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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

shortyshot8 said:
Jackson smiled "Oh just to see an old friend" He said before sighing "Maybe I should show you Jack first.....If he's doing well"
Sam nodded. "Okay sure" she says putting her hands behind her back
Mayyflower said:
Sam nodded. "Okay sure" she says putting her hands behind her back
Jackson smiled "Just a moment" He looked into into the sky "Come on" He said to himself as Jack's clone appeared
Roman said:
"Same goes for me. I love you and food, putting those two together made my life complete!" Taylor said as he ate more.

"I can take you to bed, if you'd like." Roman suggested.
Snow:*she smiles, her eyes more awake as she leans up and kisses him softly* I like it when you take me into bed. In all the meanings of the phrase.
shortyshot8 said:
Cam sighed "Why did I decide getting married was a good idea? My Wife can't trust me my kids hate me" He covered his face with a pillow and yelled into it

Farah made herself a sandwich before walking back towards the room."Who said I didn't trust you? I was just asking....I'm pretty sure the kids don't hate you either..." She muttered as she walked back in, munching on her sandwich.
WeirdPrincess said:
Farah made herself a sandwich before walking back towards the room."Who said I didn't trust you? I was just asking....I'm pretty sure the kids don't hate you either..." She muttered as she walked back in, munching on her sandwich.
Cam sighed "Yeah but in all reality you can't.....And we both know how the kids feel about me" He pulled the pillow off of his face "Why did I think any of this was a good idea?"
Mayyflower said:
Akito nodded. "Is that a neko thing?" He asks looking back at her.
"For me, yes. I don't know about the others though." Winter said as she looked up at him.


shortyshot8 said:
Cam sighed "Yeah but in all reality you can't.....And we both know how the kids feel about me" He pulled the pillow off of his face "Why did I think any of this was a good idea?"
"You really think I don't trust you....and you don't think the kids love you?" Farah asked as she looked at him."That actually hurts that you would think that. I'll leave if you want, seeing as how you don't think I trust you."
Mayyflower said:
Amaya looked at Ayen "well it's 2015" she says looking up at him
Ayen was visibly shock "i slept for over five hundred year!?" he just about screamed "no wonder so many have changed, why i had to relearn what i believe to be English and why technology has advanced so much that town now feel like dead spots in nature" before he could rant more his stomach growled again and he just about forgot his rant "I'll have to ponder more on this after we have food in our bellies" he said and smiled at Amaya "lets go"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]

"w-well i uhh.... i mean umm" she said as she blushed trying to find her words as the heroes laughed more


shira smiled as she nuzzled yukis shoulder "dont ever let go" she whispered to yuki

Tim looked at Lana and said Its ok if you say no Tim said softly
WeirdPrincess said:
"For me, yes. I don't know about the others though." Winter said as she looked up at him.

"You really think I don't trust you....and you don't think the kids love you?" Farah asked as she looked at him."That actually hurts that you would think that. I'll leave if you want, seeing as how you don't think I trust you."
Cam closed his eyes as objects in the room went flying "Stay" He said as a tear ran down his face
Jennete said:
Snow:*she smiles, her eyes more awake as she leans up and kisses him softly* I like it when you take me into bed. In all the meanings of the phrase.
"Oh stop it." Roman said chuckling. "Really? All meanings? I think I'm getting like...ideas here."


Hello ;)
shortyshot8 said:
Cam closed his eyes as objects in the room went flying "Stay" He said as a tear ran down his face
Farah sat down on the ground,"Why don't you think I trust you? What made you think that kind of way." She asked softly.
Shiroe Kurona]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16433-weirdprincess/ said:
@WeirdPrincess[/URL] you have any free characters)
( I have Asuka, Alastair, Yoshino, and I think one more but I can't remember their name. Which one do you want?)
WeirdPrincess said:
"So I don't have one until you find it! I wonder what it is..."Celia said as she yawned slightly."What's your flaw?"
"The fact that I have a girly sounding name obviously. Especially since you think it's so funny." Taylor said as he began to tickle her.


Hello ;)
shortyshot8 said:
Jackson smiled "Just a moment" He looked into into the sky "Come on" He said to himself as Jack's clone appeared
Sam looked at jack. "Is this jack" she asks
Nonalaka said:
(...wow, okay *shrugs* I am officially invisible ;- ;)
(( You'll be okay. I get ignored sometimes also *opens arms for a hug* ))


Hello ;)
[QUOTE="Shiroe Kurona](Alastair, Shinji is sitting on a bench)


Alastair sighed as he walked around for a while before taking a seat on a bench."Seems like everything's gone to shit over here....why did I even come here?"
WeirdPrincess said:
"For me, yes. I don't know about the others though." Winter said as she looked up at him.
As they arrived at the cafe Akito ordered a mocha and sat down waiting for winter to order her drink. " Nice" he says taking a sip of his drink


WeirdPrincess said:
"For me, yes. I don't know about the others though." Winter said as she looked up at him.
As they arrived at the cafe Akito ordered a mocha and sat down waiting for winter to order her drink. " Nice" he says taking a sip of his drink
Roman said:
"The fact that I have a girly sounding name obviously. Especially since you think it's so funny." Taylor said as he began to tickle her.

Hello ;)
Celia laughed as he tickled her,"I'm sorry! I can't help it. Stop tickling me!" She laughed as she pushed his hands away.

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