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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

TheDragoon said:
Mari just kept hiding in the closet, afraid she would die of embarrassement if she walked out.
''well...you guys just do w/e. but Roselyn, your a God Eater now...try not to eat Mari''

''i wont....''

''well...at least not eat her as in...consume. i dont mind about''

''OKAY OKAY! you dont have to also mention that other kind of eat...''

...♱Nanase winked at her before she walked out♱...
Lumina said:
...◇Vanille had begun pouring the batter into the frying pan as Levya spoke, which prompted a smile and a response◇...
"Ah, I see! My first meal was... hm... what it called.. uh, it's the yellowy stick things that turn wiggly when you put them in hot water... you put a reddish sauce on top when they're done, with white shavings of some kind of soft block of... something on top. That was my first meal. It was unlike anything I had ever tasted back home!"
''spaghetti with cheese shavings...?''
HimeragiSeiker said:
''well...you guys just do w/e. but Roselyn, your a God Eater now...try not to eat Mari''
''i wont....''

''well...at least not eat her as in...consume. i dont mind about''

''OKAY OKAY! you dont have to also mention that other kind of eat...''

...♱Nanase winked at her before she walked out♱...
Mari couldn't really hear what they said but stayed curled up in the closet until Roselyn gave her the word.
Mayyflower said:
Origami smiled. "Well thank you, I enjoyed spending time with you today" she says moving hair out of her face
"Well, do you remember what you were when you were alive. If not, would you like to know who I was?" he asked smiling.

Mayyflower said:
Rin nods and warped everyone home, she walked ally to her room and had her rest.
Amaya sighed "fine" she says quietly ad the warped home
Ayen looked around before looking to Len "You went into my storage again, didn't you?" he asked as he stared at the staff and book Len had

Len nodded before looking to the side.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]
Ayen looked around before looking to Len "You went into my storage again, didn't you?" he asked as he stared at the staff and book Len had
Len nodded before looking to the side.

Amaya moved away from Len and slowly walked to the kitchen. "I need milk..." She mumbled

Rin walked out of ally's room and went upstairs and into her room
Lumina said:
...☆Kaori felt the kiss release, and she exhaled as well as their lips disconnected. She blinked as she looked up at Masahi, and like his face hers went absolutely red as well. He.. he just... kissed... her... that was... her first kiss... her thoughts were jumbled as she stared up at him, unsure of what just happened. It took a moment for her thoughts to settle down before getting a tad bit angry. What the hell??! What did he do that for? Before she realized what was happening she raised her hand, smacking him across the face, her other arm holding close to her chest. A mixed expression was on her face as she did so; one of embarassment, slight anger, and confusion. After her hand slapped his face she gasped a bit, realizing what she had just done. Her hand fell slightly slack as she looked at him, her expression now regretful and apologetic. Kaori took a step back, slightly upset at herself for hitting him. He had apologized after all. But he did kiss her without asking. Mixed emotions were doing battle in her head as she looked at Masahi, speaking in a flustered and upset tone☆...
"...m-masahi... i-i.."
...♝Masahi saw the slap coming, and did utterly nothing to stop it, after all, who was he to argue about it? He did just steal a kiss from her, and for a he knew it was her first, just like it was his first, so he accepted the slap, and it wasn't the physical part that hurt him, he had taken physical blows that would rip an average person apart, though he did feel the exact spot it hit the mark, like anything else that physically harmed him, literally visibly disappeared withing seconds, though he still felt it and the stinging along with it, what teally got him was how ashamed it made him feel and that shame was easily visible on his face as he brought his hand up to his face and touched where he was slapped. Masahi felt like he hard ruined everything, and he felt worst for making Kaori upset, and he had taken a step back as well, one of his legs turned like he might try to leave, but he had stopped himself because running would just make the situation worst, so he gulped before looking at the ground in front of Kaori rather than at her as his shame was even evident it his speaking♝...

