The Era of Warring Clans

Captain Wumbo

Call me Dr. Wumbo


Lao Sho'Ryu






On the surface, Lao comes off as a rather silly and lighthearted person, frequently engaging in comical behavior and retaining his oft-present grin even while making threats. He displays a childlike amusement for new situations whether or not they prove adverse or even potentially fatal, has a penchant for wandering off on his own only to collapse in the middle of a street. Even with all these idiosyncrasies, he is extremely personable and his particularly complimentary nature easily gains him the friendship and trust of those surrounding him.

Of course, these aspects believe the complex and determined young man underneath. On the reverse side of his frivolous nature is his considerable shrewdness, which makes him quite capable of reading people and situations. He is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival. Being singularly ambitious, Lao also has a remarkably tenacious will that allows him to overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles and accept inhuman burdens for the sake of his ultimate goal. He has considerable pride that will not stand for having his humanity insulted or condemned by his enemies, but he is also capable of shelving his pride if it becomes something that will stand in the way of his objective.

Lao is very protective of his family and comrades, refusing to allow any harm to come to them and often deeming their safety more important than his own in spite of his own personal ambitions and goals. He has to be reminded several times that his own safety is something upon which many people depend and uses his loved ones as his primary motivation when all hope seems lost. As such, he becomes furious when observing those who willingly or remorselessly cast aside their own comrades or brethren and is sickened by the idea of superiors who reject their duty to those who trust them.


Lao was born into a family of samurai who served the very clan he now leads. His mother and father were Followers if the Demon Way, which caused people to both shun them, but revere them. As he grew up, his mother and father took the opportunity to train their soon. At on point, they even gave him a blade to train with. Unfortunately, there clans relative peace was destroyed when the Kukutaru attacked, their leading status in Japan was destroyed.

Lao's mother and father were captured, but he managed to escape. Years later, Lao suddenly appeared, and reestablished Tengakure Clan, it's roots reaching beep into the government, and the under world. Lao has not expressed interest in gaining revenge, or saving his family, only making the Tengakure's name back on the streets of Japan. It is based in Edo.



(Blade behind the Heavens)

Clan Rank:






=Wind Shield=



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Hitomi Miyako

"Can you feel the Cold Kiss Of Death Sweet Child?"







Surprisingly Hitomi at first can come off as an incredibly Kind benevolent woman , exuding an aura of clarity and peace as if she were an empress of her own little Empire.

However this is simply a mere ruse to fool those who are unsuspecting of her true intent, being a Cold jaded Warrior who is more than willing to obliterate all in her path with cruel efficiency.

She has also displayed a highly Sharp , Calculating and manipulative mind off the battle field using her knowledge of the Court and experience with Political intrigue to manipulate and further elevate herself in the Social hierarchy.


( W.I.P Will be Completed soon. )


Clan Rank



( Works as a Geisha in her free time. )


Demon Path : Yuki Onna (Snow manipulation)


Main Weapon : Cold Infused Duel Kukri

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Name: Twinblad Demon Born

"My blades know no enemies, only victims and friends"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25b068d7_TwinbladeWolfkin.jpg.90043a32dfca003b468a5eeab424c3a6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51443" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c25b068d7_TwinbladeWolfkin.jpg.90043a32dfca003b468a5eeab424c3a6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: Twin Swords made from Silver and Demon bones.

Age: 23

Clan: None

Path: None

Personality: Often Stoic, but sometimes quick to anger.

Profession: Ronin

Background: Although it is unclear where he came or what he did before his days as a wanderer one thing is clear. He like being alone. The demon blood runs in his veins, which is evident from his red eyes and super natural strength and abilities. While he primarily uses fire and dark magics he likes using his blades the most. He is trained in the ways of the sword, bow and spear. He also very proficient in hand to hand combat.

He was raised to be a weapon and he often openly expresses in his displeasure of the divine, gods and demons alike. He will not hesitate to pull his blade on anyone to talks ill to him or those he cares for.



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Name: Mikayashi Toru

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Personality: A joking and good natured man, he is believer of doing good for the world whether it is a little charity or fighting demonic believers. Though religious he not above sneaking out the monastery little gambling and drinking, with a little cheating with his powers if his playing some less reputable characters, his winning always going to charitable or monastery establishment. A patient man always tries to find a resort without fighting though is not naive enough to have plan for a fight just in case.

Bio: An orphan found as baby by the monk clan of the Sohei, despite being no older then a new born he was found with tattoos on his body baring the mark of the Inugami. Demonic dogs driven by range and revenge and are able to do horrific things if not controlled by their envoker. Toru accepted by the monastery's abbot was met with opposition citing danger if the Inugami within the child ever breaks free from their or Toru's control. However the abbot was confident in his abilities and trained Toru as his own.

Toru grow up a capable if a little trouble-making monk and though acceptance was difficult to gain he gained it from all but the most devout monks in the order. Through meditation he able to control his demon self, unleashing it only when needed but as Toru grows stronger so does the demon and control over it precarious at best. Same say it is only a matter of time before the demon breaks free and runs rampant.

