The Eight Kingdoms


There's a certain beauty to broken people...
Please read the rules and notes in the overview first!










Appearance:(If Dragon or Wolf, must have both creature form and human form)

Description: (Additional details, tattoos, scars, height, etc)

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Race: Elf

Kingdom: Arda

Position: Adviser

Age: 2197

Personality: Elidyr is very cold and calculating. Most who meet him don't like him. But he is very wise and makes a great adviser. He is loyal and a good friend.

Bio: Elidyr's father was a warrior and his mother was a seamstress. He never followed the warrior path even though he was taught how to fight. His father wasn't disappointed, nor was he proud. He just kind of spent a lot of time with Elidyr's older brother. Elidyr was close to his mother. He is very happy to be an adviser.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/male_elf_by_emmil-d3hky5g.jpg.43ec90a26dd59552d8407fcdde5c7669.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/male_elf_by_emmil-d3hky5g.jpg.43ec90a26dd59552d8407fcdde5c7669.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: He stands at 6'4"



His weapon.

Name: Rhoswen

Race: Faerie

Kingdom: Avalon

Position: Princess

Age: 165

Personality: Rhoswen is very sweet and innocent. She is young by Fey standards, just a teen. She is very kind and doesn't feel like she's better then anybody.

Bio: She was raised in Avalon and was always given the best.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/faeries-750x290.jpg.198ee0db20c8b078b49646fda922972d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/faeries-750x290.jpg.198ee0db20c8b078b49646fda922972d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: Faerie height is 4". Human height is 5'8"


Name: Quill Johnson

Race: Human

Kingdom: Camelot

Position: Blacksmith

Age: 23

Personality: A very kind man, though rough around the edges. He comes off as gruff and unfriendly but he'd give a beggar the clothes off his back and the coin in his pocket just to do a good deed.

Bio: He was born into a poor family who shipped him off to an apprenticeship at a forge as soon as possible. It was for his own sake since blacksmiths earn well. He worked hard to get were he is.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/655936.jpg.a9eab8d0f409e7e765d787138385c87e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48285" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/655936.jpg.a9eab8d0f409e7e765d787138385c87e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: Has a tattoo of on his shoulder. Stands at 6'0"



Name: Katla

Race: Dragon

Kingdom: Hasai

Position: Servant


Personality: Katla is fierce and stubborn. She is a loyal servant and very smart. She always tries to do her best.

Bio: Her mother was killed by another dragon while protecting her territory. The dragon who killed her didn't mean too, he was young and caught by surprise. It was self defense. The young dragon took care of her egg until her father arrived. Her father blamed her for her mother's death and refused to take the egg so she was taken in by a young dragon who is very much like a father to her now.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/368004.jpg.d17dbe3d3bed6cdaa6bf89ccaf8e8205.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/368004.jpg.d17dbe3d3bed6cdaa6bf89ccaf8e8205.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Dragon.jpg.f2225dccf6aedb4a787b4e4fc42835b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48295" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Dragon.jpg.f2225dccf6aedb4a787b4e4fc42835b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description:Dragon form, 40 ft long, 15 ft high, Human form, 5'9"



Name: Axl

Race: Wolf

Kingdom: Lupis

Position: Prince

Age: 21

Personality: A very hot headed and stubborn guy. Yet Axl only wants the best for his people.

Bio: Born as the Heir of Lupis. His mother died.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male



Description: 6'0" Tattoo of a reaper on his back




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Name: Renauk Grimdul

Race: Dwarf

Kingdom: Orocarni

Position: Ambassador of the Orocarni Kingdom

Age: 183

Personality: With patience, and diligence to keep the Dwarven kingdom of Orocarni flourishing, Renauk is very keeping his kingdom's best interests in mind. Taking the time to find compromises between all sides of the other seven kingdoms, he ensures that no wars are started unnecessarily.

