The End Draws Near


One Thousand Club
Anna opens her stunning eyes, her body cuddled up against Corey's, she blinked sleepily and sat up, and rubber her eyes. Bright sunlight poured in through the windows and light up the walls and floor of their room, she looked back at the sleeping Corey and smiled, she stood up and quickly wrapped a bath robe around her body, she looked in the mirror, her light brown hair falling down his thin shoulders, and then she walked across the room and opened the blinds of the windows, more sunlight pouring inside, "Wake up Honey." she said gently and walked to his side of the bed and kissed his forehead gently.

Cooper laid at the foot of the bed, his massive body spread out and he watched Anna open the window, then his ears went erect and he sat up, then he jumped off the bed quickly, his massive paws landed with a thud on the hard wood floor, He ran up to the window and put his paws up on the windowsill, and barked loudly.

Kristen woke up when she heard Cooper barking and she groaned and put her pillow over her head "
Shut Up Cooper!!" she yelled as the dog continued to bark, then she sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily, and stood up.

Anna jumped when she heard Cooper bark loudly and she looked over at the massive dog "
Cooper!" she scolded the dog, and then walked over and yanked him by the collar, trying to get him away from the window, but the dog pulled hard against her and kept barking loudly, his nails scraped against the hard wood floor as he continued to struggle against Anna, Anna grunted and let the dog go and he ran back to the window and kept barking in a defending type of way. She looked over at Corey questioningly, the dog never acted like this.

Mason slept in his bed, the sun light poured through the windows, but he continued to sleep like a baby, Captain laid on the foot of the bed, snoring softly.

Lilly was awake and dressed, sunlight poured into her home and she stood in the kitchen making a cup of coffee.
Corey yawned at sat up, he stretched a little, and walked over to Anna's side. "Morning Anna." He said with a soft and partially drowsy smile. He furrowed his eyebrows when he heard Cooper barking, he pulled a sweatshirt over his torso, and then looked at Anna. "I wonder what's gotten into Coops." He said questioningly. It had been the longest time ago, when Cooper was acting so denfending. Corey wondered what had gotten into his beast of a dog.

Kyle groaned when he heard Cooper barking, "Cooper, shut up!!" He yelled right after Kristen. He grumbled under his breath, and then shoved his head back into the pillow. But it was no use, the light was already pouring through the window like a river. He sat up on his bed, and pulled a sweatshirt over his chest as he walks out of the door of his room.

Blare turned over in her sleep, and rolled on top of her phone. She had been texting back and forth with Masoon for about 4 or 5 hours last night. It buzzed off with a reminder, and that sent her shooting up like a rocket. She placed her hand on her chest, and breathed a few heavy breaths. Harlem wasnt disturbed by her, he still laid on the foot of her bed, sleeping like a rock.
Anna shook her head "I don't know." she said gently and then knelt beside Cooper, he continued to bark, his eyes stared out the window, but there was nothing there except a few birds and a bunny, he never barked at them before though. "Are you hungry Coop?" she said playfully, almost exactly how she used to talk to Kyle and Kristen when they were babies. The dog continued to bark then ran away from the window and ran down the hall and ran between Kyle's legs, and then ran down the stairs his paw shitting the ground hard, and then he ran at the door and barked at it, and he growled and continued to bark, his loud sound of attention ringing through the house loudly, and he scratched at the door, his nails scratching the snow white paint.

Anna watched the dog run away and stood up, then watched him knock Kyle off balance and she then looked back at Corey nervously and walked down the hall quickly.

Kristen opened her door, she wore basket ball shorts and a baggy white shirt, she walked down the hall, and looked down the stairs and the angry dog, "
What the hell?" she said softly as the dog began to gnaw at the door as if it were food and he hadn't eaten in months.

Mason yawned and sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes, the sun light gleaming on his face, he sheilded his eyes and grunted as he hauled himself out of bed.

Corey turned and sped down the hall to meet their dog who had suddenly gone haywire. He looked at Anna, then at the door, "Could he want to go outside?" He asked her, as he grabbed ahold of his collar, and tried to pull him away from the door. He managed to pulled Copper a little ways away from the door, but the dog wolf over powered him, and continued gnawing at the door. He was a little curious as to why Cooper was acting so different than he usually did. He held Cooper's collar tightly, then pulled him back from the door a little bit more.

