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Fantasy ☆ The Elementals ☆ ((Reboot))


Cookie Monster
Elemental Sign up Sheet (Max of two characters)

(Check the mechanics tab before you sign up)


Age (14-20):



Appearance (text or picture or both):




Background/History (Be creative) :

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two):

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.):
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Name: Mizuki Hanabusa

Age (14-20): 17

Gender: Female

Element: Water

Appearance (text or picture):

Personality: Mizuki is friendly and likes kids. She and her brother Jasper used to be very close as children and so when her brother joined The Hunters, it hurt her. She blames herself for her brother joining The Hunters and hopes he will be safe with the group that hunts her own. Mizuki is always putting the group's needs above her own, often to to the point of her becoming sick. She has a calm and commanding figure which people can't help but admire however she doesn't use her position to bully the people in her group. She is loyal and sees her group as her new family, choosing death over betraying her group. Although Mizuki detests fighting she sees it as sadly unavoidable if she is to keep herself and her group alive. Mizuki tends to go with the flow, her movements being fluid like the way water moves across the land. She is level headed and intelligent, doesn't rush blindly into situations, but can get quiet when asked about her past. The fact that her brother could end up killing her one day hurts and secretly terrifies her.

Likes: Any place with a body of water, fish, Martial Arts, Water Mammals, Snow, Swimming

Dislikes: Heat, Fire, Spicy food, Fighting, Snakes, Heights, betrayal

Background/History: Mizuki was just a normal girl trying to live on the streets with her younger brother when the comet came. They were one of the two people to survive and not just survive but be changed by the comet. Both siblings got different elements but their paths diverged. Mizuki became the leader of Group 2 while her brother joined the The Hunters. Now Mizuki must try to keep her group alive and try to keep from being killed at the hands of her own brother.

Group: 2 (Leader of the Runners)

Other: Can create, shape and manipulate water, a good tracker, leadership skills, hunting/fishing

Name: Jasper Hanabusa

Age (14-20): 15

Gender: Male

Element: Earth

Appearance (text or picture):

Personality: Jasper tends to hit first and ask questions later. He likes fighting and family is important to him although it may not seem that way. Jasper can be a bit rough around the edges and aloof from his comrades. Even before he was changed, he had an affinity with nature and was always off trying to explore as a child which got him into quite a few dangerous situations when out in the forest. Usually though Jasper is a mellow guy who just wants to be left alone and secretly worries about his sister and what he will do if she is caught or killed by the Hunters. He can be self-centered and is a good listener even when it seems like he isn't showing an interest in what someone is saying. He is loyal to his sister and his group so he feels that his loyalty is torn in two. It is likely that if anything were to happen to his sister then he would snap and become a killing machine.

Likes: Fire, Spicy Food, Fighting, Summer, Astronomy, Forest

Dislikes: Cold, Winter, Swimming, Mountains, Dark, being abandoned

Background/History: Jasper was living with his sister Mizuki when the comet came and killed most of the world. He gained the ability to manipulate earth while his older sister gained the ability to manipulate water. The only two survivors of their family, they ended up living on the streets until the comet came. But then Jasper joined The Hunters and his sister became leader of The Runners which put them on opposite sides of the fight. But Jasper had a reason for joining The Hunters and it was for one reason: To keep his sister alive and protect her though he has never told her.

Group: 1

Other: An affinity with nature, a master of stealth, can create, shape and manipulate earth and "Earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc., good hunter and tracker, survival skills, knows how to live off the land
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Name: Connor Swift

Age: 14

Shadow Element (This doesn't mean hes evil, he just uses shadows to make himself less visible and stuff like that)

Appearance: Black Clothing, Such as Dark Jeans, Hood Black Jacket, Etc.

Likes: People, Music, and Bows

Personality: Shy, but will go great distances for those loved by him

Gear: Same as what was listed in Appearance, throwing knives, Military Enhanced Bow (Enhanced Scope, Piercing Arrows, Enhanced Power for longer distance shots and more powerful close range shots), and a Glock 18.

Main Location: Travels Around

Background: Connor is abandoned, deserted by his family because they thought he was a disgrace because he was a Elemental. But, he is able to survive on his own. It has been 3 months since his family abandoned him.

Survival Techniques: Uses his Military Enhanced Bow (MEB) to take down enemies, and has Deadly Aim.

