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Fantasy The Elshien 13- Book 1: The Abyss.


"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"
The world of Ungbai had enjoyed a relative peace for around 700 years. The rise of the great nation Of Elshien and its 13 mystic tribes would be heralded by the destruction of the tyrannical empire of Xirn that ruled before them. The peril of Xirn’s fall ensured that the rippling aftershocks of the nations evil would continue for a century or so after their demise. Yet after enough bloodshed, The twelve founding families would establish a new ruling order of the world, the Order of Elshien.

The order of Elshien would become a empire as more joined them. Those twelve families usurped the balance of power, their magics making it so that a single person could face down an army and actually win. Wars slowly began to become things of the past. This golden age of peace and prosperity would last many centuries, during which airships, scrying orbs, familiars, and other magical items became more and more commonplace. A sort of Magical Industrialization period came across the world, and connected the peoples. Who thrived safe under the protection of the 12 tribes.
This nearly came to an end 200 years ago, for almost 5 centuries the crown of the elshien empire was passed from one member of a tribe to a member of another tribe. The intermarriage of those within tribes was fairly common at this time, until the birth of Tormund the Terrible. A member of the Aigne and Dorche tribes who would use his dark mental magics and cruelty to usher in a regime which would tear apart the peaceful golden age and Fracture the kingdom.

He was eventually dethroned by a man named Aslan Corp. An apparently Magic-less man whose saving grace against the mental master Tormund, was his ability, nay his havit, of acting without thought. Well that and the support of the other families. The very same support would result in him being blessed with a magical that would allow Aslan to Reign for nearly 200 years. During these 200 years Aslan was a just and noble king, he outlived many wives and sired many children. Six of which he claimed and dwelt in the palace with him. none could have asked for a more prosperous period in the empire.

Unfortunately King Aslan Corp would Not prove immortal. His apparent assassination has sent the kingdom REELING for What could kill a man who felled dragons in a single blow? Details about the deed have remained hidden and whispers of civil war have begun to spread. Each of his 6 children are being considered for the throne and as they hail from different noble families. With tensions between the ruling class rising, enemy nations seeing this weakness and champing at the bit for their opportunity, and fortune tellers the empire over seeming to all drop dead at one time, none are sure what the future may hold, but all know They are living in interesting times.

Hello everyone. Been a while since i started a project here but ive got one i think can go the distance. Nestled away in my brothers garage was an old notebook with a dope DND campaign i made, ive spent about a week or two tweaking it into what I’m working on here. I will have OOC, Lore, and character sheets up hopefully by the end of the week.

This journey focuses on The six children of the Late king Aslan those around them, and how the rest of the kingdom deals with what is to come.

This story can potentially have up to 7 “books” or “arcs” if you prefer. It app depends on how it plays out. I will be open to suggestions for plot ideas.

There are roles available to those who want them, or you can make your own idea altogether. I just ask that you coordinate with me prior to making a new concept, that way we can wiggle it into the lore together.

All of the Siblings are hybrids. Half Corp, and Half of one of the other 12 families. The family you pick for your heir determines the powers they have. You will also be viewed as a kind of magical mutant, Feared, Hated, and Exploited, all while those around you tried their best to avoid earning your ire. I regret to inform you, the Spiorad & Dorche clans are already taken.

Oldest Sibling- Taken. (Dorche/Corp)

2nd oldest sibling- Open.

3rd Oldest sibling- Open.

3rd Youngest sibling- Taken. (Spiorad/Corp)

2nd Youngest Sibling- Open.

Youngest Sibling- Taken animegirl20 animegirl20 (Gaoth/Corp)

The Queen regent and noble house leaders are all expected to be at minimum 30 years of age. No exceptions.

Queen Regent- Taken LadyOfStars LadyOfStars

Noble house leaders x12- (Patriarchs & Matriarchs of the 12 houses.)

Limitless room here, no magic is present in these individuals, though they may possess magical equipment.