Bio: Renauk was born into the Grimdul family as the third child, whom was to take up his father's position of foreman of the Great Forge. As a young lad he had a knack for metalwork, along with smithing, which placed his importance above his stubborn militant brother, and ignorant sister. With age and experience, Renauk became a wiser and more level headed individual than his father could ever imagine, opening up several opportunities. Using his intellect and willingness to open his mind of opportunities outside of smithing, he quickly came across the ability to bring honor to his family in ways besides smithing and metalwork. The ability to become the Ambassador, for the the King. With his fathers disapproval of the decision Renauk set his mind out to do what he felt was best for his family, no matter what his father initially thought about it. It was not long after that he discovered the opening, that Renauk was named the new Ambassador of Orocarni.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/dwarf_with_pipe9510Pop.jpg.2453b858785399706e4a177272657b3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/dwarf_with_pipe9510Pop.jpg.2453b858785399706e4a177272657b3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: Height: 4'3"

Weapon: Terragrouder.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/AxeOfAncestralVirtue.jpg.5e32286f3aba5fab2cc1ad2faa60872b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48341" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/AxeOfAncestralVirtue.jpg.5e32286f3aba5fab2cc1ad2faa60872b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Mendaian said:
Name: Renauk Grimdul
Race: Dwarf

Kingdom: Orocarni

Position: Ambassador of the Orocarni Kingdom

Age: 183

Personality: With patience, and diligence to keep the Dwarven kingdom of Orocarni flourishing, Renauk is very keeping his kingdom's best interests in mind. Taking the time to find compromises between all sides of the other seven kingdoms, he ensures that no wars are started unnecessarily.

Bio: Renauk was born into the Grimdul family as the third child, whom was to take up his father's position of foreman of the Great Forge. As a young lad he had a knack for metalwork, along with smithing, which placed his importance above his stubborn militant brother, and ignorant sister. With age and experience, Renauk became a wiser and more level headed individual than his father could ever imagine, opening up several opportunities. Using his intellect and willingness to open his mind of opportunities outside of smithing, he quickly came across the ability to bring honor to his family in ways besides smithing and metalwork. The ability to become the Ambassador, for the the King. With his fathers disapproval of the decision Renauk set his mind out to do what he felt was best for his family, no matter what his father initially thought about it. It was not long after that he discovered the opening, that Renauk was named the new Ambassador of Orocarni.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male


View attachment 112431

Description: Height: 4'3"

Weapon: Terragrouder.

View attachment 112437

Accepted! Great character!

"What do you think I am? Dragon or Bird?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_nggj18QJuj1ru4tifo1_500.gif.9855c38e2b16ded5f80516fb86af0f29.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48346" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_nggj18QJuj1ru4tifo1_500.gif.9855c38e2b16ded5f80516fb86af0f29.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Noyeh 'Cika' Zhujiao






Adviser? (Still thinking; Might change.)




Noyeh is a calm type, he usually takes time thinking about something, trying to figure out the best solution out of nothing. He is kind, happy at times, until you reach his Dragon Form. He get's constant headaches for awhile but when it ends, he forgets about it, completely ignores it. The Dragon inside him is raging, waiting until he bursts out, taking control of Noyeh.








<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mzei4ov90z1tn6tvao1_500.gif.45b53cfd9d7d35f200cd97a102b08783.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48347" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/tumblr_mzei4ov90z1tn6tvao1_500.gif.45b53cfd9d7d35f200cd97a102b08783.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Red_Eyes_Black_Metal_Dragon_by_crazy_dinosuar.jpg.7eb2736889bcff1147ba239b903c3015.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48348" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Red_Eyes_Black_Metal_Dragon_by_crazy_dinosuar.jpg.7eb2736889bcff1147ba239b903c3015.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Too big? If you look in-between his wings, there's a blade mark on his back. "Coincidence? I think not." ~Game Theory.)

69 inches tall, 149 lbs. A huge blade scar stretching from his shoulder to his hip. God knows how he survived. (Also appearing in his dragon form.) Usually wears some a dark trench coat or a Jacket and a tattered up shirt, with a grey scarf. He has Scruffy Hair, it being a simple hairdo, pretty pale skin and deep brown eyes.


Couldn't find a better picture than this because it was the only one with a scar on it's back. So don't hate me 'cause of that.

(Is this okay? PM me or Tag me to tell me to fix or add anything! Cha!)​



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Noyeh said:

"What do you think I am? Dragon or Bird?"

View attachment 112448


Noyeh 'Cika' Zhujiao






Adviser? (Still thinking; Might change.)




Noyeh is a calm type, he usually takes time thinking about something, trying to figure out the best solution out of nothing. He is kind, happy at times, until you reach his Dragon Form. He get's constant headaches for awhile but when it ends, he forgets about it, completely ignores it. The Dragon inside him is raging, waiting until he bursts out, taking control of Noyeh.








