The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]

Looks at Erizu and replies with a peaceful voice "We should, shouldn't we! But first, we must never go un prepared! Let us go to Riverwood for supplies and then head to dawnstar. Riverwood shouldn't be too far from here!" He states this confidently, then he starts coughing a little
-I nod.-

"It isn't far at all, we could restock, i know the blacksmith there, he could give us discounts on equipment there, His name is Alvor the 4th."

-I walk out of Falkreath with Morpheus and pull out my violin and play this, just without the lyrics.-

"You better get used to me playing, Its what i do in my spare time."

-Morpheus and Erizu walk through the forest quietly, looking around, wary of any beasts in our way.-

He takes a deep breath and then looks at Erizu

"You are very...Eh...Skilled at playing music. Tell me. Where did you learn to play music of this erm...quality."

He pulls out his dagger and starts fiddling with it, tossing it in the air and then catching it by its handle.
-Erizu frowns at Morpheus.-

"I learned it from my brother when i was 13."

-Erizu and Morpheus walk alongside the riverbank, the roaring waters near us drowning out the sign as the sun shines down at us, we walk on the stone pathway at the side of the river.-

"What do you have in mind when we buy our supplies? I don't think i'll be needing to purchase anything to be quite honest."

-Erizu looks up into the sky, remembering the stories about the dragon crisis 100 years back from his Grandfather, He almost half expects a dragon to fly past, that's how many time's he's heard those stories.-

"What do you think it was like back then? When dragons were flying around, and the Dragonborn was saving the continent.."
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Stops and thinks for a moment, looking at the river bank and thinking thoughts of what it was like back in those days "It was a time of terror. It isn't fun and games. Dragons were these all mighty beasts! Only the one with the voice of a power of the ancient nord gods would ever be able to stand a chance!"

States this out loud

"It wasn't fun and games, it was mostly just war and fighting...and dying."

He says this with a quite saddened voice as a frown spreads across his face

"Wars that can change not only you, but the people around you. It looks like fun, but war causes as much death and destruction, and it kills more then it saves..."

He sighs and looks ahead

"I have been in a war of extreme caliber, I survived and it was a great victory. but knowing that I could of died, or my brother could of died then...It brings memories back that I have been kept in the back of my head." He closes his eyes

"But no matter how much people die! We do it naught for us, we do it to save the innocents. We do it for our family! We do it for Skyrim!"

He states this confidently as he starts coughing again
-Erizu hears this, he is speechless for once, and remains silent.-

-They arrive to the familiar foundations of wooden houses and a stone road, guards roam around as the townspeople do their daily errands, Erizu take a huge whiff of the forest air and the sounds of the roaring rivers and chatter of townsfolk near us.-

"Well this is it, Riverwood." Erizu says happily

-Erizu and Morpheus walk through the stoney roads, walking in the direction of Alvors Blacksmith.-
Looks at the ground and starts kicking the around a pebble "I-I am a old man...I have been around long enough to have even seen a dragons fact..."

Points at his chest with a devious smile, breathing faster then normal

"My armor is made of dragon scales and dragon bones, it was passed down from my father. It is one of the strongest armors you could obtain at the time..."

Starts breathing normally, as he eyes Erizu

"Have you ever heard of a Daedra?"
*Meanwhile; (Moarside Inn, Morthal)*

Cúon decides to tip the gorgeous waitress as she gathers up the plate and utensils despite it being such a lousy meal. He softy grabs her arms before she walks away. He gazes into her eyes and gives her a radiant smile.

Does this place offer ‘room service’? “ She giggles. “Not at this inn, Sir.” She answered playfully, “However, there is another a short distance from here.” “Well then, I’ll take you there for dinner sometime.” She laughs “Is that you or the mead talking?” “I’d have to say that answer depends, on if you are interested or not.

She rolls her eyes and returns to her duties entertaining the idea.

Cúon exhales joyfully, the warmth of the mead slowly takes hold of him.

Guess I should retire for the night” he says to no one.

