The End


Popcorn Connoisseur
Athena moved as quietly and quickly as possible, staying as close to the buildings as possible. She froze, seeing the familiar gait of a person infected. She pressed herself against the building, hand tightly gripping her hunting knife. Please don't make me use this, she thought to herself. Athena felt like there was a piece of the person left there. The infected meandered past her on the opposite side of the street, paying her no attention. She waited until it rounded the corner and began to move again, keeping her steps light. It was a sunny, hot afternoon. Strands of blonde hair that didn't stay in her messy bun were hanging around her face. Her sky blue eyes scanned streets for anything useful. Or dangerous. She shouldered her pack more securely and turned a corner. She could finally see the woods that surrounded the city.

Then something else caught her eye: at least ten infected between her and safety. She opted just to run for it, feeling that she could get around them and, if any followed, lose them in the woods. She started to sprint a fast as she could along the deserted sidewalk, focusing on her destination. She hear the groans and growls of the infected as she ran by. As she reached the end of the block, she took a quick glance back. About five infected were following her, limping as fast as they could. The sight was gruesome: bodies mangled, organs exposed, irises a milky white. Athena picked up speed, focusing again on the woods. She reached the edge of the trees and plunged into the brush. Branches tore at her skin as she tried to put distance between herself and the infected. She began to slow after a minute if running, coming to a stop in one of the more dense parts of the wood. She looked around, taking in her surroundings. Her heart froze when she heard a rustling sound from somewhere near her. An infected emerged, stumbling towards her. A surprised scream escaped her lips as the infected closed in.


Cole walked easily through the underbrush of the woods, searching for tonight's dinner. He sighed, deciding to give it a rest for now. Turning south, he headed for his makeshift camp in a small clearing. He had very little trouble with the dead out here. There was plenty of food in the sort for them right now. He knew he would have to move soon.

Cole emerged into the clearing slowly, checking to make sure no one had wandered into his camp. Deeming it safe, he sat on the log next to the now cold campfire from the night before.
Maybe I should find some traveling companions, he thought to himself. He searched his campsite to see what food was left, trying to find food for lunch.
Kevan was squished under the two's big rig,trying to tidy up a few things until he heard a scream that made him jump up and hit his head on something above."Ow!"He yelled,rubbing his head as he slowly crawled out."Gees,another..."He looked towards the direction he heard the scream,he wasn't one to care for others and there well being.But he knew Devan would,and if he didn't do or say anything he'd have to hear him whine and cry about it."Hey!'He knocked on the passenger door of the big rig,which was up just as high and his shoulder height.Some shuffling around could be heard and the door swung open showing Devan who was laying across both front seats,his head was on the side where Kevan was and he didn't look happy at all.In fact he was very tired thanks to Kevan and his late night 'hunt'."What?..."He said in a sleepy,irritated voice.Kevan pointed to where he heard the scream."Someone sounds stuck again..."Devan sighed as he got up and into the passenger side seat."Oh...Okay,are we going to help again?"Kevan shrugged his shoulders."We got enough fuel to handle it."Devan smiled."Alrighty then,lets go!"Devan said with a bit more motivation and he seemed more awake now as he poked to where his brother did as if to declare a charge.Kevan just sighed as he slammed the door on him and went off to the driver's side,got in and started the rig which was as loud as any other rig.Then he put it in gear and sped off towards Athena,hoping they were already goners and were going for some fun instead.
The road beneath the feet of the duo was long and winding, adorned with lovely cracks and crumbling asphalt that was soaked with blood and bits of flesh here and there. It was empty, overgrown, and the silence hovering in the air was everything but awkward. It was the middle of the day and two had managed to get themselves in a good situation rather than a horrible one; finally reaching the edge of the large city. Ambling casually on the left stood Jazden, built body hunched forward with hands holding his loaded crossbow up, ready to fire at anything that came too close. And behind him, hobbled young Hadley, gentle hands at her side as she nervously followed her companion for safety.

