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Fantasy The Elder Scrolls V: A New Rule || Characters

Name :: Taure Tavari

Nicknames :: Ambassador Tavari, Master Tavari, Arch-Mage, Grey (only by Eliza Menincroft's little ones), Raisin (only once, by Annalise Montclair).

Race :: Altmer

Province :: Summerset Isles (now known as Alinor)

Gender :: Male

Age :: 1242

Appearance ::   This... but older looking. You can't make elderly Altmer in Skyrim. :/

Items :: A couple potions of magicka. He typically dons an illustrious gown or robe, usually a dark colour with gold embroidery. Lately he's been 'encouraged' by his 'associates' to wear more Dominion (Thalmor) clothing, with the crest of an eagle, or with feathers at the lapel etc. He also carries a large pack at most times, inside which is usually a couple soul gems, the magicka potions, his scrying orb (a crystal ball), and a leather bound tome - upon the front of which depicts the merging of Nirn and Aetherius.

Occupation :: Ambassador of the Third Dominion (he doesn't like being referred to as Thalmor, due to their Fascist standpoint), Arch-Mage of the Alinor Mages' Guild and Member of the Psijiic Order. (I know it may seem overboard, but these are characters [among many others] that I've been playing for years now, and they have grown in character immensely in that time, as well as having had the time to spread their own influence and branch out. He is these things because he manages them well.)

Weapons :: Magic. He is mostly proficient in Alteration, Fire (Destruction) and Restoration; though is somewhat adept in the cognitive manipulation branch of the Illusion field. As always, it is the application of the magick that determines one's power. He also has a short Aldmeri Sabre, which he is well-trained in using, though his age makes it a very very bad choice as anything other than an absolute last resort. Lastly, his staff. A tall wooden staff, with a dark hue. Down the main body spirals golden embellishments in a pattern of swirls, whilst upon the staff's crest sits a golden eagle - wings spread - depicting the Dominion.

Personality :: True Neutral. Taure is an advocate for balance, and thus attempts to take a neutral position in most things. Naturally, he is affected by his own bias, but tries his hardest not to be. His loyalty is to his friends first and foremost, though often finds himself being questionably loyal to his faction and sometimes friends in support of the 'greater good'. It's difficult to describe anyone's personality with words, unless I write an essay, and so I'm going to keep it simple. His personality will become more prevalent the more I write. Simply put, he is polite, good natured, and refrains from taking sides.

Biography :: (Before I start - Taure was my first ever RP character, and has been in existence for years, thus he has a vast history, and thus [to keep it short] I'm going to cut out HUGE chunks of his past - and what I do include won't be descriptive... more of a fact file so I can fit in as much as necessary without having to read a wall of text.)

Born in 2E 456 (this wasn't a randomly picked number, it was purposefully chosen, despite what 456 would indicate). He was raised in the South Eastern town of Silverwood, on the Summerset Isles (now known as Alinor). During his 30th year, he left the town in pursuit of an Altmer battalion, heading south to investigate the Maormer presence, though was redirected to send a message to King Hidellith, though was waylaid on his way to the city of Alinor. Upon his arrival, the fleet sent to apprehend the Maormer were already killed, but the mer was commended for his efforts. He there, joined the Alinor Mage's Guild; and swiftly became a prevalent researcher into the arcane and histories of Nirn.

During the war on Coldharbour, Taure was conscripted into the service of the Aldmeri Dominion, though not as a soldier. His capability as a 'neutral party' had intrigued Queen Ayrenn, whom Taure had aided in tutoring during her upbringing; and had the Altmer become a member of her council and advisor in political matters. Taure was swiftly appointed as Ambassador of the Dominion, and Right Hand to the Queen. His efforts during the war on Coldharbour, and during the Tri-Faction war only helped exemplify his prowess as both an arcanist and a diplomat. At the end of the war, when his services were still required by Ayrenn, but less often; the Altmer was promoted to Arch-Mage of the Alinor Mage's Guild, the previous having been killed in the conflict.

During the war, Taure found a young girl orphaned in the Imperial City, whom had been surviving on the meat of rats for almost a week. He had adopted the girl as his initiate, her name Ysolde, though as she grew the two became more attached - forming a relationship more akin to father and daughter. At least, this is the story he told her, as he had stripped the memory of the true events from her... perhaps you'll learn the truth at some point. Ysolde was killed during the final assault on the Imperial City, and the battle against Mannimarco.