At that moment, a young woman enters gracefully. The way she carries herself is completely different from the others. He instantly shrugs off the effects of the alcohol and concentrates, observing her every action. He analyzes her mannerisms, and his mind begins to sharpen. “Hmm, there is no way she is from Skyrim. That tan screams Hammerfall, but she doesn’t appear to be a Redguard. Could she be someone sent from the Imperial City?” He wrestles with thoughts, contemplating the possible origins of this mysterious woman. “She can’t have come to this hole in the wall for nothing.

Having run out of ideas, and not having reached a conclusion. He slowly stands up, and walks towards her. He tilts his head to the side in an attempt to get a better view of her face.

Cúon Zelmir” He extends his hand. “You don’t strike me as someone from around here.”

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-Erizu arches his eyebrow at the mention of a Daedra.-

"You mean those gray, red face paint wearing freaks of nature? Yeah i've heard of them"

-Erizu tilts his head at Morpheus, unsure of whats going to happen next.-
Laughs at his descriptions of a Daedra

"They might be freaks, but they are powerful warriors, I can assure you that."

He looks around the area

"So, where is this blacksmith you are talking about?"

He asks, wondering why its taking so damn long to get to a black smith
-Erizu points to a blond nord, long hair, brown eyes and a five o clock shadow.-

"There he is."

-Erizu waves and calls out to the blacksmith.-

"Alvor! It's me, Erizu!"

-Erizu and Morpheus walk over to the black smith and he greets them as always, and looks over to Morpheus and asks for his name and if he's a friend of Erizu.-
He looks at the blacksmith and says with a normal voice "I am Morpheus and I yes I guess we have became grown a, Friendship and what not." He then starts humming Dragon born comes
(I apologize for the mistakes in this, I didn't have time to proof read. )

Alek sits in the corner with his head down arched lowly. As sadness continues to consume his heart, thoughts invade his mind. Bad thoughts, good thoughts, anything that he could really think of. His life pretty much sucked, it hurt, and was boring. His heart swims in to his throat and seems to inhabit there, as always.

Breaking the silence, a sharp rustling noise is easily noticeable from the outside of his cell. Alek doesn't make much of it as it's just a simple rustle. This old buildings probably just cracking a bit. That brings the wondrous thinker into a train of thought. 'What if... Other people have been in here for years? I... I don't want to be like that... I didn't even do anything wrong...'. Some strange will came into the back of his head. A small shy creature like him got a burst of confidence from nowhere. His thoughts start pridefully being invaded with thoughts to escape this hellish place. He doesn't want to end up a pile of bones like some of the food he's eaten. He gets reminded of how much of a sore loser he is... Nothing ever goes his way and his confidence goes down the drain. He's too weak anyway to even try magic...

The rustling noise from before starts to get more intense and it almost seems to get more intense. He clenches his eyes tightly. Maybe it's just his head playing tricks on him again. Oh, how often it does. It feels like he's in an endless void with only his insane mind to play tricks on him. Sometimes he sees blood... Fire... Screaming... He starts shaking his head violently. He doesn't want these thoughts in his head. His anger rises, he can feel himself intensify. His head is screaming, pounding. He clenches he fists tightly as he flings his head upwards and his breathing is harsh and long. The rustling also begins to break in the wind. Swirling, fast movements. Then it happened. The moment for him that would change his life. His life was about to do a 180 spin to the other side. He didn't know it yet, but his dream to be important was soon to be fulfilled.

Outbreak started. The sounds of flames bursted around in the hallway. Chokes of pain and death, cracks, thumps of bodies hitting the floor. It was panic out there. He saw flames and bright flashing lights shimmer through the cell bars. It didn't effect him but his heart filled with confusion and fear. Hit heart rate continued to sky rocket as the burning destruction destroyed the hallway completely. A loud steamy thump hit the floor, mush after the bodies stopped falling. It was only minutes but it felt like ages to Alek. After the years of destruction his destiny placed a flaming, steamy hand on his door handle to the cell.