"No, i'm the one at fault, i deserved that and whatever else you may through at me......."
Mayyflower said:
"I'm not allowed to remember" she says with a shrug. "But yea I'd like to know"
"I was a celebrity, well sort of. My actions caused a war. Well not mine alone. Jealousy was to blame. I was Paris, prince of Troy. You would not believe how many souls would run to me in my prison in hell just to ask me stupid questions, like "Did you really love Helen? or "Was it worth it?" well, no it was not worth losing my brother to the demon lion in human skin, Achilles. Nor was the war worth it. But the gods willed what they did, and threw Helen at me. But I regret everything. I still don't know if they rebuilt Troy or was it lost on history's road. BTW, she was not as pretty as those old men wrote. She was cute, but not "launch a thousand" ships pretty. It was not her that we fought for, it was the fact her husbands pride was shattered. But you, I could fight for that pretty face of yours." he spoke wistfully. "But mostly the war was over the fact that we were the richest city, other than Egypt, and those guys were weird and Athens." he finished.

Mayyflower said:
Origami blushed and puffed her cheeks out. "Sounds like you've had a wild past" she says
"Sorta, but being the youngest prince kind of sucks, when your brother is the big hero. I had to learn everything and strive to be like him. Mostly I would scurry off to hunt or just hang out and listen to some philosophy, to appear to be busy. But mostly it was boring." he confided. "But now this Era, if Troy was in this era, man, I would have had dad and mom bring amusement parks to all over the city. Like tons." he said smiling. "And you could be a princess." he smiled at her.


(I love anime, but what does puffing the cheeks mean?)
Lumina said:
...回Skylar smiled, nodding simultaneously. She had only come here a few days prior, after all, so it made sense that nobody really would have seen her. Plus, she had finally gotten settled in enough to come out to the library, and it was her first time here. And what an amazing library it was! So many books on subjects that were only myths back in the village. Skylar grew up around many different kinds of magics, but there was just so much more that she didn't know about. It was why she came here in the first place. And wow, was she right. So Skylar continued smiling at Asuna as she responded回...
"Yeah, I transferred in a few days ago. Today is my first day at the library, so it makes sense you wouldn't have seen me around before now."
Asuna giggled a little, "Are you a Freshman?" She asked, with a smile. "Just curious.." she said hoping not to offend her, do to her small size.
TheDragoon said:
Mari couldn't really hear what they said but stayed curled up in the closet until Roselyn gave her the word.
...♱Roselyn soon closed the door and opened the closet♱...

''they're not here anymore''
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Roselyn soon closed the door and opened the closet♱...
''they're not here anymore''
Mari looked down sadly. "I'm sorry, I should have locked the door..." She said softly.
Mayyflower said:
Origami blinked. "Me? A princess? Right.." She says "I'm not fit to be one" she says with a chuckle
(Don't know how to explain it)
"Don't Knock it. It's a pretty sweet deal. Just Party and do as you please. And sometimes show up to official stuff. But mostly your left to your own devices." He comforted. "But enough about my sordid past." he said letting it go, as he found a shop. "These clothes look fancy, would they be appropriate?" he asked as he pointed to the suits and tuxes in the window.


TheDragoon said:
Mari looked down sadly. "I'm sorry, I should have locked the door..." She said softly.
''i-its okay. i walked in the room last. i shouldve been the one to close it''