After the war, the Altmer was approached by the Psijiic Order. Having been both intrigued by his devotion to maintaining balance, and his arcane skill, he was adopted into the order. Thus allowing him to further extend his studies into the history of Nirn, and also many of the Order's own unique abilities became known to him - most notably their immortality. Though at this point the Altmer was already almost 300 years old, and thus appears as a very elderly mer. Magic allows him to mitigate the effects of old age, but not excessively.

(I'll stop here. Of course, there is A LOT more, but this is the important stuff)

Just to note -- In 4E, Taure is now the Ambassador of the Third Aldmeri Dominion (i.e Thalmor) -- but he doesn't share their nationalist views, and often refrains from admitting he's a part of the Thalmor, instead referring to them as the Dominion (as he has always been the Ambassador of the Dominion, not the Thalmor, until they took over the Isles). He is still the Arch-Mage of the Alinor Mages guild, and he is obviously still a part of the Psijiic Order.
Name: Ancanath

Race: Altmer (High Elf)

Gender: Male

Age: Human equivalent of 21

Apperance: Altmer.jpg

Items: He always keeps a supply of 50 lockpicks on him, and commonly wears a set of low-key Adept robes, without the hood, that give the impression he is a student of the College of Winterhold. While on discreet operations or during a public show of force, he will don his Thalmor robes, which he much prefers, but while mingling among the denizens of Skyrim, he prefers to keep a low profile by wearing the College robes he commandeered when he first came to Skyrim.

Occupation: Thalmor Special Justiciar (Essentially, a spy for the Thalmor)

Weapons: A very wide variety of spells, among his most used are fire and electric destruction magic, as well as a plethora of illusion spells to hide himself and misdirect other, invaluable to his line of work. Otherwise, he carries an eleven dagger in his belt in case it is needed. 

Personality: Ancanath prides himself on being outwardly charismatic, charming, and funny. He knows what to say, when to say it, and how to make it believable. Inwardly, however, he is slightly aloof, with an arrogance that can occasionally bleed into his public persona, no doubt the result of many years of working with the Thalmor. His time in Skyrim has thus far been marked with discrimination from its inhabitants, believing (Rightly so) that he is working for the Thalmor. While true, the discrimination that stems from it and the shunning that always follows has left Ancanath bitter towards the other residents of Skyrim, even though he doesn't show it in most of his actions. He is incredibly lonely, since he travels so extensively for assignments. He has very few friends within the Aldmeri Dominion, and even fewer in Skyrim itself. Privately, Ancanath doesn't quite buy into the idea of Altmer supremacy that most of his peers do, which occasionally puts him at odds with both his superiors in the dominion and his fellow operatives. 

*History: Born and raised in the Altmer homeland of the Summerset Isles, Ancantah was an only child. Gifted at magic from an early age, Ancanath's parents enlisted him with the Synod while he was still young, determined for him to follow in their footsteps and become a Master Wizard for the college.

However, that path would not be what Ancanath would follow. He stayed with the guild of mages well into adolescence, and they taught him a great deal about magic, and made Ancanath hungry for more and more magical power, beginning to pursue that at the expense of his relationships. He began to drift back and forth between the Summerset Isles and the Imperial City, searching for hidden, secret and obscure magical knowledge, spending countless months toiling away in great libraries and desolate ruins. 

In order to acquire information, Ancanath frequently had to work outside of the law, conning and stealing when charm, gold and connections could not get him what he sought. Shortly after one such theft in the Imperial City, he came to the notice of the local branch of the Thalmor, and while staying in the Tiber Septim Hotel, was confronted and given a choice: use his talents for the greater purpose of the Aldmeri Dominion and become a Justiciar, or be sent to prison to be "interrogated", with no guarantee of being released. Ancanath chose the former, and promptly became a Justiciar in the Imperial City Thalmor, working to eiminate dissidents and suppress unrest, and working extensively to combat Talos worship.