The creak of the door, shining the light into his dark cell.

The fiery figure standing at the now opened door, which has been closed for what seemed like eternity.

The fear, the confusion, the hope, the sadness, the happiness that filled Alek's small, unhealthy heart.

The thoughts... The good thoughts, getting washed by what seemed like holy water...

Alek froze on the spot as he stared at the fiery being before him. The reality crushing entity got quick to it's explanation, but Alek froze. Was it going to kill him? Or... Bust him out? Was this the day of his death? Was this the day of his freedom? Was he going to be thrown in the trash like the rest of his life... Or finally be acknowledged? As he sat there, frozen in what seemed like every emotion he could feel.

"Alek" The creature speaks Alek's name, and it echoes through the chamber. It sounds slightly rough. Alek's name being spoken causes his heart to explode with emotions. Such a peasant like him, an outcast's, name being spoken by this amazing being. Alek's name echoes loudly in his head, repeating with a ring to it. He almost zones out by the time the creature continues. "The creator has summoned you. This vile infection must cease, and you are to be one of the catalysts to its end. Other are gathering, you shall meet with them. Here is the key to your binding. Make haste!" This must be some... Hallucination... Dream... His head pounds in confusion. The creator... Summoning him? This is a dream... There's no way... But... If it's a dream, then he might as well make up of it... So... In this dream... The creator summoned him... No way... Oh my god... No... It can't be a dream... It's so real... His heart pounds in his chest, feeling like it's about to jump out and explode. As his heart mercilessly punches his rib cage he continues listening. The vile infection must cease.... Yes, he's aware... The bad people sent him here thinking he had the stupid disease, he'd love to stop it to prove them wrong. You are to be one of the catalysts to it's end. Amazing... That'd mean he'd mean something. That fills his heart with hope. His one dream, being basically told by this godly messenger. Other are gathering, you shall meet with them. And friends too, people he can care about? No... Maybe he's just being to hopeful. But still, this is like heaven to him. The dream carrier extended a fiery hand and dropped a shiny object from it... A key! Genius! Here is the key to your binding. Make haste! That he'll do. He nodded weakly as the clanging of the metal keys stopped.

The wonderful being had a crisis on it's own hands, it seemed. After bringing Alek's biggest dream to reality, it rose it's head. It looked in pain and Alek felt sorry for it. Without the ability to speak from this clogging of emotions, Alek didn't say anything. It's flames seem to weaken like a fire about to die out. "I am growing weaker, so I will place my trust in you". Trust... Wait no... Stop! Alek brought every one of his wishes together to stop this beings wonderful life from ending. It was futile. This pile of hopes and dreams just dripped onto Alek then got smashed in by a sledgehammer... But the tiny drip was enough for Alek's like to change forever... Dramatically. It makes a loud, ear piercing, shriek of pain and agony... Then, in a sudden change of events. It implodes. Just... Like that... It makes him think... How fast a life could just end... at a moments notice. He shakes if off as he knows that's a thought for another time. That wonderful burst of confidence from before comes out of nowhere and strikes Alek again. He feels stronger, and all of the bad thoughts from his head are pushed into the back. He uses the familiar spell he got familiar with as a child like it was nothing. A ball of fire bursts into his hands and begins to light the ropes tied around his wrists on fire. In an epic blaze, they get engulfed and ash away. It feels so good to finally move his wrists again, his arms. He stretches them firmly as the fire ball drops downwards and sets the ankle wraps aflame. After they become scraps he gets up and finally walks again. He stretches. His entire body feels great to be free. He knows now is no time to relax, although, and quickly gets to the chase.

Grabbing the key in a swift motion he rushes out the cell. He sees there's still a lot of fire and death from earlier. Avoiding the rubble and fire, he makes his way through the maze that is this prison. Many long, annoying moments pass as he travels through the corners. It's very high security so his sneaking skills really come in handy. He uses the key for good use while traversing. Then, he finally makes it outside. The bright light and the wonderful feeling of sunshine sprawling across his skin. It's a good feeling. A great feeling. But, he had no idea where the others where gathering up... Or if he was even real...