“Don’t you think we should-” she started to whisper, but was stopped completely by a hand in front of her face, halting her rushed words. Jazden furrowed his dark chocolate brows while holding his appendage up, hissing behind his teeth. “Shush.” he growled harshly, wavering his eyes across the landscape. The sound of dragging limbs further silenced her speaking, which was followed by a few lonesome gnarls and gargling of blood. “Come to
Vater.” Jazden mumbled, darting forward some to shield himself with the crumbles of a fallen building close by. Hadley followed obediently, now holding her weapon in front of her, focused on what was yet to come. Four zombies; what it seemed like fresh ones, staggered across the broken road, following that scent of living flesh that prickled through the thick air. “I’ve got two of ‘em, you take out the other ones.” The rugged male whispered, thick German accent dancing in his dry words while he motioned to the female behind him. It took exactly five seconds before Jazden slithered out and pulled the trigger, hitting one of the ones in the front head-on


The metallic arrow sounded while sinking into the soft, rotten flesh of the zombie, allowing it to stagger backwards and fall loudly to the ground. The other three turned their slow heads and held up their arms, hissing and gargling at the live beings. Jazden tucked his weapon down and unsheathed his large machete, already crusted with flakes of blood, and with a flick of the wrist, sliced the head full off it’s body. “That’s how we do it!” he laughed, cackling like a hyena at such sickening deaths. Hadley on the other hand, did what she was told and instead of using her pistol, took the axe off her back and killed the other two with speed. “Ugh.” she gritted her teeth, pulling the blade from the skull with a few attempts and breathing out deeply. “I like how this is a sport to you.” Jazden slung his crossbow on his shoulder and placed the machete back into his holster, grinning like a madman at the female before him. “It’s like hunting,” he commented, snickering. “But the deer just come after you.” Hadley rolled her brilliant blue eyes and clenched her fingers around the handle of the axe, sighing out overdramatically at such a ridiculous answer. “You’re a loony.”

It was not long before the conversation ended and the two continued on their way out of the city, walking along the side of the highway to the woods where everything was just as quiet as before. Jazden didn’t like it one bit, already loading his weapon and cautiously ducking under branches of leaves. “Stay close.” he thought aloud, taking each step slowly to avoid the crunching of leaves. Although such attempt didn’t matter for a piercing scream filled the ears of the two of them, causing them to jump and run into each other. “S-Sorry.” Hadley stammered, stepping backwards and holding up her axe. Jazden grumbled to himself, running forward towards the source of the noise without thinking and kept his crossbow steady. The male continued on, numbing his mind as sharp pains shot up his arms and neck for the branches flying by scratched at his tough skin, slicing it slightly in a few places. Hadley did her best to catch up to him, but it was hard, already lagging behind due to fear and fatigue.

Jazden burst through the brush and when spotting a young female and an undead, he sprinted over and immediately kicked it, pinning it down with black boot. “Nasty son of a b-tch” he hissed, watching it snap it’s half jaw in frenzy. In a mere few seconds the groans halted, and an arrow deep in it’s right eye socket.
Athena looked up into the face of her savior, wide-eyed. "T-thank you," she managed, her anxiety at running into people evident in her face. She didn't know what these people would do. Are they friendly? Do they want her supplies? These were the worries of the new world. Athena had to ensure her own survival. Athena held her knife tightly. Yeah, you can't even kill someone who isn't fully alive. There's no way you could kill a person, the voice in her head taunted. Maybe if I had to, she shot back. She was planning on staying alive long enough to find her mother. No one would stand in her way.

She pushed the thoughts from her head. If they had wanted that they would've just let the infected kill her instead of saving her. "You killed him," she said with a mix of awe and sadness, looking down at the body. They were once a person just like them. She shook her head sadly, turning her attention back to her savior. The humming of an engine filled the air as the big rig drove near them. "What was that?" she asked, wondering aloud. "There's gonna be more infected," she realized, looking with worry to the two people she had just met. She was unsure as to what to do. Athena wasn't strong; her strongest skill was her stealth. She relied on moving around quietly to avoid attracting attention. "What do we do?" she questioned, fear coloring her voice.


Cole heard the noise of an engine nearby. He frowned, standing and quickly gathering his few belongings. He opted to head for the noise. Perhaps they could get him out of here. He sprinted towards the noise, the truck coming into sight. "Hey!" he yelled, waving his arms in an attempt to get them to stop. He knew he didn't have much more time before the infected would be all over and he had to get out. This was his best bet.

"So if there already dead we can still play Last One right?"Kevan was talking to Devan who was in the back as he drove,not really paying attention to what was in front of them.Not like it could stop them anyway,"Sure,it's been a while anyway so why not."Devan smiled as he came up to the front and flopped into the passenger seat."If there alive though we're getting out as soon as possible.Deal?"He held his hand up to his brother and Kevan shook it as a sign that the deal was done and he smiled,now excited about what was to come.