After serving three years with the Thalmor, his interpersonal abilities, his ability to beguile and bond with people he had never met before in order to gain information, a skill which had been honed through several years of learning to pry information of magical knowledge from others, came to the attention of his superiors. After several examinations, he was promoted to the rank of Special Justiciar within the Thalmor and taught illusion magic, infiltration, spycraft, and the subtleties of intrigue. He spent his next five years operating mostly within Cyrodil, gathering information for the Dominion's goals and occasionally eliminating an individual that had proved themselves an obstacle for the Dominion.

Ancanath was sent to Skyrim with the latest wave of Thalmor forces after the appointment of Ancano, with a mandate to maintain Thalmor control over the region and the permission to operate at his own discretion. While Ancanath has become discontent with his lifestyle and his loneliness, he is also friendless, and lacks any capability to change the course of his life on his own. So Ancanath accepted his posting to Skyrim, and resolved to brave the storm ahead of him, for better or for worse.

What province do you come from?(Skyrim, Black Marsh, Valenwood, etc): Summerset Isles

Whst are your characters goals? (Become wealthy, join a guild, etc): His ultimate goal is to acquire great magical powers, the likes of which not even the most powerful wizards on Tamriel could match. In the short-term, however, he has resolved to simply do his duty to the Dominion make the best of his situation, and he is growing very discontent with the Dominion.
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“El” or “Ella”






Nineteen Years Old



Fine Clothes

Fine Boots

Circlet of Speech

1x Elven Dagger of Shock

56 gold coins

2x Potion of Stamina

1x Potion of Fortify Speech




Elven Dagger of Shock and Magic ( Inferno )


Mischievous, conniving, loyal to very few… but once loyalty is obtained it is everlasting.


Being born  in the sands of Elsweyr amongst a nomadic people crafted El’ree in a smart and mature child early in life. With a family of eleven, she was often a dictator amongst her siblings and the one they looked up to. Having a large family became a bit of burden to her parents. Ironically, that didn’t matter as they both succumbed to a skooma overdose, leaving all eleven of the children to their uncle. The uncle was an overly kind, but stern man.


After one rather uneventful day, the family started winding down for the night preparing for the upcoming celebration of El’ree’s birth. However, their uncle Ri’san, broke into the liquor stores a little early. After becoming overly intoxicated, Ri’san approached El’ree’s tent, who answered her uncle’s call. She flipped open the tent and greeted him, unaware of his intentions.


She had been caught off guard and was quickly subdued with leather bindings. Forced into a heinous act, El’ree was now devoid of her innocence. As she laid in her tent that evening when he removed himself from her company she devised a plan of retribution. Being one of the oldest she would not allow this to happen to any of her other siblings. She regained her composure and slipped out if her tent in the wee hours of the morning and waited by his tent in the shadows until she finally heard him slip, literally, into an alcohol induced sleep. She withdrew her dagger she always carried with her and crept into his tent.


Let’s just say he never woke up. After the act had been committed she dragged his body to the cliffside, pushing him over into the river, by their caravan camp. The blood soaked his fur more than hers but after what she had done… no one would recognize him if found. She tore a length of cloth from her dress and dipped it in the water bucket near the fire washing her hands clean before throwing the cloth in the fire.


By the time she was done the sun was beginning to rise stirring her oldest sister Ri’se. Seeing El’ree up so early worried her causing her to walk over and ask what was troubling her. After describing the events of the evening Ri’se was furious. She found their Uncle’s death justified yet compromising. “One of us will have to get a job now. The trading won’t be enough.” El’ree smiled sadly at her sister. “I’ll go. It is only fitting I do so. I will head for Skyrim after breakfast.” Ri’se wanted to protest but knew it was the only way. “I’ll give you Mare (Mah-Re). She’ll get you there.” El’ree hugged her sister tightly and then began to prepare breakfast.


After a healthy meal the two oldest sisters described their new position to the younger cubs. They persuaded them that their uncle had left in the night and would not be returning which lead to the departure of El’ree. She was to write every week and send half of her earnings with it. Agreeing to their terms, El’ree grabbed her belongings, which consisted of two satchel bags, and saddled up Mare leaving for a new and foreign land.




Now alone and having traveled across all of Cyrodiil, El’ree is now on the move with her own horse and a load of destiny.


El’ree had to take up one of the highest paying jobs there was….prostitution.


What province do you come from?:


What are your characters goals?:

Collect information and spread rumors to corrupt and weaken the Thalmor.


