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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Kazu Kun](Oh its out? I thought it comes out in winter xD I'm going to jeed to watch it now!)
"Heh... I can tell..!"

Isaac was confused what to say. He just met this person. Also he just came over because he saw that someone liked the toy he threw. He was confused in general. However he had a target to destroy.

(( It's subbed though xD I'm watching it on gogoanime.tv ))

...☾Neko looked from the toy and back to him before looking at the toy again. Something gave her a feeling that it use to be his, but just to make sure, she was going to ask about it. Holding out the stuffed bird in front of her, Neko shook it a little☽...

"Was this your toy? Did you not like it?"
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"Hehehe.... Well then. Don't say I didn't warn you." He said as he stepped closer to Emiko.

*Emiko soon jumped back as she threw dozens of kunai at him while breaking in a dash away*

WeirdPrincess said:
...✿Kioko eventually fell asleep while gazing out the window, her head now laying on the desk✿...
*Nanase saw Kioko and let her sleep since they werent doing anything yet. Until class was ending soon, she decided to wake her up*

''hey wake up...class is about to end and you could go home''

[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]"B-but what if I want to understand." Mika said defiantly to neo

''well...im not so good in explaining...Mitsu, could you explain to her?''

*Neo said to Mitsu as she smiled at her. Though she didnt wanna tell Mika. She knows how to explain it, just doesnt wants to*
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji laughed sheepishly and replied as he looked at the ceiling in embarrassmentΨ...
“ Oh, right~ ”

...ΨKenji maintained his grip on Lumina's waist and vanished, prompting them both to appear at the school's gates. He spoke as he looked aroundΨ...

“ Here we are~ ”

Lumina smiled, shivering at the teleport. She slipped out of his embrace, stretching out her wings as she turned toward the school. She glanced back at Kenji,the smile still on her face.

"Wait here, I'll be right back!"

She turned, nearly sprinting toward the dorms. She was getting really excited about her plan.
Lumina said:
Elyse smiled, nodding. It wasn't really her first time, which is why she kind of had an idea what she was doing. In her attempts to try and move on from Kili, she did some of these kinds of things... which almost made it worse. But, that wasn't the point. Kili was definitely her best, there was no contest. "It was good." She rolled over to snuggle her face into his shoulder. Her body was exhausted..man did this boy have stamina.
Kili stroked Elyse's cheek, as she pressed into his shoulder. " I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was slightly worried I wouldn't...I mean, I thought I might screw it up. I'm glad that isn't the case."

If he was honest, with Elyse and himself, Kili would admit that he was worried that he wasn't as good as her previous partners. Kili's Demonic senses were much like an incubus' , in that he could sense from their first kiss just what she'd experienced in their time apart. But he didn't want her to feel as if she'd done anything wrong, and so he kept his thoughts to himself, and focusing only on the warmth and love of the woman beside him.
Lumina said:
Lumina smiled, shivering at the teleport. She slipped out of his embrace, stretching out her wings as she turned toward the school. She glanced back at Kenji,the smile still on her face.
"Wait here, I'll be right back!"

She turned, nearly sprinting toward the dorms. She was getting really excited about her plan.
...ΨKenji watched as Lumina made her way to the dorms, leaving him standing there. He looked over and saw a bench, soon walking over and taking a seat. He spoke as he began waitingΨ...

“ I wonder what she's talking about.. ”
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji watched as Lumina made her way to the dorms, leaving him standing there. He looked over and saw a bench, soon walking over and taking a seat. He spoke as he began waitingΨ...
“ I wonder what she's talking about.. ”

Lumina hummed to herself as she made her way to the girls dorms, and went inside of hers to her room. The room seemed slightly foreign, considering where she had been for the last while. But, she walked over to her bed, and picked up what she was looking for. She had been waiting to come home to get it, and as she picked it up in her hands she felt butterflies in her stomach, getting a little nervous. Would he even like it? As Lumina locked the door behind her she stood in the hallway of the dorms for a moment, second guessing herself. Maybe it was a stupid gift... but she couldn't just stop now, Kenji was waiting. Nervously she started making her way back toward the front of the school, holding what she came for behind her back.
Lumina said:
Lumina hummed to herself as she made her way to the girls dorms, and went inside of hers to her room. The room seemed slightly foreign, considering where she had been for the last while. But, she walked over to her bed, and picked up what she was looking for. She had been waiting to come home to get it, and as she picked it up in her hands she felt butterflies in her stomach, getting a little nervous. Would he even like it? As Lumina locked the door behind her she stood in the hallway of the dorms for a moment, second guessing herself. Maybe it was a stupid gift... but she couldn't just stop now, Kenji was waiting. Nervously she started making her way back toward the front of the school, holding what she came for behind her back.
...ΨKenji sat on the bench, looking up at the clouds. He was in thought, and the slow passing clouds helped. He then looked over towards the dorms and saw Lumina slowly walk towards him. He smiled lightlyΨ...
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
Kili stroked Elyse's cheek, as she pressed into his shoulder. " I'm glad you enjoyed it. I was slightly worried I wouldn't...I mean, I thought I might screw it up. I'm glad that isn't the case."
If he was honest, with Elyse and himself, Kili would admit that he was worried that he wasn't as good as her previous partners. Kili's Demonic senses were much like an incubus' , in that he could sense from their first kiss just what she'd experienced in their time apart. But he didn't want her to feel as if she'd done anything wrong, and so he kept his thoughts to himself, and focusing only on the warmth and love of the woman beside him.