View attachment 112449

View attachment 112450

(Too big? If you look in-between his wings, there's a blade mark on his back. "Coincidence? I think not." ~Game Theory.)

69 inches tall, 149 lbs. A huge blade scar stretching from his shoulder to his hip. God knows how he survived. (Also appearing in his dragon form.) Usually wears some a dark trench coat or a Jacket and a tattered up shirt, with a grey scarf. He has Scruffy Hair, it being a simple hairdo, pretty pale skin and deep brown eyes.


Couldn't find a better picture than this because it was the only one with a scar on it's back. So don't hate me 'cause of that.

(Is this okay? PM me or Tag me to tell me to fix or add anything! Cha!)​
Accepted! The only thing I'm going to have you change is his age. Only because Dragons age differently then humans. Adding one more digit at the end and he'll appear seventeen and be a teenager to dragons. Mine's like that is you want to see. And tell me about the adviser part because of the list. Doesn't have to be soon. Just remind me is all.
Added a 9 after the 17 part. Still, still, still thinking about the Adviser. Can't decide over being a thief, or a adviser. If I'm a thief, I love importance. If I'm a Adviser, I have more importance. Can't think. Give me until morning. It's like 3:00 here. Give me more than a few hours, give me like a day.
Noyeh said:
Added a 9 after the 17 part. Still, still, still thinking about the Adviser. Can't decide over being a thief, or a adviser. If I'm a thief, I love importance. If I'm a Adviser, I have more importance. Can't think. Give me until morning. It's like 3:00 here. Give me more than a few hours, give me like a day.
Take 24 if you need to. I won't rush you. That is a big difference.
Mendaian said:
Thanks Sweet, I can't wait to start :)
Really? Me either! But we should probably wait for another person or so. I'm glad you like the idea! That's what happens when I don't sleep for over 24 hours. ^///^
Name:Leon Callenon

Race: Human

Kingdom: Camelot

Position: Ambassador

Age: 22

Personality: Leon is a kind person who always tries to find the solution, he is never angry for long and quickly forgives people for their actions rather quickly. Leon also hates fighting, and will always do everything in his power to avoid it. He also feels bad if something bad happens and he knew that he had a chance to stop it.

Bio:Leon never had a bad life but he didn't have a good life either. He lived with his parents and grew up with them, everything was fine those years but his parents always argued which he never understood. He always thought why don't they just talk it out, instead of yelling over each other. Once he reached the age of 16 he started trying his best to voice his beliefs to stop all the fighting. Then he found a way to help his kingdom. Thus he worked his way to become the ambassadors for the humans.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/commission_for_mi_ya_ka_by_harumagai-d5wu79t.jpg.f337e74150dbbc0a45622ae4b619d487.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48495" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/commission_for_mi_ya_ka_by_harumagai-d5wu79t.jpg.f337e74150dbbc0a45622ae4b619d487.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: Leon usually wears his cape covering him, but wears a black shirt underneath.




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Elimain said:
Name:Leon Callenon
Race: Human

Kingdom: Camelot

Position: Ambassador

Age: 22

Personality: Leon is a kind person who always tries to find the solution, he is never angry for long and quickly forgives people for their actions rather quickly. Leon also hates fighting, and will always do everything in his power to avoid it. He also feels bad if something bad happens and he knew that he had a chance to stop it.

Bio:Leon never had a bad life but he didn't have a good life either. He lived with his parents and grew up with them, everything was fine those years but his parents always argued which he never understood. He always thought why don't they just talk it out, instead of yelling over each other. Once he reached the age of 16 he started trying his best to voice his beliefs to stop all the fighting. Then he found a way to help his kingdom. Thus he worked his way to become the ambassadors for the humans.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Appearance:View attachment 112695

Description: Leon usually wears his cape covering him, but wears a black shirt underneath.

Accepted!!! I love him!
Name: Alistair

Race: Human

Kingdom: Camelot

Position: Heir 2

Age: 20

Personality: Despite being a Prince, Alistair is extremely rebellious, never listening to his family or the advisor, much preferring to dash across the city rooftops and steal things of importance purely for fun. the Royal Guard often catch him trying to break into his own palace. He also has great swordsmanship skills, though prefers to talk rather than fight, unless angry that is. He is generally humourous, and is a charmer at heart, usually telling made up tales in the taverns, along with sweet talking all the attractive girls, though he always does this under the guise of a commoner, never revealing that he is in fact a Prince. These feats support the fact that he is sly and fearless.