Screen Shot 2016-10-04 at 9.54.06 AM.png
Name: Vaun Elsinthar

*Nickname: Vaun

Race: Breton

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Apperance (Please have it be a picture, I'm hoping for a Skyrim picture, modded or vanilla style works, but realistic photos work too, No anime or anything else, thanks):



1. Armor Set:


-Personally Modified Thalmor Armor Set with Fire Enchantment [increased damage and decreased magicka consumption] (He usually folds the sleeves up to the elbows)

2. Essentials
Superior Steel Dagger

Pyroclaw (Enchanted Ring = +35% Fire Damage)

Necklace of Nullification (22% Magic Resist)

7x Potion of Magicka

3x Potion of Health

1246 Gold Coins

Occupation: Infamous Bounty Hunter

Weapons: (Since my char is a magicka-type fighter, I'll put spells instead )

Master Destruction Level - Intensely disregarded his ice and lightning training to completely focus on fire. Thus, he became a Master Fire Caster in just a young age and now has all the spells concerning fire except Fire Storm Spell. Due to intense fire training, he has developed a technique known as Pyrokinesis which simply states using fire spells with just the mind--he uses this technique to make his attacks more unpredictable as it does not need the user to lift his hand and open the palm.

Paralysis - His paralysis level is so low that it requires him to initiate a set of melee combos on the victim just to activate a 5 second paralysis on the victim.

Personality: Vaun is not a person to be friends with. Unless he feels you are a benefit to him, or he sees interest in you, he'll instantly disregard you and leave you alone. He's insane, mad, and unpredictable--doing things without reason except his desire to do it. He's almost as heartless as a draugr. He feels no emotional pain or sorrow, he feels no pity for anybody, and he's absolutely only living with his personal desires. All he feels is his own happiness, pride, and anger. But, this doesn't mean that Vaun doesn't care at all. He still feels love and gives love to people he trusts, respects, and simply just cares for him. It's just that it's very hard to gain his trust because of his difficulty in feeling good traits like love and kindness. Yet, this doesn't stop him from gaining a high social status. His dark traits are easily covered by his great charisma and deception. He can easily trick people into thinking that he cares for them, or loves them, or enjoy their company--and he quite prides himself with such an ability. Overall, Vaun is a man of deception, but with great effort, can be the most useful companion you can have.

*History: Vaun is the adopted child of Trecarion Elsinthar (Father) and Mirina Elsinthar (Mother). He was rescued by Trecarion and his Thalmor Squad in a farm attacked by a pack of wolves that led to the death of Vaun's real parents. He was still a month-old when Trecarion found him. Compassionate for Vaun, he decided to take him in and raise him as his own son. Since Trecarion and Mirina are both of the Thalmor, many political procedures and controversies arose regarding Vaun's race. Fortunately, many factors supported Trecarion's desire to adopt Vaun like: Vaun's race being a Breton--which contains a portion of blood of the High Elves and represents strong magicka, and Trecarion's high ranking in the Thalmor that produced more trust for adoption responsibilities.

During Vaun's early ages, his mother, Mirina, gave him unique fire magicka training and progressed throughout his youth and young adulthood. 

As the plans for the Thalmor rule began to rise, Mirina and Trecarion sensed that Skyrim was a dangerous province to live in and thus, they tried to escape on a small ship. Unfortunately, the Thalmor knew of their desertion and while the Elsinthar family was leaving on their ship, assassins from the Thalmor murdered everybody on the ship, except for Vaun as he had successfully burned the assassins to charred bones and meat. This led to his great anger for the Thalmor and swore exact vengeance for his family. By killing Ancano. 

What province do you come from?(Skyrim, Black Marsh, Valenwood, etc): Skyrim

What are your characters goals? (Become wealthy, join a guild, etc):

Vengeance for his family
Name:  He-Who-Devours

*Nickname: Devours

Race: Argonian

Gender: Male

Age: 27


A devilish, ram-like appearance. His torso and arms are also marked in the natural red, which he also accentuated with blood from his victims.



Book of Necromancy, although he learned all of the spells inside, he likes to re-read it for entertainment

Sugar roll: More than anything, even treachery and dark magic, Devours loves anything sugary. He always makes sure to carry a treat with him.

