[The End is Nigh] Chapter 2: A Brave New World

The Dark Wizard

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“Thank you . . “ whispered Rentus, falling to the ground as the backlash from breaching the Seal of the Eight Divinities flooded her system. She looked over her body as more charm installations fell from it, her defenses still purging the very last traces of void-taint, a measure to protect herself from re-infection. She had watched impassively as Ironfist had to once again purge his assembly, they were no match for the room’s defence systems. Everything began to rumble and shake, titanic energies surged and rippled beyond the protective walls of the city. Her people were safe, she knew. Iron Fist, in his own coolly logical way had sounded the ‘Hazardous Environment’ klaxons, urging the people to evacuate the city’s streets and take refuge in the sealed bunkers ensconced within the nigh-impregnable core structure. They had moved with all the efficiency of Autochthonian citizens, gathering up those who could not move as quickly and such essential supplies as they would need and swiftly filing into their designated bunkers. With the doors sealed, no toxins, poisons or radiation would get to them.

She stood up, ripping some of the now useless wires from her self, leaving only one that connected her to the primary systems of the city. She looked down at the unconscious Champions, sprawled across the core room floor, their bodies drained of Essence. Strangely though the connection to Rentus earlier was not disconnected, you watched through her eyes, at the unfolding scene, like a strange dream.

“You are indeed my most beautiful and useful daugh-” the minister was interrupted as Rentus’ gears and engines kicked inside of her long dormant core body, moving with the strength and speed of one her age, punching the minister into the ground.

The minister coughs up some a black like blood substance. “It’s too late . .you broke the seal, I am free”

The minister continued to smile as Rentus slammed her foot on his face, with no compassion for the void bringer, again and again, faster and faster, until with a sickening ‘crunch’, she crushed it. His entire body dissolved into oily black smoke, before dissipating.

Ironfist, sat still, watching. “Rentus? What are you planning? Don’t forget, I have the same command protocols as you and I don’t like what it is that you are considering.”

She walked over to him, and hugged him. “It’s going to be alright, trust in Rentus.”

As she extended her senses over the city, you could all feel it, the damage befalling the city as the ground around the city vanished as prophesied by the ministers, but with the Seal broken, you see that there is now somewhere to go even with the world body of Autochthon vanishing, and that was down through the swirling vortex that shattered the landscape around the city.

“Subsector, 5-23 lost, 448 lives, extinguished.” She frowned, as she began to channel her remaining essence.

“Area 4469, no longer connected to the network, 2149 lives, missing presumed extinguished. Retracting all refuge bunkers closer to the core. Factory structure Theta-73 has suffered catastrophic damage. Essence core detonation in 18 seconds. Factory structure Theta-73 ejected for safe Essence core detonation. All factory personnel lost, 98 lives extinguished.”, she said, as oily tears trickled down her cheeks, “Redirecting power to core shielding, extending shields to encompass surviving refuge bunkers. Shield integrity is at 78% and falling.”

She moved her view to the city’s external sensors and you are all aware of something you have not seen before. A great golden orb, its surface rippling with radiant Essence, hovering above you and below nothing but whiteness. But something was wrong. The orb was rising up, no, the city was falling! Plummeting downward, faster and faster, it started to tumble end over end, it’s total lack of aerodynamics causing it to roll and spin uncontrollably.

“Collision with foreign ground imminent. Reconfiguring city defence Essence cannons... Reconfiguration complete, firing!”, she spoke swiftly as her remaining Municipal Charms worked to rebuild weapons into attitude-adjustment thrusters.

It worked, to a degree, and the city righted itself, the vast base acting like a giant parachute. But the instant the city righted itself, alerts began popping up. Overstress warnings from the outlying sectors as the air resistance and braking thrust began working at already-weakened structures. There was a wrenching sensation and a shudder passed through the city. Rentus shrieked in pain and clutched at her arm, gritting her teeth.

