The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague [Inactive]


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Zealotos submitted a new role play:

The Elder Scrolls: Daedric Plague - ES:DP, Saiyan Planet

One hundred years have passed since the events of Skyrim. Tamriel is in an uproar. The Jarls have all been assassinated, and the common folk have begun to suffer from a strange plague. Thousands have died, and no discoveries have been made in the last five years as to the origin of this virus. Recently, documents from the body of a Dark Brotherhood assassin have been discovered. Revealing the source to be rituals of Daedric worship.
The Fighter's guild and Imperial legion have sent multiple...
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*After a long journey from the Imperial City; Cúon finally arrives in Morthal.*

Exhausted after a month of traveling, he approaches a tall Nord; blonde hair, blue eyes, and serious posture. “He looks like he loves his job.” Cúon says in a low tone, musing to himself. “These people must enjoy foreigners”.

Hey, I’m sorry to interrupt your patrol. Could you direct me to the nearest inn?” Zelmir asks with a weary look on his face. “It’s called the Moarside Inn. Just pass the Highmoon Hall, it’s on the right. “He replies, examining Cúon’s stoic appearance. “Don’t cause any trouble. We already deal with enough since the plague hit.” Cúon nods in understanding. “Expect more people coming in. Morthal is our meeting point before we head to High Gate.

-The Nord raises his hand in a understanding yet annoyed gesture and continues back to his patrol.-

Cúon shivers and breaths into cupped hands in an attempt to find comfort in this frozen wasteland.

By the Nine, I miss Valenwood.” Reminiscing to himself as he approaches the inn.

The frozen board creak and groan under his weight as he makes his way up the front steps.

How quaint”, he jests as he enters the dilapidated building. The unpleasant noise of wood scraping against wood jolts the room as the ancient oak door screams in protest.

Nice place you got here” He says smiling to the waitress. “I hope your beds are as comfortable as the atmosphere” He glances around the room. The smell of skooma smoke and mead conquers the stagnant air stifling everyone inside.

She was gorgeous. Blue eyes and long dark hair tied in a ponytail draped over her shoulders. She smiles, revealing a flawless set of pearl white teeth. “Top notch, I just changed the sheets last week” She replies sarcastically.

Just how I like it” He laughs. “Be a doll; bring me some Salmon and your finest mead

He sighs sharply, finally being able to rest. Time to get down to business.

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*Erizu walks in the swampy marsh of Morthal playing his violin*

-Erizu comes across the main town, he asks for directions to Falkreath, A guard responds with.- "Falkreath eh, well Falkreath is south-east of here, be wary of mudcrabs and sabercats on the way"

Erizu nods, he walks in that direction, taking in the smells of the swampy marsh land around him, playing his violin as he always does when he's off traveling.

He comes across a saber cat, He puts the violin behind him with it clicking into place, he raises his hands up defensively and flames emerge from his palms, He thrusts his palms forward shooting flames at the saber cat.

"That guard wasn't kidding of the dangers in my path, no time to waste"

As the saber cat is burnt into a crisp, he starts to go into a sprint south-east.
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* Morpheus pulls out a old map that he has been using for awhile now, and starts heading to Dawnstar for some work. hoping that he will get enough gold to purchase a elven dagger. He starts day dreaming about how he has seen Dawn such a long time ago, and how much it must have changed after all these years* "Such a long walk from Windhelm to Falkreath, I wish I had a carriage or something so that this would speed up..." *He closes his eyes and continues walking, taking only small stops at nearby areas to gain water for 3 gold pieces*
*Alek sits in his cell in Solitude that he's been in for very long.*