Clan: Sohei (warrior monks)

Clan Rank: Monk


Path: Demon Path: Inugami (can always go Raijin-elictrical telekinisis if the story doesnt mesh.)




Inugami form:


Himura Atsushi

(Family name - First name)

"By the time you've even seen me...I've already cut you in two."


Age: 23

"My age is of no concern"

Gender: Male

"Well take a look its obvious i'm female." (Sarcastic voice)


Hot-blooded and outgoing. Atsushi is the type of person to run into things headfirst without looking up to see the problem. He'll take to any situation with extreme fervor, always eager to get the spotlight and to "save the day." Being a ninja for a respected clan, he tries best to conduct him self with respect and leadership, but it's frequently hard for his shotgun voice to refrain from spouting a few profanities or vulgarities here and there. He's not afraid to speak his mind! He often finds himself going through periods of rest and chaotic energeticness. He generally has a positive outlook on life, and never seems to feel something is impossible or too hard to do.

Giving up or giving in is not something he'd easily do. And neither is failure. He is the type of person who takes losses and bad outcomes rather poorly; losing his temper and self-control over anything he can't seem to complete or succeed at. From simple games to debates, his respect can take quite a severe turn for the worst. He is normally sneaky and uses underhanded tactics to fight.

Atsushi also acts like he is blasé about everything even new things, he acts like he has already seen everything and never seems to be impressed by it. They is a few odd occasions where he has been surprised in which it takes his mind a few seconds to process what going on and how it happened, which he wont move until his brain seems to have a solution normally ending badly.

Although hot-blooded and outgoing normally they is times when Atsushi can get very serious mostly when the situation calls for it. When this happens his personality slightly changes mostly seen that he goes mostly quiet and stoic, he also begins to think things thought more and more rather than just running in. Personally he hates this factor but he can't do anything about it, its like a second person takes over whenever this happens and stays until it he finishes doing whatever it is he is doing.

"Really you want to know my personality...What am I filling out some sort of document?"


Atsushi was raised away from all the big clans in a small clan full of only assassins. His younger years were full of training, learning weak points on the human body, learning how to hide in plain sight and learning how to kill. Every member of the clan to become classed as a full fledged member must kill another trainee for most it was hard even after years of training but not for Atsushi. Atsushi was born with a gift none of the other were an incredible speed, mixing it in with his training he became a weapon, killing four trainee's for the hell of it Atsushi passed with flying colors. By age twelve his name was well known as a reliable assassin having completed 24 jobs in the space of eight months.

A few more years went on and he was seventeen by this point. The Waring states only got more and more deadly and the conflicts closer and closer to home but it had never quite reached them...until one day. One day a Daimyo and her army arrived at the small clan and gave them two choices join or die. The clan leader being a stubborn old fool chose to fight...well until a blade entered his back from Atsushi who rallied the clan members to join the Daimyo but none listen challenging any who was against he plan to a duel he killed nearly three quarters of the old clan before the rest came around. From that day forth he has severed his Daimyo faithfully as a lieutenant.

"Death, war and a last chance"



"I live and die for the Kaizen"

Clan Rank:


"With power comes responsibility"

Profession: Ninja

"I move like the wind and sound like it too."

Path: Path Of The Shinto god Hachiman - Enhanced speed

"This god has blessed me with this gift...and I sure as hell won't waste it."


Ninjato: Atsushi carries a sword with a straight blade, and a black scabbard and hilt, it is extremely sharp, capable of cutting through bone.

Kunai: He carries an undetermined number of kunai with which he has shown exceptional ability.

"My blades slices as quietly as the wind and my kunai moves as quickly as light."

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The Battlefield Flower - Yuyuko Kurohime


Gender: Female


Yuyuko is a bit of an oddball girl. She gives off the impression that she's mute but that's not the case. She can speak, make no mistake but she speaks so rarely that she is considered mute. When she does speak however, she is very cryptic with what she says, never speaking directly or answering questions directly.

She is a bit of a guide and gives cryptic hints to those who need it. In battle however she remains mostly silently but is stated to be very, very violent, often seen smiling during the shedding of blood. Despite this however, she is very honorable and never resorts to dirty tricks to gain the upper hand. She will often question whether her opponents have any dignity if she sees they are using cheap tactics and underhanded tricks to win.

Also, as part of her really serious no-nonsense personality, she is often the last person to ever understand a joke. Her humor levels are simply nonexistent.


Though Yuyuko is not of the Akamine family bloodline, she is part of the Kaizen clan, run by Lady Arisu Akamine. Yuyuko was born into tragedy. Sometime after she was born, her father was killed and her mother was killed trying to get revenge for her late husband.

She was then taken in by her aunt who taught her the way of the sword. When her aunt had gone mad when her husband became ill, she tried to kill the then 13 year old Yuyuko who had used what she had learned to kill her aunt. Heartbroken, her uncle committed suicide, leaving Yuyuko truly alone.