Kyle stood up and looked at Kriaten then his the dog and the parents. He liter his head and walked over to them; "What is wrong with Cooper?" He asked a little frustrated. He checked his phone to make sure it wasn't cracked, then he put it in his pocket, and observed their dog gnawing at the door.

Blare walked into her kitchen where she brewed herself a pot of coffee. She wondered what she would do that day as she popped her bagel into the toaster. Her phone was plugged into her stereo, but it wasnt too loud. She woke up to the music as she got ready for the day.
Anna shook her head "Maybe?" she said then opened the door to their back yard, Cooper yanked out of Corey's grip and then ran across the yard quickly, then the sound flooded through and into the house, all the dogs in the neighborhood were barking madly, Cooper's fur was bristling and he attacked the large wooden fence keeping him out of the road, and he bit and clawed at it madly continuing to bark like crazy, drool dripping from his Jaws. "I'm sorry honey!" she said, not knowing the dog would yank away from him so quickly.

Kristen watched with surprise, Cooper never acted this way! she ran down the stairs and to Kyle and her parents.

Anna turned to Kyle and shook her head with concern "
We don't know." she said gently and watched the dog attack the newly built fence, after the one her destroyed about a month ago, his behavior had been going bad for a few months, chewing on tables and furniture, barking like crazy, and breaking the fence in multiple areas.
Corey ran outside, chasing Cooper. It was a good thing that he was still in the prime of his life. Because if he wasnt, there wouldn't be a way that he could possibly pull Cooper back from the fence. He looked over at Anna and shook his head, "It's ok, neither of us were ready for that." He told her before he fastened his hands into his collar, and pulled with all of his strength. He got Cooper a few inches away from the fence, ad he hoped it would be enough for Cooper to not be able to get at the fence.

Kyle ran to the dog, he stood across from his dad, and helped pull Cooper a little ways away from the fence. In that very moment, the phrase 'man power' was over powered by a wolf-dog. The dog ran around in a circle, and bolted to the other side of the yard. Kyle sighed and helped his dad up, they then went to the house.

Corey stood next to Anna, he wrapped his arm and her back side. "I don't know what to do about him." He told her as he shook his head and rubbed his back. He wondered what had gotten into Cooper for the past few months. He thought an out it and decided that is was too big of a problem to solve alone. "We need to figure out what is wrong." He said to his family.
nichole woke up the next morning to her alarm clock. she snuggled into Jesse's chest. so warm...she then got jumped on by smokey and flora. she groaned and turned over.

Jesse laughed looking at nichole. "cmon coco time to wake up..." whispering in her ear. he smiled when she got up. it was time to get Monique up anyway.

Nichole put on her robe and yawned. it was 5:57A.M. she went to Monique's room and said"MONIQUE GET UP!" she heard a clock hit the door and chuckled.she fixed some coffee and started cooking breakfast. luna smokey and flora pawwed her legs. she giggled and gave them their food.

Monique groaned waking up and did her morning routine. she put on some jeans and converses and a graphic tee.
Cooper struggled against Corey and Kyle, he snapped at the fence as they pulled him away, then once he felt their grip loosen he bolted again at the fence, then he heard them walk away, he ran up and down the fence barking like the other dogs in their neighborhood, then everything fell silent, Cooper stopped barking and froze, then he looked up at the sky as a flock of black birds flew through the sky like a dark cloud, it blocked the sun for a moment, but they flew quickly, their calls ringing out, then once they past the sun reappeared and it shone brightly, Cooper sniffed the air, and then barked a few times, a couple dogs barked after him and then he ran back to Corey, Anna, Kyle and Kristen, he whimpered and nudged Corey's legs then turned around and faced away from them, his body was tense and his tail was risen in an aggressive posture.

Anna watched Cooper then continued to watch the disgusting birds as they flew, and then looked back down at Cooper, "
What?" she said this was so weird! he was such a good dog! what if they were forced to give him away? no one would take the dog, he would be put to sleep. Anna looked up at Corey with a worried expression.

