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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

WeirdPrincess said:
Winter order milk and sat down next to him, taking a drink."Yeah. I guess...." She said softly as she looked at her cup."Why'd you want to come to the cafe?"

(Sure! I'll have Asuka go over to her, but where is she?)
Akito smiled. "Milk.. Should have known" he said chuckling
[QUOTE="Piffy Queen]"Copia" Kinna screams, revealing a blank card behind the dragon card. The card flashes as the Fireball appears on the card. "Progetto" She screams, the card flashes, launching Foxfire toward Michi

"Yikes!" Michi shouted as he leapt out of the way of the returned fireball.

"So, you wanna play it that way, huh? Try this!"

Michi's eyes flashed a deep purple as a fragment of his soul exited his body. The soul fragment flew toward Kinna and toward her head, attempting to possess her.
Nonalaka said:
"Ah, yes, I'll-" she tried to stifle a laugh, god dammit that was too ticklish to be fake. The waiter gave her a questioning look as she ducked under the table, still no one was there, but then she could hear purring, she knew exactly what was happening now "Madoka!" She whispered between trying to hold in giggles "I can hear you!" She wiggled her foot a bit, before popping her head back up "*Ahem* Sorry, I-I uhm, dropped my fork" she said nervously before ordering their drinks, hoping the waiter would quickly leave, she couldn't hold her giggles in any longer.

Camilla giggled "Alright, Bye minako! Bye Katz!" She said happily before walking back to her dorm, humming lightly as she did so.
A few moments after the waiter walked away, Madoka reappeared kneeling before Moriko. He giggled quietly as his arms rested across her lap, and his head rested atop of them. "You didn't laugh nearly as much as I expected you to, Meowriko~" He said looking up at her with a smile.
SoulofTobi said:
Ayen stopped and looked and the 'Freddys' "umm, not to sound incopatan, but Amaya, what in the seven levels of Hades is a freddys?" he ask oblivious to what she meant.
Amaya laughed. "It's a burger place" she says looking up at Ayen
frenchbirb said:
"Yikes!" Michi shouted as he leapt out of the way of the returned fireball.
"So, you wanna play it that way, huh? Try this!"

Michi's eyes flashed a deep purple as a fragment of his soul exited his body. The soul fragment flew toward Kinna and toward her head, attempting to possess her.
Kinna pulls out a card with a puppet on it. "Progetto" She screams, a small wooden doll appears, launching toward the soul fragment. She quickly shifts cards to a card with a pair of wings on it "Progetto" A pair of black wings appear on her back as she leaps off the tree branch and begins flying, "Catch me if you can"
shortyshot8 said:
Cam sighed "God....Someone help" He said to himself
Farah sniffled as she turned around,"I'm just going to go....I'll see you around..." She muttered as she left the room.
"I see..."

Asano said while looking around. Soon enough she found what she was looking for, a vacant bench nearby. "Why don't we sit down for a bit over there?" She said pointing to the bench. Without waiting for a reply, she started heading there herself.

@Kalin Scarlet
WeirdPrincess said:
Farah sniffled as she turned around,"I'm just going to go....I'll see you around..." She muttered as she left the room.
Cam sighed "Celia.....Ulqui....Farah.....I need you all" He said to himself
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona]
This Shinji said making Alastair forget Shinji's name (Shinji has reality warping)

Alastair blinked and looked at him,"What? Who are you?"
Mayyflower said:
Sam smiled. "Yea, so what all did that succubus do?" She asks
Jack sighed "She dumped me then and there....Now she never wants to see me again" He said sadly as a tear fell from his face "I'm sorry"
Kalin rolled off of the bed, loudly crashing to the floor. After a few moments, his hand reached up onto the mattress, pulling him up to a sitting position, as he rubbed his eyes, and yawned. "What am I doing down here..." He asked.

TheRebelliousDragon said:
(I'm back... I'm not feeling too good today, so I'll just use Ty...)
Tyler walked out of his dorm and sat down in the courtyard, looking at the ground.
Nora appeared next to him and smiled,"Hey Ty. What are you up to?"
WeirdPrincess said:
Nora appeared next to him and smiled,"Hey Ty. What are you up to?"
Tyler looked up at her. "Oh... Nothing much... Just getting over my last FAILED romance..." He said softly, kicking a pebble.


Mayyflower said:
(Alright. Lexi? But she's not herself anymore..)
(Sounds good :D )

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