[The End is Nigh] Chapter 2: A Brave New World



Weld couldn't hold it any longer. After feeling the true ring of sarcasm, he tossed his face up and issued a hearty laugh. A bit of spunk to this one! Perhaps they can yet brave this world that has left them so far behind.

He regained his composure and issued another low sweeping bow, still chuckling under his breath. I only point out concerns with your current stratagem. You did rescue me from that pile of rubble, after all. No need to make this one fly off her rocker. Prettiest lady I've seen in ages. He brushed his hair back nonchalantly and leaned in close, intending to make her swoon. Seeing a pretty face like yours also makes helping ... a little easier.


He started his history lesson. The Dragon-Blooded control the Deliberative now. I've read up here and there about how and why this happened, but haven't found much evidence about it beyond religious doctrine that's been expounded for several hundreds of years. The general idea is that the Solars lost their minds and needed to be forcibly removed. The Dragon-Blooded are ruthless, but apparently so are the Solars. He didn't want to startle them too much. Seeing how they handled this first bit of information would be determinate of how much more they could handle. The Solars were still actively being hunted and killed. They are still around. Never seen one up close before. They probably won't even believe any of this.

Weld was about to start into an inquiry about the newcomers' point of origin when he felt his skin prickle a bit. He checked his back and all around him. What was that familiar feeling...?

----- Hammer of the Populat -----

----- Jadecaste | Defender of the People |
Hammer of the Populat -----

With a frown, Hammer takes in the information. After so much time, we cannot be surprised that there have been changes in Creation. We need a guide, and our options are limited. He looks over at Weld. "It seems that we have much to learn, and not much time to do so. It places us in the uncomfortable position of having to ask for help when we have little to offer up in return. Until such time as Rentus is able to establish a new Core location, we don't even have a Vat to turn to. While I am loathe to have to place such trust in a relative stranger, we seem to have little choice." This last sentence is directed more at his fellow Autocthonians than the stranger they have found. Taking a deep breath, he plunges into the fray. "We are Alchimichal Exalts, from inside the Great Maker, Autocthon. That is where we have been for the past several thousand years, out in the Void. It was only due to a massive disaster that the barriers between our home and Creation were breached, bringing us here. We are strangers in a strange land."


Instinctively, Weld internally recoiled at the thought of being subordinated into another information booth. At the same time, however, a cascading wave of curiosity and hope washed over him like he had never felt before. Weld realized he had been hoping all along that they would ask that very question, however loathe he was to admit it to himself. These ones speak of another reality beyond even that of the formlessness of the Wyld itself. Could it be that true power lies in their world, as opposed to this fragile and broken Realm? Would it be that they could guide me to that place?

"As I said, I am in your debt. Perhaps one day we will also find a way to return to your homeland. Either way, we will walk together for a time and find a suitable place for this 'Core' you speak of. I cannot promise you a full encyclopaedia of all Creation's wonders, though. I am neither perfect in this regard nor exceptionally versed. I can promise you that I have a way with people, though, and can get us out of most trouble with a certain ... discretion. Do we have a deal?" Weld extended a cautious hand to Hammer with a hopeful smirk that was slowly revealing itself.
----- Hammer of the Populat -----

----- Jadecaste | Defender of the People |

Hammer of the Populat -----

With a nod, Hammer takes Weld's hand and gives a firm shake. "Very well. As we search for survivors, you can start to fill us in on where we are and the local languages and customs. No need in starting off on the wrong foot by offending someone."

During character creation, I put several dots towards languages in anticipation for our eventual entrance into Creation. How long with it take me to assign those dots and pick up on the local dialect? Also, just how much debris is around us? Is it just the Core of Rentus, or are we dealing with the entire city?
Pretty much most of the city landed in the area. I’d say the landscape for a good three mile radius is covered in wreckage, ruins and partially damaged buildings. It looks like the once-shining city of Rentus has been heavily bombarded, but there are still structurally-sound, if not beautifully finished any more, buildings. There’s likely plenty of salvageable material, machinery and such, as well as a large number of immense oblong pods. The pods have a number of flashing lights on them and are marked ‘Refuge Bunker’ in big, friendly letters (in Old Realm, of course)

As you make your compact with the strange man you dug out of the ruins, there is a crackle and a hiss, then a familiar voice rolls out across the landscape.

