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Fandom The Elder Scrolls: The Road Less Traveled {Character Sheets}


Druid of the Moon Circle


The Road Less Traveled


Character Sheets

{Here is the place for them. Just post one up and jump in.}

[b]RPN Name: [/b]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Race: [/b]
[b]Religion: [/b]
[b]Home: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Skills: [/b]
[b]Weapons: [/b]

Do try to remain within the confines of 2E Elder Scrolls' Lore. No robots or weird off the wall stuff like that. Otherwise creative freedom is encouraged.

RPN Name: Kololf

Name: Erik Kololf

Race: Nord

Religion: Not Religious

Home: The Pale, Skyrim

Personality: Distant, focused, loyal, secretive, only uses his Clan's name out of honor and shame, rarely gives his first name

Skills: Hunting, tracking, knowledge of flora and fauna, sword skill, archery, hand to hand combat

Weapons: Great Swords and Bows


Born in the Pale hold of Skyrim to the reclusive Kololf Clan, he knew happiness from his close and extended family. His settlement was a days walk to Dawnstar, but despite that fact, trips to town were few. Kololf never minded, as his brothers, sisters, and cousins were many and he never wanted for companionship. At the age of fifteen he underwent his families rite of manhood, due to carelessness his happy day became a death tone for his Clan. After the events and his loss, he traveled to the capitol Windhelm and worked as a tracker, hunter and guide. He also tried a to serve n the Pact, but only saw a few months in Morrowind before returning as a civilian to Windhelm. He stayed in the old capitol for a number of years before his heart again brought about his downfall. Forced to leave out he started walking and has not stopped. Now months later he finds himself nearing the High Rock border, wondering where he will go next.
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RPN Nam<img src="http://img06.deviantart.net/ff22/i/2013/076/5/d/skyrim_argonian_by_victoriadaedra-d4q0qyp.jpg" alt="Image result for argonian"/>e:
Personality:Secretive, prefering stealthy and technical approach. Stubborn, and proud at times. Loyal to friends.
Skills:Conjurer, Healer, and Destruction mage.
Weapons:Destruction spells and can Conjure allies and weapons
Bio:Korvo was born and raised in Markarth. His dad was murdered by a member of the dark brotherhood, so he went on to study at the college of Winterhold until he was the age of 28, where he set out searching for his father's killer. After a year, he finally managed to find their base outside of Dawnstar. He managed to kill his father's killer and flee, and he fled to Riften. One day as he was swimming in the lake, a woman called Karliah came and talked to hime saying she knows what he did and gave him an invitation to join the nightingales. He accepted the offer, and became a Nightingale, worshipping Lady Nocturnal and roaming all of Skyrim, seeking adventure.

I hope this is okay


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