Kristen stood beside her brother and looked over at him, then back outside and down at Cooper, the dog stood in a way, as if he was waiting for something.
nichole shivered feeling like something was wrong. she kissed jesse after putting on her work uniform. "seeya at lunch jess!" she drove to the veterinary clinic.

jesse said"bye! cmon monique!" hopping into the car. he felt something amiss but ignored it.

Monique said"kay!" locking the door. but she noticed something wrong with the pets. "dad somethings wrong with the pets!"
Cooper's ears were erect and he stared outside, they darted back and forth and then he stepped outside again, he growled and raised his tail, his fur bristled with anger and he lowered his head, a little ways back there were dark clouds, and the wind blew slowly, but it wasn't cold, it was hot, and it blew Cooper's fur back slightly.

Anna felt the air and looked up at Corey again "What's going on?" she asked softly, Anna and Corey hadn't talked about their past since way way before Kyle and Kristen were born, the thought didn't come to mind about her past, and she watched the dark clouds move closer slowly.
nichole suddenly lost control of her car. she screamed and opened the door tucking and rolling out. she said"what the?!" as she saw her car crash. she got a call from jesse. "SOMETHINGS WRONG WITH THE PETS HURRY!" nichole cursed and ran down the street heading back.

jesse saw flora and smokey on their sides. blood coming from wounds but he didnt know where. luna was in the same shape.
Corey scratched his head, he looked at Anna, and then at Cooper. When he looked up and saw the dark, black clouds, suddenly he was in a flashback. "Demons." He said as he looked at Anna worriedly. "Something must be up around here, I haven't seen those birds since Lucas." He whispered worriedly.

Kyle walked into the house, he had the feeling that something was annoying Cooper. But he didn't know what, he took a computer out, and looke up dogs. He looked at he screen and then walked outside, "Here." He said, handing Anna the laptop.

Dani had finished her shower, when she heard Harlem barking. She dressed herself, then walked out to see him standing on her bed and barking out of the window. She pulled him down, and looked at him. Something was wrong, he hadn't barked like than in a long time.
nichole ran faster and faster. she ran inside and said"get back!" kneeling next to them. she saw scratches along their bodies. she quickly tended to them. she suddenly felt the temperature drop.

jesse also felt the chill. he looked at nichole when she stopped. "whats wrong?!" worried about her.

Monique said"mom! mom! whats wrong?!" also worried.
(Oh course :) but you can find the character sheets in the character sheet threads, if you need a link, just ask :) )

Anna let her eyes graze over the screen quickly a few times and she tapped her lip gently, then froze when she heard Corey say Demons. She looked up at him and shook her head, "
No!" she said stubbornly and then turned her gaze back to the screen the column read:

How many times have you heard stories how dogs would show signs of seeing unseen entities. Although never scientifically proven, a lot of dog owners believed that their pets can see spirits. Some were spooked, others were intrigued. Non-believers tried to find a scientific or at least a logical explanation for the dog’s peculiar ability. Does your dog show signs of seeing things not visible to human eyes? Most dog owners have their own stories to tell about the dog’s bizarre paranormal abilities.

Dogs are sensitive to the spirit world. How they behave depends on the dog's relationship to the spirit. If it is the ghost of their departed owner or another loved one, a dog will often see them and may react with their usual greeting ritual, even curling up at or about the spirit's "feet" or "lap". If the ghost is a stranger, especially one with negative energy, a dog may react by focusing on "empty air",growling and having their hair stand on end, or by cringing in abject fear, even to the point of being unwilling to ever enter that room or area again.

Dogs are noted for their heightened senses. The psychic sensitivity allows the dog to pick up telepathic signals that are floating around, ability that only humans with the “gift” can do. Studies have documented situations when dogs have demonstrated their 6th sense. Dogs are believed to manifest mental telepathy when they sense the arrival or the death of a loved one. Many dog owners have recounted stories how the dog would howl or stay at the death bed of an ailing family member. Superstitious beliefs attribute this fact to the dogs ability to see the reaper and the spirits of departed loved ones that are watching while the ailing person is about to depart the earth plane.