Royal guards and palace help-

(All 13 of the Families names are Irish in origin. There is alot of Celtic cultural influences in this.)

*Corp- (Body magic) ((Current royal family))

Spiorad- (Soul magic)

Aigne- (Mind Magic)

Solas- (Light magic)

Dorche- (Dark Magic)

Dóiteáin- (Fire magic)

Uisce- (Water magic)

Domhan- (Earth Magic)

Gaoth- (Wind Magic)

Oighear- (ice magic)

Tintreach- (Lightning Magic)

Nimhe- (Poison magic)

Cruach- (Steel magic)

*the corp family magic is Different for each member of the family. Please Reach out to me if you are making one of the 4 available Heir slots. I will help you make a power that fits with the OTHER powers you get.
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First little bit of lore. It gives a basic setting overview.

Ill be adding a more robust history section, a magic mechanics section as magic works a-lot more like a fundamental force of the universe in this story.

Ill be lurking in the shadows to answer any questions you may have so fire away.
And we now have magical mechanics more or less.

Its not by any means structured as well as say DND. But i kinda wanted to apply scientific principles to magic and make it a fifth fundamental force.

So im sorry to say, this worlds magic cannot handwave away plot holes 😂.

I will also be building a discord page for this one.
Now i have no idea why. But for whatever reason i had the urge to make the Cs a bit early.

Next on the docket.

1.)Closer look at the 13 families.

2.)In depth History of Elshien.

3.) Map?
Interested! So can I reserve the youngest sibling whose half Gaoth?
You absolutely can. Ill be finishing my family’s info tomorrow probably. Do you have any things you would like to suggest for their history?

How old would you be planning?

For reference the eldest will be in his Late 60s to mid 70s , with the 3rd youngest being early 30s. (Dad reigned for 200+ years.)
Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 What sort of story do you think the Queen Regent might follow? Is she more of a side character?
That depends entirely on you. She was the wife of the late husband and current crownholder until one of the children are crowned.

You could be the mother of the youngest and trying to get Them the throne.

You could be scorned and trying to take it for yourself.

You could be a loving loyal motherly figure trying to protect the “children” from the predations of crocked political courts trying to earn their trust.

There are plenty of lines to waltz and im sure whatever you go with will be a great edition to the story.

I'd be interested to play a side charrie.

Like part of the guards or castle staff that stays in the shadows as a spy or consort but like not a fighty type. More like an innocuous looking soul that could be eyes and ears for some distinguished person that just could not get their hands or name muddied? Like a noble or royal person?

Like but just a supporting role cast member really lol

I'd be interested to play a side charrie.

Like part of the guards or castle staff that stays in the shadows as a spy or consort but like not a fighty type. More like an innocuous looking soul that could be eyes and ears for some distinguished person that just could not get their hands or name muddied? Like a noble or royal person?

Like but just a supporting role cast member really lol
Perfect. I actually have plenty of slots for that.

Each of the Heirs would likely have guards (Barring the eldest). The Queen regent would have guards. As would the palace itself. It would be a prestigious position to be stationed at the palace and noble family members who perhaps don’t have the talent/interest for magic and politics often take up the sword for the palace as its a well paying gig with very low risk usually.
Perfect. I actually have plenty of slots for that.

Each of the Heirs would likely have guards (Barring the eldest). The Queen regent would have guards. As would the palace itself. It would be a prestigious position to be stationed at the palace and noble family members who perhaps don’t have the talent/interest for magic and politics often take up the sword for the palace as its a well paying gig with very low risk usually.
I was thinking more along the lines of.like an entertainer or even a chamber maid. Like some kind of exotic poc girl that washed up here or is like sired.from a royal or noble and there is this unwritten code to keep her around cuz tho she is half blooded she is still family so they just give her menial position in the estate|palace. Or like an airship envoy that travels the lands between and brings news or complete s requests for the nobles|royals. Or like a wilderness guide|master of the hunt that keeps tabs on brigands and the likes on the roadway?