But all of a sudden the Rig braked and came to a complete stop within seconds,and going as fast as it would at the time which was close to 100 miles an hour to stopping that fast was very surprising to Kevan who flew forward and had no idea what happened."What the...!?"He looked around and then at Devan,who was smiling.Passenger brake.Why did he ever agree to it,Kevan stared at him very confused as to why he did that.He never did but Devan noticed a small figure waving around coming up and timed it just right to where they stopped right before him,Devan just forgot to warn Kevan before taking action. Devan leaned over Kevan to the driver's side and opened the door to find Cole,not too far from the rig.Kevan still not knowing what he was doing looked out the door and sighed."Oh...Great..."And Devan's nice side showed once again when Kevan didn't want it to,he knew this couldn't be the one to scream so if they got this guy and the other it'll just mean more people then expected.Again.Devan waved to Cole,not paying attention to Kevan at the time."Hello,need something?"He said simply,trying to just get to the point since he knew Kevan wouldn't tolerate him over his lap much longer.
"Would you two mind another travelling companion? I need to get away from the city and you guys are the first people I've seen since I left this city. I'm pretty self-sufficient and I can hunt," Cole said quickly. He had to win these guys over as fast as possible. He could practically sense the infected in the woods being drawn to the sound of the engine. He could take on two or three at a time safely. He knew there were way more than three in these woods. He looked anxiously to the thick woods. "Please?" he asked, turning his attention to the two guys in the truck. He noticed an infected stumble out of the woods, limping towards the truck. The infected was across the small clearing, not a danger at this point. But there would be more.
Kevan sighed."Well?You stopped,so I have a feeling you saw this coming..."Devan nodded."Yep,I did."He smiled and saw the infected come out of the woods.With out looking back at Cole he said,"Come on, hop in."He said as he slid back into the truck's passenger seat not taking his eyes off the woods and Kevan got up and swung onto the door which could go all the way forward,so that Cole could get in.The door was as if made for it since there was a step for one foot and a handle to hang onto.Kevan looked down at Cole."By the way,If you mess with our fun I won't hesitate to shoot you to get you out of the way."He smiled.
Laya was finally asleep. Kiy knew she shouldn't let her sister sleep whenever, but Laya hadn't had any real sleep since the outbreak. Kiy sat across from her sister for a few more minutes before getting up and checking the windows and doors of the house again. She stared out one window, watching the scattered infected looking for food. She let out a shutter and closed the curtain before gathering what was left of the available supplies in the house. They would have to move again when Laya woke up. This time they were leaving the city. They had no reason to stay and Laya wanted to go back to Cali. That's where their mother was supposed to be.

Suddenly, a scream could be heard. Kiy quickly went back to the room her sister was in. Laya was now sitting, awake and terrified once more. Kiy sat next to her and pulled Laya into her lap. "Don't think about it. We're okay. We'll be okay." Kiy whispered to her sister. Laya started crying. She always had a melt down when someone who was not yet infected could be heard in trouble. "It's time to move Laya. Most of them will be distracted and we don't have enough food." Kiy got to her feet and started dragging her sister to the front room to collect their belongings. Once they had everything, they left for the outskirts of the city.
Matthew drove down the road, humming Jingle Bells to himself. Then the truck stopped. Matthew came out of his little world and looked at the gas. Empty. "Aw, shit." He jumped out and grabbed his gun and his baseball cap. He looked off into the city, and started to walk. Humming softly, until he saw a walker. On instinct, he pulled up his gun and shot. BAM! The bullet whizzed threw it's head, and Matthew watched it fall over with a thump. He smiled. And frowned. Walkers must have heard the gunshot. Because here came a whole bunch of them, packed together in a horde. "OH MY GOD!" He started to pick up the pace and ran. A house. With a light coming from it. He ran over to the door and started to pull on it. "LET ME IN!" The walkers were getting closer. He noticed one was just a little girl. Closer. Hungry. All they wanted was to eat. "LET ME IN!"
A feeling of despair washed over Alex when he saw the slide shoot back, indicating that the magazine was empty. He quickly reached for a spare mag, and upon feeling nothing he remembered he had only brought four. "Dammit," he muttered. He shoud have brought more ammo, his tactical vest could hold all of his pistol and assault rifle mags. That was another thing he should have brought. And how did he burn through all four mags so fast? Each M9 Beretta magazine held fifteen rounds, which equals fifteen dead zombies, per mag. And he didn't miss, he was a member of Valor Squad, the top squad in Delta and all of the U.S. Special Forces. Had he really killed 60 zombies? And how could he let his wife die? Enough of this, enough second guessing myself, he thought. It was time to focus on the task at hand. He holstered his pistol, drew his Black Raven Tactical Knife, and got to work on the seven walkers that lay between him and the military surplus store.

