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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"I am Deus. A pleasure to meet you. Yes, it definitely is a pleasure..." He said, the red in his eyes glowing slightly as he stared into hers. "When I saw you pass by me, I couldn't help but want you. I said to myself, 'I must speak to her. Even if she doesn't want anything to do with me, I must try. If only to look into those beautiful eyes...' "

*Emiko blushed more. Though she'd reject him on the spot, she didnt know what to say now*
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Ayen nodded "Well, i think Len is in his room, So i'll go get him." he said as he began waling towards the stairs.

Amaya got the plates ready. "Yea you do that" she says
Roman said:
Ryu sighed, seeing that is wasn't even any of his business, he decided to stop questioning her. "I see... It must have been tough. Having to live alone and all."
"I live with yoshinon" she says holding up her hand that had her puppet on it
Mayyflower said:
"I live with yoshinon" she says holding up her hand that had her puppet on it
Ryu nodded, "Oh, that's nice." He said, not really knowing what to say. "Did you make, Yoshinon?"
Mayyflower said:
Amaya got the plates ready. "Yea you do that" she says
Ayen chuckled then went and grabbed Len from his room "Time for dinner." he said before wondering where Rin was.
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Ayen chuckled then went and grabbed Len from his room "Time for dinner." he said before wondering where Rin was.

Rin was laying in bed, she had went to bed early
"Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

...?Asuka rounded a corner and looked left and right, trying to find her prey that had gotten to much of a head start. How bothersome. Because of Akira, the male had gotten so far ahead and was now probably hiding somewhere amongst the trees. No matter, it would simple if Asuka just gave a flick of her wrist and all the branches of the trees would be cut down. So that was exactly what she did, soon sending a kind of swords to cut the ground leading towards where the male stood. Asuka smiled as she turned towards him and spoke as she raised a hand, soon moving her index finger side to side?...



...?The male took a step back in terror, soon turning around a trying to run away once more. That wasn't going to happen, Asuka wouldn't let it. Suddenly, her swords encircled them both, rendering him from escaping her. If he so much as tried to move past the swords or go through them, his body would be cut up into small pieces and he wouldn't want that, now would he? The male halted quickly as the swords picked up speed, soon cutting down a tree that was beside them. Asuka glanced at the tree briefly and with disinterest before returning her red irises towards her prey. Her smile widened as she saw him shaking with fear and it prompted her to take steps closer, causing the male to back up a few steps before he reached the barrier of the swords. Moving any further would cause bad injuries towards him and if he wanted to live, for just a little bit longer, then the male would stay where he was. Asuka stopped advancing towards him as she spoke, a smile playing on her lips?...

"It's been fun dear, but I'll have to end it here. You wouldn't mind, would you?"


"N-No please! Have mercy! I-It was just a joke!"

...?A joke? Asuka stared at him blankly before she began laughing maniacally. It was a joke! As if such words would make what he did okay. Having her almost think she'd killed her own flesh and blood... that was unforgivable. Asuka would end his sad little life right where she stood and she was going to enjoy it. She had gone towards insanity, going in a downwards spiral towards the depth of darkness. Asuka closed her eyes and lowered her head as she spoke, the same smile on her face before she lifted her head up, her reopening her cover gaze and staring at something above them both?...

"Have mercy? I'm afraid I can't do that. That was a sick joke you played and you deserve nothing but death."

"I'm sorry! I'll do anything!"

"Shut up~"


...?The male followed her gaze upwards and let out a shriek as he saw a dome of swords surrounding them. Asuka's gaze never left the swords and her smile turned malicious, death was the only thing on her mind. Her eyes soon widened with glee as the swirled around her at a rapid pace, though the reflection in her eyes made it look as if it were going at a normal pace. Asuka couldn't contain her excitement and brought one sword down, impaling the male through his foot and nailing him to the ground. He let out a cry in pain, which was music to her ears. His death would be pain, she knew that much and she was going to enjoy tearing him limb from limb?...

"Say goodbye to your worthless life! It was fun knowing you~"

"You bitch..."

"Shut your trap, filth. Meaningless words won't hurt me."

"You'll pay for this! You'll regret ever killing me!"

"Didn't I say to shut your mouth? I'm through with you, goodbye!"


...?The swords that were spinning so quickly, soon began to slow down before coming to a halt. They positioned themselves towards the male and waited for a command. Asuka yawned a little, this was getting boring now. She'd go find someone else to play with after she was done with this whiny baby who looked like he was about to piss himself. Asuka soon raised her wand and pointed it towards the male, soon swinging in a downward motion as all the blades ran through his body. His screams of agony could be heard from miles, as two blades had lodged itself in his eye sockets and one had driven straight through his private region. He didn't last as long as Asuka would have liked, but no matter, she wasn't quiet done yet. With another flick on her wrist, the blades began to pull away from the body, removing bones from their socket and limbs from their body. The eyes were gouged out and his tongue was cut, his jaw soon being cut along with it so that it was slack and hanging open. His body had been torn to pieces and for his tool? The males tiny tool was removed from his lower region and was now lying beside her. His intestines were scattered around her, his his brain now hanging from a tree. This was all too fun! The rush Asuka got from this excited her and she felt the inch to get another prey. Maybe a girl this time? She would try and keep her alive longer, just so Asuka could have more fun with her?...


...?Asuka smiled, her eyes still crazed as she marveled at her work. Though as much as it was to look at ones handy work, she had better things to do. Her blades disappeared as she put her wand away and with that, Asuka turned on her heel and sauntered out of the forest, bent on finding a new play thing?...

Roman said:
Hayate knew now exactly what his wife meant. At a young age, Hayate didn't know what to think of himself, "Makes sense~"
"Yeah, so what are you getting love." Thana said figuring the should talk about something else for now.
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]*Neo kept her lips there just to keep Yuki and Shira in their sleep*

Mitsu blushed even more as mika finaly let go making mitsu let out a sigh of releif before she slowly pulled away from neo and looked at her. "Mama what where you and mitsu doing?" Mika asked them
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]*Nanase nodded before she continued to take roll*

...✿Kioko put her hand down and waited for her to finish taking roll✿...
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Jojo laughed then smirked "The 4th wall you idiot," he said as he pointed at a seemingly random direction "Don't you see them watching us?" he asked refreshing to the RPers.

Hallson blinked "Wha........" He stopped "There must be some kind of reason you can see them and I can't"
TheDragoon said:
Yuzu chuckled and shook her head. "It's no trouble really." She said.
'would you all just shut up already!' drea thought to the spirits inside himself even though he believed what they were saying but he faked a smile and tried to enjoy his lunch
Roman said:
Han blinked, a few more tears ran down his cheeks. Upon being called 'daddy' by Mari, he felt... Sort of happy. He slowly raised his arms and gently wrapped them around Mari, hugging her back. "Yes?" He asked, laughing lightly
Mari cried softly in his arms. "I'm so glad I could get to meet you daddy..." She said softly.
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing]'would you all just shut up already!' drea thought to the spirits inside himself even though he believed what they were saying but he faked a smile and tried to enjoy his lunch

Yuzu nibbled on her lunch as well. "So, what kind of being are you?" She asked curiously.
TheDragoon said:
((Mmk, she's currently sitting in one of the classrooms studying :3))
(I'm just gonna have him walk in....Or...Get knocked in...Ya know. Same old same old)

Telin got slammed through the wall his body stopping upon impact with the wall

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