The End


Popcorn Connoisseur
It all started as a small story on the news channel. It was something suspicious about a man somewhere in Central America who had supposedly died and come back to life. Not many people believed it was anything to worry about. It soon became evident that this was a disease that caused people to die, come back to life, and do strange things. The news broadcasts stopped early; they weren't very informative or helpful anyway. It seemed that the government and CDC were at a loss as to what to do. When people lost power and stores began to close, people panicked. The infected took over the city as people fled. All that anyone could do now was try to survive.

The infected can be killed with an injury to the brain. Guns don’t work well in this new world: the noise attracts other infected. Noise in general will attract them and the same goes for light. There are rumors that some cities are safe but no one knows for sure.

Other humans are even dangerous to trust. Some will kill you to take your supplies. Others will kill you just to protect themselves. This new world is very different. How do you keep your humanity?


· No godmodding

· Keep it PG-13

· Write at least one paragraph responses

· Be active!

Character Sheet






Location: (In the city or outside, alone or with people)



Appearance: (real or anime, whichever you prefer)

The role play will start near a city so for location put whether you're in the city or near it. We aren't in one group yet but if you want to be travelling with someone before we all meet up, feel free. We’ll start near or in Savannah, Georgia.

Name: Athena Grace Lee

Age: 23

Hometown: Savannah, Georgia

Occupation: Journalist

Weapon(s): Hunting knife

Location: In the city, trying to leave. Alone

Skills: Can identify different plants and knows which are edible/poisonous. She’s also very stealthy.

Biography: Athena grew up in Savannah. Her parents divorced when she was five. Her father moved to New York City and she hasn't heard from him since. Her mother moved to Florida a few years ago when Athena started college. She’s always been self-sufficient. Her mother wasn't always there for her. She’s worried about her mother and wants to go to Florida to see if she can help her. Athena is a journalist and she wrote stories on the disease until the newspaper was shut down. She’s a very quiet girl who is fine travelling on her own for now. She doesn't like depending on people or asking for help. She’s very stealthy and good at moving around without attracting attention. She doesn't want to have to kill any of the infected. She has a strong set of morals. She feels obligated to help people; it’s in her nature. She speaks a few different languages. She’s a smart girl who’s very levelheaded and doesn't make hasty decisions.


Name: Cole Blaine McCoy

Age: 25

Hometown: Dublin, Ireland

Occupation: Construction worker

Weapon(s): Revolver, knife, crossbow

Location: Woods outside the city. Alone

Skills: Very strong, good hunter

Biography: Cole lived in Ireland until he was eighteen. He was brought up in a middle class family. He was a construction worker for six years before the disease broke out. He got out of the city as fast as possible and has been living around the city ever since. He’s strong and can survive well on his own. He tries not to get too close to people, especially now. He knows that it’s unlikely any of them will survive. He’s interested in making sure he survives and is willing to do anything to make that happen. He has no problem killing the infected. He doesn't think that there is any part of the person they once were left. He’s a little hotheaded but also protective of people he cares about.


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Name: Jazden Fredrick Aachen

Age: 26

Hometown: Mittenwald, Germany

Occupation: Drug Dealer

Weapon(s): Crossbow and machete.

Location: Edge of the city, with Hadley.

Skills: He's very instinctive and knows the basics to survival, also very good with hunting and finding things.


Jazden's history is as convoluted as his personality, muddled with violence and an unforgiving amount of important things taken away from him, without mercy, without any second thought. It wasn't always this way, as things usually begin. He had an uneventful childhood, growing up in a farm-owning family of a middle-class, and being taught the odds and ends of farm work and cattle care in the beautiful countryside of Mittenwald, Germany. He presented himself as a curious little thing with pinched hands, wide eyes like reflective mirrors. To begin with, he didn't cry as most babies do when they're first pulled from their mothers. Instead, he tried to absorb his dark surroundings in full. He tried to reach the plastic stars dangling above his bed, fingers stretched wide – perhaps, it was the first terrible theme with what was to come.

He remembers the day the German Army marched through his home town. As clear as if he were reliving the moment, replaying it against the back of his eyelids. Everyone cheered. They looked like proud, swaggering creature's all dressed up in their military uniforms. His thoughts were muddled with aspirations. Regardless of his conflicting thoughts, Jazden wanted nothing more then to finish his education and work alongside his father. The compulsory conscription hadn't come into place yet, so he continued to apprentice his efforts in the village.

Jazden was away when it happened. Probably somewhere in the village, tirelessly working his trade. Sweating and breathing and alive. It was only when he walked home that he realized something was wrong. Everything was unnaturally quiet. Only the crickets followed his movements. There were no bustling sounds of his mother cooking in the kitchen, or of his sister tending the sheep, or of his father working in the fields. There was just a deathly quiet, an unsettling shiver. His heart fell like a useless lump. It must have been meticulous work. Each and every bullet hole had been aimed directly through their skulls, a few inches away from their temples, and they'd been on their knees – begging. He never knew what they were killed for, or what happened, but he didn't question. With nowhere else to go, and other relatives so far away, Jazden traveled back to the city and lived on the streets, fighting and starving until a family of four picked him up and placed them in their loving family. From that point on, they moved to America and he grew up peacefully until he reached an adult age, making him leave and find a place of his own. Jazden had trouble in finding a job, keeping food on the table - so he became a top drug dealer. He didn't do the drugs himself, he just did it for the money. With the skills of his bad occupation and growing up on a farm, he is very well suited for this apocalypse.