She wandered Japan for 3 years training non-stop and experiencing the beauty of Japan, losing her emotions in the process. During her travels, she came upon a member of the Kaizen clan, unknown even to her, she attacked and fought him to a stalemate. Intrigued by her skill, The Kaizen Samurai brought her and informally brought her into the Kaizen Clan where she serves Lady Arisu Akamine, ready to sacrifice her life for her and her clan for taking her in.

(I hope this is okay with you @Captain Wumbo/ @Sayuri Tokage)

Clan: Kaizen

Clan Rank: Foot Soldier (Wishes to rise in rank)

Profession: Samurai

Path: Path Of The Shinto Goddess Amaterasu - Heliokinetic Combat

Extra: Isn't she a beauty?​

While she is the opposite of her clan's leaders path, she admires and respects her greatly.​

  • When invoking her powers, a faint figure can be seen behind her, this figure is Amaterasu

  • She wishes to be more than a foot soldier in her clan. She wishes to be actually be Arisu's personal guard




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Haruka Shizuko

Last name, First name

"Nice to meet you~"



"Does it matter?"






"Hm...this is a hard one."

Shizuko is extremely calm. She rarely get angry, if she did, no one would notice it because she wouldn't show it. She is cheerful, most of the time, and friendly. She tend to have a habit of helping people, strangers and even her enemies, but she only help them if they haven't done anything to her. She is very observant, intelligent and respectful, to older older people.

She dislike selfish people and tried to avoid as much fight as possible, key word;tried. She loves food!


"History is the portrayal of pain and misfortunes."




Clan Rank:





Path of F?jin {Aerokinetic combat}


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Akamine Arisu

(Last, First)

"Kneel before me and submit."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Bluered.jpeg.9c8920f3e514d7873b2700bd4d659a08.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Bluered.jpeg.9c8920f3e514d7873b2700bd4d659a08.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






Arisu's appearance doesn't tell much about her personality, but her piercing red eyes make her an intimidating person. The fact that she is a sadist and enjoys the sight of blood also adds to it. Despite usually being a calm and rational, she tends to jump towards more violent options because of her love for battle, which has led many people to believe she was a simple, bloodthirsty clan leader. And in the past, she was. However, that was a long time ago. Through the course of events and years of maturing, she became a more reliable and respectable leader.

In her own eyes, Arisu views herself as a kind person. This is because when her clan manages to capture an enemy, she gives them a chance to join her. But, of course, rarely any of the hostages actually join, so they are killed off. To add, she thinks of all of her subordinates as close family and looks after them with care.


One question that has always dwelled within the minds of many of her subordinates is how she was brought up to be the blood-loving sadist she is now, and the answer was always very simple; she was born this way. Her mother had died from her birth, which is where some think her blood thirst started. Her father, the clan leader at the time, raised her surrounded by war and bloodshed. By the age of 6, she already knew how to effectively assassinate someone. Her father was proud of the way he raised his daughter, who seemed to enjoy killing as much as a normal little girl would love wearing beautiful clothes and jewelry.

On her rest days, Arisu often found herself hunting down animals to kill. It gave her a sense of superiority and control, which excited her. Seeing the helpless animal bleed out before her was a feeling she couldn't describe, but she liked it nonetheless. As her 10th birthday approached, her father had announced her as his heir, something almost unheard of because she was female. There were many debates on this topic between the higher ranked warriors in the clan, but they all knew her skill and talent were worthy to be leader. However, though it seemed like a big deal, Arisu didn't care much; she just enjoyed killing.

Years later, her father grew ill. At the young and rebellious age of 17, Arisu was forced to take position of clan leader in place of him. With her as head, the clan faced more wars and battles than ever before, which left the clan dwindling dramatically in numbers and spirit. Realizing this, Arisu changed her ways, fighting in slightly less battles and personally providing needs for her people.



Clan Rank:





Path of Tsukuyomi no Mikoto

Gravity Manipulation



It's able to separate into two different blades as well. Along with this, she has multiple smaller knives hidden in her kimono.



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Name: Ren Yamato



Personality: Ren is a very laid back guy that doesn't have much drive. He doesn't really care much about moving up in the ranks and has no desire for fame or wealth. He just goes with the flow of things, whatever direction it might take him in.Ren spends most of his freetime napping or avoiding hard work. He gets along alright with people but tends to keep them at a distance.

Bio: When Ren was a small child his family was murdered and he ended up making a pact with Shinigami to avenge them. Ever since then his interest in battle had been non-existent. He spent most the time after wandering from place to place doing whatever he found most convenient at the time. He met many people in his travels but chose not to make any long lasting friendships.

(Will add more once I figure out which clan to join.)

Clan: (Waiting for options)

Clan Rank: Foot Soldier

Profession: Samurai

Path: Demon Path - Shinigami - Blade is bound giving it the power to rot all that it cuts.



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