Like everyday, Alek sits in his cell, usually in the dark corner where the spiders crawl. 'The spiders are my only friend, really...' He jokes to himself in his head. He hopes to one day get out, the atmosphere sucks. He thinks about the life he could be have if he wasn't born as a stupid defect. Tears start to form in his eyes but he stops at the loud shout of the guard yelling into his cell. Finally he gets his meal. It's been a long time since he's gotten his last one. The guard lazily throws it in between two bars and it splats on the dirty floor. It's a sloppy raw goat leg. He thinks to himself maybe he is a zombie jokingly as he feels bad for having to eat this raw leg. He crawls over to it, having to use his chin as his arms and legs are tied up, and he starts ripping pieces off and chewing. After a few moments, most of the leg is gone and he pushes it into the leftovers pile he made. It's mostly just bones and some fat. Lazily crawling back to his corner he sighs. He wonders if he'll ever get out.
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*Levi walks to a tower, in the thought of no-where. She thinks she is stranded. But she soon sees a Water mill ahead, she runs to it, not that she was expecting anything better than an empty mill, she was thinking it was someone ahead, raiding everything. She then walks off to the right finding a little hut. She walks in the hut, finding a man. This man was was loaded with items, but she was only able to grab one thing, a small, tattered wood sword. She had spent 25 coins on it, leaving her stuck at about 20 coins.
*He sighs as he hears a saber come near by. He pulls out his steel dagger and faces the saber and stabs it on the forehead, killing the saber instantly, he then continues walking toward falkreath* "How close am I to falkreath now... *Looks at his map, he swipes some of the dirt off it and points out that he Is now in Riverwood.* "Only half way there and then I can sit down and wait for my next job. Maybe then I can afford that dagger I've always wanted."

*Starts whistling dragonborn comes while the wind starts blowing his hair back*
*Erizu makes it to falkreath after a tedious journey, he walks into "Dead mans drink" and pulls out a note, describing the man he is supposed to meet here*

-Erizu sees the man with the fitting details and pulls up a chair, sitting in front of him and looking at the old robed man.-

"What did you call me here for?" Erizu asks confused

-The Old man looks him sternly in the eyes and says.-

"The college needs a mage of your calibur, Erizu. This plague is something that needs to be dealt with as soon as we can."

"The plague? Thats just a bunch of crappy rumours spread around by daedra worshipping freaks" Erizu says stubbornly

-The old man and Erizu argue over the legibility of this plague for what seems like hours.-
*Levi looks around in her bag, as she is entering a city. "I got 5 coins, this will make me rich!" Levi laughs to self, as she walks into the town, planning to find some deals. As she looks, she sees the sword of her dreams. A shiny, metal sword, as the wind hits the sword it makes a peaceful noise, as she thinks she will get it. "Oh my, its beautiful!" Levi says, dozing off. "Huh... Uh?" She stands akwardly, as the crowd watch her drool.. "Oh I was just leaving" Barely finishing the sentence she knocks into a booth "Oh ma'am, I.. I.. I'll pay for it.." Levi says with a gloomy face, she looks back to the sword "I need that." She chuckles, and pulls out her 20 coins, knowing this is nothing compared to the money that cost.
*Erizu shouts at the old man and gets up from the table, he walks outside and looks around*

"The College... pfft. What a waste of time, this plague thing will be over in a matter of days, i don't see why everyone is getting so riled up about it."

-Erizu checks into his bag and pulls out a salted piece of Horker, he walks over to a cooking spit and starts to heat it up, so that it can be edible.-

"I mean this whole plague thing has to be just a small thing... right?"

-Erizu contemplates this as he cooks the horker meat.-

He finally makes his way to falkreath after many hours of back breaking walking and heads over to the Jarls Longhouse, when he walks in the room he spots Nenya, and heads toward her "Good evening ma'am, might I say you are looking fine today."

Nenya eyes the old man and shakes head in disapproval and asks "Tell me what your here for..."

Morpheus chuckles and "No need to get annoyed, tis only a joke. Now if you don't mind, can you please tell me where a strapping man such as myself may find a suitable job."

She sighs and answers Morpheus "The jarl has some work that only the toughest of warriors could handle."

Morpheus thanks her for her assistance "Thank you fair maiden, now excuse me." Walks into the jarls room and sits in one of the chairs

Appears before Erizu in a blinding flash of light and fire.