Dogs normally bark ferociously when in the presence of intruders. The pricked ears, the bared teeth and the raised hackles demonstrate the dog’s aggression. A dog that is purportedly seeing spirits would show a distinctly different reaction. The barking in itself would be different. Instead of the rapid barking, the dog’s woof will be interspersed with whining. What would be most noticeable is the dog’s droopy tail. The dog would show aggression especially if the owner is around. The pet is trying to protect the master from something that is not familiar but it would show fear and nervousness as well.

Anna stopped reading and shut the lap top, then she gave it back to Kyle, she stood up and looked at Corey, "
Its not-" she was cut off by a lightening flash and the ground rumbled when the thunder doomed loudly, she caught herself quickly from falling and then looked over at Cooper, he was whining and whimpering, his tail was drooped and his barks were mixed with whines but that made them no more less frightening, the lightening hit again and the thunder doomed louder, the ground shook slightly, and Anna looked up at Corey "It- It cant be!" she said softly

Mason walked out of his house slowly, just like his neighbors hadm he watched the sky grown dark, and he watched the bright lightening flash and thunder grumble the ground gentle, he took out his phone and text Dani:
Hey! Are you watching this? he continued to watch the sky grow dark and the hot wind blew harder, making the large oak trees sway.

Captain was in the back yard barking loudly and whimpering, he ran around the yard quickly as he barked, his tail tucked between his legs, which was not normal for the brave, and loyal pit.

Corey read the article, he looked down at Anna, and sighed. "I can't believe that this is happening. I hope it isn't as bad as before we had the kids." He said worriedly. When the lightning flashed, and the thunder boomed, he took Anna's hand. "We need to get all of the kids inside, and Cooper; NOW!!" He said as he grabbed Cooper's collar and pulled him to his side. "Kids!!! Inside!!" He yelled over the thunder. He pulled Cooper inside, then waited for Anna and the kids to make it safely inside.

Kyle ran inside, he looked at his dad, who was panicking, and then Cooper. "Dad, what's happening?" He asked with a worried expression.
Nichole said"GET IN THE CAR NOW!"picking up smokey. jesse picked up luna and Monique flora. Monique said"mom whats wrong?!" Nichole said"Just get in the car!" placing smokey in the back gently followed by flora and luna. she strapped iin and said"jess drive!"

jesse hopped in and placed luna in the back too.

Monique got in the passenger side and said"mom are they gonna be ok?!"
Anna followed Corey quickly, Kristen behind her, she grabbed his hand tightly "It can't be happening again!" she said stubbornly, her eyes were glittering with fear, "We ended this a long time ago!" she said pulling him gently and looking up at him, Cooper ran through the house going to every room and barking and whining, his tail tucked between his furry legs, and then he ran between Corey and Anna, his eyes locked on the closed back door, watching the lightening light up the sky and thunder boom, then it repeated its self quickly, over and over.

Kristen watched and gripped Kyles sleeve "
What do you mean?" she asked her mother and father with a slightly agitated voice, but also with fear.
nichole said"a demon from our past is back jesse!" as she tended to their pets' wounds. she was worried about them. smokey growled and snapped at her.

jesse said"i thought we killed him! are we going to the clinic?" he saw her nod and sped up.

Monique said"who mom?! dad?! what are you two not telling me?!"
Anna followed Corey quickly, Kristen behind her, she grabbed his hand tightly "It can't be happening again!" she said stubbornly, her eyes were glittering with fear, "We ended this a long time ago!" she said pulling him gently and looking up at him, Cooper ran through the house going to every room and barking and whining, his tail tucked between his furry legs, and then he ran between Corey and Anna, his eyes locked on the closed back door, watching the lightening light up the sky and thunder boom, then it repeated its self quickly, over and over.

Kristen watched and gripped Kyles sleeve "
What do you mean?" she asked her mother and father with a slightly agitated voice, but also with fear.

( coedy stay up with me tonight :D )

(Btw, this reminded me of Corey and Anna :') its cute, WARNING it has Justin Bieber in it, but its cute, and you cant here him that much xD [video=youtube;_FySkICWfBQ]


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