This... Is where the wonderful adventure of Alek.... Begins.
Zealotos said:
*Meanwhile; (Moarside Inn, Morthal)*
Cúon decides to tip the gorgeous waitress as she gathers up the plate and utensils despite it being such a lousy meal. He softy grabs her arms before she walks away. He gazes into her eyes and gives her a radiant smile. “Does this place offer ‘room service’? “ She giggles. “Not at this inn, Sir.” She answered playfully, “However, there is another a short distance from here.” “Well then, I’ll take you there for dinner sometime.” She laughs “Is that you or the mead talking?” “I’d have to say that answer depends, on if you are interested or not.” She rolls her eyes and returns to her duties entertaining the idea.

Cúon exhales joyfully, the warmth of the mead slowly takes hold of him. “Guess I should retire for the night” he says to no one. At that moment, a young woman enters gracefully. The way she carries herself is completely different from the others. He instantly shrugs off the effects of the alcohol and concentrates, observing her every action. He analyzes her mannerisms, and his mind begins to sharpen. “Hmm, there is no way she is from Skyrim. That tan screams Hammerfall, but she doesn’t appear to be a Redguard. Could she be someone sent from the Imperial City?” He wrestles with thoughts, contemplating the possible origins of this mysterious woman. “She can’t have come to this hole in the wall for nothing.” Having run out of ideas, and not having reached a conclusion. He slowly stands up, and walks towards her. He tilts his head to the side in an attempt to get a better view of her face. “Cúon Zelmir” He extends his hand. “You don’t strike me as someone from around here.”
Cúon comes over to Anohera as she moves away from the Inn’s main door. Her bright brown eyes meet his and her dark Redguard skin becomes more apparent in the brighter lighting of the great room. Once out of the doorway, she takes her gloves off and gives Cúon a cold but firm handshake. “I am not from here.” Her accent confirms that she is from Hammerfell. “My name is Anohera. I am sent here on business from my squad leader.”

Anohera quietly starts to undo the clasps of her outer garments and sheds the heavy furs to reveal the heavily padded tunic she wears underneath. The dark ochre red complimenting her darker complexion much nicer than a blue or a grey would that is common in Nord fashion. Around her well-shaped waist rest the buckler for twin short swords. The blades are hidden behind thick cured leather to protect them from the elements. “Was there something you might need from me?” She crosses her arms and patiently waits for his answer.
*Morpheus and Erizu make it to Whiterun, they are stopped by a guard at the gate*

"Stop right there, Whiterun is isolated to all outside visitors because of this damned plague, we are not accepting any further travelors" The guard says sternly

-Erizu glares at the guard, he looks him over and his stormcloak outfit, the blue tunic with chainmail underneath, the fur boots and the helmet, Erizu sees the vibrant green eyes underneath the helmet.-

"What do you mean isolated, the two of us don't have the disease, We're clean!"

-The guard shakes his head and walks over looking the Elf and Nord over, noticing no symptoms of the disease that spreads across all of Tamriel and responds with.-

"You got lucky elf, and fellow kinsmin, come right this way" The guard pulls out his keys and walks to the gate, he opens up the gate and Erizu and Morpheus see the townspeople doing their daily duties, The adults go on errands such as trading at the shops, working and training their children. The blacksmiths sharpen their swords, craft their bows and make sure their armors are well taken care of, Khajiits roam the town as well, getting along much better with people, the cubs and the children play games together, as they pretend to be warriors using their toy wooden swords, The elderly sit on benches and reminisce about the past, battles they fought.

"This town looks so oblivious to the danger they really face.." Erizu says, turned to Morpheus with a mixture of a frown and a sad face.

"The Atronach said there would be others, how in the name of the nine are we supposed to know who they are?" Erizu says angrily after that.
Morpheus stops and ponders the question, thinking greatly on who they might be, where they might be, and what they might do.