Elyse shook her head, but the movement was cut slightly short as her head was snuggled nicely against his shoulder. "No, of course not. You seemed like you knew what you were doing. It was just... so good." That was the best she could put it, honestly. Because it really was so so good. Just from being with him, and the fact that it was him of all people she was doing these kinds of things with, that alone made it the best she ever had simply from that. Compared to him, anybody else she had been with was nothing. She put those thoughts away, wanting to focus on the man lying next to her.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]...ΨKenji sat on the bench, looking up at the clouds. He was in thought, and the slow passing clouds helped. He then looked over towards the dorms and saw Lumina slowly walk towards him. He smiled lightlyΨ...

Lumina, seeing Kenji from a distance, began to blush a bit, her grip her object tightening ever so slightly. Her feet eventually found their way over to him, and she stood smiling up at him.

"Sorry about randomly dragging you here. I had just remembered something I needed to get."

Her hands came in front of her, and in them was the red bird she had won with Autumn back at the amusement park. She looked down at it, her fingers running over the soft fur of the stuffed toy. Getting a look at it in the sun definitely reminded her of why she had been interested in it in the first place, and she looked up at Kenji, her eyes resting on his irises of the same color.

"A while ago I got this...and I meant to give it to you the next time I saw you... s-so here."

She extended her arms out toward him, her blush threatening to match the color of the bird. It was the first time she had ever given anybody a gift, much less to somebody so important to her. Somehow, despite her nervousness, Lumina managed to keep her gaze on Kenji, no matter how much she wanted to look away out of embarrassment.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]sorry...school wifi was down...)))
''something called kissing~''

*Neo said being truthful not really wanting to lie*

*Nanase soon finished before announcing the assignment*

''alright. so i want you to make an introduction letter about yourself. Be informative as possible. for example, your Name, your age, gender, being, and other extra stuff you wanna add. so take out a sheet of paper and start working. and make sure i can read it''

''i dunno...do you have any ideas...?''

*She said curling her tail a bit*

*Emiko slowly pulled away her hand as she smiled friendly at Deus*

''well...im sorry but you cant really. i need to be going somewhere private''

((Found it!))

Vanille shrugged, looking over at Levya. "Well, you're newer to this planet, so I say we should go out and do something. Since I've decided that, why don't you decide what we do? I'm honestly down for anything~" She grinned, leaning forward and resting her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand.
Lumina said:
Lumina, seeing Kenji from a distance, began to blush a bit, her grip her object tightening ever so slightly. Her feet eventually found their way over to him, and she stood smiling up at him.
"Sorry about randomly dragging you here. I had just remembered something I needed to get."

Her hands came in front of her, and in them was the red bird she had won with Autumn back at the amusement park. She looked down at it, her fingers running over the soft fur of the stuffed toy. Getting a look at it in the sun definitely reminded her of why she had been interested in it in the first place, and she looked up at Kenji, her eyes resting on his irises of the same color.

"A while ago I got this...and I meant to give it to you the next time I saw you... s-so here."

She extended her arms out toward him, her blush threatening to match the color of the bird. It was the first time she had ever given anybody a gift, much less to somebody so important to her. Somehow, despite her nervousness, Lumina managed to keep her gaze on Kenji, no matter how much she wanted to look away out of embarrassment.
...ΨKenji stared at Lumina for a few short moments, his blush increasing. He spoke, his irises moving from the red bird, back up to Lumina. He found the thought sweet that Lumina would offer him her stuffed toy, but he didn't want to accept the gift if it meant something to her. As he spoke to her, he smiled nervouslyΨ...

“ A-are you sure? I-I mean.. you wanted it f-for y-yourself, r-right? ”
Lumina said:
((Found it!))
Vanille shrugged, looking over at Levya. "Well, you're newer to this planet, so I say we should go out and do something. Since I've decided that, why don't you decide what we do? I'm honestly down for anything~" She grinned, leaning forward and resting her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand.
''i...guess i just wanna spend time with you..th-thats all..''