Bio: As the second born son of the King, Alistair was always cared for and lived a good life, though such a life ultimately bored Alistair, and at a young age of 15, he began to sneak out from the Royal palace, usually committing theft and break ins, purely for fun. He was rarely caught by the guards, instead only being caught trying to break into his own palace. As time progressed, he began to spend more and more time out in the city, preferring it to that of the castle, though his climbing ability and charm were greatly increased-as common girls were harder to persuade-his social grace seemed to slip drastically, making him a total embarrassment at any sort of meeting.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Appearance: If wearing armor, it is always light to improve speed and agility, and reduce tiring.


Description: No tattoos or scars, roughly 5'11 in height.

Other: Alistair is an extremely good climber, able to climb buildings from the sides with moderate to no effort.

((I'll definitely join but I'm not 100% on this character yet, I'll wait for a King/Queen and Heir 1 to show up for a while, and if they don't I'll switch to King myself!))
Name: Mira

Race: Elf

Kingdom: Arda

Position: Princess

Age: 732

Personality: Mira is very proper, always trying to make her parents proud when they are around, but she doesn't really like being a princess, so when her parents aren't around she doesn't follow the rules at all. She has a continual internal conflict with wanting to make her parents proud and wanting to be herself.

Bio: Mira has led a charmed life of luxury, but with it comes the rules and the lectures and the inablity to make your own decisions. She loves her parents but they have a kingdom to rule and not much time for her. Everyone has big expectations for her and she expects they always will.

Sexuality: Hetero

Gender: Female



Other: She keeps a knife strapped to her thigh under her dress.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Name: Alistair
Race: Human

Kingdom: Camelot

Position: Heir 2

Age: 20

Personality: Despite being a Prince, Alistair is extremely rebellious, never listening to his family or the advisor, much preferring to dash across the city rooftops and steal things of importance purely for fun. the Royal Guard often catch him trying to break into his own palace. He also has great swordsmanship skills, though prefers to talk rather than fight, unless angry that is. He is generally humourous, and is a charmer at heart, usually telling made up tales in the taverns, along with sweet talking all the attractive girls, though he always does this under the guise of a commoner, never revealing that he is in fact a Prince. These feats support the fact that he is sly and fearless.

Bio: As the second born son of the King, Alistair was always cared for and lived a good life, though such a life ultimately bored Alistair, and at a young age of 15, he began to sneak out from the Royal palace, usually committing theft and break ins, purely for fun. He was rarely caught by the guards, instead only being caught trying to break into his own palace. As time progressed, he began to spend more and more time out in the city, preferring it to that of the castle, though his climbing ability and charm were greatly increased-as common girls were harder to persuade-his social grace seemed to slip drastically, making him a total embarrassment at any sort of meeting.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Appearance: If wearing armor, it is always light to improve speed and agility, and reduce tiring.


Description: No tattoos or scars, roughly 5'11 in height.

Other: Alistair is an extremely good climber, able to climb buildings from the sides with moderate to no effort.

((I'll definitely join but I'm not 100% on this character yet, I'll wait for a King/Queen and Heir 1 to show up for a while, and if they don't I'll switch to King myself!))

Accepted! And it's fine if you change it later, if the others don't get filled. But if they don't I'll just make filler characters that are minor. Glad you joined!
Fluffandstuff said:
Name: Mira
Race: Elf

Kingdom: Arda

Position: Princess

Age: 732

Personality: Mira is very proper, always trying to make her parents proud when they are around, but she doesn't really like being a princess, so when her parents aren't around she doesn't follow the rules at all. She has a continual internal conflict with wanting to make her parents proud and wanting to be herself.

Bio: Mira has led a charmed life of luxury, but with it comes the rules and the lectures and the inablity to make your own decisions. She loves her parents but they have a kingdom to rule and not much time for her. Everyone has big expectations for her and she expects they always will.

