The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague


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Appearance [Picture]


Name: Erizu Domanak

Age: 24 years old

Gender: Male

Hair color/length: Black, Long, To his shoulders

Eye color: Yellow

Race: Altmer [High Elf]

Height: 6" 5'

Weight: 160

Skills: One Handed, Conjuration, Destruction magic, Restoration, Illusion, Alchemy, Enchanting and a violinist

personality: He is very full of himself and like most other high elves, He thinks that he is superior to all races, he strives to become the best mage and thinks that the college of winterhold will only hold him down. He also had a skooma addiction that he got over. The only race he seems to get along with are Bosmer. [Wood Elves.]

History: He grew up without a father, and an alcoholic mother, him and his brother were forced to fend for themselves most of the time and did not get the proper care that most high elves are treated to, his brother died when they were 15 and Erizu was never the same after that. He sank into a deep depression that didn't end till he was 19, he ran away from home at that age and has been wandering Skyrim ever since, he mainly stays in areas like morthal, but will go into Windhelm or Winterhold when the time calls.
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Name: Atronach

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A

Hair color/length: N/A

Eye color: N/A

Height: 6'3

Weight:330 Lbs

Skills: Innate abilities: Fireball, Incinerate, Flame Shield, Fire Rune, Wall of Flames, Fire Storm

Creator's abilities: Mark, Group Re-call, Telekinesis

Personality: Obedient only to the creator. Blunt, Direct, and Impatient.

History: Was summoned by the creator to guide those who have set out to restore the land of Tamriel.

Will act solely to advance the storyline.
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Name: Alek Tafend

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hair color/length: Blonde hair, to ears.

Eye color: Cyan

Height: 5'9

Weight: 100 Lbs

Skills: He enjoys magic very much, but doesn't tend to use it in battle. His very weak stature at the moment due to the starvation he's been having lately almost forces him to use magic over anything else. He is odd, and is strangely fast for who he is. Most people consider this as just luck, which it probably is. He's fairly sneaky. He likes to use ranged weaponry.

personality: Shy and not very talkative. Depressing and thoughtful, forgiving, and pretty helpless. Sometimes he wonders why he lets himself live.

History: As a kid, he was always laughed at. He had barely any traits of an imperial like the others and was always left out. Didn't get any friends and was basically brushed under the carpet by his own parents. They consider him as "defect", "fault in the family", "mistake" and "unworthy". He grew up a lonely life and had hard times getting things like food and money. He lived a sad life and was eventually thrown in prison. As the plague went by, he was thought to have it. He got thrown in prison and was barely fed, so to he was constantly starving every day. They feared him to have the plague and locked him in the highest security prison. His luck is terrible, as even after weeks and weeks, proving he didn't have the plague as he would've died by then, they still have locked him up. He cries all the time, and wonders why his life is so terrible. Everything just goes wrong ever since birth.
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Name: (Obviously Levi)

Age: 16

Gender: Female


Eye color: White

Height: 5'6

Weight: 124

Skills: Alchemy. Good with swords/spears. Is a mix of most powers/attacks. Born wanting to be good in everything. (Mainly a support) And is best at Healing and is Advanced in Defense.
Appearance(picture): Light skinned

Name: Armas Alcarin

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Hair color/length: Dirty blonde almost brown and to about his neck

Eye color: Brown

Height: 6'0

Weight: 200 lb

Skills: Fairly good with a sword, bow, and crafting

personality: He is rather serious about any task that he does. He loves hunting and doing anything outdoors. He is fairly nice if you get to know him but will be a complete douche to strangers.