Pouch of coins: A pouch of what seems to be golden coins. Unfortunately, the 'coins' are actually worthless pieces of metal, coated in a deadly toxin designed to kill whoever it touches. A grim, cruel joke by Devours.


Apothercary/General Store (Uses this as a disguise, thanks to his skill in mending wounds, although through unusual methods)

Secretly a necromancer, vampire follower (Although he can not become a vampire due to his argonian blood)


Wicked Curved Blade: A strange scimitar dagger hybrid that has a heavily serrated edge, designed to inflict maximum pain.

Heretics focus: A magical focus, lined with blades and sharp metal spikes. If his magic fails him, Devour can smash his opponents skull in with this.


Devours is certainly not the most stable character. Although he may appear to be friendly, he has an insatiable urge to harm people. The closer and more important to him they are, the more he wants to harm them, a twisted and perverted way of showing affection. Of course, those near him usually don't suffer the fate of death as strangers, who he sees as objects instead of people. Also, he has developed a taste for flesh, preferring the sweet and tender high elf morsels out of anything.


Originally raised in a shamanistic society with a nomadic group of argonians in skyrim before he got his current name, Keeper-of-Hearts was on his way to attaining one of the most valuable positions in his society, a doctor. To his people, he expressed his gratitude and thanks, although secretly he resented becoming what he was and sought out for something more entertaining. Eventually, he came across a group of vampires and spied them at a distance as they used their dark magics and devoured their prey. Their habits fascinated him, and he wished to learn more. While keeping a safe distance, Hearts eventually made contact with the vampires and soon started recieving informal necromancer training. With his current knowledge of magic, he was quick to learn the art of necromancy. The second fascination of vampirism, being, was not available to Hearts however. He was devastated to learn this, though the vampires took pity on him and named him an honorary member. Seeking to imitate their ways, he started devouring flesh, at which point the vampire cult named him He-Who-Devours.

What province do you come from?: Skyrim

Whst are your characters goals? : Survive and become wealthy while still maintaining his lust for blood.
Name: Maxim Valren

*Nickname: Redd

Race: Dunmer (Dark Elf) - Vampire

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Apperance (Please have it be a picture, I'm hoping for a Skyrim picture, modded or vanilla style works, but realistic photos work too, No anime or anything else, thanks):

(Sorry my photo isn't magnificent I'm no tech genius like the people before me with their beautiful screenshots :o)

Tall and handsome, his face is covered in warpaint and once the armor is removed his history of crime and incarceration is painfully poked out in various colorful tattoos. He keeps his hair just below the nape of his neck, shaving the side and back with a sharp knife when it grows too messy. 



Dwarven Armor of Restoration

Iron Boots

The Bond of Matrimony (in game married to Faendal if you don't like it, I'll make a different character to introduce later to substitute)

Occupation: Assassin

Weapons: Steel War-hammer

Personality: Keeps to himself, avoids small talk as much as possible. He keeps everything as stern and neat as he can, he will only open up to people he is very close to. He is known to steal from people he dislikes and if they notice he will intimidate them to not act upon it.


Orphaned from a young age, he lived his childhood out on the streets in the slums and quickly picked up the life of crime. The only people who seemed to care were other criminals, he quickly joined an assassin as his apprentice at the age of 13, who kept his standards high. He was to keep his uniform tidy and well kept every day and to show no fear. He was trained with a steel sword which he slowly traded for the heavy steel war-hammer. His victims knew he was coming and he was not going to let them off with an easy death. Fear spread through several cities, people were on their best behavior, treated each other perfectly to ensure nobody paid the man to kill them. Rumors spread that even the royal guard could not stop him.  At his peak a man crept his way into Maxim's heart and took him down, he spent 8 years incarcerated, the people rejoiced and forgot, until he escaped. The king refused to tell the public, now he hears reports of stolen horses, and blood marked doors.