Name: Hadley Michelle Bravener

Age: 22

Hometown: Toronto, Canada

Occupation: Waitress

Weapon(s): M1911 and an axe

Location: Edge of the city, with Jazden

Skills: She is very emotionally strong and knows medical basics, is also good with her gun.


"You were born into a land of opportunity and miracles. Never waste them."

Those were the words that came to Hadley a thousand times in her life. They were the words she drove herself with every day of her life. Every moment that she spent in the land her parents had risked everything to get to was better than a lifetime of the world that her parents had grown up in. She didn't go a day without hearing it, and it was what forced her to be brilliant. Everything she did was worked at with all her might, as best as she could. That was the way she'd been since the moment of her birth. Born almost three weeks premature and too light to be healthy, Hadley's current state of health is a wonder in and of itself. At her birth, it was a question as to whether she would have lived. Her health faltered in the first several years of her life, keeping her away from school and other children for the sake of keeping the flickering flame of her life burning. By the time that she had finally managed to get to the same level as anyone else, she was already eight years old and starting the second grade. Fast forward to her high school years she flew through that with flying colors. Her life was normal and she had almost everything given to her. It was hard for her to move out and move to America to get a place for her own, but she managed, and got herself a steady job where everyone who knew her would talk greatly about her. It was a fresh start for her, and things were going in the right direction - until the infection hit.


Name:Kevan Hunt


Hometown:Middle of nowhere Iraq

Occupation: Soldier

Weapon(s): Too many to count

Location:Edge of the city,with Devan.

Skills: Knows how to survive the worst,very good engineer and fixing things

Biography:Kevan and Devan lived in Iraq most of there lives,fighting against both sides of the war.They lived alone together in a small abandoned house in the middle of nowhere since there mother had died when they were 10 and there father left without telling them where.All he said was he'd see them again,and they believed him.So they stayed quiet,hidden from the world as they waited,fighting off anyone who dared come near.Since they learned everything they knew from old books and experience they were pretty good on there own for being as young as they were.Then 3 years later at the age of 14,Kevan and Devan heard there father was in america and hijacked a small plane to get there,when they arrived everything had already begun.They dealt with it and continued to look for there father until they found him like all the others, they decided to stay where they were and not go back to Iraq after that since there was nothing left over there anyway. They found a large big rig they loved and 'remodeled' it to there liking,now it's their portable home and has anything they'd need.

Appearance: (One on the left)


Name:Devan Hunt


Hometown:Middle of nowhere Iraq

Occupation: Soldier

Weapon(s): To many to count

Location:Edge of the city,with Kevan.

Skills: Knows how to survive the worst,very good technician and fixing things

Biography:Kevan and Devan lived in Iraq most of there lives,fighting against both sides of the war.They lived alone together in a small abandoned house in the middle of nowhere since there mother had died when they were 10 and there father left without telling them where.All he said was he'd see them again,and they believed him.So they stayed quiet,hidden from the world as they waited,fighting off anyone who dared come near.Since they learned everything they knew from old books and experience they were pretty good on there own for being as young as they were.Then 3 years later at the age of 14,Kevan and Devan heard there father was in america and hijacked a small plane to get there,when they arrived everything had already begun.They dealt with it and continued to look for there father until they found him like all the others, they decided to stay where they were and not go back to Iraq after that since there was nothing left over there anyway. They found a large big rig they loved and 'remodeled' it to there liking,now it's their portable home and has anything they'd need.

Appearance: (One on the right)
Name: Kiyomi

Age: 24

Hometown: Folsom, California

Occupation: Military

Weapon(s): Blades

Location: In the city, with Laya

Skills: She is quick on her feet and good with her blades. She tends to stay away from firearms and although she is not as smart as her sister, she can think pretty well under pressure.

Biography: Kiyomi felt she was alone since was a little girl. Her father had passed away when she was ten, leaving her, her sister and her mother. She didn't really count her mother though, she wasn't really there after their father's death... mentally. Kiy raised her baby sister and took on the responsiblity of taking care of the family. On her 21st birthday, she joined the military in hopes of learning to defend her family and having the added bonus of being able to provide for them as well.

She had been visiting her sister when the news of the virus first came out. They were at the mall when the city fell apart. They had barricaded themselves in one of the bathrooms until it had mostly calmed down. Since then, they took refuged in abandonded houses, waiting for humanity to restore its self.


Name: Laya

Age: 16

Hometown: Folsom, California

Occupation: Full time student

Weapon(s): Stiletto hand knife

Location: In the city, with Kiyomi

Skills: Analytical, Logical.

