The Enemy of the State


Haunted Youth

Character Sheet:




Star Sign:





Weapon of Choice:​

Character Sheet:


Ken Willis





Star Sign:



He's the leader type. However, he likes to joke around a lot, as well. He has the mouth of a sailor, and takes his pride very seriously when it comes to RASH. He loves America, and will do anything to restore it.


Ken was born into a Military family. His father was a specialist in the Army, and his mother was with the Navy. He grew up to be very patriotic, and on the dreaded day when the government fell to North Korea, he had pledged to put an end to this. He was only 15. His parents started RASH, itching to pick a fight with the government. (Pun totally intended.) However, they were captured and sent to Alcatraz for treason. Now, Ken has taken up the position as RASH's leader, appointing rebellions and terrorist acts against the corrupt government.


He's a strong leader.

Very well with coming up with plans.

Influential speaker.

Very good aim with a pistol.


He can be a bit obsessive with the group.

He tends to be a bit hard on everybody, especially himself.

He gets lost in his thoughts.

Weapon of Choice:

Character Sheet:

Name: Mikhail Pavlov

Age: 53

Ethnicity: Russian

Star Sign: Cancer

Personality: He is very secretive of his past. He is, despite his old age, very athletic and strong, but gets very irrated when he can't do the things he did back in the KGB. He is easily irritable, and prone to lashing out violently.

Backstory: Pavlov was born in Volgograd (Better known as Stalingrad), Russia. His parent's where model Communists and atheists. His head was filled with communist thoughts, which eventually lead to him being very highly ranked in the KGB. He operated under the name "Led" which is Russian for frost, due to the fact that he could handle cold temperates extremely well, even by Russian standards. One day, he had a mission in the USA, and fell in love with the country. He secretly moved there, and keeps his old life as a KGB spy secret.





KGB mental training


Old age

Being in the heat of combat

A bad left knee

Weapon of Choice: a camera gun that looks like a professional movie camera (stats: although for mission with less discretion, he uses a skorpion smg 61 ( both of which he kept from his KGB years
Character Sheet:

Name: Po Hŭng

Age: 37

Ethnicity: North Korean

Personality: Worships the Great Leader, views the western devils with great contempt, loves North Korea

Backstory: Originally a mere foot soldier, Po gained the attention of the North Korean government after successfully rallying a group of North Korean and leading them in an attack on a strategic location in South Korea. After being recruited to the rank of lieutenant Po was the mastermind behind many of the attacks that led to the defeat of the U.S.

Specialties: Good at making propaganda, skilled at conducting strategic attacks .

Weaknesses: leads an army equipped with old Soviet era weapons, tends to be delusional.

Weapon of Choice: Ak 47
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Name: Hyeon Sung Ko

Age: 24

Ethnicity: Korean

Star Sign: Leo

Personality: Athletic, strong, intelligent, distant (Too lazy to write a whole description of her personality, so here are traits. Boom.)


Hyeon Sung was born in the US, raised by her uncle after her mother and father left to go back to Korea. She was raised being taught Taekwondo and Hapkido by her uncle Ha Neul and her cousins Hyo Bin, Ji Wook, and Jae Ah. And at the age of 17, she'd lost them, however still retaining her abilities in martial arts and computers. RASH was something she never saw herself as a part of, in fact, despite their efforts in taking down the corrupt government, Hyeon Sung was still dependent in herself, and only herself. Now, at 24, she works with RASH - monitoring the very moves each side made: NK and RASH. She, herself, is a rebellion and she refuses to let herself be taken down.




Technology - Hacktivist

Accurate Sniper


Far too determined to succeed

Can let emotions get the best of her

Weapon of Choice:

AX50 .50 CAL - sniper rifle

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Name: Arne Gerstenberg (Have I used this name before?)

Age: 42

Ethnicity: German

Star Sign: Virgo

Personality: More of a follower than anything, Arne will stop at nothing to free himself from the new government. He is very caring for those close to him, but can become very violent if needed. Does not believe there is anything to fight for other than freedom.


Born and raised in Schwerin, Arne moved to America at a young age. It was only recently that his life hit a standstill when NK took over. Arne was not happy with the new ways that the government was run, so he took up arms against the main power. He started with small things such as looting and random fights with the MPs, until he heard of RASH. This new force called RASH was a godsend for Arne, and he immediately set out to find a way to join. (Rest will be revealed in the RP, if okay.)






A deep thinker (Takes longer to evaluate a situation.)

Cannot take a hit (Weak)

Direct confrontation

Weapon of Choice:

Heckler & Koch G36 - Assault rifle

Zelorm said:
Character Sheet:
Name: Mikhail Pavlov

Age: 53

Ethnicity: Russian

Star Sign: Cancer

Personality: He is very secretive of his past. He is, despite his old age, very athletic and strong, but gets very irrated when he can't do the things he did back in the KGB. He is easily irritable, and prone to lashing out violently.

Backstory: Pavlov was born in Volgograd (Better known as Stalingrad), Russia. His parent's where model Communists and atheists. His head was filled with communist thoughts, which eventually lead to him being very highly ranked in the KGB. He operated under the name "Led" which is Russian for frost, due to the fact that he could handle cold temperates extremely well, even by Russian standards. One day, he had a mission in the USA, and fell in love with the country. He secretly moved there, and keeps his old life as a KGB spy secret.





KGB mental training


Old age

Being in the heat of combat

A bad left knee

Weapon of Choice: a camera gun that looks like a professional movie camera (stats: although for mission with less discretion, he uses a skorpion smg 61 ( both of which he kept from his KGB years

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