Sexuality: Hetero

Gender: Female



Other: She keeps a knife strapped to her thigh under her dress.
Accepted! Glad you joined! ^-^
Name: Aiden

Race: Dragon

Kingdom: Hasai

Position: Prince

Age: 1231

Personality: Aiden is simply very lazy. He has no interest in his role as prince or in his people. Very little can actually stir his emotions or make him want to work. He really just doesn't care about anything as long as he continues to live in luxury.

Bio: Aiden has lived his whole life surrounded by servants who did everything for him. No extra effort has ever really been needed on his part. When he was young his tutor would try and make him work, but that failed. Now people have learned not to expect much from him.

Sexuality: hetero

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/troy.jpg.fdb195cada9b2fdadc8de9ffbe85ba7f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/troy.jpg.fdb195cada9b2fdadc8de9ffbe85ba7f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1095089_666551860041671_902927495_n.jpg.0818d15db6ebd6ae9e134ba3a8fd37f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48597" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/1095089_666551860041671_902927495_n.jpg.0818d15db6ebd6ae9e134ba3a8fd37f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Fluffandstuff said:
Name: Aiden
Race: Dragon

Kingdom: Hasai

Position: Prince

Age: 1231

Personality: Aiden is simply very lazy. He has no interest in his role as prince or in his people. Very little can actually stir his emotions or make him want to work. He really just doesn't care about anything as long as he continues to live in luxury.

Bio: Aiden has lived his whole life surrounded by servants who did everything for him. No extra effort has ever really been needed on his part. When he was young his tutor would try and make him work, but that failed. Now people have learned not to expect much from him.

Sexuality: hetero

Gender: Male


View attachment 112919
Name: Thomas "Tommy" Compton

Race: Vampire

Kingdom: Orfeo

Position: Prince

Age: 454

Personality: Thomas is a very charismatic and friendly person, he loves to go out and meet new people. He is a very sociable person and goes out of his way to go to social events, especially if its hosted by another kingdom. His attitude towards other royals is the same that he treats the help in his own castle, and the common man.

Bio: Known as "The People's Prince" Thomas Compton has always been a very friendly and outgoing person. Even as a young vampire growing he treated everyone with the same respect, it didn't matter if they were a handmaid, or a fellow noble, he simply didn't care. At first this irritated a few of the other vampire nobles, who thought the way that Tommy interacted with the common squabble was a bad thing, but as Thomas aged, his popularity grew, and it quickly quieted those who wondered if the King would straighten his son out. As Thomas gew into adolescence and adulthood he had enough influence to act out social reforms for Vampires, and made taking blood from other intelligent races a taboo idea, most vampires today feed on Animal blood

Thomas wants to make take the general idea of Vampires, and turn it away from creatures of the night who hurt all races, to a very friendly and open type of people.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male


Description: Thomas stands at about 6'2 and 180lbs

Other: Unless he is at a nobility event, he is general seen worn common clothing.
DrCompton said:
Name: Thomas "Tommy" Compton
Race: Vampire

Kingdom: Orfeo

Position: Prince

Age: 454

Personality: Thomas is a very charismatic and friendly person, he loves to go out and meet new people. He is a very sociable person and goes out of his way to go to social events, especially if its hosted by another kingdom. His attitude towards other royals is the same that he treats the help in his own castle, and the common man.

Bio: Known as "The People's Prince" Thomas Compton has always been a very friendly and outgoing person. Even as a young vampire growing he treated everyone with the same respect, it didn't matter if they were a handmaid, or a fellow noble, he simply didn't care. At first this irritated a few of the other vampire nobles, who thought the way that Tommy interacted with the common squabble was a bad thing, but as Thomas aged, his popularity grew, and it quickly quieted those who wondered if the King would straighten his son out. As Thomas gew into adolescence and adulthood he had enough influence to act out social reforms for Vampires, and made taking blood from other intelligent races a taboo idea, most vampires today feed on Animal blood

Thomas wants to make take the general idea of Vampires, and turn it away from creatures of the night who hurt all races, to a very friendly and open type of people.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male


Description: Thomas stands at about 6'2 and 180lbs

Other: Unless he is at a nobility event, he is general seen worn common clothing.
This is so amazing! Accepted of course! Welcome Dr.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21bd3916_Picture2.png.9c9fc2bbcecad69dc7be52d4365dcd8c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48635" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/57a8c21bd3916_Picture2.png.9c9fc2bbcecad69dc7be52d4365dcd8c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Laeretes Beaumont

Race: Vampire

Kingdom: Orfeo

Position: Prince (Second Heir to the throne)

Age: 386

Personality: He is the polar opposite of his brother. Laeretes is cold and calculating, flaunting his royal blood at every opportunity. He can be cruel and manipulative, not to mention his extreme desire to escape the "little brother" image that he has. This isn't helped by his overall Napolean complex. He is bitter, and wants to take the throne more than anything else. Laeretes believes that vampires should be able to feed on and kill whoever they want to, especially when is comes to humans.