“Sector 19 has catastrophically detached from Rentus. Refuge bunker 184 was lost. 10698 lives.... extinguished.”, she sobbed, sinking to her knees, “Current velocity is too high to facilitate safe landing. Estimated damage to Rentus: 100%. Estimated casualty count: 1,794,435. Estimated survivor count: zero.”

But not if she had something to do about it. She was one of The Great Maker’s children and she had been imbued with his power along with the rest of his creations. Numbers, calculations, everything, it was within her realm to manipulate and control.

She began to channel her will into the last of her God Machine Protocols, the air around her sizzling, as the ancient machine flies off out of her body, unseen in creation for thousands of years.

“Estimated Damage . . . 100% . . . . 98% . . . . . 95%. . . . 91%. . “

Her right arm exploded off her body, as the city continued to suffer damage.

“83%. . .79%”

One of her legs shattered, forcing her to her remaining knee, uncontrollable oily tears coming out.

“71%” Her voice echoed, as she yelled “I am The Respectable Enterprise of United Splendor, and I want you all to live!”

And with that you felt her warm smile, and the connection went offline as you crashed into Creation.

After an unknown period of time, you all begin to wake up to strange sensations. There is a persistent whistle in your auditory arrays, almost like an ‘end of shift’ whistle, but different. You can feel an air flow across your limbs and torsos; cold like the interior of a refrigeration unit. Your olfactory arrays detect a variety of smells; burning materials, oil and something else, something crisper. As your optical arrays come on-line you realise that you are outside Rentus’ core chamber, sprawled across a field of wreckage and a strange white substance, like fine ash, but cold and... it dissolves to a fluid form with continued manipulation? A sudden noise draws your attention and you observe a child rummaging about, with the greater intact mass of Rentus’ city-body all around you. the most terrifying fact about this child was that it did not have a soulgem in it’s forehead, some sort of abomination, perhaps?

You wake up, in the north of Creation, never having seen the white substance falling from the sky before, a beautiful open sky, a giant ball of fire, etc.

You are welcomed to be as damaged as you want, just not dead, during all of this, for RP purposes, you will be fixed up shortly.

When you wake up you can describe things as much as you want, etc.
----- Envoy to Creation -----

----- Orchicalum | Ambassador to Creation | Envoy to Creation -----

[unknown External Stimuli] Re-engaging primary systems.




Primary systems engaged

Beginning Self check



Warning. No global timing system detected.

Current Date and Time Unknown



Structural Damage medium.


Reactivating sensory equipment


Envoy's eyes once again saw. Every one of her senses was able to perceive the extent of the destruction around her. Was this all that was left of Rentus ? .... was this all that was left of her world ?

Her face plate opened, exposing her face to Creation for the first time. For a long time she had wanted to go to Creation and now that her dream had been accomplished, the full realization of the price payed removed any joy she could have felt for such an occasion.

All they could do now was do their best to salvage what little there was left.

New mission parametres loaded:

1) Locate and rally other survivors

2) Initiate reconnaissance and contact Solar Authorities.

Suddenly, she sensed movement and saw this being without a soulgem. Could he be.... a native ? She recalled from her learning that soulgems were an innovation from the great maker himself. Could it be Creation had another system for such matters ?

She slowly approached the child and then spoke in the best Realm language she could manage:

"Greetings. Are you from this area ?"
----- Custodian of Unity -----

----- Jade Alchemical | Defender of the People |

Sheet -----

....Great Maker!

Awareness did not return piecemeal or gradually. Rather it shot through Custodian of Unity like an electric current. The ball of fire while distant looked hot and molten, the Alchemical tensed as he gazed up into a dome so vast that he could not even discern its' true boundaries. Habitually he motions to deactivate the Shielding Block which protected his bulk from any significant injuries, finding it completely inert. Panic builds for a second that all their efforts came to nothing but steadies when, after careful inward listening, he can still feel the crystalline hum of Clarity.