He instinctively rise his arms and hands to cover his eyes from the burning pillar of energy that now stands before them. The Erizu's arm hair was singed off by the explosive power. The sentient stands erect then turns to Erizu. A thunderous voice booms from the creature. "Erizu, you have been summoned by the creator to extinguish the scourge that plagues this world." voice echoing throughout the surrounding environment. "You must travel to High Gate to find the source of this blight. Now, Go!" It commands.

Just a suddenly it appeared, it ceased to be. The sound of crackling, and the pungent smell of brimstone pierce the air. The scorched ground is all the remains as evidence of the creatures existence. 

Zealotos said:

Appears before Erizu in a blinding flash of light and fire.

He instinctively rise his arms and hands to cover his eyes from the burning pillar of energy that now stands before them. The Erizu's arm hair was singed off by the explosive power. The sentient stands erect then turns to Erizu. A thunderous voice booms from the creature. "Erizu, you have been summoned by the creator to extinguish the scourge that plagues this world." voice echoing throughout the surrounding environment. "You must travel to the ruins of High Gate to find the source of this blight. Now, Go!" It commands.

Just a suddenly it appeared, it ceased to be. The sound of crackling, and the pungent smell of brimstone pierce the air. The scorched ground is all the remains as evidence of the creatures existence.
*The atronach appears in front of me*

-As the blinding light appears, i instinctively throw my arm in front of me to block the light, I listen to its words"

"High Gate? What do they need me there for..? Blight, do they mean the plague? So many questions.."

-Erizu turns in the directions of Dawnstar and groans.-

"That far away..?"

-Erizu feels a bad taste in his mouth as he says these words-

"I'll need to find a partner for this.."

*Erizu walks around Falkreath, in search of a warrior suitable to his tastes*
The Jarl eyes Morpheus "Explain to me what you have came for"

Morpheus looks at the jarl and states "I have came here looking for work, and that strapping young lady has informed me that you have work that only the toughest of warriors could handle."

The Jarl laughs and then exclaims "You think you can do it? Well then. If you manage to pull this off I will personally give you enough gold to purchase a house!" The Jarl steps out his chair and walks over to Morpheus and hands him a small piece of paper with writing on it, after this he walks back to his throne and sits on it

Morpheus takes the piece of paper and looks at the writing, it states "Anyone willing to venture through the High Gate Ruins will be given an extreme amount of gold!". He then exits the room the log house, into dead mans drink for some liquor and such
*Erizu walks around, putting signs up, promising large amounts of gold to accompany him*

"Good, any warrior will respond with the right amount of coin, now to play the waiting game."

-Erizu waits in the specified place that he said to go to, he leans against the wall, waiting for a warrior to come.-

"Hopefully this won't be long." -Eritu mutters to himself.-
After exiting Dead Mans Drink, nice and prepared for a journey, he realizes that the map that he owns doesn't have the location of High Gate Ruins, so he looks around town hoping to buy a map that has the location of High Gate Ruins "I should of known keeping a map this old for such a long period of time isn't a good thing... 
He then spots Erizu, and walks toward him, hoping he might have something to help "Hello there sir, do you think you could assist a man of my age? A map or something?" He asks erizu, hoping that there is something he can do to help
*Erizu is approached by Morph*

"I'm afraid i don't, The only map i have is the one i will be using to travel to High Gate ruins, I am just waiting here for any warriors who wish to accompany me, the pay is quite good."
The whipping winds that come barreling through the forest sucked what little heat Anohera could make for herself right out of her body. Anohera’s teeth chatter loudly inside of her skull as she stuffs her hands under her armpits and stomps through the light crust of snow on the road to Morthal. Why did her captain of the mercenary team have to send her out to this godless land? Skyrim was hell with its freezing temperatures.