Bio: Raised separately from the rest of his family by his aunt, Laeretes still follows old vampire traditions and beliefs. His parents rejected him as a child because of his demonstrated aggressive tendencies, and do not wish to be associated with him because of his bad reputation. He took on his aunt's last name in his teenage years as an act of rebellion. However, because he is a healthy male heir to the throne, he is still in the line of succession. He follows the Animal blood restriction, but has the deepest desire to change it.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Appearance: (see image)

Description: (Additional details, tattoos, scars, height, etc): Laeretes stand 5'6", and is about 130 pounds.

Other: He hates his small stature and is determined to make up for it with personality.



  • Picture 2.png
    Picture 2.png
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Hexter said:
View attachment 112967
Name: Laeretes Beaumont

Race: Vampire

Kingdom: Orfeo

Position: Prince (Second Heir to the throne)

Age: 386

Personality: He is the polar opposite of his brother. Laeretes is cold and calculating, flaunting his royal blood at every opportunity. He can be cruel and manipulative, not to mention his extreme desire to escape the "little brother" image that he has. This isn't helped by his overall Napolean complex. He is bitter, and wants to take the throne more than anything else. Laeretes believes that vampires should be able to feed on and kill whoever they want to, especially when is comes to humans.

Bio: Raised separately from the rest of his family by his aunt, Laeretes still follows old vampire traditions and beliefs. His parents rejected him as a child because of his demonstrated aggressive tendencies, and do not wish to be associated with him because of his bad reputation. He took on his aunt's last name in his teenage years as an act of rebellion. However, because he is a healthy male heir to the throne, he is still in the line of succession. He follows the Animal blood restriction, but has the deepest desire to change it.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Appearance: (see image)

Description: (Additional details, tattoos, scars, height, etc): Laeretes stand 5'6", and is about 130 pounds.

Other: He hates his small stature and is determined to make up for it with personality.
Accepted! He gives me the chills xD
Name:Shin Fukawa





Personality:Shin is brave and hotheaded often needing others to calm him down he cares for his people and is not afraid to fight for them he has much pride as the king and will allow no one to hurt his people.

Bio:Shin was just a simple prince until a rebellion and his father was killed the rebel were eliminated but with his father dead Shin took over in the beginning many advisors tried to turn him into a puppet king but Shin pulled through with his will to not let his father down. All problems he has faced he has faced them head on refusing to back down or fail. He has made his kingdom strong his people strong and himself strong.



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Dungeon.Fighter.Online.full.761549.jpeg.58503b456c448d5dfada08689b51b906.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48731" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Dungeon.Fighter.Online.full.761549.jpeg.58503b456c448d5dfada08689b51b906.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Lightning_dragon_summoning.jpeg.3e5f887069d65352e1f4bdc7e634192c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48732" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Lightning_dragon_summoning.jpeg.3e5f887069d65352e1f4bdc7e634192c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: Scars on didifferent spots on his face.



  • Dungeon.Fighter.Online.full.761549.jpeg
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  • Lightning_dragon_summoning.jpeg
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Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Name:Shin Fukawa




Personality:Shin is brave and hotheaded often needing others to calm him down he cares for his people and is not afraid to fight for them he has much pride as the king and will allow no one to hurt his people.

Bio:Shin was just a simple prince until a rebellion and his father was killed the rebel were eliminated but with his father dead Shin took over in the beginning many advisors tried to turn him into a puppet king but Shin pulled through with his will to not let his father down. All problems he has faced he has faced them head on refusing to back down or fail. He has made his kingdom strong his people strong and himself strong.



Appearance:View attachment 113124View attachment 113125

Description: Scars on didifferent spots on his face.

Accepted! Welcome~

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