Creation! We made it!

What of the population?

The Octect?

My brothers and sisters?

"Rentus? Iron Fist? Hammer?" Respond."

Rising slowly to survey the Devastation of Rentus, Unity stands tall under a pale blue sky.
The abomination seemed to have been scavenging from the remains if the city. Some shards of magical materials are in his arms as he startles at your greeting. He scrambles back, everything that he tried to salvage falling from his hands as he starts babbling in an unknown language.
----- Resplendent Shadow Sapphire -----

----- Adamant | Infiltrator/Assassin |

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Sapphire, the voice, whether hers or not she could not tell, called out to her over and over again with a desperate hint.

Sapphire's wings were the first to tell anyone that the adamant based alchemical was still alive, their flare pulsing with essence a chaotic song. Slowly her fingers moved and a moan escaped her lips. Damage was considerable, and her mind was slow to inform her of it, several of her essence regulation systems were slowly recovering. A leg moved, and finally her eyes opened and as they did the voice faded. Crisova? Tears were in her eyes as she stirred to full consciousness. As her mind quickly worked to understand her own condition she recalled the events that transpired up until the disconnect. Gone... all gone? She stands and gasps in pain, her leg joints groan and whine at her efforts. Still the Adamant Caste ignores that pain.

"Rentus... Crisova?" Sapphire stumbles forward looking for Rentus' core, or any hint of life. They couldn't all be dead? Nullspace Cannon adjusts itself on her back nearly taking her off balance and her peep is questioning and concerned. Her eyes find the other champions who were moving as well. Sapphire holds herself and falls to her knees. What meaning was there in the transport, if no one but Champions lived!? She turns her gaze to the sky a frozen curse to the hateful void on her lips as her sorrow is marked with surprise. Miles and miles and more miles of sky, sky as far as the eye could see, strange white stuff fell from dark looking and far more thicker smog clouds, and a sphere of fire and essence, burning and glaring but not hotly. In fact the coldness here was... almost familiar. Her eyes dart to the child that was bolting, scavenging off of Rentus... A moment of anger flares before melting into sorrow, what meaning... when no members of the populate survived... What meaning was there!!

----- Hammer of the Populat -----

----- Jadecaste | Defender of the People |
Hammer of the Populat -----

Hammer picks himself up from the floor with a groan. Damage indicators flash through his field of vision as he quickly evaluates his status. Not good, but repairable with time. Now, where in the name of the Great Maker are we? Is this Creation? What is that person doing there? He looks at this strange person that is missing his soulgem. With a slow, easy motion, he raises up his hands in a disarming gesture. "I am called Hammer of the Populat, and these are my companions. Can you understand me?"
The child stares at you, almost too scared to speak before he shakes his head. It appears that he cannot understand a single word that you are saying.

Looking around you, there seems to be many things lying in the ruins. Will you start trying to search the area for survivors or do you try to get more information from the boy?
----- Resplendent Shadow Sapphire -----

----- Adamant | Infiltrator/Assassin |

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Sapphire stood and her hair tumbled to her waist, the child forgotten, if he couldn't understand then there was nothing for her try. She had to find survivors... Retus... Ironfist... Oh Crisova, please tell me that you made it out. Her home was with Crisova, not this cold white place. Nullspace peeped at her with concern but no words were spoken, nonetheless the Adamant takes to the sky her wings flaring with essence. Halfheartedly she flies her eyes looking for moment, Machine-god, human, Rentus, Ironfist, she would content herself with any of these. Unless the boy was not alone... then she had no idea what she could do.

A warning flared and she winced as a spark sent smoke to stream from her right wing. Nullspace gives a short peep, and engages her own flight system. Sapphire merely sighs to herself as she locks the damaged wing in place. "Hello, citizens of Rentus? Anyone?" Her lilting voice is soft as she calls down the ground below her, a strange voice in a land of snowy silence and cold doom.
It is eerily quiet across the scene before you hear the wellknown sound of metal grinding against metal. Debris shifts as someone struggle to get out of the rubble. Someone is alive, and needs help.'