What province do you come from?(Skyrim, Black Marsh, Valenwood, etc): Skyrim

Whst are your characters goals? (Become wealthy, join a guild, etc): Regain superiority and fear to his name
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Name: Siathis Eversius

*Nickname: The Vigilant/ Dread Lord Sintelash

Race: Half-Altmer/Half-Imperial

Gender: Male

Age: 28


As the Dread Lord: 

Items: 1x Potion of Ultimate Healing; 3x Potion of Vigorous Healing/Magicka; Bag enchanted to open only for him; Mask of the Dread Lord (Causes Fear on eye-contact); Circlet of Restoration; Pendant of Magicka; Robes of Peerless Conjuration; Master Book of Necromancy; Expert Book of Frost Destruction; Expert Book of Shock Destruction; Week's worth of rations; 200 Gold Pieces

Occupation: Ex-Vigilant of Stendarr; Necromancer


Conjuration: Only "available" to Siathis when his corrupted persona takes control, the Dread Lord is an Expert at Necromancy. Destruction: Despite the books in his possession, Siathis has not completed any of them and is merely an Adept at Frost and Shock spells. Foregoing Fire entirely due to undead.... "disliking" the stuff.

Restoration: In his time as a Vigilant, Siathis became an Expert at Restoration and favors it's use in tandem with Furnace-Heart in combat, and knows a wide variety of the school's spells from powerful wards, to potent healing, and even turning Undead. Though the Dread Lord makes use of this as well, and knows how to Heal Undead when the situation calls for it.

Weapons: Furnace-Heart: Holy Ebony Mace


Blight-Wrath: Does not function for Siathis when he is himself. Etchings glow gold instead of green when he is in his right state of mind and becomes inert. Emits a poisonous mist that weakens and harms the afflicted.


Personality: Siathis, when he is himself, is a calm, collected individual with a strong sense of justice and for standing up for what he believes to be right. Often-times this will put Siathis at odds with abusive figures of authority. When not confronting injustice, Siathis is reserved and is not one to bring undo attention to himself. All-in-All, Siathis embodies a calm, virtuous figure who isn't afraid to stand up for what's right.

As the Dread Lord Sintelash, Siathis becomes conniving and cruel. Finding pleasure in the suffering of others, the Dread Lord desires nothing more than to increase his power and enslave the souls of the fallen for eternity.

*History: Born in the Imperial City to an Imperial father and an Altmer mother, tragedy greeted Siathis' entrance into Nirn with his mother's demise during child-birth. Stricken with grief, his father left the newborn and set off to unknown lands, his final fate unknown to Siathis. Luckily for Siathis, he was spared a life on the streets by his mother's parents. Who, while loving in their own way, obviously despised his father for leaving the boy. As such, from a young age the elder Altmer instilled in the young Siathis a strong sense of responsibility and to do what was right, no matter the cost. This eventually lead to Siathis joining the Vigilants of Stendarr when he came of age, and eventually to him being in the situation he is in now.

After becoming a Vigilant, Siathis and his group were charged with rooting out Daedra worshipers in the city of Bruma. There, the vigilants stumbled across a cult of followers of Molag-Bal. A battle then ensued and though the  were victorious, this was not before Siathis and the other two surviving members were cursed by the Lord of Domination. The other two being driven mad and broken wholly, their minds shattering before they submitted their souls to the Daedra. Siathis however, barely saved himself by severing his personality in half. One half maintaining his usual demeanor, while the other became a corrupted, cruel version of Siathis' self. An anathema to everything he stood for. That night, Siathis became the Dread Lord for the first time, his Altmer heritage, Molag-Bal's curse and the tomes found within the Daedric cult's hideout allowed Siathis to learn enough Necromancy to go on a killing spree throughout Bruma. Slaying a hundred citizens before slipping out of the city. Coming back to his senses in the wilderness covered in blood, and with fleeting memories of the prior night, Siathis knew what he had to do. Unable to face returning to the order now, Siathis fled north to Skyrim, where he has resided now for a year. Searching for a way to somehow free himself from his curse.

What province do you come from?(Skyrim, Black Marsh, Valenwood, etc): Cyrodiil

What are your characters goals? (Become wealthy, join a guild, etc): Spread Justice, Find a Cure for Self; Gain Power
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                 Character sheet


Corriander Elsinfaere





(Bosmeri mother, Altmeri father)







Standing at a slight and svelte four foot and seven inches, Corriander is a good deal shorter than any others in her family due to her mother's Bosmeri heritage. Despite this the young mer has done well to learn to carry herself with the pride, dignity and presence befitting those in her family, often dressing in finer clothes and adorning herself with sparkling gems to denote her 'Highborn' heritage. Despite all this Corriander tends to present herself with a friendly smile, and when away from courts or other Highborn families she tends to walk far more lightly with a notable spring in her step.