But like if that is too complex I could just do a guard lol.
Hello hello! I'd like to throw in my hat for the third oldest sibling who's half-Tintreach if that's okay?

I'm still thinking of what kind of dynamic they would have with their half-sibs but definitely has a more nonchalant approach to the seat of power— likely more worried about enemy nations bearing down on them for war than being the one to inherit the throne?
I was thinking more along the lines of.like an entertainer or even a chamber maid. Like some kind of exotic poc girl that washed up here or is like sired.from a royal or noble and there is this unwritten code to keep her around cuz tho she is half blooded she is still family so they just give her menial position in the estate|palace. Or like an airship envoy that travels the lands between and brings news or complete s requests for the nobles|royals. Or like a wilderness guide|master of the hunt that keeps tabs on brigands and the likes on the roadway?

But like if that is too complex I could just do a guard lol.
that works out as well too. Plenty of Drama to be had and it has me wondering how she and the heirs would interact.

Hello hello! I'd like to throw in my hat for the third oldest sibling who's half-Tintreach if that's okay?

I'm still thinking of what kind of dynamic they would have with their half-sibs but definitely has a more nonchalant approach to the seat of power— likely more worried about enemy nations bearing down on them for war than being the one to inherit the throne?
Tintreach is actually kinda special to me as its the 2nd family my wife contributed. Id be honored if youd be a Tintreach.

As for the Half-sib interactions now that is certainly an interesting question.

The Eldest (Malchor) is a bit of a fractured War hero type, argued to be the scariest of the heirs (he is the dark prince after all). He is unnervingly strong and aware of his mental health issues thus would not want the throne in the slightest. Though many would be pushing him towards it.

The third youngest (Alseed) is a passive and kind man, who is challenged in the magic department. Unfortunate enough to not gain any abilities from the Spiorad line, and has the weakest physical attribute boost from his Corp line. Something he does feel some kinda way about.

Idk if this helps in your dynamic construction but i hope it does. Brainstorming like this will certainly help me with development.
You absolutely can. Ill be finishing my family’s info tomorrow probably. Do you have any things you would like to suggest for their history?

How old would you be planning?

For reference the eldest will be in his Late 60s to mid 70s , with the 3rd youngest being early 30s. (Dad reigned for 200+ years.)
For her age I was thinking somewhere around 11-12. My idea for the character is she quite younger compared to the others and because of this she always kind of been in the background and being left out from the other siblings. When people speak of the siblings they are never referring to her because of her young age. She's like an after thought. She's either always being over looked or being overprotected. She hopes to become as strong as they are or even surpass them. She wants to be noticed and just be included with them. She doesn't have the desire for the throne plus she's positive that will never happen anyway because of her age. Would this be ok?
For her age I was thinking somewhere around 11-12. My idea for the character is she quite younger compared to the others and because of this she always kind of been in the background and being left out from the other siblings. When people speak of the siblings they are never referring to her because of her young age. She's like an after thought. She's either always being over looked or being overprotected. She hopes to become as strong as they are or even surpass them. She wants to be noticed and just be included with them. She doesn't have the desire for the throne plus she's positive that will never happen anyway because of her age. Would this be ok?
Thats perfectly fine but id add the point that her bring young would be a boon to those who want to have the King/Queen to be in Their pocket.
Salutations! I'd be interested in playing one of the House Heads but I'll refrain from picking which one untill all the lore is up if that is possible.
Salutations! I'd be interested in playing one of the House Heads but I'll refrain from picking which one untill all the lore is up if that is possible.
No problem. The only one off limits is Corp for obvious reasons. (Their leader just died)

But im glad to have someone reach for that. I only ask they be 30+ in age. As they will have to have mastered their families “Traditional spells” to a degree surpassing all others and that realistically takes a while even if they start from walking age on.

Funnily enough not everyone in a family has to master all or even any, its like a prerequisite to get into leadership positions within the family itself however
This looks super interesting. I think I'll go ahead and take the Uisce House Head if you don't mind.

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