The young child, realizing someone is trapped there quickly scrambles to his feet as he quickly runs to help. His fear is forgotten for now, now all he wants to do is help.
----- Custodian of Unity -----

----- Jade Alchemical | Defender of the People |

Sheet -----

Cusodian of Unity's voice carries far in the eerie quiet which, to one raised in the continual din of the Great Maker's body, is more deafening and unsettling than the loudest of His great mechanical organs "Citizens of Rentus, stay calm, help is coming and we will rescue you. Speak and give voice so that you may be found."

He proceeds to proceed cautiously through the strewn debris of the city carefully looking for signs of life, his installed Augmentations greatly enhancing his strength shifting heavy bulkheads and broken machinery out of the way. As he searches Unity prays that there are survivors to be found.

I won't let it all be for nothing!.

Are the players located within eye-sight of each other or did we crash land in separate locations across a debris trail?

Sixth Strength Augmentation gives Unity a Str+Athletics total of 9 for lifting

----- Hammer of the Populat -----

----- Jadecaste | Defender of the People |
Hammer of the Populat -----

Hammer shakes himself free from his ruminations and moves quickly to the aid of the fallen.
----- Envoy to Creation -----

----- Orchicalum | Ambassador to Creation | Envoy to Creation -----

Envoy joined the others in helping people out of the debris. They had to secure and organise everyone they could.
----- Resplendent Shadow Sapphire -----

----- Adamant | Infiltrator/Assassin |

Sheet -----

Sapphire turned sharply in the air and dived down to where the others were already hard at work. She ignored her damaged body and with Nullspace's supporting her own efforts she began to dig. She prayed, and prayed... but to who? The voice that called her into the Reaches where she found Nullspace? Crisova if she could hear them. To any benevolent being that would just hear and help. But her wounded heart didn't hope for the latter, she desired the former two more than anything, a point in her life where things made sense, when protecting the Great Maker was her mission. With him gone... she had no mission, with Crisova gone she had no drive. No she had to hold on, if these were survivors... then Crisova could have survived as well. Assuming the great mobile metropolis was not too damaged to survive the trip itself.

She is silent though, her words she was certain would not help those trapped below. She couldn't trust her voice not to be betrayed by her emotions.


Sheet -----

Well, there was a first time for everything. All Well Deserving was seeing everything he wanted to see, and for the first time in his wretched Abyssal existence, he looked back on past events and a hint of a legitimate smile sneaked up the corner of his lips. From massive trees in the East that looked like they could swallow an elephant, to the earth shaking blizzards of this the Northern tundra, and now this radiant meteor high up in the sky that looked like it might hit somewhere in the Western Seas. Good time for a journal entry. He sat down and flipped through the tattered pages. The meteor was fantastic looking, with all different colours of browns, golds and coppers. Wait, golds and coppers? Was that normal?

It could not be a meteor. No rock formation could shine and reflect light like that. This was more metallic-looking. Right. It could not be a meteor. Not with what looked to be, thrusters? Yes, thrusters. It has to be one of those rare Skyships! He scratched a few notes down. Never seen one up close before. It is just that, well, the size of it actually seems to be blotting out the sunlight. Were Skyships such behemoths that they could block out the sun like this? A journal entry indeed. He tilted his head a bit and adjusted his vision to get a better look. It swooned and tumbled and did many flips end over end. From the look of it, it was closer than he had originally thought. Maybe right over top of him. All Well Deserving was impressed with the pilot's skill level. What a show. How does he manage to do those flips and not lose control of the vessel?