Group: 2, Dark, Runners

Other: He doesn't like to share his past.

Neela Lewis ☾

Age (14-19):






Appearance (text or picture or both :D ):

Her jumper is blue , green and brown and she wears blue jeans and brown combats with them. Always has a rucksack with a medical kit and a dagger inside it.


Neela , is a thoughtful girl who always has others best interests at heart. Most of the time she is quite sensible , she is good at estimating what people will do which makes her useful when they plan anything. She never takes the lead and usually is just the one that helps , even though she seems peaceful she is a good fighter. She is kind and Loyal but she has a strong sense of self preservation which means if it comes to her and someone else she would pick herself. If she sees someone upset Neela will be straight there to comfort them , her gentle nature makes her the kind of healer of the group as well as the fact her parents were doctors. Her ability to sense other emotions and feel what others feel can make her upset , moody or even aggressive afterwards. She is always happy to help . Neela is quite mature and tactful , she is usually Loyal but easily tempted . She joined the Runners , to try and stop the Hunters as she was a former member when she was younger until she saw them kill a group of kids , then she joined the runners to avenge them , now the Runners are her family . She always tries to help others to make up for what she did whilst in the hunters and the fact she doesn't fully trust herself. Very Loyal to the groups leader for keeping her secret.


The moon



Healing people and helping them





Stubborn people

Sarcastic and Rude people





Background/History (Be creative) :

Before: Neela grew up in the country , her mother was a physiatrist and her father a doctor , she had always been in touch with her feelings and good at guessing others. A month before the comet her mother was killed in a freak fire , leaving Neela scared of fire , her father went practically insane with grief and remorse. On the night of the comet her father was crying in his room , and Neela could practically sense his pain , the comet heightened this and gave her elemental powers with the element of spirit.

After: At first she was a loud mouthed , rude person , one of the hunters but then every time they hurt someone she could feel their pain and hate , that was when she started to have doubts about what they were doing , then there was a 8 year old girl her name was Hope she was a water element , because she refused to leave her clan the hunters had killed her , that night Neela ran away to join the Runners only the leader of the runner knows about her past , she joined to avenge the girl and stop the hunters hurting more innocent people.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): Two , Runners

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , background , Powers ect.): Good at healing people / treating people. Her element allows her to sense and feel the emotions of her around her and has given her a better understanding of people and a ability to anticipate what others might do or decide. She can also control others emotions and even read their minds , but doing so causes her to black out and faint afterwards.
Name: Cara Reed

Age: 15

Element: Fire

Appearance (text or picture):
She has blood red hair that goes a little bit past her shoulders (so don't refer to the pic when it comes to length), brown eyes when calm, red when mad, and stands at about 5'11". She normally wears torn black jeans and a red hoodie over a white t-shirt.

Personality: Has a big temper and can be sarcastic at times. She's very passionate when it comes to people she cares about, and will do anything to protect them. Most of the time she tries to lighten the mood with stupid jokes, or she just ends up doing something stupidly funny on accident.

Likes: Music, Fire (duh), Astronomy, Being helpful

Dislikes: Crowds, Small Spaces, Being told what to do

Background/History: Cara was an orphan her whole life, and went through foster care one home at a time. During school (if she got to go), she had a small group of friends and cared for them deeply. Cara usually secluded herself from others, but now being in the runners, it's kind of hard to do so. (Hope it's okay that I editted this some)

Group: Runners

Other: If she becomes scared for her life she mentally shuts down and doesn't speak to anyone. Her powers can flare up if she becomes too angry.
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Saki Tamahashi











Saki is 5 7" and is quite thin. She has long brown hair that the usually wears plaited or in a ponytail, Saki wears modest, sensible clothing that and sometimes wears a silver necklace with a light green stone encased in a pendant that faintly glows in the dark. Her eyes are a light brown that sometimes look light purple.​


Saki looks quite sad and serious at first; but the more you get to know her you would find that she is actually very sweet and sensitive. She can be brutally honest at times; not knowing that what she says may hurt other people, but is loyal and innocent as a whole. Saki tends to have trouble making friends, as she is always afraid of them betraying her; however, the friends she does have tend to be good people. Saki's only fear is of people who are of a high rank as she believes that they are more likely do be deceitful (eg.: leaders). She hates when people are in pain and would do anything within reason to help them. She finds it hard to trust people. Saki will not cry when hurt; she will only cry if you hurt her feelings. She can withstand great amounts of pain but not the pain of others.