*She said as her tail curled up more and her blush becoming more evident*
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji stared at Lumina for a few short moments, his blush increasing. He spoke, his irises moving from the red bird, back up to Lumina. He found the thought sweet that Lumina would offer him her stuffed toy, but he didn't want to accept the gift if it meant something to her. As he spoke to her, he smiled nervouslyΨ...
“ A-are you sure? I-I mean.. you wanted it f-for y-yourself, r-right? ”

Lumina nodded, not moving her hands from their extended position out in front of her. She gave a small smile, her blush increasing as well. She looked off to the side a bit, unable to keep her gaze on Kenji, before speaking again.

"N-no, well, when I went to the amusement park I saw it, a-and I thought of you... s-so Autumn helped me win it so I could give it to you."

Her blue eyes met with Kenji's red ones once more, feeling the butterflies in her stomach more so now than ever.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''i...guess i just wanna spend time with you..th-thats all..''
*She said as her tail curled up more and her blush becoming more evident*

Vanille tried not to blush at her words, but failed. "W-well, uh, we could go out and do something... I think there's an aquarium near the zoo... or something we could do..." she felt slightly flustered, but more from Levya's comment than anything. That's what she thought at least.
Lumina said:
Vanille tried not to blush at her words, but failed. "W-well, uh, we could go out and do something... I think there's an aquarium near the zoo... or something we could do..." she felt slightly flustered, but more from Levya's comment than anything. That's what she thought at least.
''a-alright. well im okay with anything really as long as im with you..''

*She said as she lightly scratched her cheek as her blush became more visible as it heated up her cheeks*
Lumina said:
Lumina nodded, not moving her hands from their extended position out in front of her. She gave a small smile, her blush increasing as well. She looked off to the side a bit, unable to keep her gaze on Kenji, before speaking again.
"N-no, well, when I went to the amusement park I saw it, a-and I thought of you... s-so Autumn helped me win it so I could give it to you."

Her blue eyes met with Kenji's red ones once more, feeling the butterflies in her stomach more so now than ever.
...ΨKenji looked at Lumina as his eyes widened in surprise. He spoke, his blush darkening as he gently took the red bird from Lumina's grasp, a smile soon forming on his faceΨ...

“ A-ah! Okay~ Thanks, Lumi-chan~ ”


((( Last post for today, I have more stuff to attend to. I'll be back in around ten hours or so. )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
...ΨKenji looked at Lumina as his eyes widened in surprise. He spoke, his blush darkening as he gently took the red bird from Lumina's grasp, a smile soon forming on his faceΨ...

“ A-ah! Okay~ Thanks, Lumi-chan~ ”


((( Last post for today, I have more stuff to attend to. I'll be back in around ten hours or so. )))

Lumina smiled as he took the bird from her, her wings fluttering happily on her back. His reaction made her happier than she could explain, and seeing his smile helped to melt away the nervousness gathering in the pit of her stomach. It was a silly little bird stuffed animal, who wouldn't want that? Especially from someone you care about. If it was Lumina on the recieving end, she'd never forget the gesture or probably go anywhere/do anything without it.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it."
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
''a-alright. well im okay with anything really as long as im with you..''
*She said as she lightly scratched her cheek as her blush became more visible as it heated up her cheeks*

Vanille glanced over at Levya, seeing her blush, and soon stood up and walked over to the door, her back facing her now. Seeing her blush made her mind go a little hazy, so she knew it was best not to look at it right now. "W-well alright then. Aquarium it is."
Lumina said:
Vanille glanced over at Levya, seeing her blush, and soon stood up and walked over to the door, her back facing her now. Seeing her blush made her mind go a little hazy, so she knew it was best not to look at it right now. "W-well alright then. Aquarium it is."
*Levya slithered her way to Vanille before her tail formed into a snake again and Levya coming out of the snake's mouth as her legs were visible and the snake disappearing*

''alright. ready''
Lumina said:
Vanille glanced over at Levya, seeing her blush, and soon stood up and walked over to the door, her back facing her now. Seeing her blush made her mind go a little hazy, so she knew it was best not to look at it right now. "W-well alright then. Aquarium it is."
*Levya slithered her way to Vanille before her tail formed into a snake again and Levya coming out of the snake's mouth as her legs were visible and the snake disappearing*

''alright. ready''
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]
*Emiko soon jumped back as she threw dozens of kunai at him while breaking in a dash away

Deus smiled as the kunai flew at him. Faster than the eye could see, his hands whipped through the air, grabbing all of the knives out if the air without so much as a scratch.


"You'll have to do better than that if you want to hit me..." He said, gripping the weapons tightly.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]
Deus smiled as the kunai flew at him. Faster than the eye could see, his hands whipped through the air, grabbing all of the knives out if the air without so much as a scratch.

"You'll have to do better than that if you want to hit me..." He said, gripping the weapons tightly.

*Emiko had already dashed away. She did hear Deus's words and thought of him as a cocky dumb ass*

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