"I haven't any clue on who they are, but if what you say is true, then the creator would have given us all the same plan. So I suggest that after our time in whiterun is over. We should get on a move on and meet up with these people on the way there."

He says this with a raspy voice, looking up at the sky, hoping to get this journey over with
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*Alek begins taking his first steps in the outside world, once again. He's heading out of Solitude to wherever nature might lead him.*

Alek softly mutters to himself as he plants his feet in the soft soil. "I wish things could just slow down for a moment. I need some time to relax." He lets out a large sigh with a shrug. "Oh well.". Seeing some guards around the prison he knows he'll have to sneak out of Solitude. He wonders if he's in posters everywhere for having that stupid disease. Shaking his head he quietly presses his back against the wall and starts sneaking against the walls. A building is near the wall and he barely manages to squeeze past it without getting caught. After an annoying amount of sneaking around he makes it to an overpass. He lets out a sigh of relief. This must be the exit, he can finally stop fearing getting caught. As he calmly starts to walk out with a smirk something makes him jump out of his skin.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A booming voice yells from behind him. He slowly and shakily turns around, his body pale and filled with fear. 'Now I'm going to get caught... All that effort for nothing.' he thinks in his head. Just like he thought, it was a guard holding some red object in it's hand. Alek gulped and said the next sentence shakily. "Y...Y...Yes... S... S.S.S.... Sir?". The tone of fear was easily shown in his voice. The guard made a loud chuckle then said something sounding slightly cheerful "I'm not aggro, lad. You where looking a bit off color so I had to had to stop to help. I'm on the job, every one in the town deserves some respect." The guard had a strong English accent, it felt a bit booming to Alek as he's used to quiet noises. Alek could feel the guards eyes on his ribs, he was clearly eyeing him out because he was skinny. "Here lad, take this on your journeys. Good luck." Alek let out a sigh of relief as he saw the guard gently toss a nice ripe apple to him. Catching it nicely Alek smiled. He nodded and turned around, continuing on his way.

Taking a large bite, Alek listened to the apple making it's familiar cackle that it tends to make when people bite into it. He listened to the gentle crunch of his feet against the soil, it felt so damn good to be free. He felt the gentle breeze of the air pressing against him. The light pressing on his skin. He's free, finally, he escaped. He readies himself for the journeys ahead.
*Location: Moarside Inn, Morthal*

"A quick wit, and a sharp blade is ideal. Unless you're of the lucky one who survived the mage incident. But, you carry yourself as a staunch mercenary." He counters calmly.

He leans on to the table and stares are her coldly

"So, what brings you here chula; fame, wealth, intrigue, or do you have 'other' motivates?" He says suspiciously.

Not awaiting her answer, he gently pushes himself on the table, and steps with one leg back slightly spread into a defensive stance. To the bar patrons, the move was so natural; they failed to realize the intent of his actions.In the same motion, he casually tucks his hand into his pocket and rests his other on the hilt of his blade as if it wasn't a threatening gesture.
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*Erizu looks around whiterun, the familiar landscape and buildings all around him, memories flooding all at once*

"Well, i'm sure we'll find out soon, if the creator wanted us all together, i'm guessing he'll find a way."

-Erizu turns to Morpheus, the guards glare at us and one proceeds to even shove Erizu.-

"Move along elf boy, we have to close the gate." -Erizu glares at the guard, looking into this guard's brown eyes and reluctantly complies, moving forward with Morpheus and going into the plains district, Erizu walks to the merchant stand where food is sold.-

"What are you looking to buy traveler? We have fine meats, cheeses, and other Nordic delicacies." The merchant asks Erizu, The merchant is a very kind old lady, gray hair with a doorag on her head, kind blue eyes, and a reassuring smile

Erizu would respond with.. "I would like to purchase 4 pounds of Horker meat, me and my friend here will be going on a long journey, we will need the proper supplies"

"Four pounds of horker meat? That will be 75 gold pieces." The kind nordic lady replies with