Under her bright robes Corriander often garbs herself in a simplistic, yet finely made, sleeveless jerkin and breeches, with similarly made ankle height woven shoes. Corriander also wears one ring per finger, every other ring either bolstering her magick reserves or enhancing her recovery. She also wears a necklace with her family crest that is enchanted for the same effect.

Despite her overall appearance, there is a strength and hidden musculature in Corriander's body built from years of practise and preparation for the off chance she should ever encounter any need for such skills.


Four magick recovery rings, four magick enhancing rings and a necklace that does both.


Ambassador and Diplomat


A single, non-magick infused staff for last effort defence.

Magick Skills:

Corriander is well versed and masterfully practised in the summoning of daggers and bows, and outside of that has a high skill in restorative magick. The only other skill she has is a well versed illusory spell that feigns her form, allowing her to make a short term, immobile doppelganger. Perfect for tricking parents into believing you're studying, or sneaking out of the house. 


Kind hearted and oft soft spoken, Corri was never one the Elsinfaere family expected to become a leader of the household. Despite this she's quite well adjusted and has learned herself in the ways of the Altmeri courts as well, allowing her to contend in politics with many of the Altmer. Though wise in the paperwork and theoretical understandings of many issues plaguing Tamriel Corriander actually has very little on hand experience, something that is often notable in her wishes to aid ushering in peace amongst the races, something the world is in short supply of.

Naive but with determination and a family backing her work towards her goals Corriander's kind personality saw her investing in restorative magicks so that she could aid others, and she further invested herself into learning about the current strife in Skyrim, deciding that she was wanting to go visit the land and observe the issues plaguing it herself to develop a first hand understanding of how they could settle their differences and hopefully restore peace to the people living there.

Despite her peaceful nature, Corriander's proven to have a bit of a wild streak, not having been unknown for a biting tongue or even challenging other debaters to duels should they be unable to find themselves coming to a verbal understanding. Also, unlike many other Highborn she does not view herself as better than others or above standard everyday work.

While she has never openly admitted it, she prefers pub parties to those that the high society types like to throw.


Born out of a surprising union between an Altmer Highborn from a fairly rich and noble family and a simple Bosmer huntress, Corriander was nonetheless readily accepted into the Elsinfaere family when her parents were killed by a group of mercenaries. Raised as many Highborns often were Corriander spent much of her time learning how to become effective and embrace the uppercrust lifestyles of the Altmeri nobles. Despite her racial difference, however, she was never treated any differently, by either her family or by anyone else in their village, partially because many feared that ostracising the Bosmeri girl would end with the Elsinfaere's retribution, though many didn't realise how open and cheerful the house hold was outside of the public eye.

Growing up, the Elsinfaere's embrace Corriander's optimistic and positive nature as a welcome reprieve from the turmoils of the courts, and fully supported the girl in any task that she wished to get involved with outside of her basic education. This led to a very welcoming climate that had Corriander often exploring many different topics before settling to peacekeeping, politics and her magical and physical exercises. Now with the events in Skyrim unfolding as they are, and after much begging and pleading, the young Corriander has been given the oppurtunity to act as a peaceful diplomat on behalf of the Elsinfaere family to attempt to calm the brewing storm between the Nords and the Thalmor, hopefully to ease on the trade routes that have helped keep the family's monetary needs met, but it isn't why Corriander wants to go anyhow.

She, of course, has been travelling with a group of Thalmor soldiers as protection since her arrival due to her age and her aunt and uncle's worries for her safety.

What province do you come from?:

The Summerset Isles

What are your characters goals?:

Corriander wishes to learn about the Nords and of Skyrim so that she can attempt to quell the trouble between the groups in any way she can. She also wishes to eventually see the world.
Do wait for further replies from the bosses. The RP's moving kinda slow here so please let us take our time. ^^
Do wait for further replies from the bosses. The RP's moving kinda slow here so please let us take our time. ^^

Ohm I'm not too worried about the wait. I've two other rps I'm active in, and this just seemed like an interesting third one. Besides, if I were accepted, it is unlikely Corriander'd be up to much else other than chilling with a group of Thalmor guards in a caravan or somesuch so there is literally no urgency from my end xD

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