Biography: Her father had passed away when she was two, leaving her, her sister and her mother. She didn't really count her mother though, she wasn't really there after their father's death... mentally. Kiy raised her baby sister and took on the responsiblity of taking care of the family. When she was 13, Kiy had left for the military and Laya took off on her own. She wound up in Georgia and stayed there for the next three years.

Her sister had been visiting when the news of the virus first came out. They were at the mall when the city fell apart. They had barricaded themselves in one of the bathrooms until it had mostly calmed down. Since then, they took refuged in abandonded houses, waiting for humanity to restore its self.


(Sorry the pictures are so big. I couldn't figure out how to resize them :( )
(Sorry, no pictures to describe him.:sad2:)

Name: Matthew Plains


Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia :nuts:

Occupation: Student

Weapon: 44. Caliber

Location: Edge of the city, alone

Skills: Speed, smart

Bio: Matthew was a country boy. One day, heading out to the farmer's market with his dad, they crashed into a man. Matthew grabbed his father's pistol and climbed outside. His dad was dead. This made Matthew happy, as his father beat him and killed his mother. But what he didn't were the rotting corpses walking to him. Matthew took the truck and drove to another city.

Appearance: Scrawny, blonde shaggy hair. Wears a baseball cap and a blue hoodie.
Name:Clint Campbell


Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Occupation: Stock Car Racer

Weapon: Sledge hammer and 9mm pistol

Location: Highway exit ramp

Skills: Excellent driver and aggressive personality

Bio: When it all happened Clint was in the car hauler they had just left atlanta motor speedway where he wrecked out of the race watching the speed channel's criticise his driving was just making him angrier about the day's events he was getting up from the couch to make himself a drink when the hauler stopped suddenly. His driver Doug Glaney told him there was a big accident up ahead and he was gonna get out and see if everybody was ok. Clint moved up to the front seat to watch when he saw a man covered in blood step out of a burning vehicle and shuffle towards Doug. Clint was about to get out to help when something strange happened the man bit Doug as he watched his driver struggle more of them came out and swarmed Doug feasting on the poor man. Clint started the hauler and exited that hellish highwayView attachment 8670
Character Sheet

Name: Red

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Hometown: Temple Texas

Occupation: Artist and photographer

Weapon(s): Longsword with a golden handle and a fox tail. A simple dagger

Location: Edge of city, alone

Skills: Although she seems insane Red is great in combat

Biography: Red grew up in the small town of Temple Texas. She does not have a country accent due to the fact she is Russian. Her parents died when she was young and her brother took care of her until he died of cancer

Appearance: View attachment 8719<realView attachment 8720<anime
Name: Edward T. Ferris

Age: 21

Hometown: Augusta, Georgia

Occupation: Construction Worker

Weapon: Compound Bow with a Sharpened Edge Crowbar

Location: Augusta

Skills: Marksmanship (used to be a competitive shooter), Rock-climbing, Endurance Trained

Biography: Eddie used to be a pizza delivery guy before his friend's father gave him a job as a construction worker. In his free time, Eddie competed in rifleman competitions. He moved here from Albany, New Jersey to live with his girlfriend but his girlfriend and her family became infected while he was away at work. Eddie was forced to kill them. His dreams are haunted by the image of his dying girlfriend and as a result he doesn't sleep well.

Appearance: Eddie is tall and athletic. He has black hair and brown eyes. He has baseball cap, a bandana, a sweater, a vest, gripped gloves, a belt, jeans, and light hiking boots. He also has a backpack (quiver inside) filled with 24 arrows, water and rations, his wallet, a box of matches, a hand-crank flashlight, a compass/watc.

Name: Alex "Shadow" Noble

Age: 24

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Occupation: United States Special Forces (JSOC, Delta Force)

Location: In the city, 9th floor of an apartment complex

Weapons: M6 IC Suppressed, Holographic Sight, Tac-Light Foregrip (left at home in center of city), Suppressed M9 Beretta Tac-Light, Voodoo Hawk (tomahawk also left in house)

Skills: He is a soldier, so he is excellent at fighting, and stealth

Biography: Alex had just finished a combat deployment in Afghanistan. He was at home with his wife when the first reports of people coming back to life came in. Alex, being a very rational man believed this to be another bullshit story hat the news made up to draw viewers. His wife, however, was worried. That night, he woke up t his wife screaming. He ran downstairs to see her being ripped apart by a zombie. He grabs the nearest weapon he can find, a meat clever, and lays into the zombies head with it. After killing the zombie, he mourns his wife. Being unable to kill her before she reanimates, he hastily packs up and leaves. But in his state of mind, he forgets his assault rifle and tomahawk. He blames himself for his wife's death, thinking that if he had listened to her worries he could have saved her. He was the leader of his squad in Delta Force, so he know not to blame himself for the death of his men, but he can't help it when it's his wife.

Appearance: 6'2, 200 lbs, collar-length black hair, green eyes, full Delta Force loadout.

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