“Hear ye! Peoples of Rentus, hear ye! ‘Tis I, Iron Fist of Vigilance, speaking unto thee! Apologies I heap before thee for mine own lack of alacrity following this grave happenstance. Thus far I have been inspecting the ambient conditions to ascertain the safety of this land for the Maker’s people and I have found it to be safe for the purpose of deactivating the locks on the Refuge Bunkers.”

As his voice echoes across the tundra, there is a series of hisses from the nearest bunker and you can all clearly see the door seals rolling back. The door slowly yawns open and a man’s head wearing a hat with the words ‘Bunker Warden’ on it pokes myopically out. He shields his eyes from the light of the ball of fire in the sky, cursing roundly before disappearing back within. Your auditory systems start to pick up the excited babble of voices from within the bunker, many voices.

“Hear ye! Hear ye, people of Rentus! Post-emergency protocols are in full effect, bunker wardens are to take stock of their charges and report casualty figures to their line supervisors, medical personnel to report for duty and assignment. Maintenance and supply teams to make initial external surveys and make report to the closest Champions. That is all.”, Iron Fist’s voice echoes out again and people start to clamber out out of the nearby bunker, bowing their heads and shielding their eyes from the light and shuddering in the cold wind that swept through the broken streets and ruined buildings.

“Hear ye! Hear ye, the following Champions please report to the core room of Rentus: Hammer of the Populat, Envoy to Creation, Resplendent Shadow Sapphire and Custodian of Unity. The closest public vocabulator unit to the core room shall emit one bleep every micro-cycle.”

With that, the PA system goes silent but for a single persistent bleep off in the distance.
----- Resplendent Shadow Sapphire -----

----- Adamant | Infiltrator/Assassin |

Sheet -----

Sapphire frowns deeply as she slips from the nearest shadows to reveal herself once again. Strange man aside, knowledge of the Bunkers and Iron Fist made her... happier. Now if only Crisova could be located, assuming her home city made it out of that death trap. "What of this one? Do we let him remain here? It would be unwise to bring him to the Core Room." Her eyes narrow on him though Hammer may be liable to make a friend of him, she was the one remaining Adamant thus far and that meant she had to be far more watchful of those that create dissonance in the populace and champions. "Regardless," the still agitated adamant continues her tone terse, "I will go ahead. Whatever choice you have in the matter is yours to make, I hope it to be made with the safety of Rentus' population in mind."

Nullspace peeped at her but she ignored the concerned tone of her familiar and spun on her heel following the sounds of the vocabulator as they came.

----- Hammer of the Populat -----

----- Jadecaste | Defender of the People |
Hammer of the Populat -----

Hammer looks over at Weld. "If we are to work together, if you come with me now you may be able to learn more about us, and we can start to bridge the gap between our people and those of Creation. You will have the opportunity to meet Rentus, the heart of the city." As they walk over towards the sound of the beeping, Hammer asks, "Is it always so cold in Creation? If so, we will need to protect the people so it does not cause them harm." He looks about the devastated city with a feeling of despair. So much harm has been done because we did not serve the Maker to our fullest. I am sorry that we have failed you.


Weld's ears perked up. He looked this way and that, trying to localize the booming voice of this Iron Fist fellow. Nowhere to be found. Perhaps he is using something like Wind Carries Words Technique? Odd, though. It feels as though it is resonating throughout the field as opposed to from within my own mind. An essence powered speaking device, perhaps. He puzzled for a moment as to what this 'Rentus Heart' might look like. Would it be a giant robotic heart with metal rods and cackling essence reactions all about? Maybe a massive interface with many panels not unlike the stories he had heard about the Scarlet Empress's defence system. Weld considered both Sapphire's warning and Hammer's invitation carefully. It is very possible that this Rentus Heart or this Iron Fist will figure me for an Exalt. Perhaps that would be a good thing? The Mask of Winters never did give Weld an instruction booklet - only teachings on how to steal secrets, kill and grow in Exalted power from shadow to shadow. He was not so aware of his true heritage. If they do have the power to read me like a book, then perhaps I had better investigate in any event. If they are fakes - like everyone else - well, we shall soon see if they are fakes...