History: Armas was abandoned by both of his parents at a young age and was forced to live life on his own. He basically raised himself in a forest where he learned to survive and hunt. He has a sister name Lessien that he hasn't seen since he was left by his parents. He then moved to a local town called Maplis where he stayed and learned basic things like tying his shoes. Now he spends all of his free time crafting weapons and armor for men to use in combat.
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Name: Cúon Zelmir



Hair color/length:Medium black hair

Eye color: Brown

Height: 5'11

Weight:187 Lbs

Skills: Marksmen, Alchemy, Stealth, Long Blades, Short Spear, Light Armor, Alteration

Personality: Cúon tends to be indifferent towards most situations outside of battle. He prefers to joke around and enjoy the small moments in life. Normally, play pranks or poking fun at his companions. In battle, his demeanor changes completely; patient, tactical, and cut-throat. He is decisive, and prefers to use complex strategy rather than brute force.


As a Wood elf, He had a fairly simple youth of hunting, scavenging, learning the basics of herbology, and alchemy. He develops his stealth and agility stalking prey, and hunting. With a love for strategy, he mastered elven chess at the age of 13. He has never failed to take down his target, and completed all his training flawlessly. Trained by the elders in the art of the blade, he has become a master swordsmen, and expert dueler. He often prefers to use his father's spear, which was given to him when he came of age. Now that the plague has spread, he witnessed many of his kinmen's death. He is now solely devoted to finding its cause and cure.
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Character Builder:



Age: 23

Gender: Female

Hair color/length: Brown and to mid back.

Eye color: Brown

Height: 5ft 9inches

Weight: 160lbs

Skills: When it comes to dual wielding there isn’t very many people who can beat Anohera. Lightning fast reflexes compliment a seemingly uncanny sixth sense for battle. What she lacks for in brute strength she makes up for in speed, dexterity and endurance.

personality: Anohera tends to be very blunt in her way of speaking. She’s quick to tell people when things won’t work and even quicker to come to blows about it. Her fiery temper has been the cause for more than a few brawls amongst her family and friends.

History: Anohera grew up in Hammerfall. She traveled with caravans of mercenaries and soldiers alike. Her mother was a camp follower and as such. Anohera never learned who her father was. She didn’t let this dictate her attitude towards men though, she was often treated as a mascot amongst the mercenary caravans as a child and served with them on a few missions once she was older. Anohera did not follow in her mother’s footsteps though, she became a mercenary and now travels the world doing odd jobs from merc company to merc company.
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her "naturally," while not using magic

her while using magic.

Name: Her true name is Saylee Kyra Winters. However, she hates her first name, so she lies and tells everyone it's Kyra.

Age: 72, lifespan artificially lengthened by magic. Appears to be in her early 20's.

Gender: Female

Hair color/length: Absurdly long, down to her lower back when down, and brown when masked by her spell. However, it is usually up and is truly white.

Eye color: Ice, ice baby. (Blue)

Height: 6"2'

Weight: 145

Skills: An adept mage, specializing in elemental magic (sorry I haven't "scrolled" in a while xD ) and stealth magic. Has little hand to hand combat training.

Personality: Kyra is a benevolent old grandma. She is quite old-fashioned, and one of the oldest living graduates of the College of Winterhold. She is quite proud of her magic, and enjoys showing off minor spells for people's enjoyment. However, she holds back from doing serious magic in public, as this takes off her illusion of youth and gives a glimpse into her true form.

History: Kyra was born during the Oblivion Crisis, and has faint memories of Oblivion portals from her childhood and good knowledge of the Daedric. As a young girl, the image she has upheld, she graduated the College. After a short time adventuring, she returned to teach at the College for 25 years, after which she was forced to retire. By this time she was pulling 50, and had amassed a small fortune. She has since been a wandering vagrant, tutoring bright young pupils in magic and helping foolish adventurers. Her life is elongated due to her bonding with an immortal spirit in Oblivion during the Crisis. No one else knows this, and she tries to hide the fact that she thinks the spirit might be a Daedric lord.
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Character Builder: me

Appearance(picture): athletic, kinda short, like 5.3 ft

Name: YusufCan

Age: 15

Gender: male

Hair color/length: dark brown

Eye color: blue

Height:5.3 ft

Weight: 127 pounds

Skills: Smithing, One Handed, Two Handed, Heavy Armor.