It didn't take long to find what he was looking for. MRE's, or Meals Ready to Eat, were easy to store, provided all essential nutrients, and didn't spoil, at least not the military grade ones. He grabbed as many as he could carry, and a first aid kit, while he was at it. Upon entering the store, he wasn't surprised to see all weapons, or anything that could be used as one, stripped from the place, but was surprised that very little food, shelter, or medical supplies had been taken. Alex decided not to grab one of the tents, as he already had all the camping gear that he needed, and already had ample shelter, on the 9th floor of an apartment building. Him and his best friend had already cleared out the building, and his friend had died in the process. He was training to be a police officer, inspired by Alex's position in the special forces, he had decided he wanted to serve the country in some way. He was the kindest person Alex had ever met, and they had come along way together. The last part of his training had just finished, and he was about to get his own gun. If only he had gotten it earlier. If only he had listened to Alex, and let him take point when clearing the last room. When he was infected, Alex knew what had to be done, but couldn't kill his best friend, even if he was a walker. So he boarded off the room where his friend died, and hasn't been there since. Snap out of it, Alex thought to himself. He was questioning himself again, he had been ever since the shit hit the fan. He knew not to do that, all combat leaders know not to do that. But he wasn't a combat leader anymore, he was just a survivor. I'll do it today he thought, to give Matt some closure, hell, to give me some closure. He headed back out to the apartment building.

That night, he decided it was time to do it. To try and put an end to the sorrow he felt. He decided that the gun was best, as it was more humane than stabbing his friend in the skull, and it was suppressed so he didn't have to worry about the noise. After taking the boards off of the door, he entered the room. He was immediately hit by the stench of decay, and did all he could not to vomit. It had been a month, and he hadn't even thought of what the time would have done to his friend. Matt turned around. He looked horrible. His hands were now just nubs after pounding on the door for a straight month. And his head wasn't much better. As soon as the hands were gone, the thing had resorted to pounding on the door with it's head. Alex was surprised that it's brain hadn't been smashed, for it's forehead had slightly caved in. But his face. Much of the flesh had rotted off, and the remaining flesh was grayish brown. And the eyes, they had become grayish white, like the milky color of a blind persons eyes, except they didn't look hollow like the eyes of a blind person, but filled with rage. The sight of him nearly drove Alex to tears. The two had grown up together, and had helped each other through the hardest parts of their lives. But soldiers don't cry. They just shut down, and do what has to be done. When his wife, Ashley, had died, he mourned her, but didn't shed a single tear. Many people would call him heartless, but a fellow soldier would know what he really is. He's distancing himself. Because if a soldier doesn't distance himself, he won't survive the war. He may come back home, but seeing your brothers die on the battlefield, that will **** you up to a point where you are dead inside, a walking shell that mindlessly completes it's job. Just like the walkers. Alex had steeled himself for this moment. He raised the gun up to his friends head, and whispered "I'm sorry, Matt." But this wasn't Matt. This was one of the things that killed Matt. His friend was gone, and wasn't getting any closure from this. Alex realized that when he stared into the eyes of the ghoul that he was about to kill. Well, Alex thought, might as well give him a proper burial. He pulled the trigger.
It all grew silent for a few seconds when the gargling came to a stop due to the arrow in it's used-to-be eye. Reaching down and gripping the feathered end, Jazden yanked it out and the moist sound filled the air. "Disgusting." he hissed, wiping the red juices on his pant leg and raising his attention to the woman in front of him, who looked absolutely horrified at what he just did. "You're welcome." he mumbled, taking his foot off the dead creature and backing up, leaning forward to load his crossbow once more just in case. Blood seeped from the thin cuts on his arms, trickling down his skin and onto the ground. It didn't phase him one bit.

Bursting through the brush a bit late, Hadley held up her axe at anything in front of her but immediately lowered it when seeing the job was already done. "Oh." she said aloud, glancing between her companion and the woman in front of him. She didn't look like she was there completely, and obviously, frightened beyond belief. "We're friendly." Hadley piped up, sauntering over calmly. "Yes, I killed him." Jazden mumbled, voice low and filled with apathy like usual. "I saved you. If I hadn't been here that thing would've been munching on your pretty little face." he snorted, straightening his posture and slinging his weapon over his shoulder. The sound of the engine hummed through the thick air, and pretty close too. Lowering his frame, he did his best to peep through the green, jaw tightening with determination. "Sounds like a vehicle." he whispered, waving them over. "I say we go check it out." Hadley glanced at the woman and then Jazden, nodding after a moment. "What if there are more survivors." she turned. "Come with us, you'll be safe."

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