The Echoes of Absence

I may have difficulties getting online Thursday and Friday. Tomorrow's Wednesday for me, so I've got one more day of posting before then, this is merely advance warning.
I'll be leaving Minnesota for Texas tomorrow, and storm clouds are going to be following on my heels. Might not be around for a few days, unless our hotels have Wifi.
Crasical said:
I'll be leaving Minnesota for Texas tomorrow, and storm clouds are going to be following on my heels. Might not be around for a few days, unless our hotels have Wifi.
We will miss you titty nun
Had to move out of my rented place, and am gonna be moving between friends for the next few days to few weeks. Internet might be spotty, sorry for all my games.
Wuffy said:
We will miss you titty nun
Trip is over. Managed to bring my buster sword and some boxes of books back from Missouri, so I'm more than happy. Ran into enough wifi hotspots that it barely seemed like I was gone, huh? 8)

Titty nun, eh? :wink: Do they cause religious experiences, or just a warm fuzzy feeling?
Short notice (again), but I'll probably be a little inactive this weekend: My old uni is revitalising its old gaming con and I'm attending. But who knows, I might get a post in here and there, provided there's no major hiccups.
I've warned the games I'm, in that don't seem to have died (sorry, Anathema Ascendant), but I should say here too- I'm going to be off Internets for two (2) weeks.
Heads up, I will be in and out due to moving and such from Germany to the US. I will try to post when I can, but it will be infrequent.
TheDude said:
So as much as I hate to do this, I'll have to take an indefinite break for the PbP for now. My laptop has succumbed to old age and is very, very dead. So until I can afford a new computer, I'll be without a reliable source to the internet and thus this site. Thanks to everyone who joined up for the games I was about to start, and to Hyrune for the lovely Geist game (my first game here) but I'll probably gone for some omnths at least. Have good games w/o me guys, and hopefully I'll be back sooner than later.
And after WAY too long, I finally have the time to get back to the site.
Moving. Should be back on in a few days, with possible intermittent net access between then and now.
Upon the urge of my academic adviser, I'm afraid I have to take my leave from most of the internet. I may be back in six months.
Keeping this short, not actually a leave of absence, but important enough to mention.

Every few months I slide into one of these things called a depression. By my own count I have been for the past twenty years. Last monday that was finally confirmed (and actually called severe) and I started on medication to treat it. For those who know I don't have to explain what that means, for those who don't, it means that my body is basically recalibrating and a whole score of things are affected.

So I will post when the mood strikes me, but since I don't want to let those people down I play with, just send me a PM and I'll react when I feel up to it.

Also, the best way to get people out of an emotional pit is to make noise and laughter at the top. Not to look in and ask how they are doing.
A big incentive request just popped into my mail, I may have little time to post here till this week end.
No one knew I disappeared. Why... an emergency in my health nearly ended me and that scared me. So I had no internet in my recovery. Oo So I'm back. I hope... we're all paranoid over here now, so we cross our fingers when it comes to the season and its illnesses... and me. >>
I will be on a weekend trip to a place without web access from Friday night to an unknown time on Sunday.
Ahoy all,

I'm still 'out of town'. My mom is in the hospital and so my life's going to be kind of crazy for the next bit.... It doesn't help things that While I was sleeping in the ICU waiting room, my brother was using my laptop, He walked off for a moment and now my laptop is regrettably missing..... :(

Anyway, hopefully this weekend Ill be able once more to do stuff.....
Just message me if you need assistance getting things set up around here. I stay busy with many other things, but I'll do what I can otherwise.

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