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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

Mayyflower said:
Sam warped to kaguraand smiled. "Hey" she says as she waves

May smiled and walked out the door. "Okay" she says happily
Han followed behind. He locked the door behind him and ran up to May to catch up. "Alright, this should be fun."
Roman said:
"Well, we can burn it when we get Snow's pond back to my house. Until then, we wait for Snow and Miyuki...."
Miyuki:*goes to her mother and looks at Snow slowly* I have your eyes *she says, looking down though since she doesn't know how to react*

Snow: Yes you do but you have your daddy's hair *she smile opening her arms to hug her baby girl*

Miyuki:*looks into Snow's eyes and turns into Assana, the little girl backing up a bit* You aren't my mommy... mommy's name is Nora.

Snow:*her eyes sadden and she shakes her head* No my love, I am your mommy... I just was gone for a little bit *she smiles as Assana hugs her and she hugs her back* I love you Assana... And you Miyuki.


BlueHawk said:
Jay laughs and turns, shrugging. "I don't know." He says simply, opening the door to the dorm. "Do you know what a fish is? Nevermind, you probably know what a fish is."
Rain:*she smirks a little* Yes I know what a fish is
Jennete said:
Miyuki:*goes to her mother and looks at Snow slowly* I have your eyes *she says, looking down though since she doesn't know how to react*
Snow: Yes you do but you have your daddy's hair *she smile opening her arms to hug her baby girl*

Miyuki:*looks into Snow's eyes and turns into Assana, the little girl backing up a bit* You aren't my mommy... mommy's name is Nora.

Snow:*her eyes sadden and she shakes her head* No my love, I am your mommy... I just was gone for a little bit *she smiles as Assana hugs her and she hugs her back* I love you Assana... And you Miyuki.


Rain:*she smirks a little* Yes I know what a fish is
Marcus looked at them almost smiling "That's nice" He said to himself before sighing "A family huh?"
Jennete said:
Miyuki:*goes to her mother and looks at Snow slowly* I have your eyes *she says, looking down though since she doesn't know how to react*
Snow: Yes you do but you have your daddy's hair *she smile opening her arms to hug her baby girl*

Miyuki:*looks into Snow's eyes and turns into Assana, the little girl backing up a bit* You aren't my mommy... mommy's name is Nora.

Snow:*her eyes sadden and she shakes her head* No my love, I am your mommy... I just was gone for a little bit *she smiles as Assana hugs her and she hugs her back* I love you Assana... And you Miyuki.


Rain:*she smirks a little* Yes I know what a fish is
Roman turned around to Snow, "Yeaaaaah, about that: We didn't know what happened to you, so I told Assana that Nora was her mother so she wouldn't think you've abandoned us or something. Soooo, sorry...?" He said asking for forgiveness.
Roman said:
Han followed behind. He locked the door behind him and ran up to May to catch up. "Alright, this should be fun."
When they got outside may made her pet bear appear and she climbed ontop of her and rode her next to Han. "Good girl luner" she says petting luner happily.


LunaCrosby said:
"Hey Sam" she says and smiles and waves back, glancing at Kesley then back to Sam.
Sam sat down happily. "How are you" she asks smiling


Nonalaka said:
"Right, where do you want to go?" She asked as she turned to face him "Your turn to choose" she said with a smile.
Akito looked around. "Let's ride that" he said pointing To a rollercoaster that went upside down.
Mayyflower said:
When they got outside may made her pet bear appear and she climbed ontop of her and rode her next to Han. "Good girl luner" she says petting luner happily.

Sam sat down happily. "How are you" she asks smiling


Akito looked around. "Let's ride that" he said pointing To a rollercoaster that went upside down.
Han looked at the bear, then back at May, "Luner? That's pretty cool for a bear..."
Mayyflower said:
When they got outside may made her pet bear appear and she climbed ontop of her and rode her next to Han. "Good girl luner" she says petting luner happily.

