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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

liara nuzzled him as she layed there with him some tears welling up in her eyes "liara loves Tyler even if he doesn't love her" she said quietly "and liara will always love him even if he loves winter" she said into his shoulder

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]liara nuzzled him as she layed there with him some tears welling up in her eyes "liara loves Tyler even if he doesn't love her" she said quietly "and liara will always love him even if he loves winter" she said into his shoulder

Tyler's eyes widened as he blushed. This girl... Cares for me that much..? He thought.
frenchbirb said:
"Rrrgh..." Michi growled before transforming into his fox form and following Kinna.
(Updating my CS with a pic of Michi's fox form)
Kinna bolts into the Forrest before turning back into a human. "Lets play a game, fox boy" She laughs.
[QUOTE="Piffy Queen]Kinna bolts into the Forrest before turning back into a human. "Lets play a game, fox boy" She laughs.

Michi caught up to the summoner with ease. He remained in fox form glaring at Kinna. "Don't toy with me, Summoner. I'm more powerful than you could ever know."
...♅Akira vanished, appearing behind Zero and impaling him with the spear. Suddenly, black flames spread from the wound, burning Zero from the inside. Soon, the flames consumed him, turning him into a pile of ash. He spoke♅...

“ Rest in ashes, fucker. ”

...♅Akira vanished, appearing beside Kenji and Kuroh. He picked them up and appeared within the Fukushima Estate. At that moment, he placed his hand onto their chests, repairing their wounds, reviving them in the process. He placed his own hand onto his chest and repaired his wound, soon returning to his previous form. He suppressed his powers once more and looked at Kenji and Kuroh who were resting. He smiled and vanished, appearing within the city. He raised his hand and repaired the damages done to the forest and city. He sighed lightly and spoke♅...

“ Well that was annoying. Chances are Zero's went to The Void, but he won't be making any moves soon due to me temporarily sealing his powers. ”

...♅Akira soon smiled and began walking down the street as if nothing had happened. As he walked, he spoke♅...

“ I believe Roman should be finishing those guys off by now, considering they're weaker than him. ”

((( Had to rush it. Ragnarok will be done after Roman beats his opponents. I got a bit bored halfway through because I was fighting myself xD )))
frenchbirb said:
Michi caught up to the summoner with ease. He remained in fox form glaring at Kinna. "Don't toy with me, Summoner. I'm more powerful than you could ever know."
Kinna smirks, "Do you wanna put that to the test" She laughs snapping her fingers and the Dragon card appears between her fingers.
liara nuzzled tylers shoulder one more time before she pulled away and smiled at him as tears welled up in her eyes as she started to pull away "i love tyler" she said softly before she turned and started to walk away from him

[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]liara nuzzled tylers shoulder one more time before she pulled away and smiled at him as tears welled up in her eyes as she started to pull away "i love tyler" she said softly before she turned and started to walk away from him

Tyler suddenly appeared in front of her and kissed her deeply, putting his hands on her cheeks. Why was I so blind...? He thought.
Liara went wide eyed as the tears fell just before he kissed her making her yelp in suprise when he kissed her 'b-but Tyler loves winter?' She thought as they kissed

Roman had appeared next to the men who vanished and left him to fight the shadow like beast.

"You shall not be forgotten..."

Roman raised his and lowered it, pointing towards one of the men. Sparks of lighting started to show and in a split second a beast made of lighting charged at the man.


The beast began to eat at the man's body, killing him in the process. Roman turned his attention to another opponent and charged at him, lightning blades in each hand as he launched him into the sky and smashed his body down into the ground, leaving him wounded but not dead.


Roman grabbed the man by the collar and carried him away.

"Maybe I can get information out of you. If I don't, prepare yourself for a long and painful death. On the other hand, you are the last of, Zero's servants to be present. Consider yourself lucky to be alive..."

WeirdPrincess said:
Nora appeared next to Jack,"What the hell happened? Oh god..." She gasped as she looked at him.
Jack gulped "To-Too much loss of blood" He said to her before almost falling over "A-Are you okay?"
[QUOTE="Piffy Queen]Kinna smirks, "Do you wanna put that to the test" She laughs snapping her fingers and the Dragon card appears between her fingers.

"Oh, no, you don't!"

Michi conjured a ball of Foxfire in his mouth and shot it at the card, hoping to destroy it.
shortyshot8 said:
Jack gulped "To-Too much loss of blood" He said to her before almost falling over "A-Are you okay?"
"Am I okay?! Don't ask me that! Are you okay?!" Nora exclaimed as she held on to him.
WeirdPrincess said:
"Am I okay?! Don't ask me that! Are you okay?!" Nora exclaimed as she held on to him.
Jack smiled blood running down his face "N-Not really....To be honest looks like this is the end of the road" He said softly as more blood began to roll down the side of her face
Nonalaka said:
((Oops fell asleep for a bit ;-; hey, do I owe replies? @Daniel reaver @Roman @LunaCrosby ))
(( Actually, I owe you a reply. Sorry, I had to focus on Roman for all the stuff that just took place. Think you can repost? ))


shortyshot8 said:
Jack smiled blood running down his face "N-Not really....To be honest looks like this is the end of the road" He said softly as more blood began to roll down the side of her face
Roman appeared on front of the group, he looked down and seen Jack. Roman didn't move a muscle, he just stared.

Roman said:
(( Actually, I owe you a reply. Sorry, I had to focus on Roman for all the stuff that just took place. Think you can repost? ))

Roman appeared on front of the group, he looked down and seen Jack. Roman didn't move a muscle, he just stared.

Jack looked at Roman and coughed up a bit of blood "Sup?" He said happily
Roman said:
"Alright." Han got up and quickly went upstairs to get dressed. "I'm ready to walk." He said with a slight laugh
"Good let's go!" Blair grabbed his hand and gently puled him away into the city.
Roman said:
(( Actually, I owe you a reply. Sorry, I had to focus on Roman for all the stuff that just took place. Think you can repost? ))

Roman appeared on front of the group, he looked down and seen Jack. Roman didn't move a muscle, he just stared.

Nora looked at Roman and tilted her head,"What's up? Do you need something?"
Roman said:
(( Actually, I owe you a reply. Sorry, I had to focus on Roman for all the stuff that just took place. Think you can repost? ))

Roman appeared on front of the group, he looked down and seen Jack. Roman didn't move a muscle, he just stared.

((Aha no worries, I understand, I'll go find it))
shortyshot8 said:
Jack smiled blood running down his face "N-Not really....To be honest looks like this is the end of the road" He said softly as more blood began to roll down the side of her face
Nora blinked back tears,"I can see that....does this really have to be the end?" She whispered.
shortyshot8 said:
Jack looked at Roman and coughed up a bit of blood "Sup?" He said happily
"Who did it?" Roman asked coldly. "Who put you in your current state?"

KaterinaPetrovaTVD said:
"Good let's go!" Blair grabbed his hand and gently puled him away into the city.
Han smiled and followed behind, "Look who's all energetic! Normally we'd just sit in the house." He chuckled.

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