As a child Saki grew up in the city of Oshu in Japan until the age of 15. Whilst she was there she learnt Martial Arts and how to use a sword. Saki lived a happy life there until her mother was contracted by her manager to work overseas (Where the runners would be), as she was a doctor. Her father was not happy about this but when Saki's father heard about the salary Saki's mother would be getting, he felt that it would help the family live better.

When Saki moved over she learnt the English language fairly quickly; not wanting to be left out in her school. She joined a small school and was at first popular; being from Japan and knowing English, but her personality made making friends hard. Saki wasn't exactly bullied, she was just normally left alone. Without the friendship of others, she excelled in her grades and would have gotten a good job before the comet struck.

The comet killed both of her parents when Saki was on a school trip; the trip was to go skydive. Saki was given her element whilst she was in the air, so it was logical that she would get an air element. She didn't die when the comet struck but the whole city they were living in, everyone who was there, died. Saki used her powers without meaning to; keeping her afloat. It was there that Saki learned to control her powers and when she got onto solid ground she just cried and didn't stop until the runners picked her up.


+ Animals

+ Music

+ Reading

- War

- Harming someone

- Getting bored


Saki can use the air around her to propel herself and others in a direction; she can make herself and a few others fly or push someone away. She can use the air to pull objects towards and away from herself; this means that Saki can also push liquids like water away or make a barrier or air. By using her power for too long, eg.: Flying, Saki may become tired or not be able to continue using her power. She is also good with a sword, does Martial Arts and is good at sniping from a distance.
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Name: Flora Rae

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Element: Earth

Appearance (text or picture or both):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.4ef54a5b4360e1ce9dc8699b9e6dd024.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.4ef54a5b4360e1ce9dc8699b9e6dd024.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She's a sweet bubbly teenager who acts like a child. She can be shy around new people, but will die to protect her friends. She is super loyal and a good listener, she doesn't have the greatest vocabulary. She's also not the smartest person you will meet but she's the most optimistic.

Likes: Cute things, Animals, Nature, and Friends

Dislikes: Deforestation, Meanies, Bullies and the Dark

Background/History (Be creative) : To be revealed

(She doesn't talk about it unless your a really close friend)

Group: The runners

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.): Earth and Nature Manipulation.

She can control the weather and natural disasters but they take up a lot of her energy.​



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/katara_portrait_by_yunyin.jpg.b706d1c1b9a9628f4e14cfa5c2b87326.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73176" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/katara_portrait_by_yunyin.jpg.b706d1c1b9a9628f4e14cfa5c2b87326.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Name: Nadia Mae Matthews

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Element: Ice

Personality: Nadia mood changes with the tide which can be annoying at times ass ice is somewhat similar to water, it's more annoying for others who have to suffer. For example when the tides are rocky, crashing etc she would be angry and moody, when it's calm and flowing she's happy and peaceful but when it's raining she feels depressed and sad, sometimes she cries over nothing


~ Ice bending


~ Friends

~ Fun

~ Happiness


~ Rudeness

~ Spiders

~ Fire

~ Her past

~ Anger

Background/History (Be creative) :

Nadia use to live with her mother, father and grandmother. Her father, James was a solider in the ice army, her mother, Katrina was a nurse and her grandmother, Mae babysat her when her parents were working. The village adored the generosity her parents gave to the village and would often be praised for their hard work. One night both her parents were working when suddenly Nadia's father got a phone call from the hospital saying that Katrina was murdered by a patient who didn't want any treatment. James' heart broke into two, he was depressed for days and he quit the army and became an alcoholic, he kept drinking believing the pain would go away but he stayed in the bedroom depressed and heartbroken, forgetting about his daughter. Since Nadia was only seven she always wondered why her father stayed inside but her grandmother always changed the subject. It wasn't until Nadia was finally thirteen, it was a special occasion for the village as it declares Nadia is now a young woman. She was getting prepared for the ceremony when her father finally came out of his room. His face was pale and he was skinny to the bone. Nadia was so happy she hugged him until he whispered in Nadia's ear that her mother was dead. James didn't realize what he was doing as he was still intoxicated. Nadia's heart broken into two, she couldn't take the fact that her loving mother was gone and her father was drunk. So that night she packed her backpack and ran away, hoping to never see her father again. The whole village was devastated and never gave up looking for Nadia.

