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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
Shingo kept looking away for the moment. "C-Cool." He said shyly. He really wanted to bring her smile back. He walked up to her and hugged her. "You have no idea how sorry I am..."
☮Ally's face reddened as she hesitantly hugged him back☮

"you don't need to be sorry..."

☮She said quietly☮
Alternated said:
"then that's good okay then let's go" Mateus said and followed Elaena smiling I think I know how fun works he thought and hums.
Elaena nodded as she continued to walk, smiling a little when she heard him humming "So, do you go to the park a lot?" She asked curiously.
Nonalaka said:
"Its nice to meet you too Yumi" Elliot said with a smile and a nod, after listening to her question he laughed somewhat bashfully "Ah, well, Yeah...probably too much actually..."
Maya blinked "Really? You can just force yourself to forget a thing?" She asked curiously.
"You never have somethings that just scare the heck out of you to the point where you never wanna think of it again?" Cecil asked. "I do, and well it helps when it out have traumatizing/huanting memories."
Roman said:
"I dabbled a bit in healthcare and stuff for a while." Han said, laughing lightly. He then thought about, Mari. He said he'd call her when Celia woke up, but then again she was probably asleep so he didn't. "Think you'll be able to move around a little? Walking and that stuff."
Celia nodded. "Lemme give it a try..." She said softly, slowly sitting up. It was rough even sitting up, but she managed to do it. She began trying to get out of bed.
TheDragoon said:
Celia nodded. "Lemme give it a try..." She said softly, slowly sitting up. It was rough even sitting up, but she managed to do it. She began trying to get out of bed.
Han stood up and made his way around to the side Celia was on, waiting to see if she could. He'd just help her stay on her feet if need be. "Don't push yourself too much."
Roman said:
"You never have somethings that just scare the heck out of you to the point where you never wanna think of it again?" Cecil asked. "I do, and well it helps when it out have traumatizing/huanting memories."
Maya frowned a little " Oh, I see...well I'm sorry if I made you remember them from talking about forgetting and stuff" she said quietly.
Nonalaka said:
Dakota laughed "Funny movie it is then~" she said happily as they entered the theatre and she glanced through the movie titles that were on display.
Roland looked back at Dakota before looking at the different movies that were showing in the theater as well "So, which one you want to see?" he asked attentively.
Nonalaka said:
Maya frowned a little " Oh, I see...well I'm sorry if I made you remember them from talking about forgetting and stuff" she said quietly.
"Nah, you're fine. Once I forget about that stuff I.don't remember. It's like its like I put in a vault and forgot how to open it." Cecil explained. "So you didn't make me remember a thing." He said, smiling brightly at her.
Mayyflower said:
Amaya sat on the smaller couch. "So.. How was your day?" She asks tiredly
Ayen looked over at her "Well, strange to say the least." he said as he thought back on it and rubbed his chin like an old man.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Ayen looked over at her "Well, strange to say the least." he said as he thought back on it and rubbed his chin like an old man.

Amaya nods. "A lot happened when you disappeared or when you were gone" she says rubbing her forehead.
WeirdPrincess said:


Celia blinked a few times before her wings sprouted and she moved out of the way to dodge her charge. "You really are violent..."

...✦Lucia slammed her gauntlet into the ground where Celia was before she threw knives at Celia's direction✦...
After her failed hunting trip, Akane returned to the mansion. Bored. No one had shown up most of the day and she still had the smell of dragon saliva on her face from Doragon's kiss. Akane made her way to her room and took a shower, soon heading to the kitchen to make her a snack once she finished. "Where is everyone? Is there an event I missed or something?" She asked herself, bored out of her mind.

Roman said:
After her failed hunting trip, Akane returned to the mansion. Bored. No one had shown up most of the day and she still had the smell of dragon saliva on her face from Doragon's kiss. Akane made her way to her room and took a shower, soon heading to the kitchen to make her a snack once she finished. "Where is everyone? Is there an event I missed or something?" She asked herself, bored out of her mind.
...♱Mika was running out of the kitchen as if she was gonna go out in the backyard and play. Neo was in the kitchen making food♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Mika was running out of the kitchen as if she was gonna go out in the backyard and play. Neo was in the kitchen making food♱...
At the sound of the little girl running out the house, Akane looked up from her snack and at the girl who was also making something, "Hey there." She said with a smile. "What are you making?"
LunaCrosby said:
☮Ally's face reddened as she hesitantly hugged him back☮
"you don't need to be sorry..."

☮She said quietly☮
Shingo kept crying. "I... Can't help it though... I took away your smile..." He said softly.
Roman said:
At the sound of the little girl running out the house, Akane looked up from her snack and at the girl who was also making something, "Hey there." She said with a smile. "What are you making?"
''lunch. for a little girl who went out to play and my girl friend who is...pretty much beating up demons and beasts with her mom. the dimensional war seems to be ending with the straggling beasts and demons so theres probably no use to fight. i mean theres a lot of clean up crews on the job. what you doin?''
Roman said:
Han stood up and made his way around to the side Celia was on, waiting to see if she could. He'd just help her stay on her feet if need be. "Don't push yourself too much."
Celia shook her head. "N-No, I'll be fine, I'm very strong Han-San." She said, trying to reassure him but wasn't sure if she could either. She slowly began to stand, wobbling a bit. She let out a sigh of relief. She reached out to hug Han-San with a smile.
HimeragiSeiker said:
''lunch. for a little girl who went out to play and my girl friend who is...pretty much beating up demons and beasts with her mom. the dimensional war seems to be ending with the straggling beasts and demons so theres probably no use to fight. i mean theres a lot of clean up crews on the job. what you doin?''
Akane groaned, "I doubt you wanna know about my day. Or anything that I did." She said, remembering how she got trapped by those hunters.
Roman said:
Akane groaned, "I doubt you wanna know about my day. Or anything that I did." She said, remembering how she got trapped by those hunters.
''please do tell. or just keep it to yourself. il find out eventually~''
TheDragoon said:
Shingo kept crying. "I... Can't help it though... I took away your smile..." He said softly.
☮Ally spoke quietly☮

"you didn't take it away... you just sent it away for a couple day's but now it's back"
LunaCrosby said:
☮Ally spoke quietly☮
"you didn't take it away... you just sent it away for a couple day's but now it's back"
Shingo paused as he watched her carefully. "But... Where is it?" He asked, not seeing her smile yet.
(Here goes nothing..)

Lexi was downstairs making a sandwich when she had gotten a sharp feeling in her stomach, she groaned and held her stomach. "Really... I was just about to eat too" she whined before feeling another sharp pain hit her stomach. "K-Kite!" she called out.

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