. She took a sip before she set it down. ''What time is it...?" She said before getting her food. She set her plate in her lap and began eating. Of course she was a bit slow due to the effects of the hangover. Dealing with headaches was something that would drag her down the most.

Ken sipped his coffee, looking at the window of their bedroom. His attention was then put on Reika as she asked what time it was, looking at his watch, he answered, "Around 10 a.m." he said, taking another sip of his coffee. "I would have expected you to wake up alter than that though." he added, taking another sip of coffee, turning around to face her. "Is there something you were supposed to do?"
(((( Ok xD ))))

"Oh. Well then maybe we can go to the mall. Get some new stuff and you can get your book. It'd be a fun experience for the both of us to go shopping together and stuff." Logan said, putting his hands on his head. "Though, I wouldn't mind staying inside. We'd just need to figure something out."

Perfect frowned when Ribbon said what she said. What a lame line. He continued to look down at the people below, shaking his head with a slight chuckle escaping his mouth. "R- Agh!" Perfect found himself pressed up against a window, Ribbon on his back, and her voice echoing in his head. "Shut up! Can you ask like a normal person!? I wanna hear after this too... Geez. It's the woman I took before. She granted me amazing power. I kidnapped her again, but this time, while I have her, I'll be absorbing bits of her energy to maintain my Perfect form just in case something separates us. She'll be able to regain the strength no problem, but I figured I'd take some for myself."

Ribbon blinked as she thought about it for a moment and tilted her head naively, "if you have another person inside you, doesn't that mean your pregnant?" then smiling coyly ribbon began to skip around and singing in a loud voice, "Perfects pregnant! Prefects Pregnant! Perfects pregnant." Ribbon continued to skipping around the pent house singing her tune until she stopped paying attention to where she was going and ended up running smack dab onto the middle of a coffee table and rolling around in pain on the floor.
Ken sipped his coffee, looking at the window of their bedroom. His attention was then put on Reika as she asked what time it was, looking at his watch, he answered, "Around 10 a.m." he said, taking another sip of his coffee. "I would have expected you to wake up alter than that though." he added, taking another sip of coffee, turning around to face her. "Is there something you were supposed to do?"

"No. I just don't like to sleep in a lot. It... wastes some of the day." She said as she kept eating slowly with the hangover effects.
Ribbon blinked as she thought about it for a moment and tilted her head naively, "if you have another person inside you, doesn't that mean your pregnant?" then smiling coyly ribbon began to skip around and singing in a loud voice, "Perfects pregnant! Prefects Pregnant! Perfects pregnant." Ribbon continued to skipping around the pent house singing her tune until she stopped paying attention to where she was going and ended up running smack dab onto the middle of a coffee table and rolling around in pain on the floor.

"That is not what that means you dull-witted.... Agh! You're driving me insane." Perfect grimaced. He turned back to face the window, seeing the reflection of Ribbon skipping around until she ran into the coffee table. "That's what happens when you act that way." He said, turning back around and offering a hand. "If you shut your mouth, I'll take you with me next time I go do fun stuff... If not, you can sit in the penthouse and die of boredom as I do not care." Perfect said, laughing at Ribbon. He had to admit, as much as they insulted each other and fight, they were still pretty good friends... Or frenemies. Whatever it was.
"No. I just don't like to sleep in a lot. It... wastes some of the day." She said as she kept eating slowly with the hangover effects.

"Makes sense." Ken said, taking another sip of his coffee. "Do you think you'll be back normal soon? You did say we could train together... That and I want to personally see how far your training has brought you and even show the fruits of my own training." Ken told her, happily smiling, walking to their bedroom door. "So do you think you will?"
"Makes sense." Ken said, taking another sip of his coffee. "Do you think you'll be back normal soon? You did say we could train together... That and I want to personally see how far your training has brought you and even show the fruits of my own training." Ken told her, happily smiling, walking to their bedroom door. "So do you think you will?"

"It'll take awhile. Maybe after lunch we could train." She said before she continued to eat. She sipped her coffee every once in awhile. She saw Ken head out to the bedroom door so it got her a bit curious. "Where you off to?"
"It'll take awhile. Maybe after lunch we could train." She said before she continued to eat. She sipped her coffee every once in awhile. She saw Ken head out to the bedroom door so it got her a bit curious. "Where you off to?"

"Just gonna go grab the mail." Ken said with a nod as he stepped out of the bedroom, leaving the door open for when he returned. Whistling to himself, Ken went outside and picked up the mail, looking through it all. "Bill... Bill... Bill... Cellphone bill... Another cellphone bill. I'm gonna have to tell them that I pay online." Ken said. "And a letter." he said, looking at the last one. He came back inside, throwing the bills on the coffee table and went back to the bedroom. "Nothing too important... Besides the bills. Anyways, training after lunch will be a a great time. I say after that we head into town."
14 hours ago, Roman said:

(((( Ok xD ))))

"Oh. Well then maybe we can go to the mall. Get some new stuff and you can get your book. It'd be a fun experience for the both of us to go shopping together and stuff." Logan said, putting his hands on his head. "Though, I wouldn't mind staying inside. We'd just need to figure something out."