Group: the Runners


Well, Nadia can obviously control ice

Theme song:





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Name: Ace Keller

Age (14-20): 16

Gender: Male

Element: Shadow

Appearance (text or picture or both):

Personality: An emotionally detached and rational young man, Ace is all about logic in his approach to life and everything around him. He is very accepting of everything and anything that happens around him or to him. He is firm in his decisions and tough mentally with very few things shaking him. His cold demeanour and depressing outlook on everything has often got on the nerves of others. Because of how uncaring he is and his way of going about things, Ace is rarely well received. He is capable when it counts but will not do anything when he deems it impossible. Ace often neglects himself despite always telling others not to cause problems or drag people down by neglecting themself or acting impulsively and recklessly. He hides any injuries he sustains well so that nobody notices. Ace always makes sure to keep a distance from others and never let anyone get close to him. The orders he is given, he always obeys but no one knows where Ace's true loyalty lies or what his thoughts are. He will do just about anything to complete a given task.

Likes: Sky, being alone, stars

Dislikes: dealing with emotional or irrational people, reckless people, trouble, burdens

Background/History (Be creative)

: Ace spent most of his life in training. Locked up away from the rest of the world and not allowed to have or show any emotions, to become attached to anything, he has been trained to only obey the orders given and always chose the most logical option. Anything he grew attached to was crushed, each emotion he showed resulted in punishment. He was trained to believe anything he grew attached to would be a burden and a weakness. The training turned him into what his trainers perceived to be a perfect soldier without a shred of humanity. Never questioning orders and always ensuring the completion of a task. As far as Ace can remember, he has never known what it was like to be free. The only things he ever became attached to or liked were things they could never take away from him, things that were always constant, darkness, the sky and the loneliness of his life. He came to view emotions as a burden due to how he was raised and friends as unnecessary. Not long after he saw the comet, Ace's training came to an end with the elementals destroying most of the humans and he was freed from his prison by the Royals after which he was made a hunter.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): The Hunters

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.): He is skilled with a wooden sword and has above average physical capabilities due to his training. His power is shadow manipulation which he uses mostly to conceal his presence or attack others from a distance.
Xeyran said:
Name: Ace Keller
Age (14-20): 16

Gender: Male

Element: Shadow

Appearance (text or picture or both):

Personality: An emotionally detached and rational young man, Ace is all about logic in his approach to life and everything around him. He is very accepting of everything and anything that happens around him or to him. He is firm in his decisions and tough mentally with very few things shaking him. His cold demeanour and depressing outlook on everything has often got on the nerves of others. Because of how uncaring he is and his way of going about things, Ace is rarely well received. He is capable when it counts but will not do anything when he deems it impossible. Ace often neglects himself despite always telling others not to cause problems or drag people down by neglecting themself or acting impulsively and recklessly. He hides any injuries he sustains well so that nobody notices. Ace always makes sure to keep a distance from others and never let anyone get close to him. The orders he is given, he always obeys but no one knows where Ace's true loyalty lies or what his thoughts are. He will do just about anything to complete a given task.

Likes: Sky, being alone, stars

Dislikes: dealing with emotional or irrational people, reckless people, trouble, burdens

Background/History (Be creative)

: Ace spent most of his life in training. Locked up away from the rest of the world and not allowed to have or show any emotions, to become attached to anything, he has been trained to only obey the orders given and always chose the most logical option. Anything he grew attached to was crushed, each emotion he showed resulted in punishment. He was trained to believe anything he grew attached to would be a burden and a weakness. The training turned him into what his trainers perceived to be a perfect soldier without a shred of humanity. Never questioning orders and always ensuring the completion of a task. As far as Ace can remember, he has never known what it was like to be free. The only things he ever became attached to or liked were things they could never take away from him, things that were always constant, darkness, the sky and the loneliness of his life. He came to view emotions as a burden due to how he was raised and friends as unnecessary. Not long after he saw the comet, Ace's training came to an end with the elementals destroying most of the humans and he was freed from his prison by the Royals after which he was made a hunter.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): The Hunters

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.): He is skilled with a wooden sword and has above average physical capabilities due to his training. His power is shadow manipulation which he uses mostly to conceal his presence or attack others from a distance.
Accepted :) One more hunter and we can start.
Okay can everyone post a sort of introduction post to their characters , (some sort of flashback to before the Comet) then just a post in either the Hunters camp (your in camp 1 ) or the Runners Camp (again Camp 1 )

Thanks :)

@Geek with Me ( @Geek with Me - still unsure what your character is as you reserved ice and cannot have 2 characters in the same clan as that takes up too much space <3) @RedLikeRoses @TheNeonStranger

Also check the OCC for plotline events , ideas and updates ect. :)
NewElemental Sign up Sheet (Max of two characters)

(Check the mechanics tab before you sign up)

Name: Jailene La Croix

Age (14-20): 15

Gender: Female

Element: Spirit

Appearance (text or picture or both): see pic attached.