One foot in front of the other, the steady progression of movement over the rather flat terrain that lead to Morthal eventually brought the woman to the bridge that spanned a body of water. Anohera would lift her head at this point and see the only good thing she liked seeing in this unhospitable frozen wasteland, wood smoke. With wood smoke wafting from buildings she knew a hot meal and a warm bed was in short order.

Her light brown eyes would take in the rather dead atmosphere of the town, despite how remote the place was it was apparent the plague had swept through here as well. Keeping her head down, Anohera found her way to the Moarside Inn. The warmer temps of the entry way hit her freezing cold face with a welcomed albeit painful sensation. Stumbling inside brought her out of the cold and into the thick atmosphere of wood smoke, spilt mead and burnt food.

Throwing back her hood, Anohera dropped a few inches of snow of her and onto the creaky wood of the floor. A few people would look up at her and eye the dark brown complexion of her skin. She would rake her eyes over their pale complexions, they looked washed out and boring to her eyes. Their clothes were always shades of grey and brown… no color like her native lands of Hammerfall. Shivering a bit would cause more snow to drop from her shoulders and onto the wooden flooring. Where was this person her commander had told her to meet? Some woodelf… by the name cueon or cucumber… something stupid like that.
He starts thinking when he says "Warriors who wish to accompany me..." He squints and looks at Erizu "High Gate Ruins...I am also heading there, And because you look like such a strapping young man. I shall accompany you." He gives a small smile, then offers a hand shake
*They continue the conversation*

"What a coincidence, Strapping young man?"

-Erizu chuckles and then shakes Morph's hand.-

"I am Erizu Domanak, an Altmer. And you are?"
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"I am Morpheus, and Old Nord. Its a pleasure to meet you." He puts his arms to his side as he coughs then sighs with a confused look on face

"I don't meet many people that look like you, then again I don't meet many people at all." he stares at the ground, wondering what to say...

"So...Have you been to this so called High Gate Ruins before? For I sure haven't!"

He starts chewing on one of his finger nails
*Erizu responds to Morpheus*

"I have never gone to High Gate no, I have no reason to go east, especially after at how even after 100 years, people still find ways to hate Altmer."

-Erizu shakes his head head and looks at Morph.-

"Tell me, what do you specialize in?"
He ponders for a minute, then replies. "I specialize in close range combat. It is what I was taught as a child by my father."

He takes a deep breath, reminding himself about how his father was one of the best things in his life as a youngling, then back to the conversation.

"What do you specialize in, chemistry, long ranged combat, maybe magic?"

*Location: Solitude prison*

Small pieces of cinder begin dancing wildly across the damp prison floor. Suddenly, they multiple in number, spinning in a lazy circle, and then slowly increase in velocity. What started as a something described similar to fireflies in mating season, quickly evolved into a firey vortex. The intensity of the flames tear through their surrounds, consuming all the oxygen in the room. Those who weren’t instantly incinerated by the raging flames were quickly asphyxiated as the heat seared their lungs shut. In the epicenter of the inferno, the Atronach was shaped into existence like a star going supernova.

It reaches out and calmly puts it hand on the cell door. The metal glows white as it beings to meld into a pool. The Atronach steps into the cramped room.

ALEK!” The name enters the chamber like a roar. Its speech reverberates off of the confined walls only seeming to amply its power. “The creator has summoned you. This vile infection must cease, and you are to be one of the catalysts to its end. Other are gathering, you shall meet with them. Here is the key to your binding. Go to the ruins of High Gate! Now go, make haste!”

The Atronach raises his head, and its flames being to ebb. “I am growing weaker, so I will place my trust in you” It shrieks, “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” in that very moment. The Atronach implodes.
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-Erizu nods at the last statement.-

"I practice in destruction magic, Conjuration, Illusion, and restoration. But i know how to use a blade when i need to"

-Erizu would pull the Dwarven sword from his scabbard on his waist.-

"This is my enchanted Dwarven sword, I call it "Hells Fury"

-Erizu sheathes the blade into its scabbard and looks in the direction of Dawnstar.- We should be off then shouldn't we.

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