"Yes, Mr. Hammer. They need jackets. Let us meet your Rentus." He gave a slight nod of his head and motioned for Hammer to lead the way.

----- Hammer of the Populat -----

----- Jadecaste | Defender of the People |
Hammer of the Populat -----

Keeping a close watch on Weld, Hammer escorts their new found friend towards the central beacon that is calling the various Champions. As they walk, he wonders what has happened to the other great cities of Autocthon, most notably his own home of Yugash. Did Yugash survive the same way that Rentus did? How many of our people lost their lives in the disaster? Enough of that. We are alive, and we have a chance to protect the people of Rentus and all of Creation. Surrender to the Void is never an option. Duty is all.

As they walk, he suddenly reaches out with his hand to pull Weld back from the edge of a open pit filled with ginding and crushing gears. "Watch your step, neighbor. Didn't you see the alert sign? No matter. We are nearly at the Core to speak with Rentus, and see just how bad things are. Just keep your eyes open while you are in the city limits. I would hate to lose our newfound guide to a silly industrial accident."


Weld cursed himself for being such a klutz but managed to let it roll off his back. A notable drop, to be sure. Nothing that he couldn't handle, but it would delay things considerably and he would have more explaining to do. He nodded absently down into the gears gave a slow bow of his head to Hammer replete with thanks.

He raised his eyebrows and noticeably widened his eyes upon hearing Envoy's question, putting his hand to his chin and stroking his scraggly beard. He looked down for a moment. Lunar and sidereal exalted? Must be referring to her friends again. Different Solar factions, probably. He had heard something about their representing different aspects of the morning and evening. Probably all scattered across Creation or, more likely, dead.

He made direct eye contact with Envoy after careful thought. "Like I said before, never seen one of your Solar friends up close. Wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Do the Lunar Solars look any different than the Sidereal Solars?" Would be worth it to find out how to tell them apart and, more importantly, which ones would have an easier time at killing him.

----- Custodian of Unity -----

----- Jade Alchemical | Defender of the People| Sheet -----

Custodian of Unity has landed separately from the rest of his Assembly thanks to the chaos of their fall to creation. He has spent the time using his Jade given abilities lifting and clearing away debris and rubble from the entrance to every Bunker he can find. When the seals, at last, slide back Unity gives a sigh of relief that their efforts were successful - they are indeed in Creation.

Before breaking off from his duties helping the survivors Custodian of Unity organizes and designates temporary shift workers to form and supervise teams for the purpose of collecting survivors, damage assessment and gaining access to the emergency sustenance stores. The siren call from Iron Fist comes at just the right moment, he follows the beeping towards the nearest entrance point seeking out the Core of Rentus. Coming over a rise, he spots the trio of other Exalts conversing with a mutant NOT bearing a soulgem in his forehead. "Friends we are well met."

I am here! I have posted! yay!
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----- Hammer of the Populat -----

----- Jadecaste | Defender of the People |
Hammer of the Populat -----

A feeling of relief washes over him at the sight of Custodian of Unity. With all that has been lost, at least there is another Champion to help protect the people. As they escort Weld, Hammer introduces him to Custodian. "Welcome to Creation, my friend. This is one of the locals, a man calling himself Weld. He has agreed to help us understand the changes that have happened here over the centuries that our people have been out of contact. The Solars we had hoped to bring our warning to have fallen, and apparently the Dragon Blooded are the ones in charge now. We are on our way to see Rentus, and I was escorting Weld. Tell me, have you seen the men of my command? The last contact I had with them was before we entered the Core and fought against the Ministers. Ah! There is my second in command. Sergeant! Walk with me and report. Any casualties on the team?" The other man shakes his head negative. "No, sir. It seems that the Maker was watching out for us all. We got a crowd to the shelter just in time. Hammer? Sir? What is going on, and who is this person? How is it possible for him not to have a soulgem?"

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