Personality: Shy, sweet and fierce

Likes: Cotton candy

Dislikes: Death

Background/History (Be creative) : Her mum has depression and doesn't get out of bed. Not ever. Her dad died a few years ago and Jailene has to care for her younger sister Magnolia.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): The Hunters

Other: N/A except controlling auras and the spirit influence on something or someone.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.bd60a2585119743ee97345f163c17b7f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/image.jpg.bd60a2585119743ee97345f163c17b7f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Elemental Sign up Sheet (Max of two characters)

(Check the mechanics tab before you sign up)

Name: Jason Black

Age (14-20):16


Element: fire

Appearance (text or picture or both):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-7.jpeg.d1ef2256dbe13378d3b05a76655245da.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74333" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/images-7.jpeg.d1ef2256dbe13378d3b05a76655245da.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Loves to play with other people and is a young spirit at heart. Jason is a natural leader and loves to help people. Jason is a player and loves to tease girls. He is switches emotions pretty easily.

Likes:fire, music, fighting, and skating.

Dislikes:swimming, spider, pop music and the color pink

Background/History (Be creative) :Jason parents died when he was 13. It caused him so much distress it unlocked his fire power and caused to take his emotions in training in his first powers.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): one

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.):



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ChaoticWarrior said:
Elemental Sign up Sheet (Max of two characters)
(Check the mechanics tab before you sign up)

Name: Jason Black

Age (14-20):16


Element: fire

Appearance (text or picture or both):

View attachment 166838

Personality:Loves to play with other people and is a young spirit at heart. Jason is a natural leader and loves to help people. Jason is a player and loves to tease girls. He is switches emotions pretty easily.

Likes:fire, music, fighting, and skating.

Dislikes:swimming, spider, pop music and the color pink

Background/History (Be creative) :Jason parents died when he was 13. It caused him so much distress it unlocked his fire power and caused to take his emotions in training in his first powers.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): one

Other (Anything like Talents , skills , Powers ect.):
Accepted but you get your leader of Hunters so you will have to be quite active and post longish posts


Musicomar4 said:
NewElemental Sign up Sheet (Max of two characters)
(Check the mechanics tab before you sign up)

Name: Jailene La Croix

Age (14-20): 15

Gender: Female

Element: Spirit

Appearance (text or picture or both): see pic attached.

Personality: Shy, sweet and fierce

Likes: Cotton candy

Dislikes: Death

Background/History (Be creative) : Her mum has depression and doesn't get out of bed. Not ever. Her dad died a few years ago and Jailene has to care for her younger sister Magnolia.

Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): The Hunters

Other: N/A except controlling auras and the spirit influence on something or someone.
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Name: Lila Ghost

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Element: Water


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-18_11-7-45.jpeg.41bd909aa849273034dc766db22dd151.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/upload_2015-9-18_11-7-45.jpeg.41bd909aa849273034dc766db22dd151.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • Happy
  • Kind
  • Adorable
  • Sweet
  • Cheerful


  • Archery
  • Fighting
  • Her bow


  • Too much peace
  • Suspension
  • Loneliness

Background/History (Be creative) :


Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): One, Hunters

Other: Her arrows are enchanted and her armor is blessed.



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NightCasterZ said:
Name: Lila Ghost
Age: 14

Gender: Female

Element: Water


View attachment 168780


  • Happy
  • Kind
  • Adorable
  • Sweet
  • Cheerful


  • Archery
  • Fighting
  • Her bow


  • Too much peace
  • Suspension
  • Loneliness

Background/History (Be creative) :


Group (See mechanics tab One/Two): One, Hunters

Other: Her arrows are enchanted and her armor is blessed.
Accepted , just to catch you up the Hunters have just caught a Runner and thats all that has really happened.

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