...♱She said with a smile before she kissed Mari's forehead♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
''i-its okay. i walked in the room last. i shouldve been the one to close it''
...♱She said with a smile before she kissed Mari's forehead♱...
Mari blushed and look up at Roselyn in amazement. She was so kind. She may have not have been kind when they first met, but now... She was the kindest and most honest person Roselyn knew. Mari started crying tears of joy. She sat up and hugged Roselyn. "Thank you... Thank you thank you thank you!" She said, thankful that she was here with her. She was the only person that could make Mari this happy.
TheDragoon said:
Mari blushed and look up at Roselyn in amazement. She was so kind. She may have not have been kind when they first met, but now... She was the kindest and most honest person Roselyn knew. Mari started crying tears of joy. She sat up and hugged Roselyn. "Thank you... Thank you thank you thank you!" She said, thankful that she was here with her. She was the only person that could make Mari this happy.
...♱Roselyn went wide eyed before she relaxed and smiled, hugging Mari back♱...
HimeragiSeiker said:
...♱Roselyn went wide eyed before she relaxed and smiled, hugging Mari back♱...
Mari nuzzled her neck. "You've been doing your best to keep me safe..." She said softly. "I'm very grateful... You even went so far as to love and care for me... I'm eternally in your debt." She said as more tears fell. "I don't think I could ever repay you." She said before she pulled away from her neck a bit. "I'll try to say thank you the best I can, but this is all I can do for now..." She said before she kissed her deeply.
Roman said:
Asuna giggled a little, "Are you a Freshman?" She asked, with a smile. "Just curious.." she said hoping not to offend her, do to her small size.
...回Skylar blinked, looking at Asuna. A freshman? That was someone who was in their first year of school, right? If that was the case, then yes. She wasn't sure how things worked with transferring in during the middle of a semester, but if she had to guess, it would be that. So Skylar nodded at Asuna as she spoke回...

"Uh, yeah, I think so. It is my first year, after all."
Roman said:
Kaz didn't say anything as he lay there with Yoshino. In his opinion, words would just waste there time, therefore his actions would act as his words. Kaz leaned in again, his lips meeting Yoshino's once more and his free hand gently and slowly slid down her back while the other stayed on her waist. He could only think about one thing, and that was her and her alone. He roughened up a little with their kiss, before he slowly began to trail them down to her neck.


Yoshino had kissed Kaz back with the same amount of roughness, her hands tangling themselves in his soft, lush hair. There was a sudden urgency in her kiss, like she want it or rather needed it more than anything. Her lips were parted just slightly, breathing a bit heavily as he moved down towards her neck. "Kaz..." Yoshino's voice had sounded between a whine and moan, her head tilted back a little.
Lumina said:
...回Skylar blinked, looking at Asuna. A freshman? That was someone who was in their first year of school, right? If that was the case, then yes. She wasn't sure how things worked with transferring in during the middle of a semester, but if she had to guess, it would be that. So Skylar nodded at Asuna as she spoke回...
"Uh, yeah, I think so. It is my first year, after all."
Asuna smiled, "Well welcome to our high school. If you want, I can be your guide. I'm pretty much finished with my studies for the day and all I have to do is read through this book." She said, waving it around. "So, what do you say, Skylar?" She asked.


WeirdPrincess said:


Yoshino had kissed Kaz back with the same amount of roughness, her hands tangling themselves in his soft, lush hair. There was a sudden urgency in her kiss, like she want it or rather needed it more than anything. Her lips were parted just slightly, breathing a bit heavily as he moved down towards her neck. "Kaz..." Yoshino's voice had sounded between a whine and moan, her head tilted back a little.
Kaz gently kissed his way back up her neck breathing softly on it also. He chuckled lightly, before kissing her again, his hand he had onher her back, stealthily made its way under her shirt and ran up along her smooth skin, as for his hand he hand on her waist made it's way to the hem of the shirt.

(( Fade ))
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HimeragiSeiker said:
when i get home and on your reply when im home)))
''well...its not as scary...just...sort of''

''what kind of meat? im putting samon fish on mine''
(( Kk ))


"Oh, well okay then. I guess I'll be okay then." Nanami stated.

"I guess the same thing?" Ayaka questioned, because she honestly didn't know. She'd just try it with the salmon fish, Ayaka would most likely eat it though.
Mayyflower said:
Amaya moved away from Len and slowly walked to the kitchen. "I need milk..." She mumbled
Rin walked out of ally's room and went upstairs and into her room
Ayen sighed before slightly smiling "It's okay, but just this once because it was to help them."

Len let out a sigh of relief.

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