Perfect frowned when Ribbon said what she said. What a lame line. He continued to look down at the people below, shaking his head with a slight chuckle escaping his mouth. "R- Agh!" Perfect found himself pressed up against a window, Ribbon on his back, and her voice echoing in his head. "Shut up! Can you ask like a normal person!? I wanna hear after this too... Geez. It's the woman I took before. She granted me amazing power. I kidnapped her again, but this time, while I have her, I'll be absorbing bits of her energy to maintain my Perfect form just in case something separates us. She'll be able to regain the strength no problem, but I figured I'd take some for myself."


Scarlet laughed, "I think going to the mall would be nice, besides, we're always inside, as much as I enjoy it, it'd be a nice change of pace to go do something outside of my apartment~" She said and smiled. She actually would have agreed to stay inside, if it weren't for the fact they'd done practically everything there is to do inside her apartment.
"That is not what that means you dull-witted.... Agh! You're driving me insane." Perfect grimaced. He turned back to face the window, seeing the reflection of Ribbon skipping around until she ran into the coffee table. "That's what happens when you act that way." He said, turning back around and offering a hand. "If you shut your mouth, I'll take you with me next time I go do fun stuff... If not, you can sit in the penthouse and die of boredom as I do not care." Perfect said, laughing at Ribbon. He had to admit, as much as they insulted each other and fight, they were still pretty good friends... Or frenemies. Whatever it was.

Ribbon turned, her face pouting as she walked up next to him and pulled back her arm, her ribbons coiling around it before she threw a strong punch at perfect. If it was a regular human then this punch would be strong enough to turn them into a bloody mess (i.e. literally turn them into a bloody cloud),but against perfect she figured it wouldn't do much and even throughout this time she stared at him with a pouting face in silence.
Scarlet laughed, "I think going to the mall would be nice, besides, we're always inside, as much as I enjoy it, it'd be a nice change of pace to go do something outside of my apartment~" She said and smiled. She actually would have agreed to stay inside, if it weren't for the fact they'd done practically everything there is to do inside her apartment.

"Alright sweet!" Logan said happily, laughing as he grabbed her hand. He the pulled her up and ran towards the door and soon ran out of that too, using his magic to close the door behind him. "Don't worry about your wallet or purse or anything. I have mine and luckily it's pretty full this time. We should be able to go to like 4 different stores or something!" he said in a childish and cheery way.

Ribbon turned, her face pouting as she walked up next to him and pulled back her arm, her ribbons coiling around it before she threw a strong punch at perfect. If it was a regular human then this punch would be strong enough to turn them into a bloody mess (i.e. literally turn them into a bloody cloud),but against perfect she figured it wouldn't do much and even throughout this time she stared at him with a pouting face in silence.

Perfect knew she'd do something like that. Dodging the punch, he grabbed her arm and tossed her on the couch. "Relax! We're still in the apartment and you've broken enough." Perfect said, shaking his head. "Jobs don't come easy anymore so if I spend all our money fixing this place back up, we'll be having a hard time getting the money back. You can fight me later, but as long as we're here, you from now on, keep yourself in check. You should know this, Ribbon."
"Just gonna go grab the mail." Ken said with a nod as he stepped out of the bedroom, leaving the door open for when he returned. Whistling to himself, Ken went outside and picked up the mail, looking through it all. "Bill... Bill... Bill... Cellphone bill... Another cellphone bill. I'm gonna have to tell them that I pay online." Ken said. "And a letter." he said, looking at the last one. He came back inside, throwing the bills on the coffee table and went back to the bedroom. "Nothing too important... Besides the bills. Anyways, training after lunch will be a a great time. I say after that we head into town."

"Alright~ We could do that~" Reika said before finishing her breakfast. She could feel the effects wearing off a little faster but it still lingered. She still needed time to relax and clear her mind. Now all she had to do was finish her coffee which she took a sip out of.
"Alright~ We could do that~" Reika said before finishing her breakfast. She could feel the effects wearing off a little faster but it still lingered. She still needed time to relax and clear her mind. Now all she had to do was finish her coffee which she took a sip out of.

Ken nodded and sat back down on the bed. He picked up his coffee and sipped it, looking at Reika, "You know... I feel weird with all this peace. So much stuff happens, but as of late, it's been really quiet. No giant monsters, or alien guys or anything. I'm starting to think after the whole government chipping thing, no one saw a reason to attack." he said, leaning back onto his pillow. "Maybe we can finally live peaceful lives, huh?" he asked Reika.

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