More of the wondrous artifact came into view, and All Well Deserving once again found himself perplexed. The ship does not look to be very aerodynamic. It looks more like a saucer, or maybe a giant mechanical crab. It was getting closer. And now he could tell that many sections were damaged. It trailed several black tails of smoke from many decks. Closer yet. It was blotting out most of the sky now. This can't be right. He squinted, and shook his head in disbelief. Are those .... buildings and roads?!? There are so many! An entire flying city!?!?! No. This metropolis is not flying, maneuvering or doing any fancy flips.

It was crashing. Right on top of him.

"Fuck me."

Activating Wounds Mean Nothing for 8 motes in order to absorb the full brunt of the falling city of Rentus.
Alchemicals: You all quickly dig into the rubble before a hand bursts out of it, pulling itself to the surface. It is another abomination without a soul gem on his forehead. But as he scrabbles out of the debris, you take notice of his black attire. They look like funeral garbs.

All Well Deserving (AWD): Your charms allow you to survive the impact as you try to climb out of the literal mountain of debris that is piled on-top of you. Surprisingly, you are pulled to your feet as four strange beings, humanoid in appearance save for their metallic skin, pull you to your feet.


----- Hammer of the Populat -----

----- Jadecaste | Defender of the People |
Hammer of the Populat -----

At the sight of another abomination, Hammer lets out a startled gasp. At least there is a survivor. Speaking slowly and clearly, he asks, "Can you understand me? We are friends, and we are not going to hurt you."


Sheet -----

All Well Deserving did not think it was possible to absorb such an impact, even with all of his Exalted power. He groaned and grunted with every push through the debris. And then, he heard a group of what sounded to be like giants move in right over top of him. They were clearing the debris. Damn it. They will see that I am not wounded. If I just ram my head into this piece of metal a few times, here...

Bashing my head against the debris to inflict 2 bashing damage on myself.

And then the last piece of debris was removed. He shielded his eyes from the sun and scratched the newly formed blood on his head. All Well Deserving took a good look at his timely rescue squad. He gave Envoy and Sapphire a particularly thorough once-over. Hmmm...some of them are quite attractive. Almost too attractive. Were these the Anathema the Order so feared? The Solar demons? Their Unholy City in ruin? He dusted off his black robes and wearily came to his feet. It was not hard to be tired after being trapped for hours. Surely mention of their metallic looking skin would have appeared in one of the messages I intercepted. Or, perhaps my High Realm is worse than I thought. He had always thought his Old Realm was stronger, but barely got a chance to use it. Time to make some new friends. It was getting boring out here, anyways.

He initiated a slow, ceremonial bow for the group with his arms outstretched and palms face up. "You can call me whatever you like after saving my hide like that, because I'm all well deserving of nothing. I am in your debt. Is there anything I might do to make your stay out here in the tundra more comfortable, my lords and ladies?" he added with a hint of a smile. Old Realm was like speaking in waves of raw, untapped power as opposed to blocks of organized sound. It felt right for the situation. He hoped that the titles would appeal to their ego or at least trigger their humility. Whatever the case was, if these were the Solar Anathema of old or some other Great Power, he would need to play nice to find out.

----- Hammer of the Populat -----

----- Jadecaste | Defender of the People |
Hammer of the Populat -----

Hammer lets out a sigh of relief. At least this one can be understood. The large Jadecaste looks over this new arrival with interest. "I am no lord; just a humble servant of the people. I am known as Hammer of the Populat, and surely you have a name of your own besides whatever we may call you. What is this place? Is this 'tundra' in Creation? We are from - a place far away from here."
----- Envoy to Creation -----

----- Orchicalum | Ambassador to Creation | Envoy to Creation -----

As Hammer introduced himself, so did she, relieved to have found someone fluent in the Realm language.

"Greetings to you, friend. I am Envoy to Creation. As my companion had indicated, we are servants of of the people. Are we to take you are native from these lands ? We need to address the Deliberative with an important message.... once we have recovered the survivors of this terrible event."