-Erizu checks into his bag, he has more than enough, he drops 80 gold pieces on the table, and the old lady smiles.-

"What a kind young man you are." -The old lady salts, and wraps up the meat and passes it to Erizu, Erizu proceeds to put the salted meats in his bag and waves to the old lady and Morpheus and Erizu walk to the Wind district, the mead hall known as "
Jorrvaskr" catches their eye, They look at each other thinking the same thing.-

"I'm sure a little mead won't hurt, This will be a journey that they sing the tales about here, one day" Erizu says happily.
He looks at Erizu "It sure wouldn't, now your payin cause I barely have enough to purchase a plate."

He laughs and pats Erizu on the back "Yeah, but I all I really care about is the safety of towns folk and this god forsaken plague."

Out of the corner of his eye he sees a two khajiits drinking mead and frowns, then sighs

"I don't appreciate khajiits very much, they are just a bunch of back stabbing thieves."

One of the khajiits gets up and looks at Morpheus with a angry look "What was that?" He grasps on to a dagger

Morpheus looks at the khajiit and laughs "Don't even try it putty cat."

The khajiit out of drunken rage pulls out the dagger and attempts to stab Morpheus, but he grabs his arm and breaks it, then kicks him to the floor

"Next time, come prepared." Spits on his face, then looks back a erizu
Zealotos said:
*Location: Moarside Inn, Morthal*
"A quick wit, and a sharp blade is ideal. Unless you're of the lucky one who survived the mage incident. But, you carry yourself as a staunch mercenary." He counters calmly.

He leans on to the table and stares are her coldly

"So, what brings you here chula; fame, wealth, intrigue, or do you have 'other' motivates?" He says suspiciously.

Not awaiting her answer, he gently pushes himself on the table, and steps with one leg back slightly spread into a defensive stance. To the bar patrons, the move was so natural; they failed to realize the intent of his actions.In the same motion, he casually tucks his hand into his pocket and rests his other on the hilt of his blade as if it wasn't a threatening gesture.
"Mages... Pfft." Anohera scoffs at the mentions of mages and puts her hands on her hips. Her brown eyes once showing a calm, calculating, thoughtful aura suddenly turn cold as Cúon pushes himself off the table. The subtle shift of his weight to a more balanced stance does not go unnoticed by the young Redgaurd. His hand going to his blade hilt makes her hair stand on end. She had hoped to avoid killing people today but, some people just never listened to her inner voice. To avoid a conflict, Anohera smiles at Cúon in a friendly manner. Her face moves and the smile is warm but, her eyes are as cold as the winter storms that sweep through Skyrim. If Cúon pushes her enough she'll be more than willing to spill his blood on the Inn floor. "I came here looking for an elf. My squad leader told me he would be waiting here for me and we would go to High Gate with a few others. His name was Cucumber or Celery, you know those elves and their flowery names." Her lips tug in a mocking smirk.
*Erizu watches as the Khajiit attempts to attack*

"What in the name of the nine..?" Erizu says while the Khajiit charges at Morph, the alcohol in its breath is clearly smelled and makes Erizu scrunch his face up, the whiskers of the Khajiit droop low over its blue and black striped fur, it charges at Morph with a Dagger in hand.

-The Khajiit is beaten down as Morpheus says, "Next time come prepared"-

-Erizu looks back at Morpheus, with a slight grin.- "Wooooow, you really showed that guy who probably had one too many bottles of mead, only had a dagger on him, and was a Khajiit who's boss huh?" Erizu says sarcastically

"Lets get some mead now shall we?" Erizu says confidently, they walk across the cobblestone path way toward Jorrvaskr, when they open the door, the chatter of warriors conversing about their battles from before, the smell of mead travels around the room, Swords, shields, and spears are laid across the wall accordingly, the leaders of the companions sit at the head of the table, talking about the recent plague and lack of battles lately, Erizu closes the door behind him, the sunlight now being closed out.

"Alright.. not what i expected" Erizu says quietly.
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