personality:honoust, loyal, patient, badass

History: as a teen i had a tough childhood i was abandoned by my family and lived alone having only a loyal dog named Max he was my best friend. after he died i lived a lonely life but that changed after a few years when i made some friends and rivals they encouraged me to be the best i can and to never give up i trained everyday to become the best knight i can be and to make protect everyone i love this has always been and willbe my motivation. Peace<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/gohan_ssj2_by_vitaliklol-d54y0wu.jpg.fd9dd1c44bc64c176f33260142ee27c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13552" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/gohan_ssj2_by_vitaliklol-d54y0wu.jpg.fd9dd1c44bc64c176f33260142ee27c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Character Builder: Medium Build


Name: Yoko Kurama

Age: 25

Gender: M

Hair color/length: Long, Silverish White

Eye color: Blue

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 170

Skills: Bows, Stealth, Short swords and daggers

personality: A wood elf with a devious mind, He enjoys talking with others and making friends but he also likes to prowl in peoples homes and sell there goods, He loves finding hidden caverns to explore and see if there are treasure for the taking. He is deadly with a bow and keen with a dagger, He loves a good challenge and he will put his life on the line if need be, When he drinks he becomes a happily loved drunk that tells jokes and is the worst womanizer you will ever meet.

History:His history is unknown do to the fact he has no history.
Appearance(picture) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kratos_Brother_concept.jpg.984530b1d332fc19238839baab0d2529.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13557" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kratos_Brother_concept.jpg.984530b1d332fc19238839baab0d2529.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Morpheus Di Mercurio

Age: 67

Gender: Male.

Hair color/length: Black, reaches down to chin.

Eye color: Black

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 127

Skills: Expertise in Close range combat, Not very skilled in the art of magic. But he is able to summon a daedric using a staff he had acquired a long time ago. Is able to conjure simple destruction spells.

personality: Dislikes the dark brotherhood and dislikes khajiits (Only hates khajiits very little though). He does enjoy company, but he gets annoyed easily in crowds. He believes sleeping is unnecessary and has trained his body to never blink, or sleep. Does have a tendency to harm himself, but only if hes done something truly wrong.

History: After Morpheus's mother had given birth to 2 children, she passed away and the children were left with their father. Their father was a proud warrior, strongest of the strong. He had trained Morpheus until he had turned old enough to fight in a war. He had proven to be even stronger then his father when he took on a empire with nothing but a dagger and a leather shield with the help of his brother. 2 years pass and he has a life threatening fight with a assassin from the dark brother hood, the assassin had fought him and had shot a arrow through his stomach, his brother fought back but was stabbed through the heart with the dagger of woe, Morphues then had pulled a sneak attack on the assassin and stabbed him in the back with a dagger. He hadn't shed a tear, but he did show anger. He then spent several months searching for the dark brotherhoods hide out. it had taken several years until he found the hideout and killed everyone there and left the place to burn. 6 years later he had been kidnapped by falmers in his sleep, he was tortured for 3 days, deprived of food and such, he had planned a escape and spent the next month planning his way out of the falmers grasp. One more month passed before he escaped. After that it was the golden age for him, living in harmony, training a little in magic and such. Most of his dislikes for the khajiits come from the annoyance they cause him. He had grown accustom to the forest, for he lived most of his life in caves, never really living in a home. He had soon grown a liking for exploring and such, until later on his age gave him a limit, so he worked his best to continue training the way he does<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kratos_Brother_concept.jpg.0646d5db175adc2e3706b204f831fffb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13555" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kratos_Brother_concept.jpg.0646d5db175adc2e3706b204f831fffb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kratos_Brother_concept2.jpg.3da18897a3b3c6e3bae0de8a4777a6a0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13556" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kratos_Brother_concept2.jpg.3da18897a3b3c6e3bae0de8a4777a6a0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kratos_Brother_concept2.jpg.3fc1ad4663da69a2a7b8d428d43d13d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kratos_Brother_concept2.jpg.3fc1ad4663da69a2a7b8d428d43d13d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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