A guttural instinct rose from the deepest reaches of All Well Deserving's tarnished soul. My name. He wants to know my real name. He was so far away from everything - from the Mask, from the Whispers, and everything else. Fear, hatred and longing all welled up in his core, bringing a promise of elation at one simple utterance. God damn it just say it. It's not hard. The Mask is worlds away. Just tell them. Fuck. I can't. No - I won't. Who do these people think they are anyways? And the Deliberative? What Solar in their right mind would want to...? He started to feel his blood rush to his face. Not that it mattered - it was covered in blood and soot already and his beard covered half of it. Still, if he didn't say something...

"You can call me Weld. I am a traveler here in Creation. I know my way around the Deliberative and the Senate. Where did you say you were from again? Do you know anything about this crashing saucer or where it came from?"
----- Envoy to Creation -----

----- Orchicalum | Ambassador to Creation | Envoy to Creation -----

Crashing saucer ? The individual named Weld must have been referring to the escape pod. It made sense that a a probable member of Creation's proletariat, he wouldn't necessarily know about all of Autochton's wonders.

"The escape pod is how we arrived here. We have come back from outside of creations. The circumstances of this... arrival were not favorable. This is the reason why it is urgent for us to address Creation's highest authorities, the solars themselves."
OOC: Going to wait for you guys to finish your conversation before I make a post.


Weld squinted his eyes at the absurdity of the statement and almost laughed. He was so wrong about these ones. Creation's highest authorities? The Solars? What a surprise they would be in for at the Blessed Isle. Speaking heresy of this magnitude would get them killed.

He studied their faces for a few moments. Their motivations are ... familiar. Then he recognized it. Duty. Honour. So easily swayed by the unseen hand of commitment and cause in a world that is ready to eat them alive. This would not do at all.

He mused. Is it your wish to march right up to your so-called Solar friends and hope they give you the help you need? It appears you have been gone for a long time. Perhaps you are not so much of a friend to them any longer. Perhaps they turned their backs on Creation, and were replaced by more fit leaders. Perhaps it is even that they have been all but wiped from the face of Creation. And perhaps not.

Weld paused and gave them all a stern, disheartening glare, making sure he had everyone's complete attention before continuing.

The point is this. How is it that you can assume these people will listen to you when you openly admit to me that you are from far away from here, outside of Creation? He folded his arms into his chest and started a slow circle around the newcomers, making sure they each of them could feel the full weight of his stare. We are also speaking a dead language. No one uses Old Realm any more. If you are not from Creation, then where? The Wyld? The Underworld? If you openly admit that you are not from here, where is it that you believe you can say you are from without getting killed on sight? Who do you serve? What is it that you most need? He stopped after coming full circle to face Envoy. These are all questions you will be asked, and not knowing the answer or not being able to communicate an answer at all will be counter-productive for you, to say the least. I can tell you that the world has changed a great deal, wherever you are from. Your precious Solars may not love the people the way you believe them to. Would you be interested in knowing more about this new world, before breaking down everyone's doors looking for your friends? He raised his left eyebrow and smiled playfully, as if to annunciate his point with a resoundingly clear mockery.

Can engage in Social Combat and Join Debate if anyone cares to have a go at it before Dark continues on with the story. But I imagine everyone is eager for the next event.
----- Envoy to Creation -----

----- Orchicalum | Ambassador to Creation | Envoy to Creation -----

Envoy had to admit to herself she cared not much for the tone this Weld was using with them. He appeared to act as if he was in some sort of position of authority over them. Not being Autochton, a minister or of the Tripartit, that definitly wasn't the case. She spoke to her fellow alchemical in their own languages:

"Watch for him, his words sound dangerously seditious. He could be... whatever this world's counterpoint to the cults of the void is."

She turned back to Weld and returned his gaze, showing she was unimpressed:

"So you claim our information is incorect. Perhaps you you enlighten us with your knowledge, oh wise one."

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