Sam sat down happily. "How are you" she asks smiling


Akito looked around. "Let's ride that" he said pointing To a rollercoaster that went upside down.
Ilaani looked at it as her expression dropped for a split second "so high..." she muttered to herself before forcing a smile and nodding "Alright then"
Thana stood there breathing heavily as she stared down her enemy him doing the same "it's been a while since I've met a worthy aoponent" she said over to the fae as he smiled a little "never thought I'd be able to hold up the God of death so long" he called back with a grin as Thana laughed a little then looked Down at her torn robes "though you did ruin my clothes." She said as she pouted then walked over to him and held out a hand for him to take "I think we can call this one a draw" she said to him as he took her hand and shook it making Thana grin sinisterly as she pulled him into her and drove a dagger into his stomach as she rested her chin on his shoulder "you were a good fight..... Don't worry I'll gladly keep you sweetheart" she whispered ito his ear as he stood there wide eyed in pain as the dagger seeped darkness into his body slowly killing him "although you shouldn't have fallen for such a cheep trick or was it that you fell for me" she asked with a grin as se held the dagger into his stomach as he choked on his breath feeling blood slip up his throat and out his mouth making Thana giggle as she ripped the dagger out then let him fall to his knees and desperately hold his hands to his wound "awes you look so cute when your desperately trying to live" she said inoccently to the fae before she grabed his hair and lifted his head up so he was looking at her before she bent over and kissed him making him go wide eyed as the veins around his mouth turned black and spread out as she kissed the fae before she pulled away and let him go as he dropped and started to shake in fear while Thana stood over him wiping her lower lip with her left hand while smiling down at him "was it a good last kiss. Did you like the kiss of death" she asked him happiy as she watched his veins turn black before he went limp "you where rather strong. Most die emediately when they get the kiss of death" she said with a giggle as she turned and walked away from the body her schythe appearing I her hand once again. "Now is there any one else that wants to die" she said to no one as her face was swept over by a pchycotic and sinister look
trix said:
Trix chuckled and nodded taking abite of her food which made her realise just how hungry she was. When she was done eating she stretched "I'm gonna go get ready" she kissed Clvoers cheek tail flicking a bit,
"Alright." Clover said as he was finishing his food. After he finished eating he got up and went to the living room. "I should get ready...." He shrugs and sat down on the couch.
Nonalaka said:
Ilaani looked at it as her expression dropped for a split second "so high..." she muttered to herself before forcing a smile and nodding "Alright then"
Akito started walking over to the rollercoaster. "Let's gol he called out happily


Roman said:
"Can you summon any other animals?" Han asked.
May nodded. "Yea, the perks of being an animal goddess" she says happily
Mayyflower said:
Akito started walking over to the rollercoaster. "Let's gol he called out happily

May nodded. "Yea, the perks of being an animal goddess" she says happily
Han chuckled, "It must be pretty cool to be a goddess. Though very awkward having a human like me take care of you."
Roman said:
Han chuckled, "It must be pretty cool to be a goddess. Though very awkward having a human like me take care of you."
May shook her head. "You took me in, I had no where to go, you were only being kind" she says happily
Mayyflower said:
When they got outside may made her pet bear appear and she climbed ontop of her and rode her next to Han. "Good girl luner" she says petting luner happily.

Sam sat down happily. "How are you" she asks smiling


Akito looked around. "Let's ride that" he said pointing To a rollercoaster that went upside down.
"Eh I've been better" she says and shrugs, leaning back on the bench and relaxing.
Mayyflower said:
Akito started walking over to the rollercoaster. "Let's gol he called out happily

May nodded. "Yea, the perks of being an animal goddess" she says happily
"Yeah" Ilaani smiled lightly as she pulled on the sleeves of her jacket and followed behind him.
LunaCrosby said:
"Eh I've been better" she says and shrugs, leaning back on the bench and relaxing.
Sam chuckled. "That's nice I guess, you got stuck watching a kid?" She asks smiling


Nonalaka said:
"Yeah" Ilaani smiled lightly as she pulled on the sleeves of her jacket and followed behind him.
When they arrived he got on the ride and waited again. "This should be fun" he says happily
Jennete said:
Miyuki:*goes to her mother and looks at Snow slowly* I have your eyes *she says, looking down though since she doesn't know how to react*
Snow: Yes you do but you have your daddy's hair *she smile opening her arms to hug her baby girl*

Miyuki:*looks into Snow's eyes and turns into Assana, the little girl backing up a bit* You aren't my mommy... mommy's name is Nora.

Snow:*her eyes sadden and she shakes her head* No my love, I am your mommy... I just was gone for a little bit *she smiles as Assana hugs her and she hugs her back* I love you Assana... And you Miyuki.


Rain:*she smirks a little* Yes I know what a fish is
Jay chuckles and shakes his head. "Well, we're going to see some cool fish." He says with a smile.
Mayyflower said:
Sam chuckled. "That's nice I guess, you got stuck watching a kid?" She asks smiling

When they arrived he got on the ride and waited again. "This should be fun" he says happily
Kagura nodded "yes and I have no clue on how to watch after a kid, I'm a little scared of children" she says before adding "they are always the demonic people in horror movies" she says and nervously smiles.
Mayyflower said:
May shook her head. "You took me in, I had no where to go, you were only being kind" she says happily
"Yeah... I was being nice, but it was the right thing to do and that's how I live my life: By doing the right thing." Han said as they walked.
Mayyflower said:
Sam chuckled. "That's nice I guess, you got stuck watching a kid?" She asks smiling

When they arrived he got on the ride and waited again. "This should be fun" he says happily
She laughed a bit "Ahaha yes..." she replied as she looked at the turns, forcing another smile before the ride started.

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